Corporate Capacity

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-55
Eva Micheler

This chapter examines the ultra vires doctrine, under which the capacity of companies used to be limited by the objects stated in their memorandum. This doctrine could be justified through a concession style argument as well as through contractual analysis. The doctrine, however, proved unsuitable for the operation of commercial organizations. These organizations need flexibility, and the law adapted to the requirements of organizational action and now mandates that all non-charitable companies have unlimited capacity. The chapter then analyses the recent recommendation for companies to set themselves a purpose discouraging them form making the generation of financial return their primary objective. It argues that the programmatic statement of a corporate purpose is likely to bring about only cosmetic changes. If there is a desire for wider aims to be integrated into corporate decisions these would have to be institutionalized. This can be achieved, for example, by identifying a board member to represent these interests on the board.


LABURPENA: Ekonomiako Lankidetza eta Garapenerako Erakundeak eta Europar Batasunak bultzatutako erregulazioa hobetzeko politika gero eta gehiago garatu da Espainian eta 2015ean bultzada esanguratsua jaso du, urriaren 1eko 39/2015 Legea, Herri Administrazioen Administrazio Prozedura Erkideari buruzkoa, onartuta. Lege horrek titulu berria dakar —VI.a— legegintza-ekinbidea eta erregelamenduak eta bestelako xedapenak emateko ahalmena arautzeko. Bertan, legegintza-ekinbidea eta lege mailako arauak egiteko ahala erabiltzeari, erregelamenduak egiteko ahala erabiltzeari, erregulazio onaren printzipioei, araudiaren ebaluazioari, arauen publizitateari, arauen plangintzari eta herritarrek lege mailako arauak eta erregelamenduak egiteko prozeduran parte hartzeari buruzko xedapen batzuk jasotzen dira. Lan horrek arlo horretan 39/2015 Legeak sartutako berritasunak aztertzen ditu, tokiko ikuspegitik, haren xedapenak administrazio publiko guztiei eta, beraz, toki-administrazioei ere, aplikatzen baitzaizkie. Helburu nagusia Legeak tokiko arauak egiteko ahalean daukan eragina aztertzea eta, ondorioz, arlo horretan tokiko eremuan sartzen diren berritasun nagusiak zehaztea da, haren aplikazioak ekar ditzakeen erronka, arazo eta zalantza batzuk ikusteko eta balizko irtenbideak emateko. RESUMEN: La política de mejora de la regulación, impulsada por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico y por la Unión Europea, se ha desarrollado en España de forma reciente y ha recibido un impulso significativo en 2015, con la aprobación de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del procedimiento administrativo común de las administraciones públicas. Esta Ley incluye un nuevo Título —el VI—, destinado a regular la iniciativa legislativa y la potestad para dictar reglamentos y otras disposiciones. En él se recogen algunas previsiones sobre el ejercicio de la iniciativa legislativa y la potestad para dictar normas con rango de ley, el ejercicio de la potestad reglamentaria, los principios de buena regulación, la evaluación normativa, la publicidad de las normas, la planificación normativa y la participación de los ciudadanos en el procedimiento de elaboración de normas con rango de ley y reglamentos. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de las novedades incorporadas en esta materia por la citada Ley 39/2015 desde una perspectiva local, dada la aplicación de sus previsiones a todas las administraciones públicas y, por consiguiente, también a las administraciones locales. El objetivo primordial es analizar la incidencia de esta Ley sobre la potestad normativa local y, en consecuencia, determinar las principales novedades que se incorporan en esta materia en el ámbito local, con el fin de apuntar algunos retos, problemas e incertidumbres que su aplicación puede suscitar y aportar posibles soluciones. ABSTRACT: Policies to improve regulation promoted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Union have recently been applied in Spain and in 2015 received a significant boost with the passing of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on common administrative procedure for the public administrations. This Law includes a new Section (VI) which regulates legislative initiative and the power to create regulations and other provisions. The law contains provisions regarding the execution of legislative initiative and the power to create regulations with the force of laws, the exercising of regulatory power, the principles of good regulation, regulatory evaluation, regulatory publicity, regulatory planning and the participation of citizens in the process of creating legislation with the force of laws and regulations. The present study analyses the changes made to local regulatory powers by the aforementioned Law 39/2015, given that its provisions are applicable to all public administrations and, therefore, also to the local administrations. The primary objective is to analyse the effect of this Law on local regulatory powers and, therefore, to determine the principle new changes that have been made to local regulatory powers, with the aim of identifying the challenges, problems and uncertainties that may arise through the application of the Law and to propose possible solutions.

