scholarly journals On the theory of innovative education

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12111
Tatyana Mikheeva ◽  
Viktoriya Pankova

Innovative education is a purposeful process of education and innovative training of a person, contributes to the development of his creative abilities, self-learning skills, self-improvement. The main objective of innovative education, formulated from the perspective of the mechanisms for the development of post-industrial civilization, is to ensure that the quality of human development is ahead of the way. As an important area of social activity, education outpaces other forms of social activity in its development. Innovative activity in education is a multi-component social activity. Innovations in professional education express the integrative content of technical and technological, pedagogical, organizational and managerial, socio-economic innovations. These innovations ensure the innovative development of not only professional education, but also science, production, economy, management and the social sphere. Innovative processes in vocational education are put into practice in innovative education. Pedagogical innovations involve a personal and creative process of organizing the educational process, they cover the entire field of education. The contradiction between the demand of society for the quality of vocational training of university graduates, able to purposefully and effectively carry out self-education and self-preparation for productive activities in the constantly changing external environment and the real practice of educational process in universities, actualizes the problem of self-education and self-training of students for innovative professional activities. Innovative process and innovation in connection with the implementation of new state educational standards in Russian secondary and higher education are gaining special status.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
pp. 03033
Alexandr Kiselev ◽  
Marina Ugryumova ◽  
Alexander Sazonov ◽  
Anna Savicheva

Today, Russia is actively working to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ (FSES HO 3++) into the educational process. At the same time, it is assumed that these higher education standards will contribute to improving the quality of training students of domestic universities for professional activities in domestic organizations. However, as practice shows, the continuous improvement of FSES HO, according to the Bachelor-Master system, does not solve the key problems associated with the training of professionals demanded by domestic organizations, who should be trained by the universities. This paper shows the problems associated with the formation of professional competencies among students of domestic universities in the implementation of FSES HO 3++, as well as possible ways to solve them and to improve the quality of training students as future professionals for domestic organizations. At the same time, all proposals are based on the practical experience of the authors and scientific analysis of existing problems, as well as feedback from employers justifying their requirements for graduates of domestic universities from the standpoint of the needs of organizations in the young professional staff they need, which allows them to successfully solve the issues of timely provision of the required level of competitiveness.

Alla Portnova ◽  
Svetlana Lesnikova ◽  
Nina Rusakova

The article deals with the statistical analysis of the effectiveness of the educational process at university. The research featured factors affecting the quality of training university students. The authors employed quantitative and qualitative indicators and organizational and pedagogical approaches, as well as methods of correlation and variance analysis. The indicators were systematized and generalized in order to identify the extent of their impact on the effectiveness of the factors under consideration. The reliability of the results was checked using the Pearson test. The methodology of the study was based on the identification of factors that affect the students’ achievements. A factor is a condition for good quality education. Based on the principles of general and professional education of the individual, the authors identified two groups of factors: 1) those related to the performance of the general education stage (academic performance, training profile); 2) those related to the results of higher education (academic performance, areas of training, course of study, academics). The academic performance of the first-year students did not depend on the results of the Unified State Exam and school grades. This dependence began to manifest itself during the second year, i.e. after the adaptation period. Statistical processing provided a mathematical model of the dependence of academic performance on the identified factors. The model can be used to predict the results of academic performance, as well as to adjust the learning process in order to improve the quality of university graduates' training, e.g. additional consultations, new information technologies, changes in the curriculum, level-based differentiation of content, tasks, individualized tasks, etc. The results are of interest for organizers of psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination for university students and their socio-psychological adaptation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (28) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Olga I. Vaganova ◽  
Natalya A. Egortseva ◽  
Yaroslav K. Yavorskiy ◽  
Irina V. Zotova ◽  
Marina N. Bulaeva

The transition from traditional educational paradigm to competence one has marked new ways of higher educational institutions development. The implementation of modern Federal state educational standards requirements has determined the need to use modern specialist methods in training that develop students’ competence and the ability to carry out highly qualified professional activities. Higher education institutions face the task of implementing technologies that contribute to the development of practical orientation of students, their independence in this process. The purpose of the article is to reveal the experience of using situational-game technologies of training, as one of the most practice-oriented, aimed at activating students’ students, contributing to professional competence development. The concept of "technology" came to education from the sphere of production. Technologization implies a clear subordination to a certain algorithm of actions, so the technology allows you to achieve specific results in the allotted amount of time. In the field of professional education, technology has changed, but its meaning remains the same-the regulation of the activities of the subjects of the educational process to achieve the planned goals. The article defines the essence of educational technologies in the training of University students, reveals the features of their application, the role and advantages of situational and game technologies of training in the conditions of implementation of the competence approach. The research given in this article shows the importance of game educational technologies and the prospects of their use in the training a highly qualified, creative specialist who can quickly solve professional problems in non-standard ways.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-241
Марина Лапіна

