scholarly journals Observations on the resolution of stasis in the finer blood vessels

The sequence of events resulting in the production of stasis has been frequently described, but the processes involved in recovery from this state are more difficult to observe, and it is only by chance that such a recovery can be witnessed. The following observations have been made on the capillary circulation in the mesentery of the white rat. A trough made from sheet tin was fashioned to accommodate the body of the rat. In one side of the trough, at the appropriate place, a rectangular piece of metal was cut away so that the gut with its mesentery attached could be withdrawn through it. To the large trough a tray of the same material was soldered. The tray was furnished with a circular hole about 1∙5 cms. in diameter, in the bottom, the hole being covered with a glass slip cemented to the metal by means of de Khotinsky’s cement. A moist chamber consisting of two parallel strips of glass was placed above this opening. To the top of these strips was cemented a small glass tube bent into the shape of a horseshoe. (See figs. 1-3.)

D. M. DePace

The majority of blood vessels in the superior cervical ganglion possess a continuous endothelium with tight junctions. These same features have been associated with the blood brain barrier of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. These vessels may perform a barrier function between the capillary circulation and the superior cervical ganglion. The permeability of the blood vessels in the superior cervical ganglion of the rat was tested by intravenous injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Three experimental groups of four animals each were given intravenous HRP (Sigma Type II) in a dosage of.08 to.15 mg/gm body weight in.5 ml of.85% saline. The animals were sacrificed at five, ten or 15 minutes following administration of the tracer. Superior cervical ganglia were quickly removed and fixed by immersion in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in Sorenson's.1M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Three control animals received,5ml of saline without HRP. These were sacrificed on the same time schedule. Tissues from experimental and control animals were reacted for peroxidase activity and then processed for routine transmission electron microscopy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls as the heart pumps out blood, and high blood pressure, also called hypertension, is an increase in the amount of force that blood places on blood vessels as it moves through the body. Factors that can increase this force include higher blood volume due to extra fluid in the blood and blood vessels that are narrow, stiff, or clogged(1). High blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the kidneys, reducing their ability to work properly. When the force of blood flow is high, blood vessels stretch so blood flows more easily. Eventually, this stretching scars and weakens blood vessels throughout the body, including those in the kidneys.

Impact ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-28
Jonathan Dawson ◽  
Richard Oreffo

Gels made from clay could provide an environment able to stimulate stem-cells due to their ability to bind biological molecules. That molecules stick to clay has been known by scientists since the 1960s. Doctors observed that absorption into the blood stream of certain drugs was severely reduced when patients were also receiving clay-based antacid or anti-diarrhoeal treatments. This curious phenomenon was realized to be due to binding of the drugs by clay particles. This interaction is now routinely harnessed in the design of tablets to carefully control the release and action of a drug. Dr Dawson now proposes to use this property of clay to create micro-environments that could stimulate stem cells to regenerate damaged tissues such as bone, cartilage or skin. The rich electrostatic properties of nano (1 millionth of a millimetre) -scale clay particles which mediate these interactions could allow two hurdles facing the development of stem-cell based regenerative therapies to be overcome simultaneously. The first challenge - to deliver and hold stem cells at the right location in the body - is met by the ability of clays to self-organise into gels via the electrostatic interactions of the particles with each other. Cells mixed with a low concentration (less than 4%) of clay particles can be injected into the body and held in the right place by the gel, eliminating, in many situations, the need for surgery. Clay particles can also interact with large structural molecules (polymers) which are frequently used in the development of materials (or 'scaffolds'), designed to host stem cells. These interactions can greatly improve the strength of such structures and could be applied to preserve their stability at the site of injury until regeneration is complete. While several gels and scaffold materials have been designed to deliver and hold stem cells at the site of regeneration, the ability of clay nanoparticles to overcome a second critical hurdle facing stem-cell therapy is what makes them especially exciting. Essential to directing the activity of stem-cells is the carefully controlled provision of key biological signalling molecules. However, the open structures of conventional scaffolds or gels, while essential for the diffusion of nutrients to the cells, means their ability to hold the signalling molecules in the same location as the cells is limited. The ability of clay nano-particles to bind biological molecules presents a unique opportunity to create local environments at a site of injury or disease that can stimulate and control stem-cell driven repair. Dr Dawson's early studies investigated the ability of clay gels to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels by incorporating a key molecular signal that stimulates this process, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In a manner reminiscent of the observations made in the 60s, Dr Dawson and colleagues observed that adding a drop of clay gel to a solution containing VEGF caused, after a few hours, the disappearance of VEGF from the solution as it became bound to the gel. When placed in an experimental injury model, the gel-bound VEGF stimulated a cluster of new blood vessels to form. These exciting results indicate the potential of clay nanoparticles to create tailor-made micro-environments to foster stem cell regeneration. Dr Dawson is developing this approach as a means of first exploring the biological signals necessary to successfully control stem cell behaviour for regeneration and then, using the same approach, to provide stem cells with these signals to stimulate regeneration in the body. The project will seek to test this approach to regenerate bone lost to cancer or hip replacement failure. If successful the same technology may be applied to harness stem cells for the treatment of a whole host of different scenarios, from burn victims to those suffering with diabetes or Parkinson's.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Kelly Stanford ◽  
Sharon Rutland ◽  
Craig J. Sturrock ◽  
Catrin Sian Rutland

