scholarly journals A Reflection on the Implementation of Second National Fadama Development Project in Kaduna and Katsina States of Nigeria

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Adam Adem Anyebe ◽  
Ibrahim Kurfi Mudi

This study attempts to reflect on the implementation of the Second National Fadama Project in Kaduna and Katsina states of Nigeria with a view to assessing whether the project implementation has been effective in reducing poverty among the participating communities. It was therefore, hypothesized that there is no significant relationship between the Community-Driven Development Strategy and effective implementation of Fadama II project in the area of access to rural financial services and poverty reduction in the host communities. The primary data were obtained through the use of questionnaire and personal interview while secondary data were sourced from books, journals, unpublished materials and internet. The study showed that there is a significant relationship between Community-Driven Development and effective implementation of the project in the host communities. The research recommended that to enhance the success of future projects, the government should not interfere with the activities of such projects, especially in the selection of members of such associations and government should provide loan facilities to the beneficiaries in order to boost their assets acquisition capacity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Dr. Agnes Ogada ◽  
Dr. George Achoki ◽  
Dr. Amos Njuguna

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the moderating effect of economic growth on financial performance of merged institutions Methodology: The study adopted a mixed methodology research design. The study population included all the 51 merged financial service institutions in Kenya. Purposive sampling was used. Primary data was obtained from questionnaires and a secondary data collection template was also used. The researcher used quantitative techniques in analyzing the data. Descriptive analysis for the study included the use of means, frequencies and percentages.  Inferential statistics such as correlation analysis was also used. Panel data analysis was also applied. Further, a pre and post merger analysis was used.Results: There was a significant relationship between the moderating effect of economic growth and financial performance of merged institutions.Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The government and Central Bank of Kenya to come up with strategies and policies to protect the financial services sector due to its immense contribution to the economy of the country by formulating policies aimed at controlling the effects of rapid fluctuations of the macro economic factors and their effects on the sector.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Dr. John Kuria

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of VAT Incentive on the performance of EPZ firms in Kenya.Methodology: This research used correlation research design. Sample size of all the 86 registered EPZs firms was used in this study. Primary data was obtained using questionnaires. Secondary data from the registered firms was collected on; ROA, number and value of jobs and the length of stay of the firms. The study used both descriptive and inferential statistics to conduct data analysis.Results: The results of study revealed that at 5% significance level, VAT incentives had a positive and significant relationship with performance of EPZ firms measured using ROA. The results further revealed that at 5% significance level, VAT incentives were found to have positive and significant relationship with performance of EPZ firms measured using the number of total jobs created in Kenya. The results also revealed that at 5% significance level, VAT incentives were found to have positive and significant relationship with performance of EPZ firms measured using the number of years in operationUnique contribution to theory, practice and policy Based on the study findings, it was recommended that the government should reconsider its VAT policy by encouraging more VAT rebates to firms in order to boost their productivity and increase the volume of exports. The study also recommends that the government should introduce a strong monitoring unit to oversee the administration of tax incentives. Government should equally pay attention to the issue of security and infrastructure which are basic in order to maximize the benefits of tax incentives.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Zakiyah Zakiyah

Since the independence of Indonesia was proclaimed in 1945 until now, it still has problem of economic and social crisis. Indonesian government has not succeeded in establishing a welfare economy and has not been able to build a solid economy for society. The purpose of this research is to find out Poverty Reduction Program in P3MD of Village Economic development. This is a qualitative research. Method of collecting data used in this research is interview about P3MD in Poverty Reduction through the development of Infrastructure, Education, and Health. Primary data in this study is obtained in the field, the results of interviews with leaders or village apparatus. Secondary data is obtained from document collection related to Poverty Reduction Program. In addition, secondary data is also obtained from library research. The results of this study show the activities in the form of development of facilities and infrastructure such as creativity training, makeup, catfish breeding, making batik, and others can improve economic growth. The concepts of P3MD consist of socialization, negotiation, programming, activity implementation and community participation in Salam Babaris sub district. In the implementation of the P3MD program, the government must determine the policy on the process of distributing the village funds through regional government budget for the development of rural communities in order to be distributed correctly and on time in accordance with village law.Semenjak kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia diproklamasikan pada tahun 1945 hingga saat ini, ternyata perekonomian bangsa Indonesia selalu dilanda krisisekonomi dan sosial. Pemerintahan di Indonesia yang sekarang berjalan silih berganti ternyata belum mampu membangun sebuah perekonomian kesejahteran dan ternyata belum bisa membangun perekonomian yang kokoh, memakmurkan, mensejahterakan dan adil bagi seluruh rakyat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Program Pengentasan Kemiskinan dalam P3MD pembangunan perekonomian desa. Dalam penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Dalam metode kualitatif menggunakan pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara mengenai P3MD dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dengan melalui pembangunan sarana dan prasarana, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Data primer dalam penelitian ini berupa data yang diperoleh dilapangan, hasil wawancara dengan pimpinan atau pejabat yang ditunjuk dikantor kelurahan dan kecamatan. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi dokumen terkait dengan Program Pengetasan Kemiskinan. Di samping itu data sekunder juga diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan (library research) berupa buku panduan, literature kepustakaan dan catatan-catatan yang berhubungan dengan program Perencanaan Partisipasi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa (P3MD). Hasil dari Penelitian ini menunjukan Program-program kegiatannya berupa pembangunan sarana dan prasarana maupun pembangunan perekonomi lewat kegiatan Bumdesa seperti pelatihan-pelatihan kreativitas seperti tata boga, tata rias, budidaya lele dumbo, membatik, dan lain-lain. Rangkaian konsep perencanaan P3MD terdiri dari sosialisasi, musyawarah program/Musrenbang desa, penyusunan program, pelaksanaan kegiatan dan partisipasi masyarakat di Kecamatan Salam Babaris. Dalam penyelenggaraan program P3MD pemerintah harus menentukan kebijakan mengenai proses pencairan dana desa melalui APBD untuk pembangunan masyarakat desa tertinggal tersalurkan dengan benar dan tepat waktu sesuai dengan ketentuan UU Desa. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-90
Nurul Mahmudah ◽  
Dea Tara Ningtyas ◽  
Supiah Supiah ◽  
Julduz R Paus