Duncan Fairgrieve ◽  
Richard Goldberg

There is ample room for debate as to the category of persons who should be required to assume responsibility for damage caused by a defective product. The most obvious is the producer or manufacturer for usually they will have actively created the defect or at least have failed to eliminate it. However, in recognition of the fact that not all such producers will be solvent, readily identifiable, and available to be sued, it is widely recognized that others should also be potentially liable. The most obvious is the commercial importer and distributor of a defective product since in the absence of such liability an injured claimant would be left with the alternative of suing in a foreign jurisdiction. Secondly, there is the case of own-brand products. As the Law Commissions observed, many commercial organizations ‘sell products under their brand name as if they themselves had produced them, although the products were in fact made by their suppliers’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (58) ◽  
pp. 325
Patrícia Verônica Nunes Carvalho Sobral de SOUZA

RESUMO Objetivo: O presente artigo parte da construção de uma conjectura que sonda as possibilidades de um Termo de Ajustamento de Gestão no ambiente dos Tribunais de Contas, mostrando-se benéfico ou não à sociedade por meio da sua prática consensual. A pesquisa busca a possibilidade e a necessidade de comprovar se o Termo de Ajustamento de Gestão atua com o objetivo primordial de beneficiar a sociedade como instrumento de tutela de direitos fundamentais sociais. Metodologia:Uma abordagem qualitativa, por entendê-la como um instrumento de exploração de um fenômeno, para compreender o significado que indivíduos ou grupos lhes conferem, especialmente, no ambiente social ou humano. Utiliza-se a revisão bibliográfica de caráter exploratório, descritivo e documental, uma vez que a mesma possibilita sumarizar as revisões bibliográficas com a finalidade de aprofundar o objeto de estudo através dos processos e documentos oriundos do Tribunal de Contas Sergipano. Resultados: O Termo de Ajustamento de Gestão, por sua própria essência, continua, na sua aplicação, como um instrumento importante do ativismo administrativo, posto que permite por meio de compromissos firmados no seu bojo, ir além do que a lei literalmente dispõe, cuja finalidade volta-se para a concretização de direitos dos cidadãos e em benefício desses, indo além da literalidade da lei, levando-se em consideração que o julgador de contas não detém o conhecimento absoluto acerca de todos os fatos que circundam a Pública Administração, sejam eles de ordem técnica, científica e orçamentária entre outras. O Termo de Ajustamento de Gestão revela-se como um instrumento consensual, decorrente de inspeções e auditorias realizadas pelos Tribunais de Contas, cujo estudo apresentou 68 Termos de Ajustamento de Gestão firmados pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Sergipe (TCE/SE) e órgãos municipais/estaduais na perspectiva de corrigir rumos e tutelar direitos sociais fundamentais. Contribuições: Este estudo permite compreender a necessidade de se (re)pensar a gestão pública ultrapassando os limites dos tradicionais mecanismos do direito administrativo, onde se afirma o caráter democrático, educativo e pedagógico do Termo de Ajustamento de Gestão como prática preventiva ou saneadora de irregularidades. Também a título de contribuição, assinala-se a premência de um maior dinamismo na ação e solução de conflitos que não tenham como última finalidade a sanção, e sim a recomposição e a reorganização da gestão, buscando a correta implementação de políticas públicas que se voltem efetivamente à coletividade. Palavras-chave: ativismo de contas; Termo de Ajustamento de Gestão (TAG); Tribunal de Contas; tutela de direitos sociais. ABSTRACT Objective: This article starts from the construction of a conjecture that probes the possibilities of a Management Adjustment Term in the environment of the Courts of Auditors proving to be beneficial or not to society by way of its consensual practice. The research seeks the possibility and the need to prove whether the Management Adjustment Term acts with the primary objective of benefiting society as an instrument of protection of fundamental social rights. Methodology:A qualitative approach, to understand it as an instrument for exploring a phenomenon, to understand the meaning that individuals or groups give them, especially in the social or human environment. An exploratory, descriptive and documentary bibliographic review is used, as it makes it possible to summarize the bibliographic reviews in order to deepen the object of study through the processes and documents originating from the Court of Auditors of the State of Sergipe, Brazil. Results: The Term of Management Adjustment, by its very essence, continues in its application as an important instrument of administrative activism, as it allows by way of commitments signed in its core, to go beyond what the law literally provides, which target is to achieve citizens' rights and for their benefit, going beyond the literality of the law and taking into account that the auditor does not have absolute knowledge about all the facts surrounding the Public Administration, whether technical, scientific or budge among others. The Term of Management Adjustment reveals itself as a consensual instrument resulting from inspections and audits carried out by the Audit Courts, which study presented 68 Terms of Management Adjustment signed by the Audit Courts of the State of Sergipe (TCE/SE) and municipal /state bodies in the perspective of correcting directions and protecting fundamental social rights. Contributions: This study allows us to understand the need to (re)think public management beyond the limits of the traditional mechanisms of administrative law, which affirms the democratic, educational and pedagogical character of the Term of Management Adjustment as a preventive or remedy for irregularities. Also as a contribution, there is an urgent need for greater dynamism in the action and resolution of conflicts that do not have the ultimate purpose of sanction, but rather the recomposition and reorganization of management seeking the correct implementation of public policies effectively directed to the community. Keywords: account activism; Term of Management Adjustment (TAG); Audit Office; protection of social rights.

