Friedrich Richard Ulbricht’s Kugelphotometer

Stephen R. Wilk

With the rapid development of many new and varied sources of light in the 19th century—Argand lamps of different designs and which burned various fuels, Carcel lamps, stearin candles, paraffin candles, and spermaceti candles, electric arc lamps, Drummond lamps, incandescent lamps with various filaments, Nernst glowbars, and many others —some method was needed to compare their output. But with the sources varying in spectral content and the angular distribution of the light, how could a meaningful comparison be made? After various fruitless attempts were made to concentrate the light onto a uniform region a surprisingly simple solution was proposed.

Maryna Rossikhina

The purpose of the article is to study the influences of the Italian vocal school, the traditions of Italian opera performance on the professional development of Ukrainian singers in this period. Methodology. Analysis was carried out on the basis of such methods as historical and chronological to study trends and patterns of Ukrainian music at the end of the 17th – the beginning of the 19th century, analytical – for a comprehensive consideration of the influence of Italian culture on the emergence of opera in East Slavic areas, source – for elaboration and analysis of sources, bio-bibliographic – for studying creative biographies of artists, the method of systematization – for the reduction of all found facts to a logical unity. Scientific novelty. By studying the creative biographies of prominent Ukrainian musicians (M.Berezovsky, D.Bortnyansky, M.Ivanov, S.Gulak-Artemovsky) for the first time the Italian pages of their creative biography were systematized, new facts were introduced into scientific circulation, which allow to clarify the contribution of Italian vocal culture in the development of the Ukrainian opera school at the initial stage of its formation. Conclusions. The interest of the Russian Empire in Western European, especially Italian, opera led to the rapid development of a new era in the history of musical theater in the East Slavic territories. Internships of Ukrainian musicians in Italy, invitations of Italian artists, composers, vocal teachers to the Russian Empire, joint performances on stage with foreign singers give grounds to assert the influence of the Italian vocal school on the skills of Ukrainian opera singers of the end of the 18th – the beginning of the 19th century and laying of the fundamental foundations for the development of the Ukrainian vocal school.

Olga A. Dekhanova ◽  
Mikhail E. Dekhanov

The rapid development of natural sciences at the beginning of the 19th century led to the creation of new sanitary and hygienic standards. The attention of the public opinion was now turned to keeping the body and clothing perfectly clean as a way of preventing diseases. New sanitary and hygienic regulations now prescribed not to mask unpleasant bodily odors with aromatic means, but to keep the body and clothing clean, which was regarded as a guarantee of bodily health. The popularization of new scientific discoveries through articles in public newspapers and magazines prepared the public consciousness for a new perception of the smells of everyday life, and the fiction, responding to the discussed social phenomena, fixed new cultural standards in the minds of readers. In this paper, we consider some of the new olfactory criteria used for evaluating characters or behavior patterns in works of fiction written in the second half of the 19th century, as well as their patterns and peculiarities in Dostoevsky’s oeuvre.

