Chitosan enhances growth and survival rate of in vitro-cultured plantlets of banana cultivar “Grand Naine”

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Laxman Kandha ◽  
Rahul Kumar ◽  
Santosh Kumar Sethi ◽  
Birendra Kumar Bindhani
2016 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
Masna Maya SINTA ◽  

AbstractAcclimatization of plantlets is a critical stage in themicropropagation of many plants. An experiment wasconducted to determine the effect of pre-condition periodand vessel closure on the growth and survival rate ofrubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.) plantlets derivedfrom in vitro microcutting during acclimatization.Plantlets were planted in plastic pots containing mixedgrowing media after being conditioned in ex vitroenvironment for 0, 3 and 6 days. Five closure vesseltreatments were closed pots placed in opened container,opened pots in closed glass container, closed pots inclosed glass container, opened pots in closed plasticcontainer, and closed pots in closed plastic container.Observation on leaf conditions, rooting frequency, andplant height were conducted at 1.5 months and on thepercentage of survive plantlets at 1.5 and 3 months afteracclimatization. The results showed that pre-conditionwas required to increase survival rate and growth of theplantlets. Pre-condition period of six days gave a highersurvival rate than 0 and 3 days which reached 100% and93% on opened pot in closed plastic container and closedpot in opened container, respectively after 1.5 monthsand was reduced to 80% after three months ofacclimatization. The highest formation of new leaves androots were also obtained on six days pre-conditionperiod. Plantlets with pre-condition for six days and wereplanted on closed pots in an opened container had thebest rooting frequency which was 90%. The resultshowed that the highest survival rate (80%) of rubberplantlets after three months was obtained when theplantlets were pre-conditioned in ex vitro conditions forsix days before acclimatization and planted on openedpots in a closed plastic container or closed pots in anopened container.AbstrakAklimatisasi planlet merupakan tahap kritis dalammikropopagasi tanaman. Penelitian dilakukan untuk me-nentukan pengaruh periode pra-kondisi dan penyung-kupan terhadap pertumbuhan dan daya hidup planletkaret (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.) asal stek mikro (invitro microcutting) selama aklimatisasi. Planlet ditanampada pot plastik berisi campuran media tanam setelahdikondisikan lebih dahulu pada lingkungan luar selama 0,3 dan 6 hari. Lima perlakuan penyungkupan adalahpenanaman planlet pada pot tertutup diletakkan dalamwadah terbuka, pot terbuka dalam wadah kaca tertutup,pot tertutup dalam wadah kaca tertutup, pot terbukadalam wadah plastik tertutup dan pot tertutup dalamwadah plastik tertutup. Pengamatan keadaan daun, pem-bentukan akar dan tinggi tanaman dilakukan pada 1,5bulan, sedangkan persentase planlet yang hidup diamatipada 1,5 dan 3 bulan setelah aklimatisasi. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa periode pra-kondisi diperlukanuntuk meningkatkan daya hidup dan pertumbuhanplanlet. Pra-kondisi selama enam hari memberikan dayahidup planlet lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan 0 dan 3hari yaitu 100% dan 93% pada perlakuan penanamanpada pot terbuka dalam wadah plastik tertutup dan pottertutup dalam wadah terbuka setelah 1,5 bulan danmenjadi 80% setelah tiga bulan. Penambahan daun barudan pembentukan akar tertinggi juga terdapat padaperlakuan pra-kondisi enam hari. Perlakuan pra-kondisienam hari dengan pot tertutup yang diletakkan dalamwadah terbuka memperlihatkan persentase pembentukanakar yang paling baik yakni 90%. Hasil peneltian me-nunjukkan bahwa daya hidup planlet karet tertinggi(80%) pada umur tiga bulan diperoleh apabila planletdipra-kondisi pada lingkungan ex vitro selama enam hari,kemudian ditanam pada pot terbuka dalam wadah plastiktertutup atau pot tertutup dalam wadah terbuka.