rahatulquloob ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 01-12
Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Siddique ◽  
Dr. Muhammad Atif Aslam

The subject matter of any case contains many facts proved by anyone of the parties to have a decision in his favour from a court of law. The primary objective of the law of evidence is to prescribe the rules to prove the facts of the case assisting the court of law in any case. The Law of Evidence forms a foundation for administration of justice in every legal system. This is considered a system of rules for disputed questions of fact in judicial inquiries. This law determines and helps to enforce the liability or grant aright on the basis of facts presented in the court of law. Islamic Law of Evidence is manifest due to the Islamic System of administration of justice and it rules are framed by the Law giver on the basis of primary sources of Islamic Law whereas the rules of other evidence law are made by the people. The current paper discusses the process of Islamization in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It focuses on the Law of Evidence that how it is Islamized. It also highlights the specific legal provisions of Pakistani Law of Evidence were Islamized and indicates the role of some other constitutional institutions of Pakistan in Islamization of Law of Evidence. 

2018 ◽  
pp. 56-67
Subarysah Subarysah

Abstract. The  consequence  of  within  the  legality  principle  in  Indonesian  legislation  is  the prohibition  of  retroactively  imposing  a  criminal  legislation  or  known  as  non-retroactive,  related  to  the  financial  losses  of  the  state  especially  regarding  the criminal   act   of   corruption   that   occurred   prior   to   the   issuance   of   the   law, retroactive law in the return of state finances based on the losses incurred to the state caused by a crime, in principle regulated in the PTPK Law because one of the purposes of the enactment of Law no. 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law no. 20  of  2001  is  to  restore  the  state  losses.  Therefore,  the  enforcement  of  criminal law  prioritizes  the  return  of  state  money  from  corruptor  actors,  how  is  the implementation  of  retroactive  legal  principle  in  criminal  law  enforcement  in  the framework  of  effectiveness  of  state  financial  return  as  well  as  what  implications and constraints that arise in the mechanism of implementation of retroactive legal principle in rangaka settlement of state finances. Abstrak. Konsekuensi dari dalam asas legalitas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia adalah larangan memberlakukan surut suatu perundang-undangan pidana atau yang dikenal dengan istilah non-retroaktif, terkait kerugian keuangan negara  khususnya mengenai tindak pidana  korupsi yang terjadi sebelum keluarnya undang-undang itu, pelaksanaan asas hukum retroaktif dalam pengembalian  keuangan negara  yang didasarkan kepada  kerugian  yang  terjadi terhadap  negara  yang  disebabkan  oleh suatu  tindak  pidana,  secara  prinsip  diatur dalam  UU  PTPK  karena  salah  satu  tujuan  diundangkannya  Undang-Undang  No. 31 Tahun 1999 jo Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2001 adalah untuk mengembalikan  kerugian  negara. Oleh  karena  itu,  penegakan  hukum  pidananya lebih mengutamakan pengembalian kerugian uang negara dari para pelaku tindak pidana korupsi, bagaimanakah pelaksanaan asas hukum retroaktif dalam penegakan hukum pidana dalam rangka   efektivitas pengembalian keuangan negara serta Implikasi dan kendala apa yang muncul dalam mekanisme pelaksanaan asas hukum retroaktif dalam rangaka penyelesaian keuangan negara.

