A Feasibility Study on the Drying of Lime Juice: The Relationship between the Key Operating Parameters of a Small Laboratory Spray Dryer and Product Quality

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 1896-1906 ◽  
Mohammad Reza Zareifard ◽  
Mehrdad Niakousari ◽  
Zohre Shokrollahi ◽  
Shahram Javadian
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-333 ◽  
Maryam Kalantari ◽  
Mehrdad Niakousari ◽  
Soroush Haghighi-Manesh ◽  
Mehrdad Rasouli

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-244 ◽  
Muhammad Rezha Pahlawan ◽  
Nurlia Nurlia ◽  
Abdul Rahman Laba ◽  
Erlina Pakki ◽  
Hardiyono Hardiyono

This study aims to determine the effect of Product Quality and Service Quality on Increasing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Makassar Municipal Water Company (PDAM) both directly and through intervening variables or indirect effects. This study uses a quantitative approach conducted with the aim to explain the position of the variables studied and the relationship between one variable with another variable. This research will explain the causal relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. In this study, the analysis method used is path analysis using the SmartPLS program. The results of this study found that directly the product quality had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, service quality had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, product quality had a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, service quality had a positive and not significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. The indirect effect of this research is product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty if mediated by customer satisfaction. Service quality also has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty if mediated by customer satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 391-400
Machmed Tun Ganyang

This study aims to examine the relationship between brand image and product quality on customer loyalty in sports products. Data were collected through a questionnaire of 68 respondents. Through regression analysis, the results show that brand image and quality can explain variations in consumer loyalty with the brand image as a dominant factor. This finding implies that producers can increase consumer loyalty by enhancing brand image. Companies need to think about how to develop key messages so that consumers can clearly understand the position of the product. The unique aspects of the product need to be improved to create a special impression on the customer. Keywords: brand image, produk quality, customer loyalty

2021 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 290-303
Maren Termühlen ◽  
Matthias Markus Etmanski ◽  
Ines Kryschewski ◽  
Anne Cathrine Kufner ◽  
Gerhard Schembecker ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-188 ◽  
O.R. Roustapour ◽  
M. Hosseinalipour ◽  
B. Ghobadian

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-223
Ahedi Syukro Sahudi ◽  
I Nyoman Sudapet ◽  
Hamzah Denny Subagyo

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the relationship between product quality and price with the interest of buying consumer Ole-Ole Futsal Bung Tomo. This type of research uses a quantitative approach. The sample in this study were 30 respondents taken by the snowball effect method. The data analysis technique in this study usedcorrelation test analysis Spearman rank. The calculation process was aided by theapplication program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS Statistics 20). The results of this study indicate that a correlation of 0.877 means that it is very strong and based on calculations, the product quality variable with consumer buying interest has a sig value of 0.000 <0.05, so Ho is rejected, the product quality is significantly associated with consumer buying interest. And the price variable shows that there is a correlation of 0.738 which means strong and based on calculations, the price variable with consumer buying interest has a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 so Ho is rejected, then the price is significantly associated with consumer buying interest.

Hani Ernawati ◽  
Fitriana Fitriana

Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture that must be preserved. The level of consumer satisfaction towards Batik has to be known in order to understand the market demand, as well knowing the influencing factors that have postive effect on purchasing decision of Batik. The purposes of this study are (1) measures customer satisfaction levels of batik clothing, (2) measures the influence of quality product, brand, price, and access toward purchasing decision. Method - A total of 120 respondents were asked to rate their assesment on product quality, brand, price and access to get Batik clothes and their purchasing decision. Analysis of customer satisfaction used Consumer Satisfaction Index. The relationship between quality product, brand, price, and access toward purchasing decision determined by regression analysis Ordinary Least Square. The result of this study revealed that consumers’ satisfaction toward Batik clothes included in term of satisfied category. Brand and price had positive effect on purchasing decision, but product quality and accesibity didn’t.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Faiz Khudlari Thoha ◽  
Habibulloh Mubarrok ◽  
Fathurrahman Masrukan

 ABSTRACTCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) is a process of obtaining, maintaining, and improving the profitable relationship to the customers with the intention of creating a good vibe to the customers. Through the satisfaction coming from the customers, it will maximize the profits for the company in order to obtain a comparative advantage by taking care of the product quality to improve more satisfaction for the customers. CRM will also support the TPQ administrators in order to maintain and improve the relationship with the students. A good relationship with TPQ students will create loyalty to the TPQ program. One of the methods TPQ Baitul Ihsan Mosque administrators used is by decreasing the amount of student desertion. Like providing more facilitaties such as providing some scholarship to the student who needed. This research was conducted at the Baitul Ihsan Mosque of the East Java Bank Indonesia, uses a qualitative method with an exploratory approach and complex data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The resource persons interviewed are as follows: Chairman Mr. Takmir, TPQ Manager, Former TPQ Manager, and TPQ Students. In general, it can be concluded thatBaitul Ihsan Mosque has implemented strategies in building loyalty such as reducing the level of desertion, maintaining the relationship between customers and students, obtaining new potential of each students, and improving to get more of high-value customers. In other words, it was the system implemented by the Chairman of Takmir Baitul Ihsan Mosque.Customer Relationship Management (CRM) adalah suatu proses dalam mendapatkan, mempertahankan dan meningkatkan hubungan pelanggan yang menguntungkan dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan nilai pelanggan, sehingga pelanggan puas dan memaksimalkan keuntungan bagi perusahaan memperoleh dalam rangka memperoleh keunggulan bersaing (comparative advantage), memperhatikan mutu produk agar dapat memberikan kepuasan yang prima bagi pelanggan. CRM akan membantu pegurus TPQ dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkan hubungan terhadap murid. Dengan hubungan yang baik terhadap murid TPQ akan menghasilkan loyalitas terhadap program TPQ. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan pengurus TPQ Masjid Baitul Ihsan Bank Indonesia Regional Jawa Timur adalah dengan mengurangi tingkat penyebrangan murid. Caranya dengan memberikan fasilitasi berupa bantuan dan uang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Masjid Baitul Ihsan Bank Indonesia Regional Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratoris. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Jumlah informen, yaitu 1. Ketua takmir, 2. Pengurus TPQ, 3 Mantan pengurus TPQ, 4. Murid TPQ. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa di Masjid Baitul Ihsan Bank Indonesia Regional Jawa Timur telah menjalankan strategi-strategi di dalam membangun loyalitas diantaranya, mengurangi tingkat penyebrangan pelanggan ke perusahaan lain, meningkatkan lamanya relasional pelanggan, meningkatkan potensi masing-masing pelanggan, meningkatkan jumlah kehadiaran pelanggan atau memutuskan, dan memfokuskan usaha pada pelanggan bernilai tinggi. Selain itu juga dapat diketahui bahwa sistem kerja yang diterapkan oleh takmir Masjid Baitul Ihsan Bank Indonesia Regional Jawa Timur.

1988 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-71 ◽  
Gerard J. Tellis ◽  
Claes Fornell

The relationship between advertising and product quality has been a controversial topic in the literature because of conflicting empirical evidence and divergent theories about advertising's effects. The authors present an integrative theory based on consumer response to advertising and the costs of producing quality products. The theory posits that the relationship between advertising and quality is stronger when (1) quality is produced at lower cost and (2) consumers are less responsive to advertising. Such a scenario is more likely during the latter stages of the product life cycle. An empirical test supports this argument.

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