Tadayun: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
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Published By IAIN Palu


2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-116
Mohammad Nawir

This study explores the issue of usury from the point of view of the hadith of the prophet. For the sake of finding supporting data against the argument that usury is not justified in Islamic law. This study uses a hadith science approach and various kinds of scientific approaches as supporters to understand the content of the hadith about usury. In this study, the authors found that before this study many criteria and benchmarks for usury were found in relation to buying and selling, exchanging, saving and borrowing, and knowing the laws of usury transactions clearly. Of course, studies on usury have been written by many Islamic law researchers, including Abdul Gofur with the theme of the concept of usury in the Koran, Riya Rohma Setyawati et al with the theme of usury in the view of Islam, Miriam So Phia with the theme of usury in Islamic jurisprudence, Abdurrahim Abdul Hamid al-sa'ati with the theme al-'illah al-Iqtishadiyah li tahrim al-Riba al-Nasiah wa al-Fadhl. Nevertheless, the author has its own uniqueness in examining the issue of usury in terms of the methods and approaches applied in this study. The approaches applied in this research include: First, the author uses a hadith science approach in conducting research, in order to be able to explore and explore the context of the prophet's hadith accurately. Second, the author uses various scientific approaches that can be a sharp tool in realizing an objective research.   Abstrak Penelitian ini mendalami persoalan riba dari sudut pandangan hadis nabi. Demi ditemukannya data penguat terhadap argumen riba itu tidak dibenarkan dalam syariat Islam. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan ilmu hadis dan erbagai macam pendekatan ilmia sebagai pendukung untuk memahami kandungan hadis tetang riba. Pada penelitian ini penulis menemukan bahwa sebelum penelitian ini telah banyak ditemukan kriteria dan tolak ukur riba dalam kaitannya dengan jual beli, tukar-menukar, simpan pinjam, serta mengetahui hukum transaksi riba secara terang. Tentu saja kajian tentang riba telah banyak ditulis oleh para penelisik hukum Islam di antaranya Abdul Gofur dengan tema Konsep Riba dalam al-Quran, Riya Rohma Setyawati dkk dengan tema Riba dalam pandangan Islam, Miriam So Phia dengan tema Riba In Islamic Jurisprudence, Abdurrahim abdul hamid al-sa’ati dengan tema al-‘illah al-Iqtishadiyah li tahrim al-Riba al-Nasiah wa al-Fadhl. Kendatipun demikian, penulis memiliki keunikan tersendiri dalam mengkaji persoalan riba dari segi metode dan pendekatan yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini di antaranya Pertama, penulis menggunakan pendekatan ilmu hadis dalam melakukan penelitian, agar dapat menelusuri dan mendalami konteks hadis nabi secara akurat. Kedua, penulis menggunakan berbagai pendekatan ilmia yang dapat menjadi alat yang tajam dalam mewujudkan sebuah penelitian yang objektif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Yuyun Juwita Lestari

In this article, we will explain about sharia pawnshops and their provisions based on the Fatwa of the MUI National Sharia Council. Meanwhile, according to islam pawning is pawning an item as collateral for debt transactions carried out based on sharia principles. The existence of this pawn can be a solution for the communicaty in meeting their urgent financial needs. The practice of pawning in Indonesia is now growing very rapidly along with the increasing need of the community for fast funds to meet their basic needs. With this, it can inspire several Islamic bank and pawnshops to open pawn services. The method that the author uses in this article is a literature study that examines several previous scientific works and other literature that is in accordance with the theme of sharia pawnshops. With the result of the study obtained by the author, it is hoped that it can be used as a reference for readers. Abstrak Dalam artikel ini akan dijelaskan seputar tentang pegadaian syariah serta ketentuannya berdasarkan pada Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Yang dimaksud dengan gadai berdasarkan kaidah Islam itu ialah kegiatan menggadaikan barang sebagai jaminan atas transaksi hutang yang dilakukan sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. Adapun dengan adanya kegiatan gadai itu dapat menjadi solusi bagi masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keuangan yang sangat mendesak. Di Indonesia praktek gadai ini sudah tumbuh dengan sangat pesat yang beriringan dengan meningkatnya suatu kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap dana cepat/ mendesak untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Dengan adanya hal tersebut dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi bank-bank syariah dan lembaga pegadaian untuk menambah layanan jasa gadai. Pada artikel ini penulis menggunakan metode studi literatur yang menelaah beberapa karya ilmiah terdahulu dan literatur lain yang sesuai dengan tema artikel. Harapannya dengan hasil telaah yang diperoleh oleh penulis dapat menjadikan referensi bagi seorang pembaca.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-100
Muhammad Syarif Hidayatullah