2016 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
Masna Maya SINTA ◽  

AbstractAcclimatization of plantlets is a critical stage in themicropropagation of many plants. An experiment wasconducted to determine the effect of pre-condition periodand vessel closure on the growth and survival rate ofrubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.) plantlets derivedfrom in vitro microcutting during acclimatization.Plantlets were planted in plastic pots containing mixedgrowing media after being conditioned in ex vitroenvironment for 0, 3 and 6 days. Five closure vesseltreatments were closed pots placed in opened container,opened pots in closed glass container, closed pots inclosed glass container, opened pots in closed plasticcontainer, and closed pots in closed plastic container.Observation on leaf conditions, rooting frequency, andplant height were conducted at 1.5 months and on thepercentage of survive plantlets at 1.5 and 3 months afteracclimatization. The results showed that pre-conditionwas required to increase survival rate and growth of theplantlets. Pre-condition period of six days gave a highersurvival rate than 0 and 3 days which reached 100% and93% on opened pot in closed plastic container and closedpot in opened container, respectively after 1.5 monthsand was reduced to 80% after three months ofacclimatization. The highest formation of new leaves androots were also obtained on six days pre-conditionperiod. Plantlets with pre-condition for six days and wereplanted on closed pots in an opened container had thebest rooting frequency which was 90%. The resultshowed that the highest survival rate (80%) of rubberplantlets after three months was obtained when theplantlets were pre-conditioned in ex vitro conditions forsix days before acclimatization and planted on openedpots in a closed plastic container or closed pots in anopened container.AbstrakAklimatisasi planlet merupakan tahap kritis dalammikropopagasi tanaman. Penelitian dilakukan untuk me-nentukan pengaruh periode pra-kondisi dan penyung-kupan terhadap pertumbuhan dan daya hidup planletkaret (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.) asal stek mikro (invitro microcutting) selama aklimatisasi. Planlet ditanampada pot plastik berisi campuran media tanam setelahdikondisikan lebih dahulu pada lingkungan luar selama 0,3 dan 6 hari. Lima perlakuan penyungkupan adalahpenanaman planlet pada pot tertutup diletakkan dalamwadah terbuka, pot terbuka dalam wadah kaca tertutup,pot tertutup dalam wadah kaca tertutup, pot terbukadalam wadah plastik tertutup dan pot tertutup dalamwadah plastik tertutup. Pengamatan keadaan daun, pem-bentukan akar dan tinggi tanaman dilakukan pada 1,5bulan, sedangkan persentase planlet yang hidup diamatipada 1,5 dan 3 bulan setelah aklimatisasi. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa periode pra-kondisi diperlukanuntuk meningkatkan daya hidup dan pertumbuhanplanlet. Pra-kondisi selama enam hari memberikan dayahidup planlet lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan 0 dan 3hari yaitu 100% dan 93% pada perlakuan penanamanpada pot terbuka dalam wadah plastik tertutup dan pottertutup dalam wadah terbuka setelah 1,5 bulan danmenjadi 80% setelah tiga bulan. Penambahan daun barudan pembentukan akar tertinggi juga terdapat padaperlakuan pra-kondisi enam hari. Perlakuan pra-kondisienam hari dengan pot tertutup yang diletakkan dalamwadah terbuka memperlihatkan persentase pembentukanakar yang paling baik yakni 90%. Hasil peneltian me-nunjukkan bahwa daya hidup planlet karet tertinggi(80%) pada umur tiga bulan diperoleh apabila planletdipra-kondisi pada lingkungan ex vitro selama enam hari,kemudian ditanam pada pot terbuka dalam wadah plastiktertutup atau pot tertutup dalam wadah terbuka.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 249
Lisa Fajar Indriana ◽  
Yuli Afrianti ◽  
Sitti Hilyana ◽  
Muhammad Firdaus Firdaus

Teripang pasir, Holothuria scabra merupakan komoditas hasil laut yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Penangkapan berlebihan stok di alam mendorong berkembangnya kegiatan budidaya. Penempelan merupakan fase kritis pada larva teripang karena terjadi peralihan sifat planktonis ke bentik yang memerlukan substrat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi penempelan, pertumbuhan, dan sintasan larva H. scabra fase penempelan pada substrat lamun yang berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan empat jenis daun lamun berbeda dan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas Enhalus acoroides (L-1), Syringodium isoetifolium (L-2), Cymodocea serrulata (L-3), dan Cymodocea rotundata (L-4). Jumlah awal larva sebanyak 1.000 individu dan substrat dirangkai dengan luasan yang sama sebesar 12 cm x 17 cm untuk setiap unit penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis lamun yang digunakan sebagai substrat berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap preferensi penempelan dan sintasan larva teripang pasir, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan. E. acoroides menunjukkan hasil terbaik dengan preferensi penempelan 0,26 ind. cm-2 dan sintasan 10,66%; sehingga layak digunakan sebagai substrat penempelan dalam pembenihan teripang pasir, H. scabra.Holothuria scabra larvae on different seagrass substrates. By: Lisa Fajar Indriana, Yuli Afrianti, Sitti Hilyana, and Muhammad FirdausSandfish Holothuria scabra is marine commodities with a high economic value. Overfishing of natural stocks has compelled an interest to begin aquaculture practice. Settlement is a critical phase for the planktonic larvae as they will transform to benthic form in the presence of substrate. This study aims to evaluate the settlement preferences, growth, and survival rate of H. scabra larvae settled on different seagrass leaves. The research was conducted using the Completely randomized design with four different species of seagrass leaves and five replications. The treatments consist of Enhalus acoroides (L-1), Syringodium isoetifolium (L-2), Cymodocea serrulata (L-3), and Cymodocea rotundata (L-4). Initial number of larvae was 1,000 individuals and the substrate was set with same widthof 12 cm x 17 cm for each unit. Results of the experiment indicated that settlement preference and survival rate of H. scabra larvae was significantly affected by seagrass used as substrate while no significantly differences was observed for growth of larvae. E. acoroides showed the best result with 0.26 ind. cm-2 settelement preference and 10.66% survival rate, so that suitable to be used as settlement substrate in H. scabra hatchery.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Atilah Setiawan ◽  
Muarif Muarif ◽  
Fia Sri Mumpuni

