scholarly journals Bridging the gap: teaching and studying Ancient History and Classical Civilisation from school to university

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (35) ◽  
pp. 48-53 ◽  
Penelope J. Goodman

The difficulties which students can encounter when making the transition from school or college to university are widely recognised. In some ways, of course, starting university should bring new challenges. Higher education is so called because it takes learners beyond what they have done at school, exposing them to new material and new ideas, and helping them to grow and develop in new ways. But it is in the interests of the students themselves, their school teachers, their university tutors and society at large to help them progress as smoothly as possible from the one environment to the other. Bridging the gap successfully enables students to make the most of their university education, rather than floundering needlessly.

Agata Zysiak

Stalinism and Revolution in Universities: Democratization of Higher Education from Above, 1947–1956The first postwar decade in Poland saw a rebuilding of the whole country, including the school system and higher education. Higher education institutions were to mold a new intelligentsia, coming from a wider social background. Initial grassroots efforts to change the elite character of universities were eclipsed from 1947 by a reform introduced from above. On the one hand, the reform curtailed the autonomy of universities and increased censorship and political control; on the other hand, however, its aim was to make university education available on an unprecedented scale to people from the working and peasant classes. This article offers a survey of tools through which this “democratization” of access to higher education was implemented, such as a new admissions process, the induction year and preparatory courses. It also shows how these tools changed the students’ social backgrounds, albeit without permanently altering the general picture of higher education in Poland. Stalinizm i rewolucja na uczelniach – odgórna demokratyzacja dostępu do edukacji wyższej 1947–1956Pierwsza powojenna dekada to czas odbudowy całego kraju, w tym systemu edukacji, i reformy szkolnictwa wyższego. Uczelnie miały stać się miejscami budowy nowej inteligencji o egalitarnym pochodzeniu. Początkowo oddolne starania, by zmienić elitarny charakter uniwersytetów, od 1947 roku zostały zdominowane przez odgórną reformę edukacji. Z jednej strony oznaczała ona ograniczenie autonomii uczelni, zwiększenie cenzury i politycznej kontroli, z drugiej jednak miała na celu umożliwienie studiowania osobom z klasy robotniczej i chłopskiej na niespotykaną wcześniej skalę. Artykuł stanowi przegląd narzędzi „demokratyzacji” dostępu do szkolnictwa wyższego, takich jak nowy proces rekrutacji, rok wstępny i kursy przygotowawcze. Pokazuje także, jak zmieniły one społeczne pochodzenie studentów, a jednak nie zmieniły trwale oblicza szkolnictwa wyższego.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1 Mar-Jun) ◽  
pp. 21-40
David Luque

A partir de los sesenta, los alumnos que comenzaron a acudir a las universidades creció exponencialmente. Esto modificó la forma de pensar esta institución en su relación con la democracia. Su razón de ser ya no se encontraba únicamente en el conocimiento, sino que se deducía del papel que debía jugar en la construcción de la ciudadanía. Esta modificación dio lugar a una serie de discusiones sobre el papel de la universidad en relación a los nuevosretos que les planteaba la ciudadanía. Y esas discusiones giraban casi siempre en torno a una misma idea: que cualquier tesis sobre la universidad suponía una traición. Y es justamente eso lo que estudia este artículo. Se concluye que, en la construcción de una ciudadanía democrática, han de combinarse dos consideraciones. La necesidad irrenunciable de la extensión de la formación universitaria como elemento sustancial de una ciudadanía y la necesidad de que esta formación esté presidida por un pensamiento crítico y una vocación de servicio político. From the 1960s, the number of students who began to attend universities grew exponentially. This changed the way of thinking about this institution in terms of its relationship with democracy. Its reason for being did not only lie in the articulation of knowledge but also in the role it should play in the construction of citizenship. This modification led to a series of discussions about the role of universities regarding the new challenges posed by citizens. And these discussions almost always revolved around the same idea: any argument about universities was a betrayal. And that is precisely what this article studies. It is concluded that, in the construction of democratic citizenships, two  considerations must be combined. On the one hand, the unrenounceable need for the extension of university education as a substantial element of citizenship and, on the other hand, the need for this type of education to bepresided over by critical thinking and a vocation for political service.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Peter P. Smith

