scholarly journals Cooling Towers for Process Industry

Max Bell

In the recent past we have seen a dramatic awakening to the problem of properly managing the waste heat being introduced into our water supplies. What was once considered to be an inexhaustible natural resource is now known to have very finite limitations. The accelerating emission of heated wastes to the environment has triggered an acute concern on the part of the public - the legislators - and industry itself. It is generally recognized that few naturally occurring bodies of water are large enough to absorb the staggering amount of future heat loads which could be imposed upon them and that some alternative method of rejecting large quantities of heat must be utilized. Paper published with permission.

2018 ◽  
pp. 19-22
Андрій Миколайович Радченко ◽  
Євген Іванович Трушляков ◽  
Сергій Анатолійович Кантор ◽  
Богдан Сергійович Портной

The air conditioning processes (heat-humidity treatment) at the inlet of energy units by heat-energized refrigeration mechanisms with heat removal cooling towers of the cooling system are studied on the example of a gas turbine unit. Two-stage air cooling is considered applying a two-stage combined type heat-energized refrigeration mechanism, which applies the exhaust gas heat of a gas turbine unit and which includes absorption lithium-bromide and refrigerant ejector refrigeration mechanism as steps to convert waste heat into cold. Based on the results of modeling the operation of the cooling complex of a gas turbine unit, data was obtained on current heat loads on heat-energized refrigeration mechanisms and cooling towers in accordance with the climatic conditions of operation with different distribution of project heat loads on the air cooling stages and, accordingly, on the transformation of waste heat into cold. Due to the fact that the heat load on the cooling towers depends on the efficiency of transformation of waste heat into cold (heat coefficients) by absorption lithium-bromide and refrigerant ejector refrigeration mechanisms, a rational distribution of the project heat loads to the absorption and ejector stages of a combined type heat-energized refrigeration mechanisms that provides reduce heat load on cooling towers. It is demonstrated that due to this approach to determining the rational heat load on the cooling towers of the cooling system, which consists of calculation the redistribution of heat load between the  absorption lithium-bromide and refrigerant ejector cooling stages with different efficiency and transformation of waste heat (different heat coefficients) in accordance with current climate conditions, is possible to minimize the number of cooling with a corresponding reduction in capital expenditures on the air conditioning system at the inlet of gas turbine unit

Shukla PK ◽  
Singh MP ◽  
Patel R

Indole and its derivatives have engaged a unique place in the chemistry of nitrogen heterocyclic compounds. The recognition of the plant growthhormone, heteroauxin, the significant amino acids, tryptamine & tryptophan and anti-inflammatory drug, indomethacine are the imperativederivatives of indole which have added stimulus to this review work. Isatin (1H-indole-2,3-dione), an indole derivative of plant origin. Althoughit is a naturally occurring compound, but was synthesized by Erdmann and Laurent in 1840 before it was found in nature. Isatin is a versatileprecursor for many biologically active molecules and its diversified nature makes it a versatile substrate for further modifications. It is concernedin many pharmacological activities like anti-malarial, antiviral, anti-allergic, antimicrobial etc; isatin and its derivatives have been also found todemonstrate promising outcomes against various cancer cell lines. This review provides a brief overview on the recent advances and futureperspectives on chemistry and biological aspects of isatin and its derivatives reported in the recent past.

1996 ◽  
Vol 42 (8) ◽  
pp. 1345-1349 ◽  
J B Silkworth ◽  
J F Brown

Abstract Humans are exposed daily to low concentrations of many different chemical substances, natural and some man-made. Although many of these substances can be toxic at high levels, typical exposures are far below the effect levels. The responses produced by man-made aromatic hydrocarbon receptor agonists, such as dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are also produced, often to greater extents [corrected], by naturally occurring constituents of fried meat, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, cocoa, and curry. Our society seems to be concerned about the health risks associated only with the synthetic chemicals, regardless of their proportional contribution to the total agonist activity, and regulates on the basis of such concerns. It would be more protective of the public health to determine acceptable concentrations for each type of response, regardless of the origin of the inducing agent, and issue advisories or regulations accordingly.


LABURPENA: Gaur egun, mendien kudeaketa eta baso-politika ingurumeneko eta jasangarritasuneko irizpideetan oinarritzen dira, eta lurraldeko baliabide natural nagusiaren aprobetxamenduari buruzko erabakiak bideratzen dituzte. Hori dela-eta, lurralde-antolamendu ororen markoan, nekazaritzaren, basogintzaren eta abeltzaintzaren arloan jarduten duten eragile publiko eta pribatu guztiek egindako plangintza oinarrizkoa izango da hurrengoa bermatzeko: egun mendia behar bezala aprobetxatuz etorkizuneko belaunaldiei balio sozial eta ekonomiko bera transmititzen dien kudeaketa. RESUMEN: La gestión de los montes y la política forestal se fundamentan, actualmente, en criterios medioambientales y de sostenibilidad que dirigen las decisiones sobre el aprovechamiento del principal recurso natural del territorio. Por ello, en el marco de toda ordenación territorial, la planificación mediante la participación de todos los agentes públicos y privados que operan en el ámbito agrosilvopastoral se erige en instrumento esencial de las orientaciones garantizadoras de una gestión que, aprovechando óptimamente el monte en el presente, transmita ese mismo valor social y económico a las futuras generaciones. ABSTRACT: The management of forests and the forest policy are presently based on enviromental and sustainability criteria which are addressed to the decisions regarding the exploitation of the main natural resource of the territory. Because of it, in the framework of the whole territorial planning, the planning by the participation of all the public and private agents that operate within the agrarian, forest and herding field becomes an essential instrument of the guidelines that guaratee the management which using ideally the forest nowadays give that same social and economic value to the future generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 193-208
Lucilla Bittucci ◽  
Stefano Marzioni ◽  
Pina Murè ◽  
Marco Spallone

