Marketing Communication Planning for SMEs in Emerging Markets

Bright Senanu ◽  
Thomas Anning-Dorson
Mervat Medhat Youssef ◽  
Hanan Atef Abdallah

This chapter aims to contribute towards the improvement of using Experiential Marketing as a business model in Emerging Markets. This chapter also clarifies how experiential marketing fits within the Emerging marketing climate, and how to go about planning and evaluating it for best results. It provides examples focused on Emerging Markets ethics, market mix strategies, customer brand consumption experience and consumer word of mouth. The finding suggests how Experiential Marketing strategies can best utilize marketing communication channels to achieve Emerging Markets objectives. This chapter will encourage companies and brands in Emerging Markets to look into using experiential advertising in their marketing strategies. The chapter will focus on highlighting the connection between Emerging Markets and Experiential Marketing in different aspects, which then will be analyzed in order to determine how functional and successful Experiential Marketing can be. It concludes with analysis of demonstrating views from the public and experiential specialists.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 349
Gerry Hadi Putra ◽  
Muhammad Adi Pribadi

In the midst of the rise of communication through digital media and the internet, it is easier to disseminate information, so many companies use the internet as a means of marketing communication. One brand that uses the Internet as a marketing communication medium is Strogen Indonesia. Strogen is a private company that focuses on selling smart home appliances products that are present with the latest technology and have the aim of helping users do their daily homework. In carrying out marketing communications, Strogen Indonesia focuses on sharing attractive visuals of its products as a symbol that can be widely accepted by consumers. Strogen Indonesia shares the visuals of its products through various media such as company websites, Instagram, to Youtube. In addition, Strogen Indonesia also tries to listen to consumers and makes it easier for consumers to communicate by having various social media that actively answer various questions and complaints from customers to achieve the best customer service. Researchers want to focus on the title of the thesis "The Role of Symbolic Interaction in Marketing Communication Planning (Case Study of Indonesian Strogen)". This research uses symbolic interaction communication theory and marketing communication planning. For this research method using a qualitative approach with type one case study method. The research object is Strogen marketing communication planning activity while the research subjects are employees and employees who carry out Strogen Indonesia marketing communication planning activities. The method of data analysis was done through reduction, grouping and drawing conclusions.Di tengah maraknya komunikasi melalui media digital dan internet membuat semakin mudahnya penyebaran informasi maka banyak perusahaan menggunakan media internet ini sebagai suatu sarana komunikasi pemasaran. Salah satu brand yang menggunakan Internet sebagai media komunikasi pemasarannya adalah Strogen Indonesia. Strogen merupakan salah satu perusahaan swasta yang berfokus pada penjualan produk – produk smart home appliances yang hadir mengusung teknologi terbaru dan memiliki tujuan untuk membantu penggunanya dalam melakukan pekerjaan rumah sehari – hari.  Dalam menjalankan komunikasi pemasaran, Strogen Indonesia berfokus membagikan visual yang menarik dari produk – produknya sebagai suatu simbol yang bisa diterima konsumen secara luas. Strogen Indonesia membagikan visual – visual dari produknya melalui berbagai macam media seperti situs perusahaan, Instagram, hingga Youtube. Selain itu Strogen Indonesia juga berusaha mendengarkan konsumen serta memudahkan konsumennya untuk berkomunikasi dengan memiliki berbagai media sosial yang aktif menjawab berbagai pertanyaan dan keluhan dari pelanggan untuk mencapai pelayanan pelanggan yang terbaik. peneliti ingin befokus pada judul skripsi “Peran Interaksi Simbolik Dalam Perencanaan Komunikasi Pemasaran (Studi Kasus Strogen Indonesia)”. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori komunikasi interaksi simbolik dan perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran. Untuk metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus tipe satu. Untuk Objek penelitian adalah kegiatan perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran Strogen sementara untuk subjek penelitian adalah karyawan dan karyawati yang melakukan kegiatan perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran Strogen Indonesia. Metode analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi, pengelompokkan dan penarikan kesimpulan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Fasya Syifa Mutma ◽  
Reni Dyanasari