The United States is in a bind. On the one hand, we need millions of additional citizens with at least one year of successful post-secondary experience to adapt to the knowledge economy. Both the Gates and Lumina Foundations, and our President, have championed this goal in different ways. On the other hand, we have a post-secondary system that is trapped between rising costs and stagnant effectiveness, seemingly unable to respond effectively to this challenge. This paper analyzes several aspects of this problem, describes changes in the society that create the basis for solutions, and offers several examples from Kaplan University of emerging practice that suggests what good practice might look like in a world where quality-assured mass higher education is the norm.

Andrew Linn ◽  
Anastasiya Bezborodova ◽  
Saida Radjabzade

AbstractThis article presents a practical project to develop a language policy for an English-Medium-Instruction university in Uzbekistan. Although the university is de facto English-only, it presents a complex language ecology, which in turn has led to confusion and disagreement about language use on campus. The project team investigated the experience, views and attitudes of over a thousand people, including faculty, students, administrative and maintenance staff, in order to arrive at a proposed policy which would serve the whole community, based on the principle of tolerance and pragmatism. After outlining the relevant language and educational context and setting out the methods and approach of the underpinning research project, the article goes on to present the key findings. One of the striking findings was an appetite for control and regulation of language behaviours. Language policies in Higher Education invariably fall down at the implementation stage because of a lack of will to follow through on their principles and their specific guidelines. Language policy in international business on the other hand is characterised by a control stage invariably lacking in language planning in education. Uzbekistan is a polity used to control measures following from policy implementation. The article concludes by suggesting that Higher Education in Central Asia may stand a better chance of seeing through language policies around English-Medium Instruction than, for example, in northern Europe, based on the tension between tolerance on the one hand and control on the other.

Telos ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 754-775 ◽  
Michel Valdés Montecinos

Year after year the number of students in higher education increases worldwide, and particularly in the virtual mode. In the face of this reality, a series of phenomena combine that have driven university institutions to reinvent themselves. The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of globalization and internationalization on the curriculum of university education, with particular emphasis on Latin American virtual education. The methodology used is the review of both literature specialized in the subject and official documents of the agencies involved. The results reveal that: 1) multilateral agencies have been made efforts to establish two-way academic partnership and cooperation agreements, on the one hand, to promote the mobility of students and teachers, as well as the realization of joint projects; on the other hand, to promote the processes of quality control and internationalization of the curriculum. 2) Regarding virtual education in the region, the need to ensure and demonstrate the quality of its programs has been set, with the Latin American and Caribbean Institute of Quality in Distance Higher Education (CALED) being one of the main references regarding guidelines and instruments for evaluation and advice to universities on quality assessment and accreditation processes. It is concluded that the internationalization of the curriculum in virtual university education in Latin America faces the challenge of taking the step towards comprehensive internationalization, that is, the one that comprehensively impacts the curriculum from a conceptual and cultural structure including interdisciplinary studies and multiculturalism.

Thomas Docherty

The contemporary institution fails to understand the real meaning of ‘mass higher education’. A mass higher education should address the concerns of those masses of ‘ordinary people’ who, for whatever reasons, do not attend a university. Instead, the contemporary sector simply admits more individuals from lower social and economic classes. Behind this is a deep suspicion of the intellectual whose knowledge marks them out as intrinsically elitist and not ‘of the people’. An intellectual concerned about everyday life is now seen as suspicious, given the normative belief that a university education is about individual competitive self-advancement. This intellectual is now an enemy of ‘the people’, and incipiently one who might even be regarded as criminal in dissenting from conformity with social norms of neoliberalism. There is a history to this, dating from 1945; and it sets up a contest between two version of the university: one sees it as a centre of humane and liberal values, the other as the site for the production of individuals who conform to and individually benefit from neoliberal greed. The genuine exception is the intellectual who dissents; but dissent itself is now seen as potentially criminal.

