scholarly journals The Use of Ipad in Learning Islamic Religion Education at the Eighth Graders of Sabilurrasyad Junior High School, Bojong Ngampel Kendal

2018 ◽  
Vol 205 ◽  
pp. 00006
Muzdalifah ◽  
Sri Wahyuningsih ◽  
Muhammad Mashuri

This study aims at finding the use of Ipad in learning Islamic Religion Education at the eighth graders of Sabilurrasyad Junior High school, Bojong Ngampel Kendal.This study used a qualitative research method. Data were gathered through an observation, indepth-interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the use of Media of Ipad Learning in Islamic Religion Education Class at the eighth graders of Sabilurrasyad Junior High School, Bojong Ngampel Kendal is considered effective. Furthermore, the average value of Islamic religion education after the implementation of Ipad media is higher that is 85.67 compared to the previous one 81.14. The supporting factors of the Ipad media are the internet network provided by the school, training from the Information Technology Development Agency, Ipad interestingly attracts students’ attention and motivation, iPad can present material in audio visual form. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors of using ipad are limited battery power or usage, unstable internet network, students’ lack of knowledge in using ipad, and there is no filter to block inappropriate sites.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Maisuherni Maisuherni

This study aims to improve teacher competence in planning authentic assessments with group guidance. The research method used is classroom action research. The research subjects were 10 teachers at Mandau 011 Junior High School. The timing of the research is carried out in two cycles starting on Monday 11 February to Saturday 23 February 2019. Analysis of the data used is qualitative in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and data inference. While for quantitative data descriptive analysis is carried out by calculating the average value and percentage. The results of the study indicate an increase in the competency of 011 Mandau Junior High School teachers in planning authentic assessments with group guidance. there is a cycle I of the average teacher competence of 70,6 with sufficient categories. The average teacher competency in the second cycle is 76,3 which is included in the good category. Classically, as many as 90% of teachers have been able to plan authentic assessments properly.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Oyoh O ◽  
Jenita Sidabutar

