Treatment Plant Cleans Up Mining Contamination, Produces Clean Water

Opflow ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-36
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-235
Muhammad Rizki Apritama ◽  
I Wayan Koko Suryawan ◽  
Yosef Adicita

ABSTRACTThe clean water supply system network on Lengkang Kecil Island was developed in 2019. A small portion of the community's freshwater comes from harvesting rainwater and dug wells, which are only obtained during the rainy season. The primary source of clean water used by the community comes from underwater pipelines with a daily discharge of 0.86 l/sec. The water supply of the Lengkang Kecil Island community is 74.3 m3/day, with 146 House Connections (HCs) and to serve public facilities such as elementary schools, primary health centers, and mosques. Hydraulic evaluation of clean water distribution using EPANET 2.0 software on flow velocity shows the lowest rate of 0.29 m/s and the highest of 1.21 m/s. The lowest pressure value in the distribution system is 6.94-6.96 m and headloss units in the range 0.08-0.25 m/km. These three criteria are still within the distribution network design criteria (feasible). A carbon footprint can be calculated from each activity from the analysis of the evaluation of clean water distribution networks. The most massive emissions came from pumping activities with 131 kg CO2-eq, followed by emissions from wastewater 62.5 kgCO2-eq. Further research is needed to determine the quality of wastewater and the design for a centralized wastewater treatment plant (IPALT) to improve Lengkang Kecil Island residents' living standards.Keywords: Lengkang Kecil Island, water, EPANET, carbon footprintABSTRAKJaringan sistem penyediaan air bersih pada Pulau Lengkang Kecil dimulai pada tahun 2019. Sebagian kecil air bersih yang digunakan masyarakat berasal dari pemanenan air hujan dan sumur gali yang hanya didapat pada musim hujan. Sumber air bersih utama yang digunakan masyarakat berasal dari pengaliran perpipaan bawah laut dengan debit harian 0,86 l/detik. Kebutuhan air masyarakat Pulau Lengkang Kecil adalah 74,3 m3/hari dengan 146 Sambungan Rumah (SR) serta untuk melayani fasilitas umum seperti sekolah dasar (SD), puskesmas, dan masjid. Evaluasi hidrolis distribusi air bersih dengan menggunakan software EPANET 2.0 terhadap kriteria kecepatan aliran menunjukkan nilai terendah 0,29 m/s dan tertinggi 1,21 m/s. Nilai sisa tekan dalam sistem distribusi adalah 6,94–6,96 m dan unit headloss pada kisaran 0,08–0,25 m/km. Ketiga kriteria ini masih berada dalam kriteria desain jaringan distribusi (layak). Dari analisis evaluasi jaringan distribusi air bersih, dapat dihitung jejak karbon yang dihasilkan dari setiap kegiatannya. Emisi terbesar berasal dari kegiatan pemompaan dengan nilai 131 kgCO2-eq, diikuti dengan emisi yang berasal dari air limbah dengan nilai 62,5 kgCO2-eq. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk mengetahui kualitas dari air limbah dan desain untuk instalasi pengolahan air limbah terpusat (IPALT) untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup penduduk Pulau Lengkang Kecil.Kata kunci: Pulau Lengkang Kecil, air, EPANET, jejak karbon

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Putri Ermadani ◽  
F Rooslan Edy Santosa

Increasing population and household growth cause the need for housing to shift to urban areas and develop into multi-story housing such as condominiums, apartments and so on as a result of urbanization. Pasir Putih View Condominium Hotel - Situbondo (Condotel) is one of the real indicators of the economic, social and cultural progress of the people in a region. The construction of the Condominium Hotel (Condotel) project requires careful planning in terms of structure, architecture, and also mechanical electrical plumbing. Building planning, especially on mechanical electrical plumbing (MEP) must be adjusted to the number of guests or people who are in the condotel area. One of them is planning the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) which will be recycled and used for one of the condotel requirements. This WWTP plan starts with determining the total clean water requirements and the total flushing needs needed. The method of data analysis is done by calculating the total water discharge planning needed and the results from the dimensions of the WWTP space needed. The results obtained are in the form of the calculated discharge volume and WWTP space data which is accompanied by shop drawing images in which a comparison of the old design with the new WWTP design. The discharge volume of the total clean water requirement obtained from the calculation is 179.04 m3. The calculation for the dimensions of the WWTP space needed is 13.5mx5mx4m. From the type of WWTP, the time to treat wastewater into environmentally-friendly (non-consumption) water can be 50% faster. WWTP type planning is done to produce more efficient planning of the WWTP that had been planned by the previous consultant while not ignoring security factors

