Graduates’ satisfaction with the Chilean basic education teacher training degree program

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-98
Oscar Espinoza ◽  
Luis González ◽  
Luis Sandoval ◽  
Noel McGinn ◽  
Javier Loyola ◽  

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to improve future teacher training by assessment of university graduates’ satisfaction with their preparation in Basic Education teaching. Design/methodology/approach This descriptive study employed a self-administered survey questionnaire to a representative sample of 235 graduates between 2014 and 2016 from three universities in Chile. The questionnaire generated information about the graduates’ background (age, gender, parents’ education and prestige of secondary school attended); an evaluation of three dimensions of their degree program (instructional quality, infrastructure and employability), and experiences in the labor market (including salary). Analysis of variance was used to assess relationships between satisfaction, and other variables. Findings In general, graduates were satisfied with all aspects of their training. Satisfaction levels were higher from those assumed to have lower expectations. Contrary to this hypothesis, university prestige is not directly related to satisfaction. Instead, expectations and employability moderate the effect of prestige. Research limitations/implications The sample is not representative of the 59 universities in Chile nor of the many other degree programs offered in those universities. Practical implications Program directors concerned about improving the public reputation or prestige of their program will benefit from efforts to improve the quality of the program and its infrastructure, and relevance for entrance into the world of work. Originality/value This study provides information not previously available about graduate satisfaction in teaching degree programs in Chile.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-101 ◽  
Carolina Machado Dias Ramalho Luz ◽  
Sílvio Luiz de Paula ◽  
Lúcia Maria Barbosa de Oliveira

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which the organizational commitment and job satisfaction influence intent to turnover. Design/methodology/approach Following a quantitative approach regarding methodological aspects of this research, a case study was carried out in a company of information technology and communication located in Porto Digital, in the Northeast of Brazil. A data collection technique with 172 forms, a self-administered form with 18 closed questions with a Likert-type scale and an open questionnaire were used. In this analysis, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used as the technique; besides the descriptive statistics, a correlation was made between dependent variables (intention of rotation) and independent variables (affective, normative, instrumental and work satisfaction). The level of organizational commitment in its three dimensions (affective, normative and instrumental), the job satisfaction in its five dimensions (satisfaction with nature of the task, with leadership, with colleagues, with salary and promotions) and the level of intent to turnover from the respondents were investigated. Findings The results suggest that affective and normative commitments and satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with promotions and satisfaction with the nature of the work are correlated with the intention of negative turnover significantly. Among the demographic factors, only the age showed a negative correlation with intent to turnover. By performing multiple regression analysis, we identified that the variables that most impacted the turnover intention are affective commitment, satisfaction with salary and normative commitment. The qualitative portion of this study was accomplished through a content analysis of the open question of the form. Finally, one of the main considerations is the findings that revealed variables other than those adopted in the study, which influence the permanence of the respondents. Research limitations/implications Among the limitations of the research a single case study is highlighted that replicates the experience in other ICT companies to verify if the results found are similar in other organizations and in other segments. The findings direct the construction and validation of new scales, the creation of qualitative protocols to identify the variables that influence the retention of a specific group of individuals to serve as a guide for the elaboration of a questionnaire, as well as creation of surveys of longitudinal nature to correlate the data of intention of rotation with the effective turnover. Practical implications Based on the results, organizations can reduce voluntary evasion by adjusting actions, policies and practices, directing those responsible for People Management to attract and retain good employees. It should be emphasized that voluntary turnover should be treated as one of the management indicators of greater relevance by organizations, representing a thermometer of all human capital management. Social implications The monitoring of employment and unemployment levels is part of the public policy agenda for generating employment and income in Brazil. For organizations, employee turnover can and should be managed and monitored so that appropriate levels are found and their consequences are minimized through effective solutions. The results are important both for technology-based organizations and for all stakeholders interested in the subject as the public power. Originality/value Although in the international literature turnover is a topic of study for many years, in the Brazilian context, there is a shortage of research on the subject, specifically in the sector of advanced technology where there is a great lack of skilled labor, a fierce competition and where to keep employees standard high becomes a survival factor. This study may contribute to the exploration in the local literature, as it will help locate the academy on the Brazilian reality and open the doors to new research works on turnover and its possible correlations with other variables besides organizational commitment and job satisfaction.

