Using a High-Capacity Chemically Activated Cow Bone to Remove Fluoride: Field-Scale Column Tests and Laboratory Regeneration Studies

2017 ◽  
Vol 143 (2) ◽  
pp. 04016083 ◽  
Teshome L. Yami ◽  
Jim F. Chamberlain ◽  
Elizabeth C. Butler ◽  
David A. Sabatini
2021 ◽  
Thomas Oudega ◽  
Gerhard Lindner ◽  
Julia Derx ◽  
Andreas Farnleitner ◽  
Regina Sommer ◽  

<p>Groundwater contamination and subsequent transport of viruses and bacteria are a major concern in aquifers worldwide. To ascertain the ability of these aquifers to remove pathogens, tracer tests with microbial indicators are carried out. But because these tests are laborious and require special permission, column tests are often done instead. Unfortunately, results from column tests tend to grossly overestimate removal rates λ when compared to the field scale, which can lead to underestimations of groundwater contamination risks. Scale is an important consideration when examining pathogen transport through porous media, as pathogen removal rarely happens by linear processes. Field tests were carried out with Bacillus subtilis endospores and phiX174 coliphages over a distance of 25 m in an alluvial gravel aquifer in Vienna, Austria. The sandy gravel material from the field site was also used in column tests with the same tracers. Both attachment-detachment and Colloid Filtration Theory were used to model these tests. The results show a big difference in removal between the two scales. A comparison with the literature showed a correlation between the heterogeneity (or preferential flow) of the porous media and the difference in removal rates between the column and field scale.</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 206-223 ◽  
Aleksandar Klimeski ◽  
Wim J. Chardon ◽  
Eila Turtola ◽  
Risto Uusitalo

The application of phosphorus (P)-sorbing materials offers a possible solution for treating municipal wastewaterand agricultural runoff. In this paper we discuss P retention and release mechanisms, and review studies on the Pretention of different materials and their use as reactive media in filter beds. The main mechanisms for P retentionare sorption on metal (mostly Fe or Al) hydroxide surfaces and, in alkaline conditions, the formation of Ca-Pprecipitates. The retention of P is strongly affected by the chemical composition of a material, its particle size andpH-related effects on sorption and precipitation both during testing and in practical operation. Laboratory testsare sensitive to solution chemistry (pH, alkalinity, ionic strength and composition, P concentration) and affected bymaterial-to-solution ratio, contact time and agitation. Moreover, due to deviations from realistic field conditions,laboratory tests may produce imprecise estimates of the retention capacity and retention kinetics. In particular,materials that contain soluble substances (e.g., CaO) that elevate the pH of the ambient solution to high levels mayin batch tests suggest a high capacity for P retention, but will most probably show much lower retention in fieldsettings. On the other hand, materials containing metal oxides also retain P via slow reactions, and their retentioncapacity may be underestimated in short equilibrations. Appropriate laboratory test procedures will dependon their intended applications and material properties. Long-term field-scale tests are few in number, but some ofthem have shown promising results. Field-scale tests have, however, highlighted the design of the filters as a criticalfactor in their efficiency. 

2020 ◽  
Tiziana Tosco ◽  
Monica Granetto ◽  
Lucia Re ◽  
Aurora Audino ◽  
Luca Serpella ◽  

<p>The use of pesticides in agriculture has numerous advantages but also significant environmental drawbacks; The uncontrolled or excessive use of agrochemicals has progressively contributed to the contamination of environmental matrices, and in particular of soils and groundwater. To contribute solving these issues, an eco-compatible nano-formulation was recently developed by the authors to help controlling the environmental dispersion of Dicamba, a herbicide widely used to control broadleaf weeds; Dicamba is highly soluble and moderately volatile, but is less toxic and persistent compared to other competing herbicides. The proposed nano-formulation was developed using eco-compatible, low-cost materials, including natural clays an biopolymers, with the aim to reduce Dicamba volatilization (thus reducing dispersion in air, and consequently potential impacts on both workers and neighboring crops) and solubility (thus reducing infiltration during and after application, and consequently uncontrolled dispersion in the subsoil).  In this work, the results of laboratory and greenhouse tests are discussed, comparing the efficacy of the nano-formulation against the pure herbicide compound and a commercial Dicamba-based product, in terms of volatilization, mobility in porous media (both saturated and unsaturated) and efficacy in weed control. The column tests results are modeled using colloid transport software (namely MNMs and Hydrus) and used for the development of a preliminary field-scale model of herbicide application and dispersion in the subsoil. The work was developed in the framework of the project Nanograss, co-funded by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.</p>

