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Published By Stain Kediri

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Spiritualita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Boydo Rajiv Hutagalung

This article discusses on how the thoughts or dakwah’s methods of some Islam figures in the past, which we can call them as Nusantara’s Sufis. According to the writer’s perspective, the dakwah’s methods of Nusantara’s Sufis contributes positively for harmony, tolerance, and peace. Some of them are : The Wali Songo, Hamzah Fansuri, and Syamsuddin As-Sumatrani. Their thought and and their spirituality can be categorized as Social Tasawuf which is not only oriented in verticalistic spirituality but also to bring harmony, peace, and acceptance to culture.Keywords : Islam, Sufi/Tasawuf, Spirituality, Nusantara, Peace, Social

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Sukron Romadhon

Spirituality and a new religious awakening, are seen by religious elites as a stage of religious directness in carrying out religious traditions and rituals. New civilizations can instead be a threat to conventional religious traditions and rituals. Without the willingness of religious elites to criticize and re-interpret conventional ritual traditions and patterns, the functions of the world's major religions could fade. The world's major religions are increasingly alienated from the objective world and awareness of the lives of the people and their people. It seems that there will be a new form of religion or a new religion that is completely different from the tradition of religious rituals that have been carried out by the major religions of the world. While the religious elite is still attached to classical religious interpretations. But on the other hand, the emergence of modern society, encouraging the argument of secularization is part of modernization. The values underlying socio-political and economic relations also appear to be beginning to enter an irregular stage, when viewed conventionally, the spiritulitas of global civilization, rather than lies in the format of values, traditional systems and structures or modern rationality. New civilizations in social systems and Science and Technology (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) began to be directed at a more intuitive spirituality stage. Then came the act of social piety that proved impartiality over the duafa wal mustad'afin, workers and the poor who were oppressed by the economic system. The emergence of the term left theology only wants to explain about righteousness and belief based on the ability to perform acts of liberation of the proletariat. This action is not only done after the reality of the proletariat appears, but creates a social and economic system that has impartiality towards the proletariat.Keywords: Spirituality, Secularization, Social Piety

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
M. Al-Qodhi Abi Saidil Mahzumi, Edi Nurhidin, Muhammad Zuhdi

Tulisan ini mengkaji motivasi peziarah makam Syaikh Syamsuddin al-Wasil yang memfokuskan pada tiga pertanyaan pokok. Pertama, apa yangmendorong peziarah datang ke makam Syaikh Syamsuddin al-Wasil?Kedua, apa yang yang dibutuhkan peziarah sehingga datang ke makamSyaikh Syamsuddin al-Wasil? Ketiga, apa yang mendasari peziarahberziarah di makam Syaikh Syamsuddin al-Wasil? Hasil penelitian inimenemukan bahwa motif peziarah datang ke makam ada dua yakniPertama, motif intrinsik berupa kerentek (keinginan hati), kedua motifekstrinsik berupa dorongan ajaran para guru peziarah, dan atas doronganlain berupa pemenuhan tiga kebutuhan lain yaitu kebutuhan mendekatkandiri kepada Allah, kebutuhan spiritual, dan harapan terwujudnya do’a.Ketiga, makam Syaikh Syamsuddin al-Wasil memiliki daya yang kuatuntuk berdo’a dan pasti akan terkabul do’a tersebut. Do’a akantersampaikan pada Allah dengan lantaran Syaikh Syamsuddin al-Wasil.Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Syaikh Syamsuddin Al-Wasil, Ziarah Kubur.

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Barozan As-syury, Nurmahmudah

Covid-19 is a virus that has spread and is troubling mankind. Its spread is so fast that every country makes efforts to handle and prevent the spread of covid-19. As one of the efforts to prevent Covid-19 is implementing health protocols, one of which is washing hands with soap and ablution are very important teachings and are a legal requirement for praying, besides being harmonious and sunna, ablution also provides health benefits and also eliminates viruses attached to the body like the covid-19 virus. This methodology uses descriptive qualitative methods, which are methods for obtaining information and descriptions of phenomena or events that occur. This study uses a premiere data source. Supported by secondary data sources in the form of scientific references such as books, scientific journals, online news and interviews. Data collection techniques used direct observation, non-formal interviews, and literature searches. The observation method used was non-systematic and non-participant methods. Libraries are obtained through scientific journals, books and the internet.Keywords: ablution, prevention, and covid-19

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Anisa Maya Umri Hayati

: Of the various religions in the world, Islam is the most special religion from other religions and is the religion most loved by Allah SWT. In Islam, there are many acts of worship that have the value of reward, whether it is worship that is obligatory or sunnah to be performed. Prayer is one of the many prayers in Islam that must be performed by Muslims who are shown to Allah SWT. By praying our hearts will always feel at ease and peaceful. Prayer means prayer or mercy. Prayer is said to be a prayer because the movements of the prayer all contain the meaning of prayer shown to Allah SWT. All the recitation of the prayer is a form of glorification of a servant to his Lord. The series of sayings and movements are not just words and movements without meaning or meaning, but each contains a lot of history, philosophy, ibrah, goals, and wisdom for those who practice it. Apart from compulsory worship, prayer also has many benefits, one of which is psychological or mental health. The psychological aspect itself is a feeling that arises from within our heart or soul. From a psychological aspect, one of the benefits obtained is a peaceful soul. Prayers make our souls more peaceful and peaceful. Besides that, prayer can also reduce excessive stress. Prayer makes a Muslim feel calmer in heart, clean in spirit, and in balance. Prayers can also be used as spiritual therapy for healing patients. In Islam, prayer as a form of worship is the most prudent and prioritized because it has a very, very important position in a person's life, especially Muslims and in the pillars of Islam ranks second after the creedKeywords: prayer, psychology, mental therapy.