Евгения Константиновна Макаренко

Введение. Становление исторической прозы для детей и юношества в русской литературе началось в первой трети XIX в. и было вызвано стремительным развитием отечественной историографии. Детской писательнице А. О. Ишимовой принадлежит заслуга создания первого адаптированного для детей исторического труда. Принцип художественного осмысления прошлого, фактический материал, концепция истории отечества были заимствованы Ишимовой из «Истории государства Российского» Карамзина. В своей «Истории России в рассказах для детей» писательница заложила жанровые доминанты нового документально-художественного рода сочинений в детско-юношеской литературе, среди которых можно выделить познавательную и нравственно-назидательную цели исторического труда; выбор политической идеологии, которой подчиняется концепция отечественной истории; опору на разные исторические источники, в числе которых важное место занимает современная историография; художественное осмысление прошлого, психологизацию исторического материала; включение фольклорных и авторских литературных текстов; диалогизацию монологического текста в форме обращений и вопросов к адресату и др. Цель – анализ поэтики исторического повествования, а также представленной концепции русской истории в исторических произведениях для детей А. О. Ишимовой и Е. Поселянина. Исследование продолжает необходимую работу в области изучения произведений второго ряда литературы и позволяет определить принципы формирования детско-юношеской исторической прозы XIX – начала XX в. Материал и методы. Дается анализ исторической книги для детей и юношества Е. Поселянина «Сказание о святых вождях Земли Русской». Исследование написано в русле сравнительно-исторической поэтики. Результаты и обсуждение. Созданное Л. Тихомировым государственно-правовое учение о монархическом принципе власти повлияло на идеологическую составляющую исторической книги для детей и юношества Е. Поселянина «Сказание о святых вождях Земли Русской». Поселянин описывает историю Древней Руси и затрагивает современную ему Российскую империю, основываясь на концепции о присущей природе российской государственности модели православной самодержавной монархии. В период обострившегося социально-политического кризиса в конце XIX – начале XX в., когда актуализировалась проблема переоценки российской государственности и общества, а также определялись перспективы развития России в контексте общеевропейских тенденций, Поселянин утверждает ценность и самодостаточность российской государственности, декларирует идею особого пути России. Заключение. Большинство сказаний о русских князьях Е. Поселянина представляют собой переложение их жизнеописаний, взятых из летописей, Четьих-Миней святителя Димитрия Ростовского, Пролога, древнерусских поучений, сказаний, воинских повестей, а также научных трудов историков XIX в. Разнообразие источников, ориентация как на древнерусский жанр исторического сказания, так и на современные писателю мемуарно-биографические жанры обусловили жанровое своеобразие «Сказания...», в котором житийные повести перемежаются с историко-биографическими очерками о русских князьях и святых, объединенных общим повествованием о трагических и героических событиях древнерусской истории. В «Сказании...» Поселянина сочетаются эпическое начало, лиризм и очерковость. Introduction. The development of historical prose for children and youth in Russian literature began in the first third of the 19th century and was caused by the rapid development of Russian historiography, which began with the publication of N. M. Karamzin. The children’s writer A. O. Ishimova is credited with creating the first historical work adapted for children. The principle of artistic comprehension of the past, factual material, the concept of the history of the fatherland was borrowed by Ishimova from Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State”. In her History of Russia in Stories for Children, the writer laid down the genre dominants of a new documentary-artistic kind of works in children’s and youth literature, among which one can single out the cognitive and moral-edifying goals of historical work; the choice of political ideology to which the concept of national history is subject; reliance on various historical sources, among which modern historiography occupies an important place; artistic comprehension of the past, psychologization of historical material; inclusion of folklore and author’s literary texts; dialogization of a monologue text in the form of addresses and questions to the addressee, etc. Aim and objectives. Analysis of the poetics of historical narration, as well as the presented concept of Russian history in historical works for children by A. O. Ishimova and E. Poselyanin. This study continues the necessary work in the field of studying the works of the second series of literature and allows us to determine the principles of the formation of children’s and youth’s historical prose of the XIX – early XX centuries. Material and methods. The article analyzes the historical book for children and youth by E. Poselyanin “On the holy leaders of the Russian Land”. The study is written in the mainstream of comparative historical poetics. Results and discussion. The state-legal doctrine of the monarchical principle of power created by L. Tikhomirov influenced the ideological component of the historical book for children and youth by E. Poselyanin “The Legend of the Holy Leaders of the Russian Land”. The villager describes the history of Ancient Rus and touches on the contemporary Russian Empire, based on the concept of the inherent nature of Russian statehood, the model of an Orthodox autocratic monarchy. During the aggravated socio-political crisis at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, when the problem of reassessing Russian statehood and society was actualized, and the prospects for the development of Russia in the context of general European trends were determined, Poselyanin affirms the value and self-sufficiency of Russian statehood, declares the idea of a special path for Russia. Conclusion. Most of the legends about the Russian princes E. Poselyanin are transcriptions of their biographies taken from the chronicles, the Chetykh-Minei of St. Demetrius of Rostov, the Prologue, Old Russian teachings, legends, military tales, as well as scientific works of historians of the 19th century. A variety of sources, an orientation both to the ancient Russian genre of historical legends and to the contemporary memoir and biographical genres of the writer determined the genre originality of the Legend, in which hagiographic stories are interspersed with historical and biographical sketches about Russian princes and saints, united by a common narrative about the tragic and heroic events of ancient Russian history. The Peasant’s Tale combines an epic beginning, lyricism and essayism.

1926 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-18
F. Y. Chistovich

The rapid development of pathology, which began in the second half of the 19th century and continues to the present time, was the result of the improvement of the microscope and the introduction of the experimental method into scientific research. The significance of these two fundamental foundations of modern scientific progress is clear to everyone; a good illustration is the tremendous impetus that Cohnheim's pathology received in 1867.

Olga A. Dekhanova ◽  
Mikhail E. Dekhanov

The rapid development of natural sciences at the beginning of the 19th century led to the creation of new sanitary and hygienic standards. The attention of the public opinion was now turned to keeping the body and clothing perfectly clean as a way of preventing diseases. New sanitary and hygienic regulations now prescribed not to mask unpleasant bodily odors with aromatic means, but to keep the body and clothing clean, which was regarded as a guarantee of bodily health. The popularization of new scientific discoveries through articles in public newspapers and magazines prepared the public consciousness for a new perception of the smells of everyday life, and the fiction, responding to the discussed social phenomena, fixed new cultural standards in the minds of readers. In this paper, we consider some of the new olfactory criteria used for evaluating characters or behavior patterns in works of fiction written in the second half of the 19th century, as well as their patterns and peculiarities in Dostoevsky’s oeuvre.