Revemop ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 397
Amanda Larissa de Almeida ◽  
Rosana Giaretta Sguerra Miskulin

<p>Por meio do presente artigo, discute-se aspectos matemáticos, didáticos e pedagógicos das disciplinas de conteúdo matemático do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, a partir de um recorte de uma pesquisa de Mestrado, a qual constituiu-se como um estudo de 26 teses e dissertações, com objetivo de analisar e evidenciar articulações entre os seus resultados e o campo de formação de professores. Tais teses e dissertações foram mapeadas em dois momentos distintos: aquelas produzidas entre os anos de 2001 e 2012 foram mapeadas a partir do <em>corpus</em> de pesquisa do projeto universal “Mapeamento e estado da arte da pesquisa brasileira sobre o professor que ensina Matemática”, e teses e dissertações produzidas entre 2013 e 2017 mapeadas no Catálogo da CAPES. Para analisar os resultados dessas pesquisas utilizamos alguns conceitos da Análise de Conteúdo e nos baseamos em referenciais teóricos sobre formação inicial de professores de Matemática e formação matemática do professor. Nesse contexto, apresentamos a discussão de uma categoria, a qual evidencia a possibilidade de articulação entre as disciplinas de conteúdo matemático e a prática do futuro professor. por meio de metodologias como o Trabalho com Projetos, Modelagem Matemática e uso de <em>Softwares</em>. Tais abordagens constituem-se como um caminho para o desenvolvimento dessas disciplinas na licenciatura, uma vez que propiciam a exploração, investigação, visualização e aplicações dos conceitos, além de discussões sobre o ensino da Matemática na Educação Básica.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave: </strong>Disciplinas de conteúdo matemático. Licenciatura em Matemática. Práticas formativas.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Mathematical, didactic and pedagogical aspects of the subjects of mathematical content in graduation: a look for theses and dissertations (2001-2017)</strong></p><p align="center"> </p><p><strong>Abstract: </strong>In this article, we discuss mathematical, didactic and pedagogical aspects of mathematical content in mathematics degree courses. The authors studied 26 theses / dissertations on mathematical content subjects, aiming to analyze and look for evidence in relation to the articulation between their results and the field of teacher training. These theses and dissertations were mapped into two distinct moments: those produced between 2001 and 2012 were mapped from the research corpus of the Universal Project "Mapping and State of the Art of Brazilian Researchin Regards to the Teacher Who Teaches Mathematics" and the theses and dissertations carried out between 2013 and 2017 were mapped through the Catalog of Capes. To analyze the results of these works, we used some concepts from the theory of content analysis and we base ourselves on theoretical references about the initial formation of teachers of mathematics and the mathematical formation of the teacher. In this context, we present the discussion of a category, which highlights the possibility of the articulation between the mathematical content disciplines and a future teacher's practice; by means of methodologies like work with projects, mathematical modeling and use of software. These approaches constitute a way for the development of these disciplines in the licenciatura (math teacher degree program), since they facilitate exploration, investigation, visualization and applications of the concepts, and discussion about the teaching of mathematics in basic education.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Mathematical content disciplines. Degree in Mathematics. Training practices.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Aspectos matemáticos, didácticos y pedagógicos de las disciplinas de contenido matemático en la Licenciatura: una mirada a partir de tesis y disertaciones (2001-2017)</strong></p><p><strong>Resumen: </strong>Por medio del presente artículo, se discute aspectos matemáticos, didácticos y pedagógicos de las disciplinas de contenido matemático del curso de Licenciatura en Matemáticas, a partir de un recorte de una investigación de Maestría, como un estudio de 26 tesis/disertaciones sobre disciplinas de contenido matemático, con el objetivo de analizar y evidenciar articulaciones entre sus resultados y el campo de formación de profesores. Estas tesis y disertaciones fueron mapeadas en dos momentos distintos: aquellas producidas entre los años 2001 y 2012 fueron mapeadas a partir del corpus de investigación del Proyecto Universal "Mapeamiento y Estado del arte de la investigación brasileña sobre el profesor que enseña Matemáticas" y las tesis y disertaciones realizadas entre 2013 y 2017 fueron mapeadas a través del Catálogo de la CAPES. Para analizar los resultados de esas investigaciones utilizamos algunos conceptos de la teoría del Análisis de Contenido y nos basamos en referenciales teóricos sobre formación inicial de profesores de Matemáticas y formación matemática del profesor. En este contexto, presentamos la discusión de una categoría, la cual evidencia la posibilidad de articulación entre las disciplinas de contenido matemático y la práctica del futuro profesor. Por medio de metodologías como el Trabajo con Proyectos, Modelado Matemático y uso de Softwares. Estos enfoques se constituyen como un camino para el desarrollo de estas disciplinas en la Licenciatura, ya que propician la exploración, investigación, visualización y aplicaciones de los conceptos, además de discusiones sobre la enseñanza de las Matemáticas en la Educación Básica.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Palavras chave: </strong>Disciplinas de contenido matemático. Licenciatura en Matemáticas. Prácticas de entrenamiento.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-123 ◽  
Mary Baginsky ◽  
Jo Moriarty ◽  
Jill Manthorpe