The aim of this study was to determine the growth and survival rate of Ctenopoma fish seeds. This study used a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment in this study was a different feeding rate using natural feed of Tubifex sp  namely A (8%), B (10%), and C (12%) ). The test fish used was Ctenopoma fish seeds with an initial length of 2.40 ± 0.10 cm and an initial weight of 0.32 ± 0.05 g. Fish seeds are cultivated  for 28 days with feeding frequency twice a day. The results of research showed that the use of different feeding rate had an significantly different (P<0.05) on the specific growth  rate and absolute length growth with the best results in the treatment C. The survival rate was not significantly different between treatments (P>0.05). Key Words: Ctenopoma, feeding rate, growth, survival rate 

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
Mohamad Zahid Kasiram ◽  
Hermizi Hapidin ◽  
Hasmah Abdullah ◽  
Azlina Ahmad ◽  
Sarina Sulong

Background: Osteosarcoma is the most common type of primary bone tumor in children and adolescents, which is associated with rapid progression and poor prognosis. Multimodal therapy is the most common approach utilized for osteosarcoma management, such as the application of chemotherapy in combination with surgery or radiation therapy. Cisplatin is one of the predominantly used chemotherapeutic agents for osteosarcoma. Optimally, it is employed in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs along with surgery or radiation therapy. Despite the availability of numerous treatment approaches, patient survival rate has not definitively improved over the past three decades. Methods: We summarized all findings regarding the combination of cisplatin with other chemotherapeutic agents as well as with phytochemical compounds. Results: A combination of cisplatin with phytochemical compound synergistically enhances the killing effect of cisplatin on osteosarcoma cells with fewer side effects compared to combination with other chemotherapeutic agents. Conclusion: Conclusively, a combination of cisplatin with selected chemotherapeutic drugs, has been shown to be effective. However, the unchanged survival rate urges for the search of a new combination regimen. As a collaborative effort to substantiate the therapeutic efficacy, the combination with phytochemical compounds shows a promising response both in vitro as well as in the preclinical study.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Mulyati Mulyati ◽  
Suryati Suryati ◽  
Irfani Baga

The study aims to isolate, characterize, and examine probiotic bacteria's inhibitory ability against Vibrio harveyi bacteria, both in-vitro and in vivo. Methods used in the study consist of 1) An Isolation of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria, 2) An Antagonistic Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria in vitro, 3) An Identification of Bacteria, 4) A Pathogenicity Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria, 5) An Antagonistic Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria against V. harveyi in vivo. According to the isolation of candidate probiotic bacteria, there are 18 isolated candidate probiotic. After being tested for its inhibitory ability in vitro, there are 8 isolates with zone of inhibition as follows: isolate MM 7 from intestine (22 mm), isolate MM 6 from intestine (12 mm), isolate MM 10 from sea water (10 mm), isolate MM 5 from intestine (9 mm), isolate MM 4 from intestine (8 mm), isolate MM 3 from intestine (7 mm), isolate MM 2.2 from intestine (7 mm), isolate MM 2.1 from intestine (7 mm). Eight genera of the candidate probiotic bacteria is derived from Portunid crab, they are Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, bacillus, vibrio, Alcaligenes, Lactobacillus, micrococcus. Before proceeding the V. harveyi bacterial challenge test in vivo, three potential isolates consisting of MM6, MM7 and MM10 as the probiotic bacteria are pathogenicity-tested against V. harveyi. The survival rate of Portunid crab on pathogenicity test using MM6, MM7 and MM10 generates 91.11-100%, while the control generates 100% survival rate. Variance analysis result through post-hoc Tukey's Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test at 95% confidence interval indicates that isolate MM7 and MM10 are significantly able to increase hatchling Portunid crab's survival rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 4451
Coralia Cotoraci ◽  
Alina Ciceu ◽  
Alciona Sasu ◽  
Eftimie Miutescu ◽  
Anca Hermenean

