Populism in East Asia

Olli Hellmann

Based on a strict interpretation of the ideological definition of populism, this chapter argues that populist politicians are a rare breed in the electoral democracies of Northeast and Southeast Asia. In fact, multiparty politics have only thrown up three true cases of populism in the past: Joseph Estrada in the Philippines, Thaksin Shinawatra in Thailand, and Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia. Through the analytical framework of discursive institutionalism, the chapter explains the general absence of populist politicians by highlighting the distinctiveness of East Asia as an ideological setting. Specifically, the ideational context that is East Asia does not provide broader frameworks that would allow politicians to draw a moral distinction between “the people” and “the elite” in ways that are meaningful to voters.

Jan J. Nossin

Active volcanism in Southeast Asia is associated with marked zones of activity in the Earth’s crust that run through south and east Indonesia and the Philippines. These zones are also characterized by frequent earthquakes and a measurable movement of tectonic plates, often in the order of 5 cm yr−1. The underlying mechanism is that of subduction of oceanic plates below continental plates; the rigidity of the moving plates causes ruptures and shockwise adjustments (earthquakes). The oceanic plate, while being under thrust, sinks down to great depths below the continental plate and in the process loses its rigidity owing to heating and part assimilation into the underlying magma. Earthquakes are caused in the zone where the subducted plate is still rigid. Chapter 1 in this book puts this phenomenon in the regional context. Volcanism in this zone is marked by frequent eruptions, mostly violent and of an explosive nature. It is manifest in distinct belts that comprise all (or nearly all) of the Philippines, and large parts of Indonesia with the exception of, roughly speaking, Kalimantan and Papua. The violence of the eruptions poses threats to human settlements in the surroundings of the volcanoes, to the cultivated lands, and the infrastructure. These threats may occur during and after the actual eruption, and they may indirectly cause other hazards as well. Moreover, volcanoes in apparent dormancy that have not erupted in historical times may still come to life as the interval between eruptions may be very long. In the present chapter these hazards will be discussed. Natural hazards have been defined in four ways, of which the 1982 definition of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (UNDRO) seems appropriate to follow in the context of volcanic hazards (Alexander 1993). UNDRO defines natural hazards as ‘the probability of occurrence within a specific period of time and within a given area of a potentially damaging phenomenon’. A hazard therefore may represent a situation with the possibility of a disaster that may affect the population and the environment which are in some degree of vulnerability.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Akinobu Kuroda

The common sense of modern times was not always “common” in the past. For example, if it is true that inflation is caused by an oversupply of money, a short supply of money must cause deflation. However logical that sounds, though, it has not been so uncommon in history that rising prices were recognized as being caused by a scarcity of currency. Even in the same period, a common idea prevailing in one historical area was not always common in another; rather, it sometimes appeared in quite the opposite direction. It is likely that the idea that a government gains from bad currencies, while traders appreciate good ones, is popular throughout the world. In the case of China, however, its dynasties sometimes intentionally issued high-quality coins without regard to their losses. East Asia shared the idea that cheap currency harms the state, while an expensive currency harms the people. This is in considerable contrast with a common image in other regions that authorities gained profits from seigniorage.

