Human Resources for Health
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Published By Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)

1478-4491, 1478-4491

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Sunny C. Okoroafor ◽  
Agbonkhese I. Oaiya ◽  
David Oviaesu ◽  
Adam Ahmat ◽  
Martin Osubor ◽  

Abstract Background Nigeria’s health sector aims to ensure that the right number of health workers that are qualified, skilled, and distributed equitably, are available for quality health service provision at all levels. Achieving this requires accurate and timely health workforce information. This informed the development of the Nigeria Health Workforce Registry (NHWR) based on the global, regional, and national strategies for strengthening the HRH towards achieving universal health coverage. This case study describes the process of conceptualizing and establishing the NHWR, and discusses the strategies for developing sustainable and scalable health workforce registries. Case presentation In designing the NHWR, a review of existing national HRH policies and guidelines, as well as reports of previous endeavors was done to learn what had been done previously and obtain the views of stakeholders on how to develop a scalable and sustainable registry. The findings indicated the need to review the architecture of the registry to align with other health information systems, develop a standardized data set and guidance documents for the registry including a standard operating procedure to ensure that a holistic process is adopted in data collection, management and use nationally. Learning from the findings, a conceptual framework was developed, a registry managed centrally by the Federal Ministry of Health was developed and decentralized, a standardized tool based on a national minimum data was developed and adopted nationally, a registry prototype was developed using iHRIS Manage and the registry governance functions were integrated into the health information system governance structures. To sustain the functionality of the NHWR, the handbook of the NHWR that comprised of an implementation guide, the standard operating procedure, and the basic user training manual was developed and the capacity of government staff was built on the operations of the registry. Conclusion In establishing a functional and sustainable registry, learning from experiences is essential in shaping acceptable, sustainable, and scalable approaches. Instituting governance structures that include and involve policymakers, health managers and users is of great importance in the design, planning, implementation, and decentralization stages. In addition, developing standardized tools based on the health system's needs and instituting supportable mechanisms for data flow and use for policy, planning, development, and management is essential.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Latha S. Davda ◽  
David R. Radford ◽  
Sasha Scambler ◽  
Jennifer E. Gallagher

Abstract Introduction Regulatory processes for Oral health care professionals are considered essential for patient safety and to ensure health workforce quality. The global variation in their registration and regulation is under-reported in the literature. Regulatory systems could become a barrier to their national and international movement, leading to loss of skilled human resources. The General Dental Council is the regulatory authority in the UK, one of the nine regulators of health care overseen by the Professional Standards Authority. Aim The aim of this paper is to present the professional integration experiences of internationally qualified dentists (IQDs) working in the UK, against the background of regulation and accreditation nationally. Methods Registration data were obtained from the General Dental Council to inform the sampling and recruitment of research participants. Semi-structured interviews of 38 internationally qualified dentists working in the United Kingdom were conducted between August 2014 and October 2017. The topic guide which explored professional integration experiences of the dentists was informed by the literature, with new themes added inductively. A phenomenological approach involving an epistemological stance of interpretivism, was used with framework analysis to detect themes. Results Internationally qualified dentist’s professional integration was influenced by factors that could be broadly classified as structural (source country training; registration and employment; variation in practising dentistry) and relational (experiences of discrimination; value of networks and support; and personal attributes). The routes to register for work as a dentist were perceived to favour UK dental graduates and those qualifying from the European Economic Area. Dentists from the rest of the world reported experiencing major hurdles including succeeding in the licensing examinations, English tests, proving immigration status and succeeding in obtaining a National Health Service performer number, all prior to being able to practice within state funded dental care. Conclusion The pathways for dentists to register and work in state funded dental care in UK differ by geographic type of registrant, creating significant inconsistencies in their professional integration. Professional integration is perceived by an individual IQD as a continuum dictated by host countries health care systems, workforce recruitment policies, access to training, together with their professional and personal skills. The reliance of the UK on internationally qualified dentists has increased in the past two decades, however, it is not known how these trends will be affected by UK’s exit from the European Union and the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Rachel Deussom ◽  
Doris Mwarey ◽  
Mekdelawit Bayu ◽  
Sarah S. Abdullah ◽  
Rachel Marcus