This study investigates the main factors driving the evolution of the securitization of loans to Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The value of securitization increased in last two years, even though it has not been used as collateral for central banks. The disposal of non-performing loans (NPLs) may have been rather triggered by increasing attention of the international institutions to such an issue, within the general purpose of financial stability. The purpose of this paper is to interpret such a phenomenon focusing on Italian banks and restricting the analysis to the case of securitizations backed with loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The interesting result that emerges, supported by econometrically tested empirical evidence, is that given the orientation of international financial institutions, such as the ECB and the EBA, and reacting to incentives coming from the fiscal policy authorities for the public guarantee of loans, banks have been using securitization to reduce the burden on their bad balance sheets due to (NPLs). It was found that the public guarantee had a positive impact on SME securitization, whereas securitization in other sectors has not been affected significantly. Such evidence suggests that, in the absence of a public guarantee, the financial stability target would have been at risk, and the effectiveness of collateral-based policies in the recent past must be improved to enhance access to credit for SMEs.

Mohammed bin Fahed al-Subaie

    This study aimed to identify the judicial implementation of the provisions of corporate crimes in Saudi law and determine the objectives of judicial execution and the competent authority in adjudicating the disputes of commercial companies and the role of lawyers in the trial proceedings in the crimes of commercial companies. Moreover, this study aimed at how to achieve justice in commercial courts. The researcher followed the descriptive method in this study as it has included all texts related to the activities and commercial relations contained in the current regulations. The results of the study reached several results, the most important of which are: The jurisdiction over the consideration of commercial disputes in the Kingdom has passed several stages, but in the recent past it is divided into two parts: the first is the Diwan of Grievances; the second is the committees with jurisdiction. However, Ombudsman for Commercial Disputes. As well as the judicial environment in the Kingdom is living a significant positive movement, especially in the legislative and executive aspects, and the non-unification of commercial judicial bodies in one hand led to duplication of the judiciary and resulted in the presence of more than one body charged with separating with the differentiation of competencies and their overlap in one conflict. The study recommended the need to unify the Saudi commercial judicial bodies in one jurisdiction, the commercial courts of the public judiciary, and rely on modern techniques of telecommuting methods to provide easy communication with lawyers.  

2002 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-64 ◽  
Elizabeth L. Chalecki

Terrorism is a constant and fearful phenomenon, as America has learned to its recent and terrible cost, and like the nine-headed hydra of ancient mythology, as soon as one group or method is terminated, more spring up to take its place. Environmental terrorism adds a new dimension to this phenomenon, identifying the target as a natural resource or environmental feature. At a time when populations all over the world are increasing, the existing resource base is being stretched to provide for more people, and is being consumed at a faster rate. As the value and vulnerability ofthese resources increases, so does their attractive ness as terrorist targets. History shows that access to resources has been a proximate cause of conflict, resources have been both tools and targets of conflict, and environmental degradation and disparity in the distribution of resources can cause major political controversy, tension, and violence. The purposeful destruction of a natural resource can now cause more deaths, property damage, political chaos, and other adverse effects than it would have in any previous decade. The choice of environmental resources as targets or tools ofterrorism is consistent with both the increasing lethality ofterrorism and the growing envi ronmental awareness on the part of the public.

Leonardo Pierobon ◽  
Rambabu Kandepu ◽  
Fredrik Haglind

With increasing incentives for reducing the CO2 emissions offshore, optimization of energy usage on offshore platforms has become a focus area. Most of offshore oil and gas platforms use gas turbines to support the electrical demand on the platform. It is common to operate a gas turbine mostly under part-load conditions most of the time in order to accommodate any short term peak loads. Gas turbines with flexibility with respect to fuel type, resulting in low turbine inlet and exhaust gas temperatures, are often employed. The typical gas turbine efficiency for an offshore application might vary in the range 20–30%. There are several technologies available for onshore gas turbines (and low/medium heat sources) to convert the waste heat into electricity. For offshore applications it is not economical and practical to have a steam bottoming cycle to increase the efficiency of electricity production, due to low gas turbine outlet temperature, space and weight restrictions and the need for make-up water. A more promising option for use offshore is organic Rankine cycles (ORC). Moreover, several oil and gas platforms are equipped with waste heat recovery units to recover a part of the thermal energy in the gas turbine off-gas using heat exchangers, and the recovered thermal energy acts as heat source for some of the heat loads on the platform. The amount of the recovered thermal energy depends on the heat loads and thus the full potential of waste heat recovery units may not be utilized. In present paper, a review of the technologies available for waste heat recovery offshore is made. Further, the challenges of implementing these technologies on offshore platforms are discussed from a practical point of view. Performance estimations are made for a number of combined cycles consisting of a gas turbine typically used offshore and organic Rankine cycles employing different working fluids; an optimal media is then suggested based on efficiency, weight and space considerations. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research within the field of waste heat recovery for offshore applications.

1977 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-134
B. M. Burnside

Some characteristics of the immiscible liquid binary cycle are illustrated on T-s diagrams. The effect on optimization of matching to waste-heat loads is explained.

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