Teras Jurnal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 413
Wesli Wesli ◽  
Fasdarsyah Fasdarsyah ◽  
Indra Kurniawan ◽  
Khairullah Yusuf ◽  
Said Jalalul Akbar ◽  

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p class="11daftarpustaka">Pelayanan kebutuhan air di wilayah IKK Bukit Oregon kurang memadai diduga jaringan pipa menjadi pokok masalahnya sehingga berdasar hal tersebut maka diperlukan evaluasi jaringan perpipaan air minum dan design dibuat dengan menggunakan software Aplikasi Watercad V8-I dan ingin diketahui seberapa besar kebutuhan debit pada proyeksi tahun 2030 termasuk kapasitas pompa dan jenis pipa transmisinya. Hasil pengamatan secara langsung di wilayah studi pada pelayanan terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi pada pipa transmisi, yaitu pipa dari intake (sumber air baku utama) menuju ke Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) yang akan di distribusikan ke masyarakat. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah pipa induk tersebut mengalami kebocoran akibat umur teknis pipa yang sudah tua. Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk sama halnya semakin meningkatnya pemenuhan akan kebutuhan air bersih. Permasalahan tersebut harus ditanggulangi dengan pergantian pipa dengan jenis dan diameter yang tepat serta kapasitas pompa yang sesuai hasil menggunakan software Watercad V8-i. Dari hasil perhitungan analisa pertumbuhan penduduk pada tahun 2030 dengan jumlah pelanggan 96.770 jiwa kebutuhan air mencapai 102,476 liter/detik. Sistem transmisi menggunakan sistem pompa dengan kapasitas terpasang 90 liter/detik. Jenis pipa yang dipakai untuk pipa transmisi menggunakan pipa HDPE dengan diameter 350 mm.</p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p class="11daftarpustaka">Kata kunci: evaluasi, <em>air bersih,</em><em> </em><em>perpipaan, pompa, Watercad V8-i </em><em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p class="11daftarpustaka">The service for water needs in the IKK Bukit Oregon area is inadequate, it is suspected that the pipeline network is the main problem, so based on this, it is necessary to evaluate the drinking water piping network and the design is made using the Watercad V8-I application software and wants to know how much the demand for discharge in the 2030 projection includes pump capacity and type of transmission pipe. The results of direct observations in the study area on the service there are problems that occur in the transmission pipe, namely the pipe from the intake (main raw water source) to the Water Treatment Plant (IPA) which will be distributed to the community. The problem that occurs is that the main pipe has a leak due to the technical age of the pipe which is old. The increasing population is the same as the increasing fulfillment of clean water needs. These problems must be overcome by changing the pipe with the right type and diameter and the pump capacity according to the results using the Watercad V8-i software. From the calculation results of population growth analysis in 2030 with the number of customers 96,770 people, water needs reach 102,476 liters/second. The transmission system uses a pump system with an installed capacity of 90 liters/second. The type of pipe used for the transmission pipe uses HDPE pipe with a diameter of 350 mm.</p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p class="11daftarpustaka">Keywords: evaluation, clean water, piping, pump, Watercad V8-i</p><em></em><em> </em><em></em><em></em>

2004 ◽  
Vol 126 (06) ◽  
pp. 32-33
Gayle Ehrenman

This article reviews a new approach to fuel cells that turns wastewater into clean water and electricity. Operating and maintaining a wastewater treatment plant is a costly proposition. New fuel cell technology that generates power while it cleans wastewater may offer a way to make clean water more available for developing and industrialized nations. Increasing the power output is another major goal. While the first-generation device did not provide much power, a more recent iteration of the microbial fuel cell generates enough electricity to power a small fan. The first generation of the design proved that it is possible to generate fuel and clean water using wastewater as a medium. Logan and his team are working on ways to boost the power production of the microbial fuel cell, lower the cost to produce it, and transition it from the lab to a mass-production device.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Desrina Yusi Irawati ◽  
David Andrian