Sylwia Sławińska

Abstrakt: Mimo iż temat migracji ludności nie jest tematem nowym (występował już w przeszłości) jest zagadnienie aktualnym, gdyż nieprzerwanie tocząca się wojna w Syrii, niestabilna sytuacja w Afryce oraz we wschodniej części Europy nierzadko zmusza mieszkającą tam ludność do opuszczenia swojego miejsca zamieszkania i ucieczki. W artykule znajdujemy odwołanie do współczesnego kryzysu migracyjnego. Przedstawiono podstawowe terminy z zakresu migracji. W celu odpowiedniego wprowadzenia czytelnika w przedstawianą w artykule tematykę, zostały przytoczone różne definicje pojęcia migrant. Zaprezentowane zostały różnice w pojmowaniu takich pojęć jak: migracja, imigracja, emigracja, reemigracja, deportacja, uchodźstwo, repatriacja. Ukazano podstawowe rodzaje migracji, a także wskazano przyczyny i powody skłaniające migrantów do wyjazdu ze swojego kraju pochodzenia. Opisano migracje jako zjawisko, które jest znane od początków ludzkości nawet powody są podobne. Zmienia się jedynie natężenie zjawiska. Artykuł jest również próbą obalenia mitów związanych z zagrożeniem ze strony migrantów. Przedstawiono obawy jakie pojawiają się przy podejmowaniu decyzji o ewentualnym przyjmowaniu migrantów. Ukazano korzyści i ujemne strony wynikające z przyjmowania migrantów. W dalszej część artykułu zostały przedstawione terminy z zakresu terroryzmu. Autor próbuje ukazać wpływ migracji na zagrożenie terroryzmem i na jego wzrost na kontynencie europejskim. Przedstawiono również główne miejsca emigracji Polaków. W Polsce działają organy i instytucje, których głównym zadaniem jest przeciwdziałanie, zapobieganie oraz zwalczanie terroryzmu. Ukazano przestępstwo o charakterze terrorystycznym definiowane przez polski Kodeks karny. Mam nadzieje, że artykuł chociaż w małym stopniu przyczyni się do przybliżenia społeczeństwu zjawiska współczesnych migracji i terroryzmu. Abstract: Even though, the subject of the migration of population is not a new topic (it appeared in the past), it is still an up-to-date issue because such facts as the war in Syria uninterruptedly taking place, the unstable situation in Africa and in the eastern part of Europe, frequently force the people living there to leave their place of residence and escape. In this article we can find the reference to the contemporary migration crisis. The basic terms concerning migration have been presented. Different definition of the idea ‘migrant’ have been mentioned in order to introduce the reader appropriately to the topic presented in the article. The differences have been presented in understanding such ideas as: migration, immigration, emigration, re-emigration, deportation, refugee status and repatriation. The basic types of migration have been shown and the reasons for making migrants to leave the country of their origin have been indicated. Migration has been described as a phenomenon, which has been known since the beginning of mankind and even the reasons are similar. Only the intensity of this phenomenon is changing. This article is also the attempt to debunk the myths connected with the threatening on the part of migrants. The anxieties, which appear while making decisions about the probable taking the refugees in, have also been presented. In the further part of the article there is a presentation of terms connected with terrorism. The author tries to show the influence of migration on the terrorism threat and the influence on its growth on the European continent. The main places of the emigration of Polish people have also been shown. In Poland there are active authorities and organizations whose main in counteracting, preventing and fighting terrorism. A crime of terrorist character, which is defined by the Polish Penal Code, has been shown. I hope that this article will at least slightly contribute to the process of making the society aware of the phenomenon of contemporary migration and terrorism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-73
Kristine Kate A. Lim ◽  
Bobby C. Orillaneda ◽  
Catherine P. King

As demonstrated in archaeology, underwater cultural heritage (UCH) has provided significant contributions towards the understanding of heritage connections across the globe. However, the development of the discipline in the Philippines has also been hampered by confusing legalities, treasure hunting activities, and financial constraints that diminish the influence of its impact and potential reach. More so, the effects of natural hazards, climate change, and other human activities on UCH have not yet been fully documented, making it more susceptible to potential threats and destruction. The COVID-19 pandemic makes archaeological campaigns and monitoring even more difficult. These considerations make Philippine UCH vulnerable and raise questions whether its contribution will still be relevant for the present and future generations. This article provides a status update of underwater archaeological activities and synthesises the challenges of managing UCH in the Philippines in the past 40 years. It outlines the practices, partnerships, and transitions made by various stakeholders in response to the growing discipline and community interest. This article problematises the value ascription of these stakeholders to UCH as seen in conventional arrangements, development of policies, and bureaucratic set-ups. The applicability of the values-led theory and the people-centred management model is examined given the traditional valuing of UCH that is material or fabric-based. The gaps pointed here are opportunities to build a shared stewardship view that connects UCH in the entirety of people and the sea wellbeing.