Tourism is a leading sector that became the foundation of the economy in Indonesia. As a leading sector, tourism plays an important role in increasing foreign exchange and expanding employment. Therefore, the government is focusing the tourism sector through marketing communication activities conducted by Kemenpar, one of them by using Wonderful Indonesia. Wonderful Indonesia is currently considered to have successfully promoted Indonesian tourism abroad. Because of the success, the researcher is interested to research about marketing communication planning conducted by Kemenpar by using qualitative approach and deep interview method. The results of this study indicate that Kemenpar performs all marketing communication planning steps covering three key resources, situation analysis, objectives, strategy, tactics, implementation and control that can support Indonesian place branding by fulfilling ten components in place branding. The findings in this research are Branding Advertising Selling (BAS) strategy which is always used for every marketing communication activity. In this strategy Kemenpar not only branding Wonderful Indonesia, but also tried to sell Indonesia tourism destinations. Keywords : Wonderful Indonesia, Marketing Communication Planning, Place Branding

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Ivan Sebastian ◽  
Muhammad Adi Pribadi

The large number of unemployed in Indonesia was mostly dominated by high school graduate and a university graduate. The government also encourages various breakthroughs, one of which is conducting training (training) or internships (internship) to improve human resources and employment. PT.BRE Global Education and career is a consultant engaged in the field of education, where the consultants will help find a way out and provide advice to prospective candidates who want to go abroad either to study or work through training and learning programs owned by companies through social media such as Facebook and Whatsapp as communication media. The author uses a qualitative methodology with strategies and case studies in this research. The purpose of this report is to find out and see how Symbolic Interactions play a role in marketing communication planning carried out by Educational Consultants from PT.BRE Global Education and Careers and the conclusions of this research BRE Global uses 4 stages in its marketing communication planning namely advertising, promotion, sales direct and interactive marketing through the media carried out between consultants and clients and then added to the 5 communication plans starting from Business Objectives, Strategy, Tactical, Monitoring where all stages contain Symbolic Interactions.Besarnya jumlah pengangguran di Indonesia sebagian besar didominasi oleh lulusan SMK, lulusan SMA, dan lulusan universitas. Pemerintah pun mendorong berbagai terobosan, salah satunya adalah melakukan pelatihan (training) atau magang (intership) untuk meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dan ketenaga kerjaan. PT.BRE Global Edukasi dan karir merupakan konsultan yang bergerak di bidang edukasi, dimana para konsultan akan membantu mencari jalan keluar dan memberikan saran kepada para calon kandidat yang ingin pergi ke luar negeri baik untuk belajar atau pun bekerja. Perusahaan memberikan program pelatihan dan pembelajaran melalui media sosial seperti Facebook dan Whatsapp sebagai media komunikasi. Penulis menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan strategi dan studi kasus dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan dari laporan ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan melihat bagaimana interaksi simbolik berperan dalam perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Konsultan Edukasi dari PT.BRE Global Edukasi dan Karir. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini BRE Global menggunakan empat tahapan dalam perencanaan komunikasi pemasarannya yaitu periklanan, promosi, penjualan langsung dan pemasaran interaktif melalui media yang dilakukan antara konsultan dengan klien lalu di tambah dengan 5 perencanaan komunikasi dimulai dari Tujuan Bisnis, Strategi, Taktis, Monitoring dimana seluruh tahapannya mengandung Interaksi Simbolik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Nurhanifah Nurhanifah

This study aims to analyze the Marketing Communication of PT. International Halal Network Alwahida Indonesian Herba Bidder (HNI HPAI) In Increasing People's Purchase Interest. The research method used is qualitative research. The data collection technique was carried out by interviewing, after which data analysis was carried out with the stages of reducing, categorizing the data, presenting the final data to draw conclusions. The results of this study found that BC 3 Medan HNI HPAI did not make marketing communication plans as mentioned in the marketing communication planning theory but they put forward real work rather than just plans. In the implementation of marketing communications carried out by BC 3 Medan HNI HPAI they did by holding events such as Home Sharing (HS), seminars on HNI HPAI, whether it contains motivation, introduction to companies and their products, to education about thibbunnabawi. During the implementation of marketing communications, of course the BC 3 HNI HPAI experienced obstacles. The obstacles they experience are of course the rejections that come from consumers and potential consumers. to increase this self-confidence, leaders can attend seminars held by HNI HPAI. The seminars that are held contain motivations that can inspire enthusiasm, as well as inspire the spirit and spirit of the leader himself.

