Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive Health
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Published By Ikatan Perawat Maternitas Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Barat


Rani Sugih M ◽  
Neni Nuraeni ◽  
Hani Handayani

Menstrual hygiene is an activity to maintain genital hygiene during menstruation. Reproductive health behaviour among adolescents is one thing that must be considered, including menstrual hygiene. The purpose of this study was to determine the menstrual hygiene behaviour of female students. This study was quantitative descriptive research. The sample was chosen using the total sampling technique. 98 female students in SMK X involved in this study. The univariate analysis applied frequency distribution. The results found that most of the menstrual hygiene behaviours were in the poor category which is 56 students (57.1%) and 42 (42.9%) students were in a good category. It is expected that the school would provide facilitates, health educations, and collaboration with PHC to support female students in dealing with menstrual hygiene behaviour.Keywords: Behaviour, female students, menstrual hygiene.

Murtiningsih Murtiningsih ◽  
Lilis Solihah ◽  
Sri Yuniarti

Based on my survey in February 2018 at the three SMA Negeri Cimahi, 956 adolescent girls (67.2%) from 1.422 of female students had experienced dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is disturbed young women’s study activities at school. The preliminary study found that 10 teenagers had dysmenorrhea, 4 of them said they could not follow the sporting activities. This research aimed to determine the effect of abdominal stretching exercise in reducing the pain due to dysmenorrhea in the adolescent girls. The method used a quasi-experiment design with one group pretest-posttest. The population in this study was 174 peoples and obtained 19 samples with random sampling technique. Pain score measured by the Verbal Descriptor Scale before and after given the abdominal stretching exercises for 15 minutes, 3 times during 7 days with an interval of one day. Data analysis used univariate test and t-dependent test. The results of the study obtained the pain score before the abdominal stretching exercises were 6.16 scale (moderate pain) and after abdominal stretching exercises was 2.37 scale (mild pain) with pain scale difference 3.79. T-dependent statistical test obtained that p-value < 0,001, it refers to abdominal stretching exercises affects in decreasing pain scale of dysmenorrhea. Abdominal stretching exercises are recommended as an influential intervention of dysmenorrhea for adolescent girls. This exercises can be a new routine activity for adolescent girls since it is very beneficial for them.Keywords: Abdominal stretching, adolescent girls, dysmenorrhea, exercises.

Hemi Fitriani ◽  
Tria Firza Kumala ◽  
Nia Rosmiati

Rahayu Savitri ◽  
Ovi Hardyanti

Dysmenorrhoea is pain during menstruation accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen that spreads to the back and thighs, the pain usually occurs on the first or second day of menstruation and reaches its peak in the first 24 hours. Lavender Aromatherapy is one of the nonpharmacological therapies to decrease the intensity of dysmenorrhea. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of lavender aromatherapy in reducing dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls. This research is a quantitative study using a pre-experimental method with One Group Pretest Posttest approach. The purposive sampling technique used in this study, the sample was 34 respondents. Data collection tools used a pain measurement scale and the observation sheet. The data were analyzed using the dependent T-Test with α = 0.05. The results of this research obtained the dysmenorrhea scale before aromatherapy was moderate pain (76.5%) after aroma-therapy reduced become mild pain (55.9%). The T-test found p-value 0.000 < α (0.05). There is an influence of aromatherapy in reducing in the teenagers (girls) Conclusion: There is the influence of aromatherapy in reducing pain scale in the teenagers (girls). Young women can lavender aromatherapy as alternative non-pharmacological therapies to solve dysmenorrhea and advice have active roles in managing their dysmenorrhea.Keywords: Effectiveness, dysmenorrhea, lavender aromatherapy, teenage girls.

Lia Yuliana Rachman ◽  
Efri Widianti ◽  
Anita Setyawati

Early marriage encourages various problems for young women. The problems would be affecting their psychological conditions including depression. This study aimed to describe the depression in adolescent girls with early marriage in Babakan Ciparay District, Bandung City. This study was conducted using the descriptive explorative method, with a cross-sectional approach. Samples were selected using the total sampling technique, in which 76 young women aged 16-19 years involved in this study. This study used an instrument from the Indonesian version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) questionnaire with validity values at 0.361-0.773 and the value of Cronbach's alpha is 0.898, and several additional questions related to the problems experienced by girls who married early. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques for quantitative data and content analysis for interview data. This study was held in the range of April - May 2019. The results showed that 68.4% of respondents were at a minimum level of depression or did not experience depression, 11.8% had mild depression, 10.5% had moderate depression and 9.2% had severe depression. It can be concluded that the young women did not experience depression, because most respondents married with own desires, lived separately from their parents-in-law and did not experience domestic violence. However, there were still some respondents who are depressed or have the potential to experience depression due to economic problem, problems with in-laws, problems with their husbands and problems related to family relationships. Therefore, there is a need for education about stress management and counseling program to improve the mental health of girls who married early.Keywords: adolescent girl, depression, early marriage