The writing of this research aims to explain the management and impact of waqf for education in SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Metro City. As for the background in this writing is the demands and expectations of the community for the greater quality of education but the capacity of the government is not yet worth the demand of the community. So the waqf movement became one of the alternatives offered to answer the challenge. Waqf movement, especially in SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan aims to improve the quality of education in accordance with Muhammadiyah jargon namely "advanced education". This research is a qualitative study with this type of case study research.  The data sources in this study consist of primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques are conducted in the form of observations, interviews and documentation. The methods of data analysis are data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of this study show that the waqf movement in SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Metro City is supported not only by Muhammadiyah cadres but from sympathizers and the general public. The waqf development strategy carried out at SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro consists of (1) the conversion (substitution) of waqf assets, (2) promotion and socialization, (3) the management of waqf assets by prioritizing the allocation of waqf with regard to the 2015-2027 plan, (4) establishing partnerships and (5) strengthening the teachings of Al-Ma'un Muhammadiyah. The impact of waqf has a profound effect on the quality of education such as the improvement of school facilities and the education system in the school. Keywords: Waqf Muhammadiyah, Advanced Education Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  memaparkan pengelolaan dan dampak wakaf bagi pendidikan di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro. Adapun yang menjadi latar belakang dalam penulisan ini adalah tuntutan dan harapan masyarakat akan kualitas pendidikan yang lebih besar namun kapasitas yag dimiliki pemerintah belum sepadan dengan permintaan masyarakat. Sehingga gerakan wakaf menjadi salah satu alternative yang ditawarkan untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut. Gerakan wakaf khususnya di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan sesuai dengan jargon Muhammadiyah yakni “pendidikan berkemajuan”.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus.  Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari sumber data primer dansumber data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun metode analisis data yang dilakukan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gerakan wakaf di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro tidak hanya didukung oleh kader Muhammadiyah saja melainkan dari simpatisan dan masyarakat umum. Adapun strategi pengembangan wakaf yang dilakukan di SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Kota Metro terdiri dari (1) penukaran (substitusi) harta wakaf, (2) promosi dan sosialisasi, (3) pengelolaan harta wakaf dengan memprioritaskan alokasi wakaf dengan memperhatikan renstra tahun 2015-2027, (4) menjalin kemitraan dan (5) Memperkuat ajaran Al-Ma’un Muhammadiyah. Dampak wakaf sangat berpengaruh terhadap mutu pendidikan seperti peningkatan fasilitas sekolah dan sistem pendidikan di sekolah tersebut.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Noor Rahmansyah ◽  
Mahrus Aryadi ◽  
Hamdani Fauzi

Bamboo is a plant that can botanically be classified in the family Gramineae (grass). The economic and ecological benefits of bamboo, among other things, when compared to wood commodities, bamboo plants can provide an increase in the income of the surrounding community in a relatively fast time, which is 4-5 years. Demand that remains high is not followed by an increase in quality and prices that are compared to similar goods made from wood or other materials. This is a consideration and reduces the interest of the community to develop the business. This study aims to explore the understanding and role of community empowerment through the use of bamboo, explore the role of government in empowering bamboo-based communities and develop strategies for empowering local communities in the use of bamboo. This research is qualitative by using an emic approach that is focused on data and analysis based on answers from key people. The type of data consists of primary data obtained through interviews and observations. While the secondary data comes from the problem report documents that will be examined, writing and the results of research on the Local Community Empowerment Development Strategy. The results of this study indicate that the local community in Loksado District has the potential to develop processed bamboo production through community participation in bamboo processing and utilization training, the government and village apparatus support the processing and utilization of bamboo through programs / activities, cooperation, bamboo ecotourism and bamboo industrial products, and constraints in the empowerment of bamboo in Loksado District is in marketing and capital strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Vira Mayang Sari ◽  
Zaili Rusli ◽  
Febri Yuliani