Shaohua Lu ◽  
Weidong Hu ◽  
Xiaojun Hu

Due to their low cost and improved safety compared to lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries have attracted worldwide attention in recent decades.

1987 ◽  
Vol 58 (03) ◽  
pp. 936-942 ◽  
Lindsey A Miles ◽  
Edward F Plow

SummaryGlu-plasminogen binds to platelets; the monocytoid line, U937, and the human fetal fibroblast line, GM1380 bind both plasminogen and its activator, urokinase. This study assesses the interaction of these fibrinolytic proteins with circulating human blood cells. Plasminogen bound minimally to red cells but bound saturably and reversibly to monocytes, granulocytes and lymphocytes with apparent Kd values of 0.9-1.4 μM. The interactions were of high capacity with 1.6 to 49 × 105 sites/cell and involved the lysine binding sites of plasminogen. Both T cells and non-rosetting lymphocytes and two B cell lines saturably bound plasminogen. Urokinase bound saturably to gianulocytes, monocytes, non-rosetting lymphocytes and a B cell line, but minimally to T cells, platelets and red cells. Therefore, plasminogen binding sites of high capacity, of similar affinities, and with common recognition specificities are expressed by many peripheral blood cells. Urokinase receptors are also widely distributed, but less so than plasminogen binding sites. The binding ol plasminogen and/ or urokinase to these cells may lead to generation of cell- associated proteolytic activity which contributes to a variety of cellular functions.

1984 ◽  
Vol 51 (03) ◽  
pp. 349-353 ◽  
C Caranobe ◽  
P Sié ◽  
F Fernandez ◽  
J Pris ◽  
S Moatti ◽  

SummaryA simultaneous investigation of the kinetics of serotonin (5 HT) uptake and of binding sites was carried out in the platelets of normal subjects and of 10 patients affected with various types of myeloproliferative disorders (MD). The 5 HT uptake was analysed according to the Lineweaver-Burk and the Eadie-Hofstee methods. With the two methods, the patient’s platelets exhibited a dramatic reduction of the Vi max and of the Km; in some patients the Eadie-Hofstee analysis revealed that a passive diffusion phenomenon is superimposed on the active 5 HT uptake at least for the higher concentration used. The binding data were analysed with the Scatchard method. Two classes of binding sites (high affinity - low capacity, low affinity - high capacity) were found in normal subjects and patients. Pharmacological studies with imipramine, a specific inhibitor of 5 HT uptake, suggested that both the sites are involved in 5 HT uptake. The number of both binding sites was significantly decreased in patient’s platelets while the affinity constants of these binding sites were not significantly reduced in comparison with those of the control subjects. No correlations were found between Vi max, Km and the number of binding sites. These results suggest that a reduction in the number of platelet membrane acceptors for 5 HT commonly occurs in myeloproliferative disorders but does not provide a full explanation of the uptake defect.

TAPPI Journal ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-129 ◽  

Capacities of the largest new recovery boilers are steadily rising, and there is every reason to expect this trend to continue. However, the furnace designs for these large boilers have not been optimized and, in general, are based on semiheuristic rules and experience with smaller boilers. We present a multiobjective optimization code suitable for diverse optimization tasks and use it to dimension a high-capacity recovery boiler furnace. The objective was to find the furnace dimensions (width, depth, and height) that optimize eight performance criteria while satisfying additional inequality constraints. The optimization procedure was carried out in a fully automatic manner by means of the code, which is based on a genetic algorithm optimization method and a radial basis function network surrogate model. The code was coupled with a recovery boiler furnace computational fluid dynamics model that was used to obtain performance information on the individual furnace designs considered. The optimization code found numerous furnace geometries that deliver better performance than the base design, which was taken as a starting point. We propose one of these as a better design for the high-capacity recovery boiler. In particular, the proposed design reduces the number of liquor particles landing on the walls by 37%, the average carbon monoxide (CO) content at nose level by 81%, and the regions of high CO content at nose level by 78% from the values obtained with the base design. We show that optimizing the furnace design can significantly improve recovery boiler performance.