Purpose Signs of Safety (SoS) is a strengths-based approach to child protection casework that has been widely adopted in countries across the world. The purpose of this paper is to report on a study that aimed to synthesise the many evaluations of SoS that have been conducted to assess their strengths and limitations. The intention is to identify the aspects which should be explored further and those that remain unexamined to inform future evaluations. Design/methodology/approach The study collated and then examined many of the evaluations that are in the public domain as well as some of those that were conducted within agencies and have not been made publicly available. Findings At the present time (early 2019), the evidence base for SoS is limited. Independent, robust research needs to be undertaken over time to build on the studies that have been conducted. New research must be designed to fill gaps and be capable of producing the evidence required and it must address its own limitations. Originality/value This study is the most comprehensive contemporary review of the evaluations of SoS that have been conducted to the best of the authors’ knowledge.

Giuseppe Cina’ ◽  
Merve Demiröz ◽  
Qi Mu

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to argue the many ways in which the conservation and revitalisation processes in Novara carried out over several decades are representative not only of the Italian approach to urban conservation but also of the fruitful relationship between institutional and social bodies. Design/methodology/approach Through an exploratory study approach, this paper illustrates how social actors contributed to the conservation process of Novara Old Town, and documents the regeneration of two historic complexes, the Castle of Novara and Casa Bossi. To do so, it drew upon content analyses of the official reports and planning tools and a set of semi-structured interviews conducted with the representatives of the community organisations and the Municipal Planning Board. Findings The study demonstrates the effectiveness of a third actor whose double role entails cooperation and conflict. The participatory approach applied in these two heritage complexes has proved to be cost-effective because it is inherently able to effect “planning in the public domain” and address socially sustainable outcomes. Originality/value The Italian approach to the conservation of historic cities has been widely acknowledged as a “good recipe” in the international context. However, little attention has been paid to how this success story depends on a unique relationship between public bodies and local communities. To fill this gap, the paper shed light on the historic centre of Novara and two particular heritage complexes in terms of the relations of different actors in conservation and regeneration processes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-310 ◽  
Essien Ekerette Akpanuko ◽  
Ntiedo John Umoren

Purpose The extent to which accounting reports and disclosures provide shareholders and other interested parties with reliable information to permit informed investment decisions and true valuation of firms, has remained in doubts. The presumed bane for the failure of these reports to live up to expectation has been creative accounting. Most studies view this practice as unethical and should be stopped; others admit that although it contributes to enterprise failures, loss of investments and economic crisis, it as a necessary and legitimate practice. This paper aims to evaluate the extent to which this creativity has contributed to the failures of enterprises, identifies motivations for this practices and the challenges to true and fair reporting and transparent disclosures. Design/methodology/approach The study adopts the survey method. Questionnaire were administered to 80 accountants in banks and other enterprises with parents companies outside Nigeria and secondary data collected on failed enterprises in the world. The data collected were descriptively analysed. Findings The findings were different from findings of previous studies. It was discovered that accounting creativity is euphemism and contributes 90% to the unfair reporting of firms operations. The creativity in those practices is motivated by greed and intended to deceive the public, potential investors and shareholders and increases the rate of enterprise failures at a decreasing rate. However, the study revealed that the many regulations without adequate checks, punishments and rewards complement creative accounting in providing the foundation for make-believe, cosmetic and unfair reporting. Research limitations/implications The use of questionnaire and the subjective nature of the responses are the limitations of this study. Practical implications Improved reporting and valuation of firms are the practical implications. Social implications Reduction in failures may result in loss of employment and other social implications. Originality/value The research is original and born out of the desire to improve accounting reports and shareholders value.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (6/7) ◽  
pp. 354-367 ◽  
Cheryl Stenstrom ◽  
Natalie Cole ◽  
Rachel Hanson