Jalal Nouri ◽  
Ken Larsson ◽  
Mohammed Saqr

<p class="0abstractCxSpLast">The bachelor thesis is commonly a necessary last step towards the first graduation in higher education and constitutes a central key to both further studies in higher education and employment that requires higher education degrees. Thus, completion of the thesis is a desirable outcome for individual students, academic institutions and society, and non-completion is a significant cost. Unfortunately, many academic institutions around the world experience that many thesis projects are not completed and that students struggle with the thesis process. This paper addresses this issue with the aim to, on the one hand, identify and explain why thesis projects are completed or not, and on the other hand, to predict non-completion and completion of thesis projects using machine learning algorithms. The sample for this study consisted of bachelor students’ thesis projects (n=2436) that have been started between 2010 and 2017. Data were extracted from two different data systems used to record data about thesis projects. From these systems, thesis project data were collected including variables related to both students and supervisors. Traditional statistical analysis (correlation tests, t-tests and factor analysis) was conducted in order to identify factors that influence non-completion and completion of thesis projects and several machine learning algorithms were applied in order to create a model that predicts completion and non-completion. When taking all the analysis mentioned above into account, it can be concluded with confidence that supervisors’ ability and experience play a significant role in determining the success of thesis projects, which, on the one hand, corroborates previous research. On the other hand, this study extends previous research by pointing out additional specific factors, such as the time supervisors take to complete thesis projects and the ratio of previously unfinished thesis projects. It can also be concluded that the academic title of the supervisor, which was one of the variables studied, did not constitute a factor for completing thesis projects. One of the more novel contributions of this study stems from the application of machine learning algorithms that were used in order to – reasonably accurately – predict thesis completion/non-completion. Such predictive models offer the opportunity to support a more optimal matching of students and supervisors.</p>

1997 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 170-202 ◽  
R. R. R. Smith

Ancient history, it could be said, is composed of long and broad bands of unchanging social and political culture, punctuated in the upper levels by periods of upheaval and re-orientation. Ancient art works document and make visible both aspects: numbing continuity and static production on the one hand and sudden shifts and sharp turns in representation on the other. This paper takes as an example one of those periods of highly-charged visual re-orientation, the early fourth century A.D., and is intended as an alternative to the discussion and explanation of ancient images in this period in terms of artistic and formal processes. It aims to set an unusual and fat-faced late antique portrait (Pl. I) in its proper context alongside the thin-faced portraits of a better known figure (Pl. XII), and looks at the wider implications of this for the interpretation of imperial portrait sculpture as a significant expression of political ideology. The leanfaced man is Constantine, the other it will be argued is Licinius.

1999 ◽  
Vol 583 ◽  
L. Hansen ◽  
A. Ankudinov ◽  
F. Bensing ◽  
J. Wagner ◽  
G. Ade ◽  

AbstractUp to 1011 cm−2 InAs quantum dots (QD) can be grown on Silicon(001) by molecular beam epitaxy. This very new material system is on the one hand interesting with regard to the integration of optoelectronics with silicon technology on the other hand it offers new insight into the formation of QDs. We report on RHEED, TEM and Raman studies about (in-) coherence of the QDs and on an according to our knowledge so far unknown dewetting transition in this material system. The results are being discussed on the basis of a thermodynamic model, assuming a liquid-like behavior of a strained adlayer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 283 ◽  
pp. 02034
Zhigang Li ◽  
Zhonggui Yang

This paper discusses the application of traditional auspicious pattern cloud pattern in landscape sketch design. On the one hand, the purpose is to inherit the form aesthetic feeling and cultural connotation of cloud pattern, so as to apply the traditional cultural innovation in today's design and show our cultural confidence; on the other hand, to provide new ideas for the form innovation of landscape sketch, so as to design a set of cultural It is of great significance to integrate the value and aesthetic conception of landscape sketch, so as to meet the requirements of today's people for high-quality life. This electronic document is a “live” template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document.

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