R. Stavetska ◽  
Y. Dynko ◽  
M. Bushtruk ◽  
I. Starostenko ◽  
O. Babenko ◽  

It has been experimentally proven that the strength and direction of the connection between the linear type traits evaluation of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed cows and their body build depends on the type of the build and the sign of the exterior. The study was conducted in 2018 on a breeding plant of the Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed SPC named Shchorsa in Kiev region (n=89). Differentiation of cows on types of their body build was conducted by the method proposed by Chernenko (low-capacity, mid-capacity and high-capacity types) and Kolesnik (by the massiveness index – on the friable and dense, the bone index – delicate and rough, the wide-breast and wide-rump indices – on narrow-body and wide-body types). It was found that the cow-heiferswere well-developed, had intermediate stature and optimum body condition score, deep body, and wide, slight slope rump. They alsohad desirable rear legs, set and foot angle but some toe-out, the udder was well-balanced. Under the good total score of the exterior of studied cows there were some animals with short stature (134– 136 cm), very wide rump, straight rear legs side view and toe-out, extremely steep foot angle, loose fore udder attachment, deep udder below hocks and front teat placement inside of quarter. The degree of development of the studied linear traits of cow-heifers confirms their in-herd variability. The variability of the exterior traits varies from 10,7 % (body depth) to 38,6 % (stature). In addition to the stature of a significant variability was characterized of angularity (22,4 %), rear legs set (22,5 %), body condition score (21,8 %), as well as traits that describe udder: rear udder attachment (31,4 %), udder depth (32,6 %) and front and rear teat position (31,3 % and 25,1 %, respectively). The high variability of linear traits indicates the possibility of effective their selection. As a result of the research, it has been established that the strength and direction of the correlations between the linear type traits evaluation of Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed cows and the type of their body build depends on the type of the body build and the linear trait. The low-, mid- and high-capacity bodies build types (according to Chernenko) reliably correlate with chest width (r=0,58) and body depth (r=0,48), rear legs rear view (r=0,30), the central ligament (r=0,28), udder depth (r =-0,22) and teat length (r=0,25), P˂0,01–0,001. Friable and dense bodies build (according to Kolesnik) were most strongly associated with stature (r=-0,28), chest width (r =-0,70), and body depth (r=-0,38), as well as with rear legs rear view (r=-0,23), P˂0,05...0,001; delicate and rough bodies build – with stature (r=-0,51), angularity (r=-0,22),rump width (r=-0,35), udder depth (r=-0,27) and rear udder attachment (r =0,20), P ˂ 0,05–0,001; narrow-body and wide-body types – with chest width (r=0,30) and rump width (r=0,23), P˂0,05–0,01. Linear type trait evaluation of cows depends on the body build. The strength and direction of the correlations between types of body build and linear traits showed that the most informative is the classification of the body build by low-, mid- and high-capacity according to Chernenko – on the average η2x=17,5 %. The less informative – by narrow-body and wide-body types according to Kolesnik – η2x=7,6 %. The classification of cows on delicate-rough, narrow-body and wide-body types (according to Kolesnik) according to informativeness and reliability can have the intermediate position – η2x=10,0–11,5 %. The strongest influence on the body build has the cows’ height (η2x=27,9 % on average for all studied types of body build), chest width (η2x=33,5 %), body depth (η2x=21,8 %), rump width (η2x=24,1 %) and rear legs (η2x=18,7 %). Key words: cows, linear type trait evaluation, body build, correlation, power of influence.

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