A Calvinist account of nursing ethics

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (7) ◽  
pp. 762-770 ◽  
Bart Cusveller

A relatively small but intellectually robust strand in the Christian religion is the Reformed tradition. Especially, its Calvinist sensibilities inform this Protestant stance towards human culture in general and vocations in particular. Correspondingly, there are some small but robust contributions to academic discourse in nursing ethics. So far there has been no attempt to bring those together as a distinct approach. This article suggests such a Reformed Christian, especially Calvinist, account of nursing ethics. Central to the Reformed perspective is the notion that God is sovereign over all of creation and culture and hence that there can be no religiously or morally neutral area in human life. Consequently, nursing is not seen as professional to the extent it is based on research evidence or theoretical models, but to the extent it serves the ultimate purpose of the practice of care. In the Reformed view, this purpose is fostering the well-being of human beings in need as intrinsically valuable. Nurses are professionals who accept this responsibility, that is, the whole of expectations holding for personal qualities, conduct and outcomes, required to serve the purpose of care. As this is a moral purpose, succeeding or failing to live up to these expectations is the source of moral issues in nursing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-121
Idi Warsah

Conflicts are unavoidable in human life. Thus, for human beings, the attitude of forgiveness is of importance to be well-embedded and sustainably constructed. Resting upon the aforesaid premises, the present study conducted a library research to reveal how forgiveness is viewed from the perspectives of positive psychology and Islam. 102 scientific works reviewed, 58 works were finally selected to be scrutinized in depth. This study revealed that the discourses in the field of positive psychology imply that forgiveness attitude is of importance to be embedded in human beings and continuously constructed by virtue of its positive natural impacts on mental health, good relationships, physical health, and positive well-being. Furthermore, as informed by Islamic teachings, the attitude of forgiveness is also suggested to be well and continuously embedded. As the best Islamic role model for the end-time people, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH already exemplified that humans are indeed to always be forgiving and even to pray for others for the sake of good things that Allah SWT will bestow to. It is worth noting that both positive psychology and Islam encourage humans to be forgiving individuals.

2019 ◽  
pp. 13-30
James R. Otteson

Chapter 1 addresses the central importance of asking the why of everything we propose to do, not only the how. This is as important in business as in any other walk of life. This issues from the fact that human beings are essentially purposive creatures, that is, creatures who create and pursue ends, goals, and purposes. The final or ultimate goal of human life is, as Aristotle argued, eudaimonia—“happiness,” “well-being,” or “flourishing.” If that is our ultimate end, then all our activities should be deliberately ordered to help us achieve it. That includes business, and the political and economic institutions in which business operates. This chapter argues that business should contribute to and reflect our pursuit of eudaimonia. It closes with questions that this conception of human purposiveness suggests should be investigated, pointing the path forward for the rest of the book.

2002 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-201
Mir Annice Mahmood

The author of this book has enriched international political economy by introducing a new aspect, namely, the impact of the steadily advancing global communications industry on economies and societies and, more specifically, on human security. The latter is a broad-based concept developed by the UNDP to reflect, through certain key indicators, human well-being. This consists of a very strong element of social justice in which human beings can satisfy their needs by organising the appropriate political, economic, and cultural institutions within a framework that provides the maximum level of participation and autonomy. For the latter to be achieved, it is essential that people have the means to decide what they wish to do in life and then can translate these wishes into actuality. As the author quotes Streeten, human security is “a broad approach to improving human well-being that would cover all aspects of human life, for all people, in both high-income and developing countries, both now and in the future” (p. 5).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 181-196
Shafqat Ur Rahman ◽  
Malik Farrukh Hussain

A Welfare state refers to the concept of a state in which a state takes responsibility for the protection of all citizens and their well-being. A welfare state recognizes the security of its citizens as a priority and takes solid steps for it. In the olden days, the states were limited to the interests of the rulers; gradually there were born enlightened human beings who introduced new ideas to the state which improved human life. A new concept was introduced in the state system called the welfare state. For a welfare state, as far as the individuals are important to control all the systems in a state, in which the rules and regulations/principles also have far rich importance in any state. So, the selection of proper/eligible individuals for such a regulatory welfare state is necessary. If any state set aside the basic eligibility criteria while appointing any responsible administrative slot then it will cause the destruction of that state gradually as well society at the end. On the other hand, if any welfare state would strictly follow the eligibility criteria for the given administrative slot and appoint the individuals purely on merit and ability, then it will result in constructive and positive change in that welfare state which boost up the society towards prosperity peace and progress for the sake of humanity.In this manuscript, we tried our best to mention and focus on some qualitative levels/points which must be compulsory while appointing any administrative/key post in any Islamic welfare state to make it prosperous and progressive, keeping in view the interpretation purely from Quran and Sunnah.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-4
Kumar P. Mainali