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Eko Zulfikar

Not a few of the archipelago gave birth to world-class scholars. One of them is Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani, from Serang, Banten. He was a scholar who was very productive in writing, and many of the books he wrote were in Arabic. Among his phenomenal works is in the field of Sufism, Salalim al-Fudhala’ ‘ala Hidayat al-Adzkiya ‘ila Thariq al-Auliya’. This paper tries to explore the thoughts of the mysticism of Nawawi mysticism in the book Salalim al-Fudhala’. With pure literature study and intertextuality data analysis, it was found that the thoughts of Nawawi Sufism can be classified into nine parts, namely repentance, qana'ah, zuhud, studying the knowledge of Shari’a, practicing the Sunnah of the Prophet, tawakal, sincerity, ‘uzlah (isolating oneself), and take advantage of time. The concept of Maqamat Tasawuf Nawawi is an implementation of the basic concept of Sufism, namely piety and integration between Shari'a, tarekat and essence. Keywords: sufism, maqamat, Nawawi al-Bantani, Salalim al-Fudhala’

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Lailatul Maghfiroh

Through this article the author provides an overview related to the cultivation of spiritual values through Mujahadah Nihadlul Mustaghfirin towards the character of santri in the PPTI Al-Falah Salatiga. In this study, it can be seen that the planting of spiritual values through mujahadah plans an important role in character building, especially among the santri of the Al-Falah Islamic boarding school. This research will focus on 1) the extent to which spiritual values are planted through mujahadah towards the formation of santri character, 2) inhibiting factors and supporting factors in the cultivation of spiritual values through Mujahadah Nihadlul Mustagfririn in the formation of santri characters. The research is using qualitative research by describing the implementation of Mujahadah in Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School. The results of the study show that the cultivation of spiritual values through Mujahadah really had a significant effect on the character of santri. Thus, the santri is able to have closeness with Allah so that he is able to rest in seeking knowledge and can have ahlakul karimah in dealing with humans (hablun min An-nas) and its relationship with the creator (hablun minallah). The supporting factors and obstacles are the enthusiasm of the students who want to add more value to their spirituality in order to be able to control themselves and be able to form better characters. The inhibiting factor is the lack of new santri about mujahadah and its purpose.

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-76
Aqidatur Rofiqoh

This article is an analytical descriptive study to explore information about the benefits of prayer on physical health.  The results of the study show that prayer is not only a spiritual dimension which is often referred to as mi rāj al-mu' min.  However, prayer is also of beneficial value for the physical health of the doer.  These benefits, among others, are obtained through prayer movements, starting with Takbirah al-Ihrâm, followed by bowing, i'tidal, prostration, and sitting, then ending with a greeting.  These findings suggest that prayer is not merely an obligation, as a form of worship to Allah.  More than that, prayer is a necessity.  Thus, leaving prayer does not only mean abandoning one's obligations but also means not fulfilling one's needs.Keywords: prayer, obligations, needs, physical health

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-63
Ibnu Hajar Ansori

This article is an interpretive study of Istikharah prayer taught by Rasulullah saw. as mentioned in several traditions of the Hadith. Through the content analysis method, the writer tries to analyze the meaning of the prayer analytically. From this analysis, information is obtained that there needs to be a shift in the understanding of the Istikharah concept which is generally understood as a form of 'questioning' to God about which is the best from the choices available. The intended shift - without judging the wrong of existing understanding - is towards understanding that Istikharah is the activation process of resignation. Inside is istikhār, istiqdār and istifḍāl. Istikhār is a request to be chosen the best based on Allah's Knowledge, departing from the realization that He is Omniscient while we do not know. Istiqdār is a request to be destined the best based on the power of God because He is the Almighty while we are not powerful. Istifḍāl is a request for great grace. The next process is taukīl al-amr (assignment of affairs) to Allah. If good, please be destined, facilitated, and blessed. If it is bad, please turn away, destined the best, and be pleased with His destiny. The understanding will lead to the conclusion that the best answer from Istikharah is ḥusn al-dhann (good prejudice) to Allah and the pleasure of His qaḍā -qadar. 

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Misbakhul Khaer

The orientation of pesantren education should be projected to shape people having a high awareness that the characteristics of Islamic teachings are Syumuli (holistic). So the products are also expected to have sufficient capability to meet the challenges and demands of life anytime and anywhere. Based on this premise, Darul Hikmah as the only modernity-based institution in Tulungagung Regency tried to do tajdid (renewal) in its education system by adopting two traditions of the Salaf pesantren; recitation of the bandongan and sorogan system. This tradition is considered as the wealth and excellence of traditional pesantren which aims to produce prospective scholars who are able to take part in the community and able to respond to religious issues. Therefore, it is necessary for the writer to conduct a research as well as guidance to find out the extent of the Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Institute in implementing the two traditions and how the results of the application are. The temporary results of this guidance are satisfactory. This was proven by the enthusiasm of the students and students who never tired to continue to follow this program. From the institution also strongly supports this guidance program so that it includes it as an extra-curricular activity that must be tested at the time of graduation of students. In addition, the institution also added more classical books to be used as reference material and comparison for the books being studied. Although there are a number of things that hamper our program, such as the different abilities of students in capturing the guidance of the learning of the yellow book, the lack of habituation to the study of the yellow book, and others. We hope this program will continue to develop even better, and have a positive effect so that it can improve the achievements of the students and enrich their Islamic knowledge.Keyword: Darul Hikmah, Salaf Pesantren, Bandongan, Sorogan

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