1992 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 498-504
J. Gregory Dees

Alan Wertheimer's paper on “Unconscionability and Contracts” presents an enlightening discussion of a complex and contentious legal concept. His primary objective is not to contribute to legal scholarship, but to use the law to shed light on the ethics of exchange relationships. Specifically, he wants to “use the doctrine of unconscionability in contracts as a lens through which to get a clearer understanding of exploitation—its essential characteristics and moral force” (p. 480). It is apparent that he sees exploitation (and unconscionability) as closely linked to a more general notion of fairness.

Eva Micheler

This book advances a real entity theory of company law. In this theory the company is a legal entity allowing an organization to act autonomously in law, and company law establishes procedures facilitating autonomous organizational decision-making. The theory builds on the insight that organizations or firms are a social phenomenon outside of the law and that they are autonomous actors in their own right. They are more than the sum of the contributions of their participants and they act independently of the views and interests of their participants. The real entity theory advanced in this book explains company law as it stands at a positive level. Companies are liable in tort and crime. The statute creates roles for shareholders, directors, a company secretary, and auditors and so facilitates a process leading to organizational action. The law also integrates the interests of creditors and stakeholders. The book states the law as of 1 August 2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 27-31
Ekaterina N. Barkhatova ◽  
Alexander O. Mironov ◽  

The authors analyzed the provisions of Part 5–7 of the Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for compliance with the criminal law principles of justice and equality before the law. The signs by which it is necessary to distinguish the considered type of fraud from civil tort and related offenses are given. Particular attention is paid to the subject of the crime in question and the victim, which can only be individual entrepreneurs and representatives of commercial organizations. Among related crimes, simple fraud (parts 1–4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), fraud in the field of lending (Art. 1591) and abuse of power (Art. 201) are highlighted. It is concluded that it is necessary to establish, first of all, the subjective signs of crimes, which to a greater extent allow to distinguish the adjacent elements of the indicated crimes from each other.

Salvador Francisco RUIZ-MEDRANO ◽  

On October 10, 2018, the decree initiative to issue the Law to Regulate Financial Technology Institutions was presented to the Senate. The purpose of this Law is to grant legal support to financial services within the new technologies, the analysis of this Law becomes crucial to understand the new economic and business dynamics in our country. Goals. The primary objective is to unravel the authentic ratio legis of this new Law from a literal interpretation and attached to legal formalism. The method used for this dissertation is composed of a logical-legal analysis of deductive type to find the true meaning that the legislator intends to give it and its motivations to create this regulation. It is expected that this analysis will contribute to a better understanding of the Law and its contributions in the social and economic aspects that will lead to a relatively short period of time.

2008 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 537-547 ◽  
Barry Mitchell

Whilst it is true that the one-punch killer has crossed a moral threshold and acted wrongfully by committing an assault, his victim's death may be both unforeseen and unforeseeable. The gap between what was foreseen/foreseeable and death may thus be considerable. This article suggests it is too great; convicting the killer of manslaughter places too much weight on the element of luck. The task then is to identify an appropriate principle for regulating the gap and in the course of tackling this task the article considers and rejects, inter alia, a recent recommendation by the Law Reform Commission of Ireland.

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