This research aims to analyze the procedural and substantial aspects of ijarah muntahiyah bit Tamlik (IMBT) financing in Islamic financial institution which constitutes muamalah fiqh construction in contemporary financial products, because there are still people who doubt the legality of sharia without looking at the procedures and substance, because it was considered a transaction prohibited by the Prophet. The research method used is normative legal research with a conceptual and statutory approach. The discussion in this article shows that the procedural aspects of IMBT financing by undertaking an ijarah agreement in advance as the first contract in which there is wa'ad transfer of ownership after the lease period ends. The nature of wa'ad is not binding, so after the lease period ends, it is necessary to carry out a contract of transfer of ownership with a new contract both in grants and sale.The Substantial aspects of IMBT financing from the perspective of the legality of sharia contracts, IMBT is not a series of two contracts that are merged into one unit or carried out at the same time where the mixture results in gharar (unclear), but the contract is arranged in two separate transactions and this is not included in the prohibition of two agreements (contract) in one agreement (contract) that is in the Prophet's hadith. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek prosedural dan substansial dalam pembiayaan ijarah muntahiyah bit Tamlik (IMBT) di lembaga keuangan syariah yang merupakan konstruksi  fiqih muamalah dalam produk keuangan kontemporer, sebab masih ada yang meragukan  legalitasnya secara syariah tanpa mencermati prosedur dan substansinya, karena dianggap transaksi yang dilarang Nabi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual dan perundang-undangan. Pembahasan dalam artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa aspek prosedural dalam pembiayaan IMBT dengan dilakukannya akad ijarah terlebih dahulu sebagai kontrak pertama yang didalamnya terdapat wa’ad pemindahan kepemilikan setelah masa sewa berakhir. Sifat wa’ad tidaklah mengikat maka setelah masa sewa berakhir, perlu dilaksanakan akad pemindahan kepemilikan dengan  kontrak baru baik secara hibah maupun jual beli. Aspek subtansial dalam pembiayaan IMBT pada perspektif legalitas akad syariah maka IMBT bukanlah rangkaian dua akad yang tergabung menjadi satu kesatuan atau dilakukan sekaligus yang percampurannya mengakibatkan adanya gharar (ketidakjelasan), melainkan akadnya tersusun dalam dua transaksi yang terpisah dan ini tidak masuk dalam larangan dua kesepakatan (akad) dalam satu kesepakatan (akad)  yang ada pada hadits Nabi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-74
Desy Kristiane

Halal certification within the scope of modern society as it is today raises a bit of concern for some products that do not have a halal certificate. When reviewed in fiqh books, we will find al-tahrîm wal ihlâl haqqullâh wahdah. This is studied descriptively and qualitatively. There are three problems related to the issue of halal labeling which so far the rights are in the hands of the MUI. First, is the political problem caused by labeling itself. Second, is a religious issue. Third, related to economic matters. Abstrak Sertifikasi halal didalam lingkup masyarakat modern seperti sekarang ini menimbulkan sedikit kerisauan terhadap sejumlah produk yang tidak memiliki sertifikat halal. Apabila ditinjau dalam pustaka pustaka kitab fiqih, kita akan menemukan al-tahrîm wal ihlâl haqqullâh wahdah. Ini dikaji secara deskriptif dan bersifat kualitatif. Ada tiga masalah yang berkaitan dengan persoalan labelisasi halal yang dalam ini wilayah haknya ada di tangan MUI. Pertama, adalah masalah politis yang ditimbulkan soal labelisasi itu sendiri. Kedua, adalah masalah keagamaan. Ketiga, menyangkut soal ekonomi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-58
Maulana Amin Thahir

