scholarly journals Developing and Evaluating Ice Cloud Parameterizations for Forward Modeling of Radar Moments Using in situ Aircraft Observations

2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 880-903 ◽  
Maximilian Maahn ◽  
Ulrich Löhnert ◽  
Pavlos Kollias ◽  
Robert C. Jackson ◽  
Greg M. McFarquhar

AbstractObserving ice clouds using zenith pointing millimeter cloud radars is challenging because the transfer functions relating the observables to meteorological quantities are not uniquely defined. Here, the authors use a spectral radar simulator to develop a consistent dataset containing particle mass, area, and size distribution as functions of size. This is an essential prerequisite for radar sensitivity studies and retrieval development. The data are obtained from aircraft in situ and ground-based radar observations during the Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC) campaign in Alaska. The two main results of this study are as follows: 1) An improved method to estimate the particle mass–size relation as a function of temperature is developed and successfully evaluated by combining aircraft in situ and radar observations. The method relies on a functional relation between reflectivity and Doppler velocity. 2) The impact on the Doppler spectrum by replacing measurements of particle area and size distribution by recent analytical expressions is investigated. For this, higher-order moments such as skewness and kurtosis as well as the slopes of the Doppler spectrum are also used as a proxy for the Doppler spectrum. For the area–size relation, it is found that a power law is not sufficient to describe particle area and small deviations from a power law are essential for obtaining consistent higher moments. For particle size distributions, the normalization approach for the gamma distribution of Testud et al., adapted to maximum diameter as size descriptor, is preferred.

2017 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-282 ◽  
Maximilian Maahn ◽  
Ulrich Löhnert

AbstractRetrievals of ice-cloud properties from cloud-radar observations are challenging because the retrieval methods are typically underdetermined. Here, the authors investigate whether additional information can be obtained from higher-order moments and the slopes of the radar Doppler spectrum such as skewness and kurtosis as well as the slopes of the Doppler peak. To estimate quantitatively the additional information content, a generalized Bayesian retrieval framework that is based on optimal estimation is developed. Real and synthetic cloud-radar observations of the Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC) dataset obtained around Barrow, Alaska, are used in this study. The state vector consists of the microphysical (particle-size distribution, mass–size relation, and cross section–area relation) and kinematic (vertical wind and turbulence) quantities required to forward model the moments and slopes of the radar Doppler spectrum. It is found that, for a single radar frequency, more information can be retrieved when including higher-order moments and slopes than when using only reflectivity and mean Doppler velocity but two radar frequencies. When using all moments and slopes with two or even three frequencies, the uncertainties of all state variables, including the mass–size relation, can be considerably reduced with respect to the prior knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Teresa Vogl ◽  
Maximilian Maahn ◽  
Stefan Kneifel ◽  
Willi Schimmel ◽  
Dmitri Moisseev ◽  

Abstract. Riming, i.e. the accretion and freezing of SLW on ice particles in mixed-phase clouds, is an important pathway for precipitation formation. Detecting and quantifying riming using ground-based cloud radar observations is of great interest, however, approaches based on measurements of the mean Doppler velocity (MDV) are unfeasible in convective and orographically influenced cloud systems. Here, we show how artificial neural networks (ANNs) can be used to predict riming using ground-based zenith-pointing cloud radar variables as input features. ANNs are a versatile means to extract relations from labeled data sets, which contain input features along with the expected target values. Training data are extracted from a data set acquired during winter 2014 in Finland, containing both Ka-band cloud radar and in-situ observations of snowfall. We focus on two configurations of input variables: ANN #1 uses the equivalent radar reflectivity factor (Ze), MDV, the width from left to right edge of the spectrum above the noise floor (spectrum edge width; SEW), and the skewness as input features. ANN #2 only uses Ze, SEW and skewness. The application of these two ANN configurations to case studies from different data sets demonstrates that both are able to predict strong riming (riming index = 1) and yield low values (riming index ≤ 0.4) for unrimed snow. In general, the predictions of ANN #1 and ANN #2 are very similar, advocating the capability to predict riming without the use of MDV. It is demonstrated that both ANN setups are able to generalize to W-band radar data. The predictions of both ANNs for a wintertime convective cloud fit coinciding in-situ observations extremely well, suggesting the possibility to predict riming even within convective systems. Application of ANN #2 to an orographic case yields high riming index values coinciding with observations of solid graupel particles at the ground.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (14) ◽  
pp. 9435-9455 ◽  
Matthew J. Alvarado ◽  
Chantelle R. Lonsdale ◽  
Helen L. Macintyre ◽  
Huisheng Bian ◽  
Mian Chin ◽  

