scholarly journals VII. Account of the dissection of a human fœtus, in which the circulation of the blood was carried on without a heart

1809 ◽  
Vol 99 ◽  
pp. 161-168 ◽  

An opportunity lately occurred to me of examining a human fœtus, in which the heart was wanting, and the circulation of the blood was carried on by the action of the vessels only. There have been some other instances of this remarkable deviation from the natural structure; but in that to which I allude the growth of the child had been natural, and it differed much less from the natural formation than in any of those, which are on record, and I have therefore been induced to draw up the following account of it. A woman was delivered of twins in the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy. There was a placenta with two umbilical chords, which had their origin about three inches distant from each other. The placenta was not preserved, but Mr. Adams, who attended the mother in her lying-in, observed nothing unusual in its appearance. Both fœtuses were born dead. They were nearly of the same size. One of them in no respect differed from the ordinary formation; the other had an unusual appearance, and Mr. Adams thought it deserving of examination. Through Dr. Hooper it was put into my hands for this purpose.

Mr. Brodie was induced to draw up the account of this case, although other instances are already recorded, because the child differed much less from the natural formation than usual. Twins were produced, both still-born, at the seventh month of pregnancy. The placenta was not preserved; but it was remarked that the chords belonging to the two children were, at their attachment, distant about three inches from each other. In one of these children nothing preternatural was observed. The other was distended, and disfigured with fluid contained in two cysts under the common integuments of the neck and thorax; but when the fluid was evacuated, the form was nearly natural, with the exception of a hare lip, and a deficiency of some of the toes and fingers. In the brain also, and nervous system, nothing unusual was observed. But in the thorax there was no heart, thymus gland, or pleura; and the substances corresponding to lungs, on each side, at the bifurcation of the trachea, were no more than one third of an inch in diameter, the thorax being filled with a dense cellular substance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-169
Oni Andhi Asmara ◽  
Endang Susilowati ◽  
Agustinus Supriyono

This article discusses the development of the Charismatic church on the Christians life in Semarang City in 1970-2015 using historical methods and using social religion approach. Since its inception in 1970, the Charismatic church in the city of Semarang has had a major influence on the Christian life in the city. A series of innovations in worship and evangelism that are adapted to the times have made the Charismatic church much in demand by Christians in big cities, one of them is Semarang. Christian interest in the Charismatic church can be seen from the development of the number of Charismatic churches in the city of Semarang. One of the Charismatic churches that is experiencing rapid development is JKI Injil Kerajaan. In the beginning, there were 25 people in the congregations. One decade later it reached 3,557 people and continued to increase to 13,324 people on the next decade. This rapid development has brought significant changes to the Christians life in the city of Semarang. It can be seen, among others, from the increasing number of churches that are full of Charismatic churches at worship services. But on the other hand, the presence of Charismatic church with a new pattern of worship caused less harmonious relationship between non-Charismatic churches and charismatic churches as the result of the high increasing number of original church people who moved to the Charismatic church. It is because Christians in Semarang are mostly more interested in taking worship in the Charismatic church.

1998 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 93-110 ◽  
Quentin Gausset

Traditional accounts of the nineteenth-century Fulbe conquest in northern Cameroon tell roughly the same story: following the example of Usman Dan Fodio in Nigeria, the Fulbe of Cameroon organized in the beginning of the nineteenth century a “jihad” or a “holy war” against the local pagan populations to convert them to Islam and create an Islamic state. The divisions among the local populations and the military superiority of the Fulbe allowed them to conquer almost all northern Cameroon. They forced those who submitted to give an annual tribute of goods and servants, and they raided the other groups. In these traditional accounts the Fulbe are presented as unchallenged masters, while the local populations are depicted as slaves who were powerless over their fate; their role in the conquest of the region and in the administration of the new political order is supposed to have been insignificant.I will show that, on the contrary, in the area of Banyo the Wawa and Bute played a crucial role in the conquest of the sultanate and in its administration. I will then re-examine the cliche that all members of the local populations were the slaves of the Fulbe by distinguishing the fate of the Wawa and Bute on one side from that of the Kwanja and Mambila on the other, and by showing the importance of the Fulbe's identity in shaping the definition of slavery. Finally I will argue that, if the historical accounts found in the scientific literature invariably insist on Fulbe hegemony and minimize the role played by the local populations, it is because those accounts are often based on Fulbe traditions, and because these traditions are remodeled by the Fulbe in order to correspond to their discourse on identity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 436-446 ◽  
Lucélia G. Vieira ◽  
André L.Q. Santos ◽  
Léa R. Moura ◽  
Stiwens R.T. Orpinelli ◽  
Kleber F. Pereira ◽  