Multiple myeloma (MM) is one of the most widespread hematological cancers. It is characterized by a clonal proliferation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow and by the overproduction of monoclonal proteins. In recent years, the survival rate of patients with multiple myeloma has increased significantly due to the use of transplanted stem cells and of the new therapeutic agents that have significantly increased the survival rate, but it still cannot be completely cured and therefore the development of new therapeutic products is needed. Moreover, many patients have various side effects and face the development of drug resistance to current therapies. The purpose of this review is to highlight the bioactive active compounds (flavonoids) and herbal extracts which target dysregulated signaling pathway in MM, assessed by in vitro and in vivo experiments or clinical studies, in order to explore their healing potential targeting multiple myeloma. Mechanistically, they demonstrated the ability to promote cell cycle blockage and apoptosis or autophagy in cancer cells, as well as inhibition of proliferation/migration/tumor progression, inhibition of angiogenesis in the tumor vascular network. Current research provides valuable new information about the ability of flavonoids to enhance the apoptotic effects of antineoplastic drugs, thus providing viable therapeutic options based on combining conventional and non-conventional therapies in MM therapeutic protocols.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Elena O. Vidyagina ◽  
Nikolay N. Kharchenko ◽  
Konstantin A. Shestibratov

Axillary buds of in vitro microshoots were successfully frozen at –196 °C by the one-step freezing method using the protective vitrification solution 2 (PVS2). Microshoots were taken from 11 transgenic lines and three wild type lines. Influence of different explant pretreatments were analyzed from the point of their influence towards recovery after cryopreservation. It was found out that the use of axillary buds as explants after removal of the apical one increases recovery on average by 8%. The cultivation on growth medium of higher density insignificantly raises the regenerants survival rate. Pretreatment of the osmotic fluid (OF) shows the greatest influence on the survival rate. It leads to the increase in survival rate by 20%. The cryopreservation technology providing regenerants average survival rate of 83% was developed. It was based on the experimental results obtained with explant pretreatment. Incubation time in liquid nitrogen did not affect the explants survival rate after thawing. After six months cryostorage of samples their genetic variability was analyzed. Six variable simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were used to analyze genotype variability after the freezing-thawing procedure. The microsatellite analysis showed the genetic status identity of plants after cryopreservation and of the original genotypes. The presence of the recombinant gene in the transgenic lines after cryostorage were confirmed so as the interclonal variation in the growth rate under greenhouse conditions. The developed technique is recommended for long-term storage of various breeding and genetically modified lines of aspen plants, as it provides a high percentage of explants survival with no changes in genotype.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Malabika Chakrabarti ◽  
Nishant Joshi ◽  
Geeta Kumari ◽  
Preeti Singh ◽  
Rumaisha Shoaib ◽  

AbstractCytoskeletal structures of Apicomplexan parasites are important for parasite replication, motility, invasion to the host cell and survival. Apicortin, an Apicomplexan specific protein appears to be a crucial factor in maintaining stability of the parasite cytoskeletal assemblies. However, the function of apicortin, in terms of interaction with microtubules still remains elusive. Herein, we have attempted to elucidate the function of Plasmodium falciparum apicortin by monitoring its interaction with two main components of parasite microtubular structure, α-tubulin-I and β-tubulin through in silico and in vitro studies. Further, a p25 domain binding generic drug Tamoxifen (TMX), was used to disrupt PfApicortin-tubulin interactions which led to the inhibition in growth and progression of blood stage life cycle of P. falciparum.

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 280
Linh Nguyen Thi Truc ◽  
Tuu Nguyen Thanh ◽  
To Tran Thi Hong ◽  
Day Pham Van ◽  
Minh Vo Thi Tuyet ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate the growth, survival rate, and resistance to acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) of white leg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) by using Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Pediococcus pentosaceus mixed with feed, and at the same time supplying CNP in a ratio of 15:1:0.1 to the water. As a result, the treatments that shrimp were fed with feed containing lactic acid bacteria (LAB), especially L. plantarum, have increased shrimp growth, total hemocyte cells, granulocyte cells, and hyaline cells significantly (p < 0.05) in comparison to the control group. The supply of CNP to the water has promoted the intensity of V. parahaemolyticus effects on shrimp health and significantly decreased total hemocyte cells, granulocyte cells, and hyaline cells by 30–50% in the period after three days of the challenge, except in L. plantarum treatment, which had only a 20% decrease compared to other treatments. In CNP supplying treatments, the AHPND infected rate and mortality of shrimp were higher than those in other treatments. In summary, the supply of CNP had significantly reduced the shrimp’s immune response and promoted the susceptibility of shrimp to AHPND in both cases of use with and without LAB-containing diets.

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