Abstract. Accurate modeling of the scattering and absorption of ultraviolet and visible radiation by aerosols is essential for accurate simulations of atmospheric chemistry and climate. Closure studies using in situ measurements of aerosol scattering and absorption can be used to evaluate and improve models of aerosol optical properties without interference from model errors in aerosol emissions, transport, chemistry, or deposition rates. Here we evaluate the ability of four externally mixed, fixed size distribution parameterizations used in global models to simulate submicron aerosol scattering and absorption at three wavelengths using in situ data gathered during the 2008 Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) campaign. The four models are the NASA Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) Combo model, GEOS-Chem v9-02, the baseline configuration of a version of GEOS-Chem with online radiative transfer calculations (called GC-RT), and the Optical Properties of Aerosol and Clouds (OPAC v3.1) package. We also use the ARCTAS data to perform the first evaluation of the ability of the Aerosol Simulation Program (ASP v2.1) to simulate submicron aerosol scattering and absorption when in situ data on the aerosol size distribution are used, and examine the impact of different mixing rules for black carbon (BC) on the results. We find that the GMI model tends to overestimate submicron scattering and absorption at shorter wavelengths by 10–23 %, and that GMI has smaller absolute mean biases for submicron absorption than OPAC v3.1, GEOS-Chem v9-02, or GC-RT. However, the changes to the density and refractive index of BC in GC-RT improve the simulation of submicron aerosol absorption at all wavelengths relative to GEOS-Chem v9-02. Adding a variable size distribution, as in ASP v2.1, improves model performance for scattering but not for absorption, likely due to the assumption in ASP v2.1 that BC is present at a constant mass fraction throughout the aerosol size distribution. Using a core-shell mixing rule in ASP overestimates aerosol absorption, especially for the fresh biomass burning aerosol measured in ARCTAS-B, suggesting the need for modeling the time-varying mixing states of aerosols in future versions of ASP.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (13) ◽  
pp. 7667-7684 ◽  
Fuqing Zhang ◽  
Junhong Wei ◽  
Meng Zhang ◽  
K. P. Bowman ◽  
L. L. Pan ◽  

Abstract. This study analyzes in situ airborne measurements from the 2008 Stratosphere–Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START08) experiment to characterize gravity waves in the extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (ExUTLS). The focus is on the second research flight (RF02), which took place on 21–22 April 2008. This was the first airborne mission dedicated to probing gravity waves associated with strong upper-tropospheric jet–front systems. Based on spectral and wavelet analyses of the in situ observations, along with a diagnosis of the polarization relationships, clear signals of mesoscale variations with wavelengths ~ 50–500 km are found in almost every segment of the 8 h flight, which took place mostly in the lower stratosphere. The aircraft sampled a wide range of background conditions including the region near the jet core, the jet exit and over the Rocky Mountains with clear evidence of vertically propagating gravity waves of along-track wavelength between 100 and 120 km. The power spectra of the horizontal velocity components and potential temperature for the scale approximately between ~ 8 and ~ 256 km display an approximate −5/3 power law in agreement with past studies on aircraft measurements, while the fluctuations roll over to a −3 power law for the scale approximately between ~ 0.5 and ~ 8 km (except when this part of the spectrum is activated, as recorded clearly by one of the flight segments). However, at least part of the high-frequency signals with sampled periods of ~ 20–~ 60 s and wavelengths of ~ 5–~ 15 km might be due to intrinsic observational errors in the aircraft measurements, even though the possibilities that these fluctuations may be due to other physical phenomena (e.g., nonlinear dynamics, shear instability and/or turbulence) cannot be completely ruled out.

2014 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 405-412
Christiane Ribeiro da Silva ◽  
Vládia C. G. de Souza ◽  
Jair C. Koppe

A methodology to determine the size distribution curve of the ROM was developed in a Brazilian iron ore mine. The size of the larger fragments was determined taking photographs and setting the scale of the images to analyze their dimensions (length of their edges and areas). This was implemented according to a specific protocol of sampling that involves split and homogenization stages in situ of a considerable quantity of ore (about 259 metric tonnes). During the sampling process, larger fragments were separated and smaller size material was screened. The methodology was developed initially in order to preview the performance of a primary gyratory crusher that is fed directly from trucks. Operational conditions of the equipment such as closed and open-side settings could be adjusted previously, obtaining different product size distributions. Variability of size of the fragments affects subsequent stages of crushing and can increase circulating load in the circuit. This leads to a decrease of productivity or recovery of the ore dressing. The results showed insignificant errors of accuracy and reproducibility of the sampling protocol when applied to friable itabirite rocks.

2005 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1125-1156 ◽  
P. Stier ◽  
J. Feichter ◽  
S. Kinne ◽  
S. Kloster ◽  
E. Vignati ◽  

Abstract. The aerosol-climate modelling system ECHAM5-HAM is introduced. It is based on a flexible microphysical approach and, as the number of externally imposed parameters is minimised, allows the application in a wide range of climate regimes. ECHAM5-HAM predicts the evolution of an ensemble of microphysically interacting internally- and externally-mixed aerosol populations as well as their size-distribution and composition. The size-distribution is represented by a superposition of log-normal modes. In the current setup, the major global aerosol compounds sulfate (SU), black carbon (BC), particulate organic matter (POM), sea salt (SS), and mineral dust (DU) are included. The simulated global annual mean aerosol burdens (lifetimes) for the year 2000 are for SU: 0.80 Tg(S) (3.9 days), for BC: 0.11 Tg (5.4 days), for POM: 0.99 Tg (5.4 days), for SS: 10.5 Tg (0.8 days), and for DU: 8.28 Tg (4.6 days). An extensive evaluation with in-situ and remote sensing measurements underscores that the model results are generally in good agreement with observations of the global aerosol system. The simulated global annual mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) is with 0.14 in excellent agreement with an estimate derived from AERONET measurements (0.14) and a composite derived from MODIS-MISR satellite retrievals (0.16). Regionally, the deviations are not negligible. However, the main patterns of AOD attributable to anthropogenic activity are reproduced.

