The relationship of bovine rostral tooth development to age determined by post-mortem radiographic examination of cattle aged between 12 and 24 months

1981 ◽  
Vol 97 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-102 ◽  
A. H. Andrews

SUMMARYResults of rostral tooth development determined both visually and by post-mortem radiographic examination were used to provide age ranges and median ages for stages which could be seen between 1 and 2 years old. These showed that intra-oral eruption of the permanent rostral teeth was of little value in age estimation during the second year of life. However, utilizing the stages of tooth development which could be seen radiographically the maximum age range before differentiation was 5 months (1 year 1 month from 1 year 6 months and 1 year 5 months from 1 year 10 months). Thus it appeared that rostral tooth radiography was of more use in age estimation than intraoral eruption of the permanent teeth.

1982 ◽  
Vol 99 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-114
A. H. Andrews

SUMMARYThe development of the maxillary teeth in cattle was studied by recording eruption into the oral cavity and by radiographic examination following bisection of the skull. Observations of second molar intra-oral eruption showed that varying stages were seen at different ages. Radiography of the teeth allowed determination of the degree of crown and tooth development in the permanent premolar and molar teeth as well as stages of temporary premolar tooth resorption. Radiographic inspection showed that in the same animal all the permanent maxillary cheek teeth except the first premolar were less well developed than their mandibular counterparts. It was suggested that the intra-oral eruption of the second maxillary molar and radiography of the maxillary teeth provided a better method of age estimation in cattle than the traditional one of examining the intra-oral eruption of the incisor and canine teeth.

1982 ◽  
Vol 98 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-117 ◽  
A. H. Andrews

SUMMARYResults of visual and radiographic development of the mandibular caudal teeth were obtained from 135 cattle between 1 and 2 years old. Age ranges for each stage of tooth development were obtained. Using visual assessment of second molar intra-oral eruption the maximum age range before animals could be differentiated was 8 months (1 year 3 months from 1 year 11 months). Animals showed different stages of development in all six teeth using criteria based on resorption of the temporary premolar teeth and crown and root formation in the permanent premolar and molar teeth. The maximum age range before animals could be distinguished was 5 months (1 year 6 months from 1 year 11 months) and at all other ages the age difference before differentiation was less.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 214-225
Nongmeikapam Premika Devi

The present study examines the relationship of depression and the neuropsychologicalfunction of attention, planning and auditory verbal learning and memory among individualswith HIV/AIDS. 200 subjects who were HIV/AIDS positive (100 males and 100 females) andwere within age range of 20 to 50 years and minimum education level of 8th standard weretaken. The result indicates that Depression slows down the performance of attention; alsodepression most likely decreases the function of auditory verbal learning and memory

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Naveed Sultan ◽  
Zainab Javed

Suicide is described as death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior. Adolescence is a period of marked risk for suicide. This study was carried out to find out the relationship of parenting style and suicidal ideation of adolescents. A sample of (N= 200) with age range of 13 to 19 years from different schools of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa, Pakistan was selected. Two instruments were used in study:  Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), and Suicidal Risk Scale (SRS). Pearson partial correlation was applied to analyze the data. The findings shows permissive mother parenting style is significantly positively correlated with authoritarian mother parenting, permissive father parenting, authoritarian father parenting, and suicidal ideation. Whereas, authoritarian mother parenting style significantly positively correlated with permissive father parenting, authoritarian father parenting, and suicidal ideation. Meanwhile authoritative/flexible mother parenting style is significantly negatively correlated with permissive father parenting, authoritarian father parenting, and suicidal ideation.

Rahmi Fitria

Menarche is a sign of the proper functioning of a woman's reproductive organs when having her first menstruation and is common in the age range of 10-16 years. Menarche is influenced by several factors, one of which is nutritional status. According to Noviyanti research (2016) nutrition affects a girl's sexual maturity so that it affects the slowness of menarche. Similarly, research conducted by Munda (2016) that students with overweight nutritional status faster experienced menarche compared to students who have normal nutritional status and underweight. This study aims to find out the relationship of nutritional status to the age of menarche grade VII students in Pesantren Bahrul Ulum. This research method uses descriptive method with cross sectional research design. This research was conducted in SDN 007 Rambah. The sample of this study amounted to 45 respondents. Data collection uses simple correlation and linear regression tests. The results of this study stated that the average nutritional status of grade VII students is 21.60Kg /m2, and the nutritional status of students is at least 16.90 Kg / m2 and the highest nutritional status is 27.60 Kg / m2 with an average age of menarche 12.11 years. The conclusion of this study is that there is no relationship of nutritional status with menarche age in grade VII students in Pesantren Bahrul Ulum with a value of p= 0.036.

Sumitra Kirtania ◽  
Pintulal Mondal ◽  
Mahesh Sawata Khetmalis

<div><p><em>The aim of this study is to identify the Anthropometric and profiles of sub-Junior National level Boxers and also to find out the relationship of Anthropometric profiles and psychomotor abilities of the sub-Junior National level Boxers.</em><em> </em><em>A total 22 female Boxers (11 medalists and 11 non-medalists) age range between 12<sup>th</sup> to 16<sup>th</sup> years will be select from SAI, SAG, Imphal centers. Selected Anthropometric variables (Body composition) will be taken on each Boxer. Total Psychomotor ability scores (Speed, Agility, Differentiation, Orientation, Balance, Rhythm Ability) will be taken. For interpretation of data a comparative analysis of the selected variable, the “t” test was applied. The data of both groups were collected separately for all the variables. Statistic such as mean and standard deviation was computed. The level of significance was set at 0.05. It was found that in BMI, BMR do not have significant deference between the Manipur and West Bengal female Boxers and significant deference was found on Speed, Agility, Differentiation, Orientation, Balance, Rhythm Ability.</em></p></div>

1988 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 409-416 ◽  
Thomas G. Luerssen ◽  
Melville R. Klauber ◽  
Lawrence F. Marshall

✓ A series of 8814 head-injured patients admitted to 41 hospitals in three separate metropolitan areas were prospectively studied. Of these, 1906 patients (21.6%) were 14 years of age or less. This “pediatric population” was compared to the remaining “adult population” for mechanism of injury, admission Glasgow Coma Scale score, motor score, blood pressure, pupillary reactivity, the presence of associated injuries, and the presence of subdural or epidural hematoma. The relationship of each of these factors was then correlated with posttraumatic mortality. Except for patients found to have subdural hematoma and those who were profoundly hypotensive, the pediatric patients exhibited a significantly lower mortality rate compared to the adults, thus confirming this generally held view. This study indicates that age itself, even within the pediatric age range, is a major independent factor affecting the mortality rate in head-injured patients.

1958 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-64 ◽  
S. B. Slen ◽  
E. C. Banky

A total of 1,457 clean fleece weights, representing 7 years of production and adjusted for certain environmental factors, were used in this study. The data were analysed to determine the relationship of clean fleece weight to age in the Rambouillet, Romnelet, and Canadian Corriedale breeds of range sheep maintained under Western Canadian conditions.In general, maximum fleece weight was attained by the second year of production and was maintained until the end of the fourth year in all breeds. At that time a significant (p <.01) decline occurred which continued until the end of the seventh year. Among the Rambouillet and Romnelet ewes which were born and raised as singles, a small additional increase in average fleece weight occurred in the third year. Ewes born and raised as singles tended to produce more wool than twins but the differences were significant (p <.01) only in the Romnelet shearlings. The data suggest that in twins maximum production occurred at a slightly earlier age and that the subsequent decline began sooner than in singles.

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