Статтю присвячено проблемам професійного навчання соціальних працівників, зокрема розглянуто психолого-педагогічні аспекти процесу підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців. Зазначено що в професійній психології та педагогіці набуває поширення компетентнісний підхід до сучасної освіти. Акцентовано увагу на особистісно-орієнтованому та психолого-акмеологічному напрямках професійної освіти та навчання. Особистісні якості фахівця розглядаються як метапрофесійні компетенції, що забезпечують якість праці майбутнього соціального працівника. На основі аналізу специфіки підготовки фахівців соціономічних професій окреслено загальні напрями формування професійних компетенцій соціальних працівників: пріоритет професійно-особистісного розвитку для досягнення високого рівня професіоналізму фахівця; формування психологічної, особистісної та рефлексивної компетентності; практична зорієнтованість процесу навчання. Розглянуто методи та технології активного формування психологічної та особистісної компетентності фахівця в процесі професійного навчання, а саме методика контекстного (знаково-контекстного) навчання та психолого-акмеологічні методи та процедури професійного розвитку. Стверджується, що включення до навчального процесу інноваційних, заснованих на взаємодії педагога та учня, психолого-педагогічних технологій активного навчання має формувати особистісні зони розвитку майбутніх фахівців, удосконалювати способи та засоби професійного становлення, що значно підвищує якість професійного навчання соціальних працівників. The article deals with the problems of vocational training of social workers. They are particularly considered with psychological and pedagogical aspects of training highly qualified specialists. It specifies that competence-based approach to modern education gets spreading in the professional psychology and pedagogy. The article is accented on personality-oriented and psycho-akmeological directions existing in the psychology of professional education and training. Personal qualities of the professional are considered as metaprofessional competences which ensure the future social worker’s quality of work. The general directions of formation professional competence of social workers are identified on the base of the analyses of the specific professional training socionomic professions: priority of vocational and personality development for achievement a high level of professionalism; formation of the psychological, personal and reflective competence; practical orientation of the learning process. The methods and technologies of active formation of psychological and personality’s competence of the specialist during the vocational training are reviewed in the article, specifically the method and technique of signed-contextual learning and psycho-akmeological methods and procedures of professional development. It is alleged that the inclusion in the educational process of preparation innovational, psychological and pedagogical techniques of active learning, based on the interaction between the teacher and the student, should generated personal’s development zones of the future professionals, refine the methods and means of the professional development that significantly improves the quality of social worker’s professional training.

2018 ◽  
pp. 109-117
S. Р. Morozov ◽  
A. V. Kvasyuk ◽  
N. N. Vetsheva ◽  
N. V. Ledikhova ◽  
D. N. Kureshova

Background.Question about the quality and format of postgraduate education of doctors raises increasingly in recent years. Development of professional standards and transition to a system of continuing professional education have allowed professional communities to raise issues of the quality of modern education but there is no clear evidence of the dependence of the level of education and the quality of medical care in the accessible literature. Experts of Research and Practical Center of Medical Radiology carried out the identification of dependence of post-graduate education length for radiologists and the quality of their work that can serve as a rationale for amending the system of doctors training.Patients and methods.The data on education and actual work of 85 radiologists of out-patient and in-patient units of medical organizations of the Moscow Healthcare Department have been analyzed. According to the results of the audit of diagnostic studies, carried out in the “Unified Radiological Information Service” system by the specialists of the Research and Practical Center of Medical Radiology, the final assessment of the work of each radiologist was formed, which reflects the presence or absence of diagnostic discrepancies.Results.Parameters of diagnostic errors depending on the age of doctors, the general length of service and the length of service as radiologist, the duration of postgraduate education in the clinical specialty and the specialty “radiology” have been compared.As a result of the analysis, it was found that the increase in the proportion of diagnostic differences is directly related to the increase in the age of the doctor and does not depend on either the length of service or the time of work in the specialty. Differences between the groups of physicians with the largest (professional retraining after clinical residency) and the smallest (clinical education + radiology) percentage of clinically significant discrepancies are statistically significant (p = 0.05, at the normative value of the Student's test score of 2.16).Conclusion.The inverse relationship between the duration of training of the radiologist in the specialty and the proportion of diagnostic errors, which can serve as a significant justification for making proposals for the exclusion of professional retraining within 576 hours for admission to professional activities of radiologists.