Kejadian dismenorea primer di Indonesia sekitar 54,89%, sisanya 45,11% dismenorea sekunder. Dismenorea primer  pada siswi SMP X dari 35 siswi 25 siswi mengalami disminor bila haid. Salah satu pengobatan dismenorea secara non-farmakologis yaitu hipnoterapi. Hipnoterapi merupakan salah satu cara yang mudah, cepat, efektif, dan efisien dalam menjangkau pikiran bawah sadar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hipnoterapi terhadap dismenorea pada siswi SMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre Eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian one group pre-test-post-test. Jumlah populasi yang didapat 117 orang dan jumlah sampel yang diambil 20 orang, dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data diperoleh secara langsung dari responden dengan menggunakan alat ukur Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS). Analisis data melalui dua tahapan, yaitu univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji t-dependen. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai rata-rata skala dismenorea sebelum diberikan intervensi adalah 6,50 dan nilai rata-rata sesudah diberikan intervensi adalah 1,35, terdapat pengaruh hipnoterapi terhadap dismenorea (t=17,596, p-value= 0,001). Hipnoterapi dapat disarankan untuk diterapkan sebagai tindakan nonfarmakologis untuk mengatasi dismenorea.Kata kunci: Dismenorea primer, hipnoterapi, SMP.Effect of Hypnotherapy on Alleviating Primary Dysmenorrhea in Junior High School StudentsAbstractThe incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in Indonesia amounts to approximately 54.89%, while another 45.11% is secondary dysmenorrhea. 25 out of 35 female students at SMP Patriot Bangsa (Patriot Bangsa Junior High School) experience primary dysmenorrhea when menstruating. One of nonpharmacological treatments for dysmenorrhea is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is an easy, fast, effective, and efficient way to treat dysmenorrhea by reaching the subconcious. This research aimed to identify the effect of hypnotherapy on dysmenorrhea in junior high school students. This research used a pre-experimental method with one group pretest- posttest design. The population of this research was 117 students and 20 students were chosen as sample with purposive sampling technique. Data were collected from respondents using Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS) instrument. Data were analyzed in two steps, univariate and bivariate with t-dependent test. The results showed that the average value of dysmenorrhea before intervention is 6.5 and after intervention is 1.35. Hypnotherapy was found to have an effect on dysmenorrhea (t=17,596, p-value 0,001). It was suggested to the school that they should conduct nonpharmacological interventions such as hypnotherapy as treatment of dysmennorhea.Key words: Dysmenorrhea primer, hypnotherapy, SMP.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-28
Shasliani Syamsul ◽  
Aman Aman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja guru IPS SMP pascasertifikasi Kota Makassar dilihat dari aspek perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian pembelajaran, serta untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja guru pascasertifikasi di Kota Makasar dilihat dari lama waktu setelah sertifikasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Sampel penelitian 6 kepala sekolah, 27 guru, dan 130 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkann bahwa Guru IPS tingkat SMP pascasertifikasi di Kota Makassar memiliki kinerja yang baik dilihat dari aspek perencanaan pembelajaran, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai rerata sebesar 4,04. Guru IPS pascasertifikasi memiliki kinerja yang baik dilihat dari aspek pelaksanaan pembelajaran, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai rerata sebesar 3,77. Guru IPS pascasertifikasi memiliki kinerja yang baik dilihat dari aspek penilaian pembelajaran, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai rerata sebesar 3,96. Kinerja guru pascasertifikasi lebih dari lima tahun dengan guru pascasertifikasi lima tahun kurang secara signifikan tidak memiliki perbedaan.Kata kunci: kinerja guru, sertifikasi, pelaksanaan pembelajaran PERFORMANCE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE TEACHER AFTER CERTIFICATION TO IMPLEMENTATION LEARNING LEVEL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN MAKASSAR CITYAbstractThis study aims to determine the performance of junior high school social studies teacher post-certification Makassar City viewed from the aspect of planning, implementation and assessment of learning, and to investigate differences in teacher performance post-certification in Makasar seen from a long time after certification. This research is quantitative descriptive. The research sample 6 principals, 27 teachers and 130 students. Collecting data using questionnaires. Mechanical analysis using descriptive analysis. The results of this study has pointed out that the Master IPS junior level after certification in Makassar has a good performance from the aspects of the learning plan, which indicated an average value of 4.04. After certification social studies teacher has a good performance from the aspects of the implementation of learning, which is shown to an average value of 3.77. After certification social studies teacher has a good performance from the aspects of learning assessment, which indicated an average value of 3.96. Post-certification of teachers' performance over five years with teacher certification after five years was significantly less no difference.Keywords: teahcer performance, certification, implementation learning

1986 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Roger P. Day

While teaching junior high school mathematics at the Stavanger American School in Norway. I sensed the need to challenge the students' perceptions of mathematics. The seventh and eighth graders seemed most concerned with producing correct answers. They saw little need for questioning, evaluating, checking, and comparing. They simply wanted to be shown “how to do it.” I set out to implement a problem-solving component within the structure of the junior high school curriculum that would alter this. “right-wrong-produce an anwer” mind set. This article reports my experience and sets forth ideas that may work for you.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 32 ◽  
Suci Febriyanti Pertiwi

Abstract-The purpose of this research is to increase cooperation among students through the role playing method on the students of class VIII-C Muhammadiyah 6 Junior High School Bandung academic year 2014/2015. This study uses a classroom action research approach. Subjects in this study were students in class VIII-C Muhammadiyah 6 Junior High School Bandung. of collecting data technique using Role Playing method and teacher achievement test. Action is done as much as 3 cycles, in one cycle done 2 times action. Data processing refers to qualitative procedures and changes in learning evaluation results before and after learning by using Role Playing method. The results showed: 1). The percentage of observation results of cooperation between friends on this 1st cycle has not been seen, because it is still within the range of "less" rating with the percentage of 38.1%. While the average learning achievement score of 74.5, although there is an increase but not showing the expected success rate because the acquisition of values above the minimum score only amounted to 9 people. 2). The result of student activity observation shows that the cooperation between students in cycle 2 is increased, and is in the range of "enough" assessment with the percentage of 68%, the average value obtained is 83.25, although there is improvement, indicating the expected success rate, there are students earning grades under the minimum score of 4 students. 3). The 3rd cycle shows a very high increase and is in the 'good' range with a percentage of 80% and an average value of 86.Keywords: cooperation, role playing