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss a review of the literature on the value of public libraries and propose a preliminary value framework for the public library based on the results. The review was conducted and the framework was developed as part of a larger ongoing project exploring the value of California’s public libraries. Design/methodology/approach This paper is a literature review of approximately 130 international, national and local resources from 1998 to 2018. Findings were developed through an analysis and synthesis of the works as they relate to public libraries. Findings The themes that emerged from the exploration of studies fell into three intersecting categories: support for personal advancement; support for vulnerable populations; and support for community development. A wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methods have been employed in this area of research. Among the many ways to discuss value, the most appropriate for the user will always depend on the context for which the concept of value is being defined. Practical implications Practitioners may find the various definitions of value useful when sharing information about public libraries with decision makers and other stakeholder audiences and when designing service models and outcomes. Originality/value The authors believe this paper is the first to identify the emergence of a value framework for the public library based on a literature review exploring both the social and financial value of public libraries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 591-610 ◽  
Michael M. Widdersheim ◽  
Masanori Koizumi

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to construct a conceptual model of the public sphere in public libraries. Various international authors over the past 20 years have associated the public sphere with public libraries, but these associations have yet to be clarified and synthesized in a comprehensive way. Design/methodology/approach – This study used qualitative content analysis to identify the dimensions of the public sphere in public libraries. The study’s scope included annual reports from an urban US public library system from 1900 to 2010. Findings – Six dimensions of the public sphere in public libraries are described with examples. The dimensions are: core criteria; internal public sphere; external public sphere; collect and organize discourse; perform legitimation processes; and facilitate discourse. Three of these dimensions are newly identified. The six total dimensions are synthesized into a comprehensive conceptual model with three discourse arenas: governance and management; legitimation; and commons. Originality/value – This study is distinctive because it used a data-based, empirical approach to public libraries to an abstract sociological concept. Three dimensions of the model are new to library studies literature and therefore represent new potential areas of inquiry. The resulting conceptual model is useful for both practitioners and researchers in the public library sector. Further, the model contributes to existing social and political theory.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-114 ◽  
Rodrigo Uribe ◽  
Pedro Hidalgo ◽  
Carolina Martinez

Purpose – The purpose of this paper are to determine: how disasters are used as a theme in advertising; how the public evaluates different ways of using disasters in advertising; what dimensions directly affect these evaluations; and what aspects should be taken into account by an organization that wants or need to develop a campaign after a disaster. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents two studies examining the relationship between catastrophes and advertising in the context of the February 2010 earthquake in Chile. The first study scrutinizes the characteristics of print ads that used this event as their main theme. The second study evaluates the reactions of consumers to different types of post-catastrophe ads. This issue was explored in a survey on the attitudes toward and credibility of these ads and in a qualitative examination, which explored the reasons for the interviewees’ evaluation. Findings – The first study identified nine types of advertisements as the most used by advertisers. The second study showed that the most common ad types had the worst evaluations by the public. In addition, the evaluation of the ads was directly related to three dimensions: opinion with regard to the advertised brand, evaluation of the ad’s performance, and perception of commercial intent. Research limitations/implications – It is important to consider some limitations of this study: this paper used only print advertising, and the sample was selected from Chilean internet users (50 percent of the population). Practical implications – This paper provides recommendations for for-profit and non-profit organizations that need or want to effectively develop campaigns in the context of a disaster. Originality/value – Within the context of a few studies on the development of campaigns in the context of a catastrophe, this paper seeks to test and expand upon the scarce findings in this field.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 188-202
Celia Maria Fernandes Nunes ◽  
Fernanda Karine Moura Silva Sales

Teacher training is a theme that permeates the field of studies in the field of education, as well as educational policies. Among the policies, we highlight the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID), which consists of an inductive action in the training of teachers aiming to value and improve teacher training. The programis developed in partnership with Universities and Basic Education Schools and involves graduates, supervisors (basic education teachers), area coordinators and teachers who work in institutional coordination and in the management of educational processes (higher education teachers). This article is part of a qualitative research that sought to investigate the relationship between training and teaching practice in theperception of the area coordinators of PIBID / Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). In this article, we will present the analysis of the data collected, through questionnaires and interviews, referring to the category: “What it is to be a teacher and teacher trainer”. Among the perceptions, it was possible to identify that the PIBID / UFOP area coordinators are in permanent training and the PIBID was a possibility of approaching the public school of basic education. The study allowed us to conclude that there is a formative reciprocity among the participants, which as they form. The area coordinators reinforced the conception of knowledge and pedagogical tact in line with the inseparation of theory and practice, the work of the trainer based on dialogue, commitment to public education, teacher training, teaching and learning and the constant reassessment of its own practice.

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