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 402
Andre Wijaya ◽  
Muhammad Adi Pribadi

Marketing communication activities carried out to be able to increase sales and introduce a brand to the wider community, in the current technological era social media plays an important role in conducting marketing communication. Lots of people use social media, this is an opportunity to do marketing communication through social media. PT. MicroAd Indonesia is an advertising company engaged in digital. PT. MicroAd Indonesia has its own way of marketing communication that is different from other advertising companies. Symbolic interactions also affect the marketing communication of PT. MicroAd Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative methodology with ethnographic methods. Data collection was carried out using participant observation, in-depth interviews with several teams at PT. MicroAd Indonesia, and also document analysis. The conclusion of this study is that there are several stages of marketing communication planning consisting of first meeting with clients, Kick Off, Doing research such as searching for key messages, Content Pillar and Content Mapping and then creating content for on social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to the final stage that is Monitoring.Kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran dilakukan untuk dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan memperkenalkan sebuah merek kepada masyarakat luas, di era teknologi saat ini media sosial sangat berperan penting dalam melakukan komunikasi pemasaran, Banyak sekali orang-orang yang menggunakan media sosial, ini merupakan suatu kesempatan untuk melakukan komunikasi pemasaran melalui media sosial. PT. MicroAd Indonesia adalah suatu perusahaan periklanan yang bergerak dibidang digital. PT. MicroAd Indonesia memiliki cara tersendiri untuk melakukan komunikasi pemasaran yang berbeda dengan perusahaan periklanan lainnya. Interaksi simbolik juga mempengaruhi komunikasi pemasaran PT. MicroAd Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan metode etnografi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa tim di PT. MicroAd Indonesia, dan juga analisis dokumen. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat beberapa tahapan perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran yang terdiri dari pertemuan pertama dengan klien, Kick Off, Melakukan riset seperti mencari key message, Content Pillar dan Content Mapping lalu pembuatan konten untuk di media sosial seperti Instagram, Facebook dan Twitter hingga ketahap akhir yaitu adalah Monitoring.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 242
Karl Vincent ◽  
Muhammad Adi Pribadi

In marketing activities, marketing communication planning plays a role and is applied as a sales and promotion solution for a product to the public which uses several effective and interactive ways and the content of its service products can be felt by all target audiences. Hann Prawira Photography is a service provider company in the form of photography, the service company does photo shoots for Indonesian or foreign artists, not only shooting artists but also working on photo shoots for commercial needs, such as shooting for billboards, websites and others. This communication research focuses on symbolic interactions and has a very important role, in which Hann Prawira Photography uses this symbolic interaction by presenting his work through photography and also the importance of relationships with consumers. This study uses a qualitative methodology with a strategy and case studies. The data were collected using in-depth interviews directly to the founder of Hann Prawira Photography and his team. The conclusion of this research is that it has 8 marketing communication plans, namely, business objectives, target market, competitors, communication themes, tactical, implementation, monitoring, communication channels and evaluation. At all these stages there are symbolic interactions such as organizational goals, to the company's vision and mission.Di dalam kegiatan pemasaran, perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran berperan dan diterapkan sebagai solusi penjualan dan promosi untuk suatu produk kepada masyarakat yang dimana menggunakan beberapa cara yang efektif dan interaktif juga isi produk pelayanannya dapat dirasakan oleh semua target audience. Hann Prawira Fotografi merupakan suatu perusahaan penyedia jasa dalam bentuk fotografi, perusahaan jasa tersebut mengerjakan pemotretan artis indonesia ataupun luar negeri, tidak hanya pemotretan artis tetapi juga mengerjakan pemotretan untuk kebutuhan komersial, seperti pemotretan untuk billboard, website dan lainnya. Penelitian komunikasi ini berfokus pada interaksi simbolik dan mempunyai peran yang sangat penting, yang di mana Hann Prawira Fotografi sangat menggunakan interaksi simbolik ini dengan mempersembahkan karyanya lewat fotografi dan juga pentingnya hubungan dengan konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan strategi dan studi kasus. Data-data dikumpulkan menggunakan wawancara mendalam langsung kepada pendiri Hann Prawira Fotografi dan tim. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni memiliki 8 perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran yaitu, Tujuan bisnis, Target Market, Kompetitor, Tema Komunikasi, Taktis, Implementasi, Monitoring, saluran komunikasi dan Evaluasi. Pada semua tahapan tersebut terdapat interaksi simbolik seperti, tujuan organisasi, sampai visi dan misi perusahaan.

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