Abstract: With aim to report the ontogeny of the osseous elements of the carapace in Peurodiras, 62 embryos and 43 nestlings of Podocnemis expansa were collected and submitted to the clearing and staining technique of bones and cartilages and study of serial histological slices. The carapace has mixed osseous structure of endo and exoskeleton, formed by 8 pairs of costal bones associated with ribs, 7 neural bones associated with neural arches, 11 pairs of peripheral bones, 1 nuchal, 1 pygal and 1 suprapygal. This structure begins its formation in the beginning of stage 16 with the ossification of the periosteal collar of the ribs. With exception of the peripheral bones, the other ones begin their ossification during the embrionary period. In histologic investigation it was found that the costal bones and neural bones have a close relation to the endoskeleton components, originating themselves as intramembranous expansions of the periosteal collar of the ribs and neural arches, respectively. The condensation of the mesenchyme adjacent to the periosteal collar induces the formation of spikes that grow in trabeculae permeated by fibroblasts below the dermis. The nuchal bone also ossifies in an intramembranous way, but does not show direct relation to the endoskeleton. Such information confirms those related to the other Pleurodira, mainly with Podocnemis unifilis, sometimes with conspicuous variations in the chronology of the ossification events. The formation of dermal plates in the carapace of Pleurodira and Criptodira follow the same pattern.

1987 ◽  
W Schramm ◽  
L G Gürtler ◽  
H Pohlmann ◽  
I Weigel ◽  
J Eberie ◽  

The presence of antibodies to HIV-1 (anti-HIV-1) was tested in 167 hemophiliacs surveyed and treated at Munich hemophilia center. Increasing numbers of HIV infected patients were observed in the years 1981 to 1986 from 0% to 51,5% (86 positive patients in January 1987 of 167 followed patients). Most of the seroconver-sions occured between 1982 and 1984. The 150 clinically severe affected hemophiliacs (F-VIII-levels up to 5% and need of replacement therapy) showed positive HIV-test results in 55,3% (83 patients) and negative results in 44,7% (67 patients). 5 patients died since 1981, one because of AIDS. 17 patients were not seen since 1984, 14 of those belong to the severly affected group, 12 of them were negative. Since spring 1985 only heat or chemically treated clotting factor preparations are used for substitution. Despite this still 5 seroconversions were observed. Two may be attributed to the use of a preparation heat inactivated in dry state, this preparation is no longer used. The other 3 seroconversions possibly were caused by an occasional use of an noninactivated preparation in the beginning of the change to inactivated clotting factor preparations. 38 of the anti-HIV-1 positive sera were tested for the presence of HIV-2 antibodies also. The methods were ELISA,immunofluorescence and immunoblot. HIV-2 (LAV-2) for these tests was kindly provided by L. Montagnier. Antibodies specific for HIV-2 antigens were not detected, but crossreactions were observed between anti-HIV-1 with HIV-2 antigens particularly epitopes on HIV-2-p27.The data indicate that the use of adequately inactivated clotting factors can prevent infection of hemophilia patients by this route and that HIV-2 was not present in the clotting factor preparations used for the substitution of this group of patients. The incidence of full blown AIDS since 1981 in our group of hemophiliacs is still low (1,2%).