It is we human beings who are to be blamed for the near or total extinction of many life forms with whom we coexist in this planet. Loss of biodiversity alters the ecosystem and makes human life increasingly difficult in many defined ways. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. Current rates of loss of biodiversity are high and accelerating. However, preventing extinction is practical, but requires enough investment. It is always a nice idea to fund new ideas. However it is imperative that the first and foremost investment priority should be concerned with the current and imminent threats in our well being. Himalayan Journal of Sciences 1(1): 3-4, 2003 The full text is of this article is available at the Himalayan Journal of Sciences website

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (11) ◽  
pp. 2523-2527
Vitalii M. Pashkov ◽  
Maryna V. Trotska ◽  
Andrii O. Harkusha

The aim: To inquire into a theoretical and legal basis that regulates relevant areas and processes; use of certain objects, associated with ecological risks, which association, in turn, indicates the likelihood of conditions that can have adverse effects on the environment, human life and well-being. Materials and methods: In this work we study statutory regulations and scientific positions of scholars regarding the above-mentioned issue. The study analyses generalized information from scientific journals employing scientific methods from a medical and legal perspective. This article is based on dialectical, comparative, analytic, synthetic, and comprehensive research methods. Conclusions: The importance of the issue of environmental risks reflects the need in solving the problem of coexistence between human beings and nature. The analysis of theoretical and legal basis within the outlined framework will allow detecting the gaps and will help to understand in what way they are surmountable while regulating the stressors associated with ecological risks, on one hand, and, on another hand – the possible consequences, in order to prevent and eliminate them as promptly as possible and, thus, minimize their adverse effects on the environment and the health of the population.

Klaus B. Nürnberger

This essay extends my previous research on eschatology to cover the question of human uniqueness. Using the approach of ‘experiential realism’, I begin with a few findings of modern science that are relevant to the topic: big bang cosmology, entropy, regularity and contingency, and emergence theory. On this basis, I discuss human uniqueness at the physical, biological and consciousness levels. There is indeed continuity between humans and other living beings, yet humans are far ahead of other creatures on an exponentially accelerating trajectory. Part of human consciousness is the capacity to envision the future. It can confine itself to what is possible and probable, or overshoot these limitations. I discuss three ways human beings experience time: physical, experiential and existential. The latter projects a vision of what ought to become as a response to the experience of what ought not to have become. A vision of what ought to become implies criteria and an ultimate authority setting such criteria. Against this background, I analyse the evolution of biblical future expectations. Apocalyptic eschatology and resurrection of the dead are the most radical among many other, and more mundane future expectations. They emerged late in post-exilic Judaism, were never generally accepted and began to lose their plausibility and relevance in New Testament times already. While projections that overshoot the given are immensely important for human life in general and the Christian faith in particular, apocalyptic eschatology envisages the replacement of the existing world with a perfect world, rather than its transformation. This can lead to pious fatalism and despondency and thus become counterproductive. The theological defence of apocalyptic eschatology rests on various untested assumptions. I briefly discuss and critique the concepts of divine agency, omnipotence, eternity and contingency. Finally, I propose a reconceptualisation of Christian future expectations as human participation in God’s vision of comprehensive optimal well-being, which translates into God’s concern for any deficiency in well-being in any aspect of life and which operates like a horizon that moves on as we approach it, opening up ever new vistas, challenges and opportunities.

2011 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
Enrique Villanueva Canadas