2019 ◽  
pp. 41-53
Abdullah Aly

This study aims to describe the development model of quality Muhammadiyah schools through the transformation of the Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan curriculum. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with library research approach and field research, with document studies, observations and interviews as a method of data collection. The material object of this research is Muhammadiyah Junior High School (SMPM) 01 in Surakarta and Muhammadiyah Junior High School (SMPM) Plus in Klaten. The study produced two main conclusions. First, the efforts to develop quality of SMPM 01 in Surakarta and SMPM Plus in Klaten were carried out by means of AIK curriculum transformation. This method focuses on developing two standards, namely: content standards and process standards. In the context of content standards and process standards, both schools transform AIK curriculum by adding material on Islamic Religion that has been established by government regulations, and adding activities through strengthening AIK learning in the classroom, and increasing religious co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Second, the AIK learning process has the potential to develop quality Muhammadiyah schools. Both schools use varied methods in developing classroom learning activities, and in religious co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. In this case, the teachers use learning methods in the form of: habituation, memorization, practice and repetition, question and answer, discussion, games, and practiceAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan model pengembangan sekolah Muhammadiyah yang berkualitas melalui transformasi kurikulum Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan, dengan studi dokumen, pengamatan dan wawancara sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Objek material dari penelitian ini adalah Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah (SMPM) 01 Surakarta dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah (SMPM) Plus Klaten. Dari penelitian ini dapat dihasilkan dua kesimpulan pokok. Pertama, upaya pengembangan sekolah Muhammadiyah berkualitas di SMPM 01 Surakarta dan SMPM Plus Klaten dilakukan dengan cara transformasi kurikulum AIK. Cara ini difokuskan pada pengembangan dua standar, yaitu: standar isi dan standar proses. Dalam konteks standar isi dan standar proses, kedua sekolah melakukan transformasi kurikulum AIK dengan cara menambah materi Pendidikan Agama Islam yang telah ditetapkan oleh peraturan pemerintah, dan menambah kegiatan melalui penguatan pembelajaran AIK di kelas, dan menambah kegiatan ko-kurikuler dan ekstra-kurikuler keagamaan. Kedua, proses pembelajaran AIK sangat potensial untuk mengembangkan sekolah Muhammadiyah berkualitas. Kedua sekolah menggunakan metode yang bervariasi dalam mengembangkan kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, dan dalam kegiatan ko-kurikuler dan ekstra-kurikuler keagamaan. Dalam hal ini, para guru menggunakan metode pembelajaran berupa: pembiasaan, hafalan, latihan dan pengulangan, tanya jawab, diskusi, game, dan praktik.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Erni Yunita ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Satutik Rahayu

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis CTL pada materi pokok cahaya dan mengetahui pengaruh penerapan perangkat pembelajaran tersebut terhadap prestasi belajar fisika siswa kelas VIII. Penelitian ini adalah Quasi eksperimental dengan menggunakan metode penelitian R&D. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kuripan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji t pada taraf signifikan 5%. Rata-rata nilai N-Gain diperoleh melalui data posttest dan pretest. Hasil peneilitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis CTL yang telah dikembangkan pada materi pokok cahaya berpengaruh terhadap peningkatkan prestasi belajar fisika siswa kelas VIII. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis CTL, Prestasi Belajar.Abstract. The aims of this research is to develop CTL based instructional instrument on light concept  and to know the effect of CTL based instructional instrument’s application to increase eighth years student physics achievement. The design is a quasi-experimental research and used R&D method. Research subject was eighth years students at Junior High School 1 Kuripan. Data were analyzed using t test at significant level 5%. The average value of N-Gain obtained through pretest and posttest data. This indicates that the application of CTL based instructional instrument on light concept has effect to increase eighth student physics achievement.  Keywords: Development, CTL Based Instructional Instrument, Learning Achievement.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Hamam Hadi ◽  
R Dwi Budiningsari