Anatomy is the knowledge about the structure of the bodies of animals and people. This includes information about blood vessels, organs, the skeleton, and nerves. But have you ever wondered where the anatomical information in science books and websites comes from? When did our fascination with the body begin and why do people still study it now? Who teaches doctors, nurses, veterinary surgeons, and other health professionals about the body? How has anatomy inspired art, and vice versa? This paper looks at the amazing world of anatomy: what anatomy is; why it is needed; why it is important; who studies, teaches, and researches anatomy; and what the future holds for this fascinating science.

2020 ◽  
Ali Hashmi ◽  
Sham Tlili ◽  
Pierre Perrin ◽  
Alfonso Martinez-Arias ◽  
Pierre-François Lenne

AbstractShaping the animal body plan is a complex process that involves the spatial organization and patterning of different cell layers. Recent advances in live imaging have started to unravel the cellular choreography underlying this process in mammals, however, the sequence of events transforming an unpatterned cell ensemble into structured territories is largely unknown. Here, using 3D aggregates of mouse embryonic stem cells, we study the formation of one of the three germ layers, the endoderm. We show that the endoderm is generated from an epiblast-like state by a three-step mechanism: a release of islands of Ecadherin expressing cells, their flow toward the aggregate tip, and their segregation. Unlike the prevailing view, this mechanism does not require epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions and vice-versa but rather a fragmentation, which is mediated by Wnt/β-catenin, and a sorting process. Our data emphasize the role of signaling and cell flows in the establishment of the body plan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Rusmanto ◽  
Rola Angga Lardika ◽  
Novri Gazali

Lung vital capacity is the status of physiological conditions associated with the ability to treat respiration together with the increasing of physical fitness, so lung vital capacity is a process involving the mechanism of the heart and blood vessels and blood which aims to provide O2 to cells in the body and transport CO2 out of body. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between lung vital capacity and the physical fitness level of Pendor Football Athletes from Universitas Riau. The collecting of data in this study is data from lung vital capacity tests and physical fitness with a sample of 20 athletes. Analysis of the data that used to process data is Product Moment correlation. For determining the significance of data, it uses formulation of t distribution. The results that obtained from lung vital capacity have a significant correlation with the level of physical fitness, this is indicated by the results obtained by r count (0622) > r table (α = 0.05) = 0.456. Meanwhile, t distribution test is obtained the result of t count (3,369) > t  table (1,734). So H0 is refused  and Ha is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the lung vital capacity (x) and the level of physical fitness (y).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 64-71
N. N. Shevlyuk ◽  
L. V. Khalikova ◽  
A. A. Khalikov

The aim of the study was to establish morphofunctional and immunohistochemical characteristics of large omentum in women with ovarian cancer.Material and methods. The large omenta of 48 women with ovarian cancer (low-grade differentiated seropapillary adenocarcinoma of high-grade malignancy) of II stage (n=20) and III stage (n=28) were studied. Histological sections were stained with overview histological and immunohistochemical methods (to reveal ki67, P53, CD34, CD7, CD4, CD8, CD61 proteins expression). Results. In patients, the size of the large omentum was characterized by high individual variability; in the presence of metastasis, the size of the omentum was reduced. Intensive development of blood vessels in the organ was noted, but in the presence of metastases stasis of blood corpuscles, leucocytic infiltration, and moderate edema of connective tissue were observed in the organ’s vessels. Areas of lymphoid tissue, both small lymphatic follicles and diffusely located lymphoid tissue, were revealed in the omentum. In most follicles, reactive centers were not marked, and the number of follicles was reduced in the presence of metastases in the omentum. The analysis of CD34+ cells distribution showed that they were identified both in the tumor and in the areas of the omentum adjacent to the tumor, which indicates a pronounced angiogenesis. An irregular distribution of CD7+ and CD8+ and CD4+ cells was revealed in the tumor tissues, as well as in the surroundings. Simultaneously with the expression of P53 protein, ki67 protein expression is revealed in the significant number of tumor cells (including endothelial cells of tumor blood vessels). The proportion of ki67+ cells in the tumor cell population was 60.1±3.3%. The presence of a large number of ki67+cells in the presence of P53 protein expression in them indicates the aggressiveness of the tumor, as well as a disturbance of apoptosis regulatory mechanisms in the cells. Ki67 expression was low in the omentum areas unaffected by metastases, and it was revealed in the certain areas of connective tissue in fibroblastic programmed differentiation cells. Conclusion. The results obtained indicate significant plasticity and reactivity of great omentum in the presence of tumor process in the body and confirm the important role of great omentum in protective reactions.