Abstract Background The strength of a health system—and ultimately the health of a population—depends to a large degree on health worker performance. However, insufficient support to build, manage and optimize human resources for health (HRH) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) results in inadequate health workforce performance, perpetuating health inequities and low-quality health services. Methods The USAID-funded Human Resources for Health in 2030 Program (HRH2030) conducted a systematic review of studies documenting supervision enhancements and approaches that improved health worker performance to highlight components associated with these interventions’ effectiveness. Structured by a conceptual framework to classify the inputs, processes, and results, the review assessed 57 supervision studies since 2010 in approximately 29 LMICs. Results Of the successful supervision approaches described in the 57 studies reviewed, 44 were externally funded pilots, which is a limitation. Thirty focused on community health worker (CHW) programs. Health worker supervision was informed by health system data for 38 approaches (67%) and 22 approaches used continuous quality improvement (QI) (39%). Many successful approaches integrated digital supervision technologies (e.g., SmartPhones, mHealth applications) to support existing data systems and complement other health system activities. Few studies were adapted, scaled, or sustained, limiting reports of cost-effectiveness or impact. Conclusion Building on results from the review, to increase health worker supervision effectiveness we recommend to: integrate evidence-based, QI tools and processes; integrate digital supervision data into supervision processes; increase use of health system information and performance data when planning supervision visits to prioritize lowest-performing areas; scale and replicate successful models across service delivery areas and geographies; expand and institutionalize supervision to reach, prepare, protect, and support frontline health workers, especially during health emergencies; transition and sustain supervision efforts with domestic human and financial resources, including communities, for holistic workforce support. In conclusion, effective health worker supervision is informed by health system data, uses continuous quality improvement (QI), and employs digital technologies integrated into other health system activities and existing data systems to enable a whole system approach. Effective supervision enhancements and innovations should be better integrated, scaled, and sustained within existing systems to improve access to quality health care.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Jorge P. B. Batista ◽  
Carla Torre ◽  
José Manuel Sousa Lobo ◽  
Bruno Sepodes

Abstract Background The Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society (PPS) implemented a system of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for pharmacists in 2004. This system has evolved throughout the years, and currently all active pharmacists in Portugal are required to participate in the CPD program. Each CPD cycle takes 5 years. In each cycle, pharmacists must collect 15 CPD points, through participation in educational activities. The PPS accreditation process is managed via an online platform, where education/training providers, as well as pharmacists themselves, can submit educational activities for accreditation. Pharmacists may access their CPD status and assess their development at any point. The objective of this study was to analyze and review the educational activities submitted by providers over a 11-year period (2009–2019). Methods Data from activities were retrieved from the PPS CPD online platform. All educational activities were labeled according to the area of pharmaceutical professional focus, type of promoter, and activity type. Results During the study 3685 activities were analyzed. Over the last decade, submitted activities for accreditation increased in 52.6%. A significantly high proportion (98.9%) of these activities has been accredited. Promoters of activities were mostly pharmacies sectoral associations (29.6%), consultancy/training companies (19.6%), the PPS (18.5%), pharmaceutical industry (17.7%) and wholesalers’ consortia (9.0%). Academia represented only 2.3% of the total amount of educational activities. The most frequent topics were related to “pharmacology & pharmacotherapy” (9.9%), followed by “counselling” (9.8%) and “management & administration” (7.2%). The most accredited type of activities was face-to-face (68.9%) and e-learning trainings (13.1%). Conclusions This study shows increasing interest in submitting CPD activities for accreditation between 2009 and 2019, but it also demonstrates that Academia could play a more interventive role in the lifelong learning education of Portuguese pharmacists.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Samantha Y. Rowe ◽  
Dennis Ross-Degnan ◽  
David H. Peters ◽  
Kathleen A. Holloway ◽  
Alexander K. Rowe

Abstract Background Although supervision is a ubiquitous approach to support health programs and improve health care provider (HCP) performance in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), quantitative evidence of its effects is unclear. The objectives of this study are to describe the effect of supervision strategies on HCP practices in LMICs and to identify attributes associated with greater effectiveness of routine supervision. Methods We performed a secondary analysis of data on HCP practice outcomes (e.g., percentage of patients correctly treated) from a systematic review on improving HCP performance. The review included controlled trials and interrupted time series studies. We described distributions of effect sizes (defined as percentage-point [%-point] changes) for each supervision strategy. To identify attributes associated with supervision effectiveness, we performed random-effects linear regression modeling and examined studies that directly compared different approaches of routine supervision. Results We analyzed data from 81 studies from 36 countries. For professional HCPs, such as nurses and physicians, primarily working at health facilities, routine supervision (median improvement when compared to controls: 10.7%-points; IQR: 9.9, 27.9) had similar effects on HCP practices as audit with feedback (median improvement: 10.1%-points; IQR: 6.2, 23.7). Two attributes were associated with greater mean effectiveness of routine supervision (p < 0.10): supervisors received supervision (by 8.8–11.5%-points), and supervisors participated in problem-solving with HCPs (by 14.2–20.8%-points). Training for supervisors and use of a checklist during supervision visits were not associated with effectiveness. The effects of supervision frequency (i.e., number of visits per year) and dose (i.e., the number of supervision visits during a study) were unclear. For lay HCPs, the effect of routine supervision was difficult to characterize because few studies existed, and effectiveness in those studies varied considerably. Evidence quality for all findings was low primarily because many studies had a high risk of bias. Conclusions Although evidence is limited, to promote more effective supervision, our study supports supervising supervisors and having supervisors engage in problem-solving with HCPs. Supervision’s integral role in health systems in LMICs justifies a more deliberate research agenda to identify how to deliver supervision to optimize its effect on HCP practices.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Tanit Arunratanothai ◽  
Ravisorn Booncharoen ◽  
Sirapop Suwankomolkul ◽  
Nareudee Limpuangthip