2018 ◽  
Anna Nikandrova ◽  
Ksenia Tabakova ◽  
Antti Manninen ◽  
Riikka Väänänen ◽  
Tuukka Petäjä ◽  

Abstract. Understanding the distribution of aerosol layers is important for determining long range transport and aerosol radiative forcing. In this study we combine airborne in situ measurements of aerosol with data obtained by a ground-based High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) and radiosonde profiles to investigate the temporal and vertical variability of aerosol properties in the lower troposphere. The HSRL was deployed in Hyytiälä, Southern Finland, from January to September 2014 as a part of the US DoE ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) mobile facility during the BAECC (Biogenic Aerosols – Effects on Cloud and Climate) Campaign. Two flight campaigns took place in April and August 2014 with instruments measuring the aerosol size distribution from 10 nm to 10 µm at altitudes up to 3800 m. Two case studies from the flight campaigns, when several aerosol layers were identified, were selected for further investigation: one clear sky case, and one partly cloudy case. During the clear sky case, turbulent mixing ensured low temporal and spatial variability in the measured aerosol size distribution in the boundary layer whereas mixing was not as homogeneous in the boundary layer during the partly cloudy case. The elevated layers exhibited greater temporal and spatial variability in aerosol size distribution, indicating a lack of mixing. New particle formation was observed in the boundary layer during the clear sky case, and nucleation mode particles were also seen in the elevated layers that were not mixing with the boundary layer. Interpreting local measurements of elevated layers in terms of long-range transport can be achieved using back trajectories from Lagrangian models, but care should be taken in selecting appropriate arrival heights, since the modelled and observed layer heights did not always coincide. We conclude that higher confidence in attributing elevated aerosol layers with their air mass origin is attained when back trajectories are combined with lidar and radiosonde profiles.

2017 ◽  
Shannon L. Mason ◽  
J. Christine Chiu ◽  
Robin J. Hogan ◽  
Lin Tian

Abstract. Satellite radar remote-sensing of rain is important for quantifying of the global hydrological cycle, atmospheric energy budget, and many microphysical cloud and precipitation processes; however, radar estimates of rain rate are sensitive to assumptions about the raindrop size distribution. The upcoming EarthCARE satellite will feature a 94-GHz Doppler radar alongside lidar and radiometer instruments, presenting opportunities for enhanced global retrievals of the rain drop size distribution. In this paper we demonstrate the capability to retrieve both rain rate and a parameter of the rain drop size distribution from an airborne 94-GHz Doppler radar using CAPTIVATE, the variational retrieval algorithm developed for EarthCARE radar–lidar synergy. For a range of rain regimes observed during the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC4) field campaign in the eastern Pacific in 2007, we explore the contributions of Doppler velocity and path-integrated attenuation (PIA) to the retrievals, and evaluate the retrievals against independent measurements from a second, less attenuated, Doppler radar aboard the same aircraft. Retrieved drop number concentration varied over five orders of magnitude between light rain from melting ice, and warm rain from liquid clouds. Doppler velocity can be used to estimate rain rate over land, and retrievals of rain rate and drop number concentration are possible in profiles of light rain over land; in moderate warm rain, drop number concentration can be retrieved without Doppler velocity. These results suggest that EarthCARE rain retrievals facilitated by Doppler radar will make substantial improvements to the global understanding of the interaction of clouds and precipitation.

1991 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 1544-1549 ◽  
D. Negrini ◽  
S. Mukenge ◽  
M. Del Fabbro ◽  
C. Gonano ◽  
G. Miserocchi

In seven anesthetized rabbits we measured the size, shape, and density of lymphatic stomata on the peritoneal and pleural sides of the diaphragm. The diaphragm was fixed in situ and processed for scanning electron microscopy. Results are from 2,902 peritoneal and 3,086 pleural fields (each 1,620 microns 2) randomly chosen from the various specimens. Stomata were seen in 9% of the fields examined, and in 30% of the cases they appeared grouped in clusters with 2-14 stomata/field. Stoma density was 250 +/- 242 and 72 +/- 57 (SD) stomata/mm2 on peritoneal and pleural sides, respectively, and it was similar over the muscular and tendinous portion of the two surfaces. The maximum diameter ranged from less than 1 to approximately 30 microns, with an average value of 1.2 +/- 3.1 micron. The ratio of the maximum to the minimum diameter and the surface area averaged 2 +/- 1.4 and 0.7 +/- 2.4 micron 2, respectively. The maximum and minimum diameter and surface area values followed a lognormal frequency distribution, suggesting that stomata geometry is affected by diaphragmatic tension.

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