I.A. Kudashov ◽  
N.V. Kalmykov ◽  
A.R. Alexandrov ◽  
P.G. Ryazantsev ◽  
S.I. Shchukin ◽  

The treatment of locally advanced tumors of the head and neck presents serious difficulties due to the difficulty of localizing growths, namely the proximity to vital organs and systems of the body (brain, large blood vessels) and the small size of the areas of intervention limits the choice of treatment methods. So, the development of helper methods and hardware of intraoperative visualization of blood vessels is relevant. So, the development of auxiliary methods and hardware means of intraoperative blood vessel imaging for objective assessment of adequacy of blood supply and differentiated recognition of anatomical structures is especially relevant in biomedical optics. The aim of the work is to create an experimental setup for the development, testing and modification of the algorithms for improving the quality of the image of blood vessels against the background of surrounding tissues by optical method. The article is devoted to technological and program features of developing and creating an experimental setup for intraoperative imaging. Clinical problem of the necessity of vessel imaging has been established. Current state of intraoperative vessel imaging has been analyzed. Structure of the setup has been determined. The requirements for parts of the setup have been formulated. Usage of the chlorophyll as a new liquid for blood substitution has been experimentally justified. A MATLAB-based model for quality evaluation of functions of the setup has been developed. The experimental results obtained in the article are of great practical importance for the development of a biotechnological system for intraoperative vessel imaging.


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is not one disorder; it represents a series of metabolic conditions related to hyperglycemia and caused by defects in hormone secretion and hormone action. Exposure to chronic hyperglycemia may result in microvascular complications in the retina (diabetic retinopathy), kidney (diabetic nephropathy), neuron (diabetic-neuropathy), skin, foot, and cardiac complications (stroke, hypertension…etc.). International Diabetes Federation estimates that 1.1 million children and adolescents aged 14–19 years have type one DM. Without interventions to halt the increase in diabetes, there will be at least 629 million people living with diabetes by 2045. In the body, white adipose tissue is the leading site for the storage of excess energy produced from the food intake in large quantities, of the development of insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 DM by the over intake of fatty acid in the body. It results in the accumulation of fatty acyl co-A (FA-CoA) within the myocytes. It leads to improper signaling of the insulin and reduces the level in the myocytes and pancreases beta cells. It combines with genetically reduces the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-γ) coactivator-1, initiates the inflammation process by the activation of the tumor necrotic factor alpha and protein kinase C. These alterations lead to further increase the intramyocellular FA-CoA and triglycerides. The sequence of events may develop mitochondrial dysfunction in the sarcolemma outer layers. Finally improves IR also with increasing intramyocellular lipids. This concept might be helpful to those who are pursuing endocrinology specialization, nursing staff, pharmacists, and other medical departments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 02015
Dzintra Kazoka ◽  
Mara Pilmane

The main aim of this study is to present the usage and importance of 3D dissection tools in the teaching and learning of Anatomy and to describe and explain our experience with Anatomage Table in Human Anatomy studies at Rıga Stradiņš University. In 2017–2018 two 3D dissection tools (scalpels) were used every week in work with Anatomage Table during the practical classes. As methods for collecting data were used discussions between students and teachers. Together 200 students of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry were involved in this study. It was possible to create incisions and cuts in order to remove and uncover different layers of organic tissues, to move deep inside step by step and find out which structures it was necessary to look for. Afterwards students showed that they were able to place the organs back and reattach the bones, muscles, blood vessels in the body and put the skin back on. Students enjoyed virtual tools in the practical classes and learned the material better. Virtual tools helped students and tutors to easily understand and memorize different anatomy structures. 3D scalpels were useful for different education activities, but the learning experience may be suitable further for the study of real materials.

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