Abstract Background Thailand has encountered an imbalanced dentist distribution and an internal brain drain of dentists from public to private health care facilities. To tackle these challenges, the compulsory service (CS) program, which has been initially implemented for physicians, was extended for dentists. Method This policy and workforce document review describes the background, development, and policy implementation of the CS program in Thailand during the past three decades. Outcomes after policy implementation and future directions are also discussed. The information was gathered from the relevant policy and workforce documents available from 1961 to 2021. Results In Thailand, junior dentists, specifically newly graduates, have to enroll in the CS program by working as oral health practitioners in public hospitals for at least 3 years. Dentists must pay a maximum fine of 400 000 baht (~ 12 571 USD) if they wish to skip the program. This fine is lowered according to the number of attending years in the program. CS program conditions are related to each university’s admission track. The CS enrolled dentists receive several financial and non-financial benefits, including educational, employment-related, and living provisions. Altogether, successive Thai governments have launched directive policies to increase dentist distribution in rural areas and their retention in public hospitals. These policies have been implemented in 3 stages: (1) increase production of new dentists, (2) allocation of newly dental graduates to public hospitals, and (3) provide benefits for working in public hospitals. Conclusion During the past three decades, several public policies have been implemented to improve dentist retention and distribution to public hospitals across Thailand, particularly in rural areas. The present CS program may not completely resolve the oral health inequalities because the dentist retention rate in public hospitals depends on multi-dimensional considerations. Further modifications on the CS program and future well-planned policies are needed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
David Musoke ◽  
Mathew Nyashanu ◽  
Henry Bugembe ◽  
Grace Biyinzika Lubega ◽  
James O’Donovan ◽  

AbstractDespite increasing evidence of the challenges affecting Community Health Workers (CHWs) such as those related to training, supportive supervision and remuneration, there is a need to explore concerns and challenges from the perspective of CHWs themselves. This commentary highlights some of the contested and unexplored notions of challenges affecting CHWs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) informed by the Silences Framework. This framework defines experiences that are under-explored, misunderstood or difficult to share because of the often invisible power relations within communities, but also in setting the research agenda. These challenges include the heavy workload imposed by several stakeholders, dealing with religious and cultural practices, and gendered barriers of care. The workload of CHWs is a major source of stress and anxiety as they have to balance both government and other stakeholders’ agendas to deliver interventions with their own need to provide for their families for those whose work is unpaid. The tensions of CHWs carrying out their work among members of the community whose religious or cultural beliefs are different from theirs also needs to be considered. Gender issues are an impediment to the work of CHWs, particularly with community members of the opposite sex around sensitive health issues. Lastly, CHWs have found themselves victims of domestic suspicion while fulfilling their duties in communities, such as when seen having conversations with spouses of other individuals in the community. Solutions to these challenges need to be co-produced with CHWs to both to strengthen their relationship with the communities they serve and shape more sustainable interventions for delivery of healthcare in LMICs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Tammie M. Jones ◽  
Alex Schulte ◽  
Suhashini Ramanathan ◽  
Meron Assefa ◽  
Srilatha Rebala ◽  