L’autore riflette sui dilemmi etici dei medici odierni e su quali siano le misure che devono individuare per risolverli. Nega che la bioetica sia la panacea per risolvere queste questioni come pure che la legge rappresenti l’ultima istanza dell’ideale di giustizia. La risposta risiede nella ricerca che ciascuno fa nella ricerca della soluzione ottimale di un problema. L’autore è particolarmente critico con linee di pensiero che difendono una visione neutrale della giustizia nelle questioni morali, lasciando che gli individui agiscano secondo le proprie credenze; accusa il liberalismo neutrale di creare una società senza valori e di promuovere leggi che stanno trasformando la società; esplora il futuro dell’umanità minacciato da tecniche che possono modificare il genoma e con essa creare nuovi tipi di esseri umani; riflette sul rapporto scienza-etica-legge per dimostrare che sia la bioetica che la legge dovrebbero avere solidi fondamenti scientifici. A titolo di esempio, egli ricorda come le leggi fondamentali per la procreazione assistita e la ricerca biomedica in Spagna, 14/2006 e 14/2007, si basavano su una sola Commissione senza una garanzia scientifica. L’autore sottolinea come l’aspetto essenziale per legiferare sulla natura giuridica dell’embrione umano è quello di stabilire scientificamente ed inequivocabilmente quando comincia la vita umana. Dopo aver preso in considerazione le diverse opinioni egli fa notare come tutti gli argomenti scientifici che supportano la natura giuridica dell’embrione e molte leggi sull’aborto che negano la personalità dell’embrione sino a un certo periodo dell’impianto, si basano sulle stesso tipo di speculazione mai provata. Nel 1922 G.W. Corner mise in relazione la struttura delle membrane fetali (corialità, amnios) con le differenti fasi ipotetiche di duplicazione embrionale. Corner presentò la sua teoria come una proposta teorica, una speculazione. (We may permit ourselves to (…) indulge in a brief speculation regarding the morphogenesis of human monochorionic twins). Un autore moderno, Rowena Spencer ha dimostrato che questa teoria non è affatto vera. L’autore conclude dicendo che solo una società che considera l’uomo come fine per se stesso senza considerare le circostanze sarà salva dall’autodistruzione. ---------- The author reflects upon the ethical dilemmas of nowadays doctors and which are the measures they have to try to solve them. He denies that bioethics is the panacea for solving these issues as well as the consideration of law as the last instance of the ideal of justice. The answer everybody looks for in the quest for the optimal resolution of a problem. The author is specially critical with lines of thought that advocate a neutral kind of Justice in moral issues letting individuals act according to their own believes. The author accuses neutral liberalism of creating a society without values and of promoting laws that are transforming society. The author explores the future of humanity threatened by techniques that may modify the Genome and therewith create new types of human beings. The author reflects upon the relation Science-Ethics-Law to demonstrate that both bioethics and law should have solid scientific foundations. As an example, the author mentions how the Fundamental Laws for assisted human reproduction and biomedical research in Spain 14/2006 and 14/2007 were based on the opinion of a sole commission without scientific warrant. The author outlines how the essential aspect in order to be able to legislate about the juridical nature of the human embryo is to establish scientifically and unequivocally when does a human life begin. After considering different opinions he analyzes that all the scientific arguments that support the juridical nature of the embryo and most abortion laws denying personhood of the embryo until after a certain period of implantation, are based upon the same type of never proven speculation. In 1922 G. W. Corner put in relation the structure of fetal membranes (chorionicity, amnion) with different hypothetical stages of embryonic duplication. Corner presented his theory as a theoretical suggestion, a speculation. (We may permit ourselves to (…) indulge in a brief speculation regarding the morphogenesis of human monochorionic twins). Modern author, Rowena Spencer has demonstrated that this theory is far from true. The author finishes by saying that only a society that considers man, as an end in itself notwithstanding circumstances will be saved from self-destruction.

Hongwen LI

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.現代生物科技的廣泛應用引發了一系列社會、法律和倫理問題,它帶來的負面效應正如它的正面效果一樣多。現代生物科技的基本邏輯體現在:它採取還原論的思維模式,秉承改善生命的宗旨,以及持有技術樂觀主義的態度。作者運用莊子的哲學思想對現代生物科技展開一般性批評。作者指出,現代生物科技首先表現出強烈的反自然性,它向自然提出過分要求,干擾、阻止事物順其自然、按其本性來展示自己。現代生物科技還表現出異化特徵,主要體現在物質化和資本化兩個方面。物質化將人的活動限制在物的層面,片面追求物的有用性;資本化則導致生物資本主義的發展。用莊子道家的語言,技術的非自然性和異化的直接原因是“道”“技”分離。因此,為了走出現代生物技術的陷阱,應該採取莊子“道技合一”的方式,實現“技不離道”、“以道馭技”、“道法自然”之完美結合。Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses such as engineering, technology, and medical research. This paper highlights the social, legal, and moral issues brought about by modern biotechnology. It is particularly concerned with materialism, capitalism, and commercialism where biotechnological means are explored and exploited without ethical boundaries. The result of biotechnological abuse is that we human beings will become increasingly alienated from our authentic nature and being.Daoism was one of the major philosophical traditions of ancient China, based on the teaching of Laozi and Zhuangzi. This paper focuses on the Daoist view of human life and its relation to the natural world from Zhuangzi’s perspective. It will be contended that we must put “human flourishing” – the Dao – first, before we care about the utility of science and technology – the Ji. According to Daoism, true human self-realization depends on the unity between the Dao and the Ji.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 138 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Elżbieta Janosik

Light and its practical application in the form of lighting plays an important role in human life, because it generates visual impressions, shapes mental experiences and the rhythm of vital functions. The way in which light determines visual capabilities and physiological reactions depends on the properties of the interacting light stimuli. The article presents the ways of its influence on human beings, quantitative and qualitative lighting parameters shaping the visual conditions and the light climate in the interiors were discussed, and possible negative health effects of deficiency or excess light stimuli in the environment were underlined. The advantages and disadvantages of modern lighting sources used for housing lighting have also been approached, taking into account the ecological aspect. Because light affects the efficiency of vision, well-being, and even human health, good lighting can be considered as a basic need in our everyday life. The reduction of damages caused by incorrect lighting conditions can be achieved by following the recommendations given in this article and using the instructions given by the interior lighting creators.

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