Background: Indonesia is a tropical country rich in various vegetables and fruits which are necessary for health because they contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fibers. However, Indonesian children and teenagers do not often pay attention to balanced nutrition, particularly vegetables and fruits. They even tend to choose fast food which may lead to occurrence of obesity. Prevalence of obesity among teenagers becomes an important issue because it persists to adulthood. Impact of obesity is a threat to public health and needs serious attention. Considering the important role of vegetables and fruits for health especially among obese teenagers, awareness on the necessity of consuming those needs to be made and built through nutrition counseling.Objective: The objective of the study was to identify the effects of counseling on the advantages of vegetables and fruits consumption to nutrient intake (energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate and fiber) among obese teenage students of junior high school at Palembang Municipality.Method: The study was quantitative with quasi experimental design. Subject of the study were obese teenage students of junior high school at Palembang Municipality aged 12 – 15 years old. There were 72 respondents of intervention group and 72 respondents of control group. Samples were taken using non random sampling technique. T-test was used to find out effects of counseling to consumption of vegetables and fruits and nutrient intake before and after intervention.Result: Delta average value of fruit consumption and nutrient intake (energy, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber) based on t-test analysis showed significant difference in both groups with p<0.05. Meanwhile, delta average value of vegetable consumption and nutrient intake (protein) did not show significant relationship (p>0.05).Conclusion: Counseling on the advantages of vegetables and fruits affect consumption of fruits and nutrient intake (energy, fat, carbohydrate and fiber).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-256
Rahmi Agustina ◽  
Ismul Huda ◽  
Cut Nurmaliah

Learning  science in Junior High School in Pidie district has not yet developed the ability to think scientifically. Leanears have not been able to do a problem analisis and argue with the evisidence and experience of the investigation. That are not given the opportunity to have learning activities that could improve their thinking, and then the equipment used in the process of teaching and learning on the concept of plants and animals reproduction are inediquate. It is proved by the laboratory space that has not been used and incompleted equipment. This study aims to determine the differences in the implementation of integrated STEM learning and STEM Silo on the ability to think scientifically on plant and animal reproduction concept in class IX Pidie State Junior High School. The approach used in this study was quantitative, the type of research was applied research; the method used is quasi-experimental, with the Nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study amounted to 236 students and the sample to 75 students. The research procedure consisted of giving pretest, giving STEM integrated treatment in the experimental class and STEM silo in the control class, and giving posttest. The instrument for measuring scientific thinking ability is to use essay tests accompanied by rubrics. Data analysis consisted of normality test, independent t-test and ANOVA test. The results of the study showed there are diffences in the average value of scientific thinking integrated STEM class that is76.74 and STEM silos 61.64. The research is aimed at differing students ability to  scientific thinking. The students are taught by using integeted STEM learning and STEM silo in the reproduction of animal plant material grade IX SMP

Al-Ulum ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 299
Anis Fauzi

This article aims to explore the nationalism among students Islamic Junior High School (MTs) and Junior High School (SMP) in the District of Serang and Serang Municipality. Statistical analysis show that in order to find a comparison between the national insight MTs and SMP students in research location by using Test 't' to sample a large group. Based this study, it is concluded that there was no significant difference between the nationalistic viewpoint MTs and SMP students in Serang Municipality with MTs and SMP students in Serang District. However, basing on the difference between the average value the mean between the two groups of respondents turned out to mean price MTs and SMP student groups in Serang City (204.235) were slightly larger than the mean price of MTs and SMP school student groups in the district of Serang (203.765).

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