The potential of diverse horticultural resources owned by Indonesia needs to be sought for legal protection of adequate geographical indications for these products, one of the horticultural products that has the potential to be registered as a product of geographical indications is the Palu Valley Onion. To be able to register the Palu valley onion as a geographical indication product, Book Requirements are needed. This study aims to identify, understand and analyze the urgency of the preparation of the requirements book as a prerequisite for registering Palu Valley Onion as a product of geographical indications. This study is an empirical legal research that is research conducted by researching and examining the facts in line with observations in the field. The collection of data is carried out through interviews method and collection of documents relating to the material discussed. The results of the study indicate that no one has made the book the intended requirements. Therefore, the preparation of the requirements book as a prerequisite for registration of geographical indications is considered very important to be compiled immediately. Abstrak Potensi sumber daya hortikultura yang beraneka ragam yang dimiliki Indonesia perlu diupayakan perlindungan hukum indikasi geografis yang memadai bagi produk-produk tersebut, salah satu produk hortikultura yang berpotensi didaftarkan sebagai produk indikasi geografis adalah bawang merah lembah Palu. Untuk dapat mendaftarkan bawang merah lembah Palu sebagai produk indikasi geografis dibutuhkan Buku Persyaratan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, memahami dan menganalisis urgensi penyusunan buku persyaratan sebagai prasyarat pendaftaran bawang merah Lembah Palu sebagai produk indikasi geografis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum yang bersifat empiris yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti dan menelaah fakta yang ada sejalan dengan pengamatan di lapangan. Penghimpunan data dilaksanakan menggunakan metode wawancara serta pengumpulan dokumen yang memiliki kaitan dengan pembahasan penelitian. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa belum ada satu pun pihak yang membuat buku persyaratan yang dimaksud. Oleh karena itu, penyusunan buku persyaratan sebagai prasyarat pendaftaran indikasi geografis dianggap sangat penting untuk segera disusun.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-40
Wahyuni Wahyuni

Abstract Online loans are currently being discussed a lot, especially regarding the legality underlying. Where there is no clarity regarding the transaction mechanism and the legal consequences of the achievements made by both parties, and also not a few who end it through criminal law. In this regard, the authors would like to emphasize several legal aspects of this online loan transaction by conducting a normative-empirical legal analysis, using several approaches, including the approach to related laws and regulations, a case study approach related to online loan cases and a comparative approach or comparison to compare loan transactions made online and loan transactions made offline. Because the transaction mechanism is carried out online, this agreement cannot be separated from the principles adopted in civil law as well as the conditions for the validity of an agreement, so that even though online loan transactions are carried out online, they must be subject to applicable laws and regulations. and carry out the process of validating data and information for each party so that in the event of a default by one of the parties it can be resolved without harming one of the parties in the transaction. Abstrak Pinjaman Online saat ini sedang banyak diperbincangan terutama mengenai payung hukum yang mendasarinya. Dimana belum ada kejelasan terkait bagaimana mekanisme transaksinya serta bagaimana akibat hukum dari prestasi yang dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak, dan pula tidak sedikit yang mengakhirinya melalui jalur hukum pidana. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, maka penulis ingin menegaskan beberapa aspek hukum terhadap transaksi pinjaman online ini dengan melakukan analisis secara hukum normatif-empiris, dengan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan, antara lain pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait, pendekatan studi kasus yang berkaitan dengan kasus pinjaman online dan pendekatan komparasi atau perbandingan untuk membandingkan transaksi pinjaman yang dilakukan secara online dan transaksi pinjaman yang dilakukan secara offline. Oleh karena mekanisme transaksi yang dijalankan secara online, maka perjanjian ini tidak terlepas dari prinsip-prinsip yang dianut dalam hukum keperdataan serta yang menjadi syarat sahnya suatu perjanjian, sehingga transaksi pinjaman online tersebut sekalipun dilakukan secara online, namun harus tunduk pada perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta melakukan proses validasi data dan informasi masing-masing pihak sehingga ketika terjadi wanprestasi oleh salah satu pihak dapat diselesaikan tanpa merugikan salah satu pihak dalam transaksi tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Abdul Malik Firdaus ◽  
Muhammad Akbar ◽  
Sitti Nurkhaerah ◽  
Ahmad Arief