O. Yu. Strelova ◽  
E. N. Stepanova ◽  
A. N. Grebenyuk

The need for basic training in toxicology of students of pharmaceutical universities and departments of toxicology is justified. The experience of teaching toxicology and medical protection to students of the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy was analyzed. Academic teaching staff were trained in the methodology of teaching toxicology, and a participated in the preparation of the all-Russian textbook «Toxicology and Medical Protection» (2016) and three tutorials for students of medical and pharmaceutical universities. It is shown that in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation, toxicology issues are included in the curriculum of a complex discipline «Life Safety. Emergency Medicine» as a stand-alone module. Students study toxicology in the fifth year having received a good basic training in medical, biological, and professional disciplines in previous years. For realization of cognitive and creative activity of students in the educational process, modern educational technologies are used which make it possible to improve the quality of teaching and to use school time more efficiently. The potential of using algorithmic workbooks, interactive forms of training, test control, case-method for facilitating the perception of theoretical knowledge and improving the quality of practical skills development is demonstrated. Results of the anonymous questionnaire survey, in which 153 of 198 students who studied toxicology and medical protection in the autumn semester of the 2017/2018 academic year participated, are reported. It was shown that more than 80% of the students surveyed are convinced of the need to study toxicology during the undergraduate training of specialists of pharmaceutical profile and positively assessed the methodology of teaching toxicology that is performed at the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy.

R.A. Almaev ◽  

The possibilities of using distance learning on the Internet are considered with the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education to the learning out-comes according to the indicators established in the discipline programs - to know, be able, and have skills. It is noted that distance learning, being accessible to users, does not have an evidence base for its effectiveness in ensuring the quality of education. In universities with a technological focus, the creation of an educational environment that meets the established requirements is impossible with distance learning. As an additional educational resource, it can be used in organizing students' independent work, studying optional courses, in DPO centers (retraining, professional development).

Marianna A. Sukholova

The study of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the stage image of vocal teachers is a topical issue in the context of improving the quality of professional music education in Ukraine, as well as in the world. The purpose of the article is to study the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the stage image of the future vocal teacher in the process of his professional education. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical methods of scientific knowledge (analysis and synthesis, classification method, comparative method). Also, in the context of this study, a theoretical analysis of scientific sources was conducted. The article highlights and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the stage image of a vocal teacher in the process of professional education: the creation of models of their own future based on the activation of “I-real” and “I-ideal”; providing motivation for performing and creative stage selfrealization of future specialists; application of personality-oriented models and learning technologies aimed at developing the student's individuality and providing conditions for the development of their abilities and creative self-realization in professional activities; diversification of practical forms of organization of the educational process It is emphasized that the basis of the stage image is a combination of personal and professional characteristics and psychological archetypes, which are the basis of image formation, which should correspond to the character of the vocalist the best human qualities and powerful informational-creative potential of the person. It is emphasized that according to the personality-oriented concept of education, priority is given to the development of personality, rather than the learning process, which is an important aspect in the process of forming the stage image of personality. The practical value of the work is that the results of the study can be used to increase the efficiency of the educational process, as well as to improve the professional qualities of vocal teachers

I.E. Rakhimbaeva ◽  
A.M. Bashlykov

The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of professional training of cadets of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military universities of the VNG RF), the solution of which determines the level of security of the Russian Federation. In connection with the changes that have occurred in the educational process on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, as well as in the structure of the troops, the need to revise the content of military education, as well as the choice of more effective methods for its implementation, has been identified. After analyzing the current state of affairs, the possibilities of frame methods were studied, the main advantage of which is the intensification of the educational process through the structuring of educational information. The authors have developed frame schemes, the effectiveness of which has been tested experimentally. All this made it possible for the teacher to devote more time to explaining the educational material of a lesson, eliminating the excessive amount of information, and for the cadets - to study the subject in more detail, to comprehend the information received, and then apply these methods in their future professional activities when training the personnel of their unit in the army.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-54
Lyudmila Vasilyevna Shkerina ◽  
Natalia Alexandrovna Zhuravleva ◽  
Maria Anatolievna Keiv ◽  

Modern challenges of the system of mathematical training of schoolchildren lead to an increase in subject professional deficits of a mathematics teacher. Monitoring the teacher’s professional deficits allows them to be leveled in a timely manner, thereby improving the quality of the educational process. However, the theory and method of identifying them has not been studied much. This makes it possible to state the problem of research, which consists in determining the conceptual basis of the methodology for identifying subject professional deficits of a mathematics teacher. The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology for identifying subject professional deficits of a mathematics teacher. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was a competent approach as the basis for structuring the professional competencies of a mathematics teacher; a systematic approach as the basis for diagnosing professional deficits of a mathematics teacher; federal state educational standard for higher education in the field of training “Pedagogical education”; professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education. Module “Subject training. Mathematics”, the requirements of the federal state educational standard for the mathematical training of students in a general education school). The study used methods of analyzing special literature and normative documents, pedagogical modeling and design, mathematical processing of information. Results of the study. The basic principles of the methodology for identifying subject professional deficits are formulated and substantiated: expediency, diagnosticity, systemicity and advance. Based on these principles, the authors developed a methodology for identifying subject professional deficits of a mathematics teacher. The example shows the main stages and results of diagnosing subject deficits of a mathematics teacher in the field of combinatorics and probability theory.

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