Alexander Philippovich Petrenko ◽  
Svetlana Anatolyevna Petrenko ◽  
Irina Borisovna Fedotova

The article is concerned with the study of literary relationships between the satire of the famous 20th-century Russian writer M. Bulgakov and the works by the Russian classics of the 19th century – N.V. Gogol and M.Y. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The article describes Gogol’s and Saltykov-Shchedrin’s influence on Bulgakov’s satirical poetics, especially in the period of his development as a writer. Special attention is given to the device of grotesque and the motives of mechanicalness and lifelessness, forming the artistic worlds of the writers under study. The authors note that the technical progress and the rapid development of mechanized production in the 20th century, combined with the satirical motive of primitivism, characteristic of Russian literature, left an imprint on the nature of Bulgakov’s grotesque. The writers at issue are united by such common feature of the satirical poetics as turning to fantasy, hyperbole, ‘strange and queer things’. The article shows the way Bulgakov perceived and embodied the principles of Gogol’s and Shchedrin’s world perception through the comic mixing of absurd, ghostly and real. Bulgakov’s way of seeing the world is characterized as ‘delirious reality’. At the same time, Bulgakov, as well as his literary teachers in the sphere of satire, showed oddness and divergence as regularity, while the comicality of fantasy in his works finally turns into the drama of reality.Keywords: satire, laughter, grotesque, mysticism, fantasy, zoomorphic metaphors

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-81
Magdalena Pyter

The issues raised in the article concern the development of education law in England from the enactment of the School Sites Act of 1841 to the enactment of the Education Act of 1944 which was the first comprehensive education act in England. Firstly, the article presents the reasons behind the rapid development of English education in the second half of the 19th century. Furthermore, the paper delineates the influence of the economy and of the industrialization on the systematic dissemination of education. Particular attention was paid to the spread of education to the masses at the primary level and to the education ofthe poorest people. The article presents the successively enacted legislative acts and legislative work conducted on them in various types of committees (royal committees, government committees). Also, the results of the work of these committees is discussed, i.e. the reports prepared by the said committees which later were the basis of legislative acts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 45-52
A. Vol'nyagina

The middle of the 19th century is a period of rapid development of the domestic clinic of internal diseases. To the student of S.P.Botkin, academician M.V. Yanovsky and his school, clinical medicine owes a thorough study of the problem of peripheral circulation. To the clinic of M.V. Yanovsky, domestic medicine owes such an outstanding priority as the discovery of a sound method for determining blood pressure. M.V. Yanovsky gave a purposeful character to further research by N. S. Korotkov, as well as D.O. Krylov, G.F. blood pressure. The discovery made by NS Korotkov in 1905 was "accidental" (it is true that the discovery of the very method of auscultation by Laennek did not happen without the help of chance), and the comprehension of the facts and the theoretical substantiation of the method were the merit of MV Yanovsky. It was M.V. Yanovsky who managed to explain the phenomenon of increased blood pressure in case of circulatory failure (the so-called congestive hypertension).

Anton Sergeyevich Bedrik ◽  
Roman Petrovich Ivasenko

The present study analyzes the essence and main trends in the development of the policy of the Rus-sian autocracy in the national question in the 19th century. The factors that influenced the complica-tion of interethnic relations in the period under con-sideration are identified. The study considers active foreign policy of the Russian Empire that resulted in the annexation of new territories which population was the traditional antagonist of Russians, the na-tion that made the core of the empire’s population. The contradictory nature of the borderland policy of the autocratic government in the 19th century is em-phasized. In this connection, the present study pro-vides analysis of the content of two radically oppo-site models of the policy implementation. In con-clusion it is substantiated that lack of foresight and wrong policy decisions of the supreme authority of the Russian Empire with regard to the acquired terri-tories and their peoples, became one of the key de-terminants of the rapid development of the revolu-tionary crisis and the collapse of the imperial state at the beginning of the 20th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 218-237
Mariusz Menz ◽  

The 19th century brought a rapid development of tourism, which caused an enormous development of descriptions of journeys, i.e. travel literature. Travels the aim of which was to visit important cultural places (e.g. Greece, Italy, the Holy Land) were an essential element of the upbringing of sons of aristocracy and rich nobility. Such travels could be called cultural ones. The article describes selected accounts from the travels of two members of the “Stańczycy” faction from Cracow, i.e. Stanisław Tarnowski and Stanisław Koźmian in their early lives. The first part presents the journey of twenty-year-old Tarnowski to the Holy Land, together with another subsequent “Stańczycy” member, Ludwik Wodzicki. The journey lasted five months – from November 1857 to April of the following year. The second part of the article is dedicated to the accounts of Koźmian, where he describes his student journey to the Tatra Mountains in 1853 (he was 17 at that time) and another three journeys to the Netherlands, Pest and Prague (in the years 1869–1871). Koźmian’s last accounts conform to the Austro-Polish idea promoted by himself and other “Stańczycy” members.

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