The purpose of the research is to explain inhibiting factors for online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Senior High School 1 Kuantan Mudik, Kuantan Singingi Regency. This research used qualitative research methods. The selection of the research informans using purposive sampling technique. Primary data collection from interviews, and secondary data from documentation and literature review. Data analysis using an interactive model. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that several factor inhibiting online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Senior High School 1 Kuantan Mudik, Kuantan Singingi Regency, namely the problem of learning facilities, internet connection, and low students motivation. For this reason, the government needs to maximize online learning facilities that can be applied in every school, and educators and parents of students from Senior High School 1 Kuantan Mudik are expected to improve their supervision and ability to use technology and create an active atmosphere and enthusiasm for learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Nani Marwida ◽  
Mahrizal Mahrizal

Destitution is a fundamental problem faced by all countries, particularly developing countries like Indonesia. Destitution is a complex problem, so special attention is needed to overcome  it.  One  of  the  poverty  reduction  efforts  undertaken  by  the  Government  of Indonesia is through the Family Hope Program (PKH), which began to emerge in 2007.This research aim to find out and analyze the effect of the Family Hope Program on poverty alleviation in Woyla District, which is one of the areas that received assistance from the Family Hope Program. In this study using quantitative descriptive research methods. The object of this research is the Family Hope Program KPM in Woyla District. The data used are sourced from primary data in the form of answers to questionnaires, observations and secondary data from the government’s official website and the secretariat archives of Woyla District. Methods of data analysis carried out in the form of normality test and simple linear regression. The results of the analysis with the help of the SPSS 20 program indicate that there is a strong relationship between the variables of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and the poverty  alleviation  variable  with  a  correlation  coefficient  of  0.601  and  a  determinant coefficient of 0.361. This means that the Family Hope Program (PKH) has a positive and significant effect on destitution reduction in Woyla District, this means that if the Family Hope Program increases, poverty reduction will also increase.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Miftachul Chusnah ◽  
Sumardji Sumardji ◽  
Ahsin Daroini

The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence and the right strategy in developing the Wonosalam durian agro-tourism area. The location of the study was carried out in the village of Wonosalam, Wonosalam District, Jombang City.   This research was conducted for   (two) months, namely between February - March 2019.   The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data taken directly from the research location of the Durian Wonosalam agrotourism area through direct observation at the site, interviews with the government, community shops, and filling out questionnaires.    Respondents were selected by 20 people to fill out the research questionnaire as follows: Government (3 people), namely the Head of the device and the Office of Tourism Staff of Jombang (2 people) Community Stores (2 people), Tourist managers (3 people). And Visitors (10 people).  Secondary data is data obtained through agencies related to this research, both tabulation and descriptive.   The analytical methods used are SWOT and QSPM analysis.   Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the alternative strategy for developing the right durian Wonosalam agro-tourism area is the   SO Strategy, namely the strategy of agro-tourism development by maintaining the existing tourism power and development strategy by increasing  promotion to related parties and outside regions through   seminar seminars or utilizing technological developments the highest value of attraction is found in strategy 1 (SO) with total attractiveness (TAS) of 6.164. by exploring the potential and actions of tourism preservation that exist as a characteristic possessed by the Wonosalam region with a variety of attractions that are owned, Optimizing the superiority of tourism remains quality so as to attract tourists.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Dwi Astuti ◽  
Teguh Widodo

Although the government has made various efforts to encourage the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources, utilization patterns that are damaging and threaten the sustainability of coastal and marine resources are still ongoing. This is due to the pressing of need for life, which is getting higher and higher. Development of mangrove ecotourism is one of the alternative development that can help overcome the problem. Utilization of mangrove ecosystem for the concept of tourism (ecotourism) in line with the change in the interest of tourists from old tourism as a new tourism. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential of ecotourism and to determine ecotourism development strategy in Bengkalis Island. The research method used for data type is quantitative and qualitative data with data source in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data collection conducted through questioner, survey method, literature and documentation. Furthermore, the data analysis used is using quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods. The results of the research show that the potential of mangrove ecotourism in Bengkalis Island that can be identified is located in Bengkalis, Bantan, Rupat, Bukit Batu, Siak Kecil and Bandar Laksamana subdistricts. Based on the processing of questionnaire data, the results obtained if consumer interest in mangrove ecotourism on Bengkalis Island, is dominated by referential interest, where the respondents want that mangrove ecotourism on Bengkalis Island is better known and in demand.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Novia Ari Panghayo ◽  
Musdhalifah Musdhalifah

This study aims to examine the influences of financial literacy which proxied by variables of education, income and knowledge on the selection of Sharia Financial Services in Jombang District. The data was primary data which obtained by method of spreading the questionnaire in the sub-districts with the largest moslem population in Jombang. Research period was in April to May 2017. Sampling method used is incidental sampling and analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that the level of education and income do not affect the selection of Sharia Financial Services in Jombang, while the level of knowledge affect the selection of Sharia Financial Services in Jombang. The implication of this research is that Sharia Financial Services in Jombang Regency is more influenced by knowledge variables, so the government is expected to increase the society insight through socialization about syariah financial literacy, and sharia products.

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