Vici Triyunita Sabiyanto ◽  
Restuning Widiasih ◽  
Tetti Solehati

Breast cancer is the most women cancer in the world, including Indonesia. Some patients stop breast cancer treatment which is impacted to patients' conditions. In chronic diseases, therapy compliance is important for reach successful therapy however study that assess breast cancer patients’ compliance on chemotherapy is limited. The purpose of this study was to describe patient factors that can affect therapy compliance. This research used descriptive quantitative method and respondents were chosen using the accidental sampling technique. The data were gathered at one of the halfway houses in Bandung. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis and described by frequency distribution. The results showed that 26 respondents (84%) were obedient to chemotherapy. There were 28 respondents (90.3%) because they did not carry out alternative medicine and 26 respondents (83.9%) had because they put aside work and related affairs to do chemotherapy. In conclusion, the majority of respondents were obedient to chemotherapy. There are patient factors that can improve chemotherapy compliance, there are chosen therapy factor and demographic and economic factors. Development of another halfway houses could be carried out, because of the result of this research, representing many breast cancer patients feels easier to obedient the sequence of therapy.Keywords: Breast cancer, therapy compliance, halfway house.

Ermiati E ◽  
Restuning Widiasih ◽  
Anita Setyawati

Cultural practices are still very strong in Indonesia, but sometimes they are contrary to health. So that often these cultural practices cause pain and even death. Abstinence to eat in Sundanese society is a cultural practice. The purpose of this study was to determine the practice of eating in mothers of postpartum in Sundanese culture. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive. The sample in this study was 25 mothers of postpartum with criteria of Sundanese husband and wife and the mother was still in puerperium for up to 40 days. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire about food culture practices, the data were analyzed by the presentation. The results showed that 22 (88%) of postpartum women abstain of eating. Types of restrictions that eating eggs, fish, meat, natural water, fruits, eating soup and eating a lot. There is still abstinence from eating in the postpartum women which can cause late recovery of health in the mother of postpartum, it is expected that the health center provides counseling about the nutritional needs of mothers of postpartum and discusses each type of food that is abstinence food in the community.Keywords: Sundanese Culture, postpartum, practice.

Nona Intan Permatasari Wadjaudje ◽  
Nisaul Habibah ◽  
Laili Rahayuwati ◽  
Tetti Solehati

 The relatively high number of early-age marriages in Indonesia, committed by 60.000 couples under 18 in West Java, even rises from 53 to 117 in 2015. The socio-cultural environment and parents are the most influential factor in early-age marriages, particularly in villages. However, limited studies determine the social influence on young women decision including deciding early marriage. The research objectives were to identify the socio-cultural environment and parental perception toward early marriage decision, and describing how adolescent knowledge and attitude toward early-age marriages. The research design is cross sectional study. The sample is taken using proportionate cluster random sampling, consisting of 144 parents, and 250 adolescents. The result shows that the socio-cultural environment (47.2%), and parental perception (62.4%), low level of knowledge (44%) and positive attitude (52.4%) to postpone early-age marriage. It can be concluded that the strength of cultural value plays a vital role in the population's health decision. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a program between the government and the healthcare community to overcome early-age marriage issues.Keywords: Adolescent knowledge, attitude, parental perception.

Anita Setyawati ◽  
Restuning Widiasih ◽  
Ermiati E ◽  
Ida Maryati

Menarche is the first experience of menstruation would cause anxiety among teenagers, fear, discomfort, and affect the quality of life of teenage. This condition was caused by the taboo assumption to discuss menstruation with family and their environment. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify urban teenagers' readiness toward menarche. This study was conducted with the process of searching, collecting and analyzing articles. The search sources used were Cinahl, Scopus, Cochrane, Pubmed, and Cengage databases. The keywords used were menarche, readiness, and urban teenagers. The inclusion criteria used were 2013 - 2018 research articles, full text, and English articles. The exclusion criteria used was non-urban teenagers. According to the keyword was found 124 articles. After being selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 articles were analyzed. The result showed urban teenagers' readiness consisted of internal and external readiness. Internal readiness consists of age and knowledge. Internal readiness can affect self-acceptance, maturity of mind, and views on the stages of growth and development that are being faced. External readiness consists of social support. Social support for urban teenagers is useful to get information and attention when menarche. External readiness for urban teenagers was already good but lack of internal readiness. Therefore, counseling and health education related to menarche was needed starting from elementary school.Keywords: Menarche, readiness, urban teenager.

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