Abstract Background The occupation of community health worker (CHW) has evolved to support community member navigation of complex health and social systems. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics formally recognized the occupation of community health worker (CHW) in 2009. Since then, various national and state efforts to professionalize the occupation have been undertaken. The Community Health Workers Core Consensus (C3) project released a set of CHW roles and competency recommendations meant to provide evidence-based standards for CHW roles across work settings. Some states have adopted the recommendations; however, there are a variety of approaches regarding the regulation of the occupation. As of 2020, 19 U.S. states have implemented voluntary statewide CHW certification programs. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between state regulation of CHWs and adoption of standard roles, skills, and qualities by employers in select states. Methods This mixed methods study used purposive sampling of job ads for CHWs posted by employers from 2017 to 2020 in select states. Natural language processing was used to extract content from job ads and preprocess the data for statistical analysis. ANOVA, chi-square analysis, and MANOVA was used to test hypotheses related to the relationship between state regulation of CHWs and differences in skills, roles, and qualities employers seek based on seniority of state regulatory processes and employer types. Results The mean job ads with nationally identified roles, skills, and qualities varies significantly by state policy type (F(2, 4801) = 26.21) and by employer type (F(4, 4799) = 69.08, p = 0.000). Conclusions Employment of CHWs is increasing to provide culturally competent care, address the social determinants of health, and improve access to health and social services for members of traditionally underserved communities. Employers in states with CHW certification programs were associated with greater adoption of occupational standards set by state and professional organizations. Wide adoption of such standards may improve recognition of the CHW workforce as a valuable resource in addressing the needs of high-need and marginalized groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Shijiao Yan ◽  
Xin Shen ◽  
Rixing Wang ◽  
Zhiqian Luo ◽  
Xiaotong Han ◽  

Abstract Background Adverse consequences of physician turnover include financial losses, reduced patient satisfaction, and organizational instability. However, no study has reported the prevalence among emergency physicians. This study explore the rate and influencing factors of this community, which could provide a reference for preventing the loss of emergency physicians. Methods A nationally representative cross-sectional survey of 15,243 emergency physicians was conducted in 31 provinces across China between July and September 2019. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of turnover intention. Results There were 49.75% of emergency physicians having turnover intention. Logistic regression analysis model showed that emergency physicians who were male (OR = 0.87) and older [> 37 and ≤ 43 (OR = 0.78) or > 43 (OR = 0.64)], worked in eastern China (OR = 0.88) and higher level of hospital [two-grade level (OR = 0.71) or three-grade level (OR = 0.56)], and had high (OR = 0.75) or middle (OR = 0.81) level income were not more likely to have less turnover intention, while those who had higher education level [bachelor degree (OR = 1.55) or master degree or higher (OR = 1.63)], long work tenure [> 3 and ≤ 6 (OR = 1.29) or > 6 and ≤ 11 (OR = 1.41) or > 11 (OR = 1.25)], poorer health status [fair (OR = 1.55) or poor (OR = 2.12)] and sleep quality [fair (OR = 1.16) or poor (OR = 1.43)], history of coronary heart disease (OR = 1.29), depression (OR = 2.77) and experienced the shift work (OR = 1.37) and workplace violence (OR = 1.78) were more likely to intend to leave. Conclusion Nearly half of emergency physicians in China have turnover intention. Targeted intervening measures should be taken to reduce the turnover intention, so as to avoid the shortage of physicians and thus hinder the supply of emergency medical services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
L. S. Thomas ◽  
E. Buch ◽  
Y. Pillay ◽  
J. Jordaan

Abstract Introduction South Africa is an upper middle-income country with wide wealth inequality. It faces a quadruple burden of disease and poor health outcomes, with access to appropriate and adequate health care a challenge for millions of South Africans. The introduction of large-scale, comprehensive community health worker (CHW) programs in the country, within the context of implementing universal health coverage, was anticipated to improve population health outcomes. However, there is inadequate local (or global) evidence on whether such programs are effective, especially in urban settings. Methods This study is part of a multi-method, quasi-experimental intervention study measuring effectiveness of a large-scale CHW program in a health district in an urban province of South Africa, where CHWs now support approximately one million people in 280,000 households. Using interviewer administered questionnaires, a 2019 cross-sectional survey of 417 vulnerable households with long-term CHW support (intervention households) are compared to 417 households with no CHW support (control households). Households were selected from similar vulnerable areas from all sub-levels of the Ekurhuleni health district. Results The 417 intervention and control households each had good health knowledge. Compared to controls, intervention households with long-term comprehensive CHW support were more likely to access early care, get diagnosed for a chronic condition, be put on treatment and be well controlled on chronic treatment. They were also more likely to receive a social grant, and have a birth certificate or identity document. The differences were statistically significant for social support, health seeking behavior, and health outcomes for maternal, child health and chronic care. Conclusion A large-scale and sustained comprehensive CHW program in an urban setting improved access to social support, chronic and minor acute health services at household and population level through better health-seeking behavior and adherence to treatment. Direct evidence from households illustrated that such community health worker programs are therefore effective and should be part of health systems in low- and middle-income countries.

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