1976 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 916-916
Katsuzo Kuronuma

Pond culture of penaeid prawns in the region has been conducted in general as an incidental growing of the prawns into the milkfish ponds which in most cases penetrated from the sea. The growing of prawns in ponds under such "natural process" has not in the past been valued to the same extent as the traditional milkfish cultivation in the region.Recent increased demand for prawns has increased the significance of their pond culture in the region. In the Philippines the mass production of the fry of the largest and sturdiest species, Penaeus monodon, was initiated in large concrete breeding tanks. After stocking in ponds these grew to market size in 4–5 mo. However, further technical improvements are needed.

Radiocarbon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Andrea Jalandoni ◽  
Marie Grace Pamela G Faylona ◽  
Aila Shaine Sambo ◽  
Mark D Willis ◽  
Caroline Marie Q Lising ◽  

ABSTRACT This paper integrates the first rock art directly dated with radiocarbon (14C) in Southeast Asia with the archaeological activity in the area and with stylistically similar rock art in the region. Peñablanca is a hotspot of archaeological research that includes the oldest dates for human remains in the Philippines. The caves in Peñablanca with known rock art were revisited and only 37.6% of the original recorded figures were found; the others are likely lost to agents of deterioration. A sample was collected from an anthropomorph and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dated to 3570–3460 cal BP. The date corresponds to archaeological activity in the area and provides a more holistic view of the people inhabiting the Peñablanca caves at that time. A systematic review was used to find similar black anthropomorph motifs in Southeast Asia to identify potential connections across the region and provide a possible chronological association.

Somaya Mohamed Attia

The study aimed to clarify the issue of delegation in names and attributes and its origin and the reasons for its extension. The study followed the descriptive, analytical, analytical approach to written documents, which includes a total of sayings of Islamic scholars in the past and present, and the research may be from an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion; And in it two topics; the first: the definition of the mandate language and terminology, while the second: the origin and development of the mandate, and the second chapter included the causes and factors of extension until the present era, and the results revealed the following: - The truth of the delegation: It is a negation of the attributes of God Almighty, and it is contrary to the method of the companions and the predecessor of the nation, where they believed in the qualities abstract from the meanings, until they became the matter to disable these attributes, as they disrupted the texts in which the attributes were mentioned, because they became the result of saying texts meaningless , And nobody understands it from creation. Several factors have helped to perpetuate the doctrine of authorization. Including: the extension of the Ash'ari school of thought, whose authorization is one of its ways with the other way of interpretation, and their apprehension to the public that the mandate is the doctrine of the predecessor, in addition to the occurrence of some imams and the people of hadith in saying authorization, which contributed to the consolidation of the doctrine of authorization, and its survival in their books that contemporaries still infer Out on his health. Based on the results, a number of recommendations and proposals aimed at correcting the belief and showing the error of violators were presented.