Babat Drinking Water Treatment Plant (IPAM Babat) is one of the clean water facilities for Lamongan community. The process of clean water requires an appropriate processing. This process requires chemicals and energy that it will adverse effects to the environment. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of the environmental effects analyze methods for clean water process. The four phases of LCA are Goal And Scope Definition, Life Cycle Inventory, Life Cycle Impact Assessment, and Interpretation. The environmental impacts of the LCA method of processing are divided into three broad categories of impacts, namely the categories of human health, ecosystem quality, and resources. The result of LCA analyzed shows that electrical energy utilization product an environment impact significantly. This impact has consequences on the resource category (fossil fuels) and human health (climate change) due to CO2 combustion. The largest electric consumption is used for tools of pumping water due to the distant length intake and IPAM. The solution for reduced the electric consumption is using the equipment efficiency and water flow system by the power of gravity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-87
Nisa Nurhidayanti

Abstrak - PT. Chemco Harapan Nusantara (PT CHN) membutuhkan air bersih dalam jumlah besar untuk digunakan sebagai air proses dalam kegiatan proses produksi. Adapun total kebutuhan air bersih untuk semua proses produksi yaitu sebanyak 10.450 m3/ bulan. PT CHN dapat menghasilkan produk yang bernilai jual dari penggunaan air bersih tersebut. Di samping itu juga menghasilkan air limbah yang dapat mencemari lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan metode daur ulang air limbah pada PT CHN sehingga dapat mengurangi dampak buruk bagi lingkungan akibat pembuangan air limbah dan menghasilkan penghematan secara ekonomi terutama pada saat Pandemi Covid19 ini. Penerapan dari metode tersebut dilakukan dengan cara mengolah air limbah di dalam instalasi pengolahan air limbah, kemudian mengolah kembali air tersebut di dalam instalasi pengolahan air bersih. Air olahan yang diperoleh kemudian di distribusikan ke masing-masing proses produksi pemakai air bersih. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan wawancara dan survei secara langsung di lokasi kemudian menganalisis hasil penelitian dengan teknik analisa data coding, entering, cleaning, display dan analyzing. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode daur ulang air limbah mampu mengubah seluruh air limbah menjadi air bersih yang dapat digunakan untuk proses produksi , sehingga tidak mencemari lingkungan. Hal tersebut terbukti bahwa pada prosesnya seluruh air limbah dimasukkan ke dalam instalasi pengolahan air limbah yang kemudian diolah lagi di WTP dan air hasil olahan dari WTP tersebut digunakan kembali sebagai process water. Penerapan metode daur ulang air limbah yang dilakukan oleh PT CHN juga dapat menguntungkan secara ekonomi yaitu dengan dapat mengurangi pemakaian air WTP Jababeka sebesar 77,5 %, sehingga mampu menghemat biaya pengeluaran pembelian air sebesar Rp 99.187.652 /bulan. Abstract - PT. Chemco Harapan Nusantara (PT CHN) requires large amounts of clean water to be used as process water in production process activities. The total need for clean water for all production processes is 10.450 m3 / month. PT CHN can produce products of value from the use of clean water. Besides that, it also produces waste water which can pollute the environment. The purpose of this research is to apply the wastewater recycling method at PT CHN so as to reduce adverse environmental effects due to waste water disposal and generate economic savings, especially during the Covid Pandemic19. The application of this method is done by treating wastewater in a wastewater treatment plant, then reprocessing the water in a clean water treatment plant. The processed water obtained is then distributed to each of the clean water user production processes. The method used in this study is to interview and survey directly on site and then analyze the results of research with data analysis techniques coding, entering, cleaning, display and analyzing. Based on the results of the study showed that the application of the wastewater recycling method is able to convert all wastewater into clean water that can be used for the production process, so it does not pollute the environment. This is evident that in the process all wastewater is put into a wastewater treatment plant which is then treated again at the WTP and the treated water from the WTP is reused as process water. The application of the wastewater recycling method conducted by PT CHN can also be economically profitable, namely by being able to reduce the use of Jababeka's WTP water by 77,5%, thereby being able to save on the cost of water purchase expenses of Rp 99.187.652 / month.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Nur Ihda Farikhatin Nisa ◽  
Achmad Aminudin