1961 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-49 ◽  
E. Diczfalusy ◽  
O. Cassmer ◽  
C. Alonso ◽  
M. de Miquel

ABSTRACT The nature of the conjugated oestrogen formed by the human foetus in vivo following intra-amniotic administration or perfusion of 17β-oestradiol (oestra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17β-diol) and oestriol (oestra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,16α,17β-triol), respectively, was studied. Sodium 17β-oestradiol-3-sulphate and (indirectly) sodium oestrone sulphate were identified in extracts of lungs, liver and kidneys of foetuses treated with 17β-oestradiol. An additional compound, probably a conjugated form of 2-methoxy-17β-oestradiol was also detected in the liver of such foetuses. Sodium oestriol-3-sulphate was identified in extracts of lungs, liver and kidneys of foetuses treated with oestriol. In pooled extracts of intestines of untreated foetuses two conjugated forms of oestriol were detected; one was characterized as sodium oestriol-16(17?)-glucosiduronate, whereas the other is presumably identical with sodium oestriol-3-sulphate. It is concluded that among the different foetal organs at least the lungs, liver and kidneys are capable of sulphurylating steroid oestrogens. It is likely that oestrogen sulphurylation reactions also take place in other foetal organs. It is suggested that the intestinal mucosa of the human may be a potential site of oestrogen glucosiduronation.

1983 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 93-109
Theun Meestringa

Since August 1980 both Frisian and Dutch have been compulsory subjects in the primary schools in the province of Friesland. This article describes the present situation. It begins with a descrip-tion of the motives for bilingual education in Friesland and relates them to the typology of Fishman. This appears to clarify the position of regional languages and dialects in infant and primary education. In the beginning of the eighties the position of the Frisian language in both schooltypes was investigated. About 45% of the teachers of infant groups use Dutch as a medium of instruction in almost all activities, and about 10% does nearly everything in Frisian. The other 45% use both languages; we don't know in which way or proportion. It appears that in musical activities more than one language is used. The other regional dialects of the children are hardly ever used at all. This last statement is at this moment also true for primary schools. Frisian is a subject in almost every school (86%) and a substantial part of the schools (29%) uses it as a medium of instruction. But looking at the desirability of goals as indicated by the schools, it becomes clear that most schools still don't expect their pupils to be able to write Frisian, though most of them say that their main motive for teaching Frisian is to prepare their pupils for functioning in the bilingual culture of Friesland. Too often it seems that the schools fail in respect to at least the Frisian aspects of culture in Friesland. In other words, it may be said that partial and complete bilingu-alism are not yet found in all the infant and primary schools of Friesland. Hopefully this portrait of the state of affairs will turn out to be an instant photo: things are still developing.

Elisabeth Hein

The Ternus effect refers to an ambiguous apparent motion display in which two or three elements presented in succession and shifted horizontally by one position can be perceived as either a group of elements moving together or as one element jumping across the other(s). This chapter introduces the phenomenon and describes observations made by Pikler and Ternus in the beginning of the twentieth century. Next, reasons for continued interest in the Ternus effect are discussed and an overview of factors that influence it offered, including low-level image-based factors, for example luminance, as well as higher-level scene-based factors, for example perceptual grouping. The chapter ends with a discussion of theories regarding the mechanisms underlying the Ternus effect, providing insight into how the visual system is able to perceive coherent objects in the world despite discontinuities in the input (e.g., as a consequence of eye movements or object occlusion).

1970 ◽  
Vol 25 (9) ◽  
pp. 1020-1023 ◽  
Wolfram Thiemann ◽  
Erich Wagner

The influence of strong homogeneous magnetic fields in the range of 5000 to 8000 Gauss on the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Micrococcus denitrificans was studied. In the case of yeast growing under nearly anaerobic conditions an inhibition of growth rate was observed in the beginning of incubaton while some hours later the growth accelerated and surpassed the control. M. denitrificans on the other hand grew with the same rate as the controls during the first 2 - 3 hours of experiment; thereafter the magnetic field resulted in a significant acceleration of growth rate measured by a 5.8 to 13.3% increase of oxygen consumption after 5 - 6 hours run of experiment. Until now only inhibition of bacterial growths by magnetic fields is reported elsewhere in the literature.

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