Zubaidi Wahyono ◽  
Alizaman D. Gamon

The study explores various definition of Ahl al-sunnah wa al-Jama’ah and its main principles as understood by Muslim scholars in Southeast Asia as well as the controversies that had taken place over the years. The study highlights the responses of Muslim scholars and religious authorities in resolving the controversies within the Muslim communities. The controversies started when the authority of the Sunni school of thought in ASEAN Muslim communities had been tested with the emergence of the rationalist Muslim group and Salafism as advocated by Wahabism. On the other hand, the influence of Shi'ism and other foreign ideologies such as pluralism and liberalism had augmented the complexity of the issue. The study employed qualitative research methodology studying both the literature and the people to ensure the validity of the source. Given the scarcity of literature written by Muslim scholars, this study relies on primary sources such as unpublished works, interviews, and fieldwork in addition to library research. Among the important findings of the study is that there are various interpretations of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al jamÉ‘ah due to various methods adopted in interpreting the theological stance of Islam. These differences somehow had caused the Muslims in the region and their scholars divided and disunited. The new ideologies and philosophies had contributed to the complexity of the issue and challenged the Muslim scholars to come up with an uninformed opinion to solve the problems.  It is therefore recommended in this study that a unified system of thought is crucial to attaining the socio-religious agenda of ASEAN Muslim communities. Keywords: Sunni, South East Asia, Muslim response, theological and ideological stance, controversies. Abstrak Kajian ini mencuba untuk menerokai polemik mengenai pemahaman dan penafsiran istilah Ahlu al Sunnah wa al Jama’ah serta ciri-cirinya seperti yang difahamai oleh para Ulamak di Asia Tenggara sejak mutaakhir ini. Kajian ini menyerlahkan tindak balas ulamak Islam dan pihak berkuasa agama dalam menjelaskan  kontroversi dalam masyarakat Islam mengenai  takrif Ahlu al Sunnah wa al Jamaah dan prinsip-prinsip utamanya seperti yang difahami oleh ulamak Nusantara dan percanggahan yang berlaku sejak kebelakangan ini. Percanggahan pemahaman Ahlu al Sunnah wa al Jamaah  bermula apabila  masyarakat Islam ASEAN mula diuji dengan kemunculan kumpulan Islam rasionalis dan Salafi seperti  fahaman  Wahabi. Tambahan lagi pengaruh Syi’ah dan ideologi asing lain seperti Pluralisme dan Liberalisme telah menambah kerumitan isu tersebut. Kajian ini melibatkan kedua-dua kaedah kajian perpustakaan dan pemerhatian bagi memastikan kesahihan sumber maklumat. Memandangkan kurangnya rujukan  yang ditulis oleh ulama Islam, kajian ini juga merujuk kepada sumber lain  seperti kertas kerja yang tidak diterbitkan, temubual, dan kerja lapangan di samping penyelidikan Perpustakaan. Antara temuan daripada kajian itu, didapati bahawa perbezaan penafsiran mengenai pengertian Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Al jama’ah adalah kerana perbezaan  sumber dan kaedah dalam memahami beberapa isu mengenai akidah Islam. Ini   telah menyebabkan umat Islam di rantau ini dan ulama  berbelah bagi  dan terpecah belah. Ideologi dan falsafah baru telah menyumbang kepada kerumitan isu tersebut dan mencabar ulama Islam untuk memberikan pandangan yang terpadu  untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.  Oleh itu, adalah disyorkan menerusi kajian ini satu  kajian pemikiran terpadu oleh ulamak di Nusantara  adalah penting untuk mengelakkan kecelaruan dalam memahami isu-isu akidah Islam dalam mencapai agenda meningkatkan sosio-ekonomi masyarakat Islam ASEAN. Kata Kunci: Akidah, Ahulussunnah, Pemikiran Islam, Muslim Asean, Tindak balas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Sheyra Silvia Siregar

This study describes the kinship system adhered to by the people of East Asia, especially the People's Republic of China. The rich and diverse kinship system is clearly illustrated and applied in a large family during the dynastic kingdom in China. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the kinship system in Hong Lou Meng novel by Cao Xueqin. In addition, this novel also tells about a family that contains many different kinship systems. This research belongs to a descriptive-qualitative perspective. The results of the analysis show an overview of the kinship system contained in a large family in Ancient China about the Chinese ethnic kinship system in the past through Hong Lou Meng novel by Cao Xueqin.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Слатинов ◽  
Vladimir Slatinov ◽  
Меркулова ◽  
Kseniya Merkulova

The dominant trend of Russian home policy currently is strengthening the political control of presidential power over lower levels of public authority hierarchy. At the same time in relation to the regions the strategy of partial decentralization of powers and increasing of responsibilities of state bodies of the Federation for the quality of economic policy and the implementation of social obligations to the population by the Federal Centre is implemented. This strategy involves the empowerment of regional authorities on the formation of institutional design and definition of the scope of the powers of local self-government within the selective choice established by the federal legislator. Using new opportunities regional authorities introduce management models in the municipalities, in which the heads of executive bodies are elected by the representative bodies on the contest. Application of these models reinforces the dependence of municipalities on authorities of the bodies of the Federation, creating opportunities for professionalization of management of executive structures of municipalities and reducing the direct accountability to the people of the past.

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