Water is one of the important components of human life or other living things. With the increasing number of residents, the need for clean water has also increased. However, this increase in demand is not offset by the availability of clean water due to the lower quality of water produced by the water treatment plant. Therefore, it is necessary to do alternative water treatment so that clean water needs can be sufficient. One method of processing clean water that can be done is the Jar test method. This study aims to determine the effect of coagulant dose addition on water quality parameters including pH, turbidity, TDS and total hardness of the Manisrejo City Madiun well water sample after water treatment. The research method is carried out through three stages, namely the preparation stage, the instrument analysis stage and the experimental stage. Where the type of coagulant used is Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC). From the research that has been done, the optimum PAC coagulant dose is 43 mg / l. The conclusion obtained in this study is that the greater the coagulant dose added to the water sample, the smaller the pH value, the value of turbidity, the TDS value and the total hardness of the water sample.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 51-58
B. Teichgräber

The Emschergenossenschaft plans to improve the Emscher drainage system by separating sewage and clean water. 6 or 7 subcatchment areas will be created and served by separate wastewater treatment plants. The Bottrop WWTP has been planned for 1.3 million population equivalents. It is scheduled to start operation in 1995 and its costs are estimated as totalling 820 million DM in total. Biological treatment will be effected by a low-loaded, single-stage activated sludge system with cascade denitrification and modified UCT process.

2004 ◽  
Vol 48 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 161-167 ◽  
A. Norström ◽  
K. Larsdotter ◽  
L. Gumaelius ◽  
J. la Cour Jansen ◽  
G. Dalhammar

A treatment plant using conventional biological treatment combined with hydroponics and microalgae is constructed in a greenhouse in the area of Stockholm, Sweden. The treatment plant is built for research purposes and presently treats 0.559 m3 of domestic wastewater from the surrounding area per day. The system uses anoxic pre-denitrification followed by aerobic tanks for nitrification and plant growth. A microalgal step further reduces phosphorus, and a final sand filter polishes the water. During a three week period in July 2002 the treatment capacity of this system was evaluated with respect to removal of organic matter, phosphorus and nitrogen. 90% COD removal was obtained early in the system. Nitrification and denitrification was well established with total nitrogen reduction of 72%. Phosphorus was removed by 47% in the process. However, higher phosphorus removal values are expected as the microalgal step will be further developed. The results show that acceptable treatment can be achieved using this kind of system. Further optimisation of the system will lead to clean water as well as valuable plants to be harvested from the nutrient rich wastewater.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 04019
Kancitra Pharmawati ◽  
Dhuhri Hidayatullah ◽  
Priyadi Wirasakti

Water conservation aspect is a part of Green Building concept. In addition, to save more first clean water consumption, The X Hotel applied water conservation aspect, which are the WAC 3 (Water Recycling), WAC 4 (Alternative Water Resources), and the WAC 5 (Rainwater Harvesting) (GBCI, 2013). The plumbing installation system with water conservation aspects at X Hotel aims to distribute first class clean water, dispose of the wastewater to a treatment site with appropriate water requirements refers to SNI 03-7065-2005 X Hotel required 114,640 m3/day of first class clean water, and 91,71 m3/day of the total wastewater discharge, includes 18,35 m3/day of black water and 73,36 m3/day of gray water. The X Hotel has additional alternative sources of water condensate from air conditioner (AC) about 44,16 m3/day and 52,53 m3 of rainwater, that can be used for water closet and urinal flushing in the public area at the Hotel, after through the anaerobic – aerobic biofilter STP (Sewerage Treatment Plant) and membrane filtration unit. After the calculation, water conservation aspects application can reduce first class clean water needs with an efficiency around 10%.

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