Abstract Islamic financial institutions are increasingly showing their existence, which encourages us to be more selective in choosing one of these institutions to use their services. We need to pay attention to the compatibility of applying the principles of Islamic law in its activity. The question of how the process of managing funds is managed, as well as whether the process is in accordance with Islamic law is something that must be answered. The results of the study indicate that the fund management process at BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili has been systemized quite well in the welfare of its members both in savings and financing products. According to Islamic law perspective regarding the process of fund management, there is still confusion, especially in the implementation of murabahah and mudharabah contracts, this happens because the human resources used at BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili are not fully qualified, so it often causes gharar in the contract. In addition, in the transaction process there is still usury due to the use of conventional interest-based accounts. Abstrak Semakin banyaknya lembaga keuangan syariah, maka kita akan semakin selektif dalam memilih. Sehingga kita perlu memperhatikan tentang kesesuaian penerapan prinsip-prinsip hukum Islam di dalam operasionalnya. Pertanyaan mengenai bagaimana proses manajemen pengelolaan dana, serta apakah proses tersebut telah sesuai dengan hukum Islam menjadi hal yang harus terjawab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses manajemen pengelolaan dana di BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili telah tersistem dengan cukup baik dalam mensejahterakan anggotanya baik pada produk simpanan maupun pembiayaan. Adapun tinjauan hukum Islam mengenai proses manajemen pengelolaan dananya masih terdapat kebingungan, khususnya dalam penggunaan akad murabahah dan mudharabah, hal ini terjadi karena sumber daya yang digunakan di BMT Al-Muhajirin Toili belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan, sehingga sering menimbulkan gharar dalam berakad. Selain itu, dalam dalam proses transaksi masih terdapat riba karena penggunaan rekening konvensional yang berbasis bunga.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Yaumil Qodriyah ◽  
Sapruddin Sapruddin ◽  
Abidin Abidin
The Law ◽  

Abstract The discussion of this research is focused on the description of Islamic law related to the practice of Derep Pari in West Tinombala Village, Ongka Malino District, Parigi Mutong Regency, so that the formulation of questions that must be answered are (1) What is the description of the practice of Derep Pari in West Tinombala? (2) What is the law of derep pari in the village of West Tinombala in Islamic teachings?. The results showed that (1) In the practice of Derep-Pari in Tinombala Barat Village, the wage system was determined based on the results of the agreement. (2) From the perspective of Islamic law, the wage system in Tinombala Barat Village is in accordance with Islamic law, where the operational principles and provisions already include aspects of justice because the wages paid to workers are given immediately after the work is completed and in the provision of wages in accordance with the agreement or in accordance with by agreement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-196
Soimun Rohman ◽  
Ermawati ◽  
Murniati Ruslan

Sharia banks in conducting business activities must be based on sharia principles. Based on the mandate of Law Number. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking and BI Regulation Number. 6/24 / PBI / 2004 that the DSN has the duty and authority to stipulate fatwas regarding products and services in the business activities of Banks which carry out business activities based on Sharia principles. To ensure that the deposit products at Bank Muamalat comply with the standards set by the DSN, a research was conducted at Bank Muamalat Indonesia, the Palu branch. Deposit products at the Palu branch of Bank Muamalat Indonesia use the Mudharabah Mutlaqah contract, where BMIs are given freedom in managing customer funds. Then it is reviewed on the rules of the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number. 03 / DSN-MUI / IV / 2000 based on the 6-point provision that must be implemented to achieve sharia principles. In its implementation, the mudharabah time deposit product run by Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Palu branch has met these provisions. so theproduct of mudharabah time deposits or deposits in the Palu branch of Bank Muamalat Indonesia is in accordance with the fatwa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-180
Besse Tenriabeng Mursyid

In terms of the economic development of a nation it cannot be separated from economic activities that are stable in a country, on the other hand it is undeniable that now the world is struggling against the Covid-19 pandemic which is known together with all countries is intensively making movements aimed at Minimizing the spread of the corona virus, recorded based on data from the Google news site related to the development of Covid-19 cases throughout the country, the total cases worldwide were recorded at 50,794,593 with cases of patients dying as many as 1,262,199 Various policies were created by the government in order to attract the attention of foreign investors to enter Indonesia to invest, one of which is the open door policy to improve the country's economy after the Covid-19 pandemic in the future

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