scholarly journals The global and promoter-centric 3D genome organization temporally resolved during a circadian cycle

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Mayra Furlan-Magaril ◽  
Masami Ando-Kuri ◽  
Rodrigo G. Arzate-Mejía ◽  
Jörg Morf ◽  
Jonathan Cairns ◽  

Abstract Background Circadian gene expression is essential for organisms to adjust their physiology and anticipate daily changes in the environment. The molecular mechanisms controlling circadian gene transcription are still under investigation. In particular, how chromatin conformation at different genomic scales and regulatory elements impact rhythmic gene expression has been poorly characterized. Results Here we measure changes in the spatial chromatin conformation in mouse liver using genome-wide and promoter-capture Hi-C alongside daily oscillations in gene transcription. We find topologically associating domains harboring circadian genes that switch assignments between the transcriptionally active and inactive compartment at different hours of the day, while their boundaries stably maintain their structure over time. To study chromatin contacts of promoters at high resolution over time, we apply promoter capture Hi-C. We find circadian gene promoters displayed a maximal number of chromatin contacts at the time of their peak transcriptional output. Furthermore, circadian genes, as well as contacted and transcribed regulatory elements, reach maximal expression at the same timepoints. Anchor sites of circadian gene promoter loops are enriched in DNA binding sites for liver nuclear receptors and other transcription factors, some exclusively present in either rhythmic or stable contacts. Finally, by comparing the interaction profiles between core clock and output circadian genes, we show that core clock interactomes are more dynamic compared to output circadian genes. Conclusion Our results identify chromatin conformation dynamics at different scales that parallel oscillatory gene expression and characterize the repertoire of regulatory elements that control circadian gene transcription through rhythmic or stable chromatin configurations.

2020 ◽  
Masami Ando-Kuri ◽  
Rodrigo G. Arzate-Mejía ◽  
Jorg Morf ◽  
Jonathan Cairns ◽  
Cesar A. Poot-Hernández ◽  

SummaryCircadian gene expression is essential for organisms to adjust cellular responses and anticipate daily changes in the environment. In addition to its physiological importance, the clock circuit represents an ideal, temporally resolved, system to study transcription regulation. Here, we analysed changes in spatial mouse liver chromatin conformation using genome-wide and promoter-capture Hi-C alongside daily oscillations in gene transcription in mouse liver. We found circadian topologically associated domains switched assignments to the transcriptionally active, open chromatin compartment and the inactive compartment at different hours of the day while their boundaries stably maintain their structure over time. Individual circadian gene promoters displayed maximal chromatin contacts at times of peak transcriptional output and the expression of circadian genes and contacted transcribed regulatory elements, or other circadian genes, was phase-coherent. Anchor sites of promoter chromatin loops were enriched in binding sites for liver nuclear receptors and transcription factors, some exclusively present in either rhythmic or stable contacts. The circadian 3D chromatin maps provided here identify the scales of chromatin conformation that parallel oscillatory gene expression and protein factors specifically associated with circadian or stable chromatin configurations.

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 108 (9) ◽  
pp. 3179-3186 ◽  
Rishikesh Mankidy ◽  
Douglas V. Faller ◽  
Rodwell Mabaera ◽  
Christopher H. Lowrey ◽  
Michael S. Boosalis ◽  

Abstract High-level induction of fetal (γ) globin gene expression for therapy of β-hemoglobinopathies likely requires local chromatin modification and dissociation of repressor complexes for γ-globin promoter activation. A novel γ-globin–inducing short-chain fatty acid derivative (SCFAD), RB7, which was identified through computational modeling, produced a 6-fold induction in a reporter assay that detects only strong inducers of the γ-globin gene promoter and in cultured human erythroid progenitors. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms used by high-potency SCFADs, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays performed at the human γ- and β-globin gene promoters in GM979 cells and in erythroid progenitors demonstrate that RB7 and butyrate induce dissociation of HDAC3 (but not HDAC1 or HDAC2) and its adaptor protein NCoR, specifically from the γ-globin gene promoter. A coincident and proportional recruitment of RNA polymerase II to the γ-globin gene promoter was observed with exposure to these γ-globin inducers. Knockdown of HDAC3 by siRNA induced transcription of the γ-globin gene promoter, demonstrating that displacement of HDAC3 from the γ-globin gene promoter by the SCFAD is sufficient to induce γ-globin gene expression. These studies demonstrate new dynamic alterations in transcriptional regulatory complexes associated with SCFAD-induced activation of the γ-globin gene and provide a specific molecular target for potential therapeutic intervention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Karolina Stępniak ◽  
Magdalena A. Machnicka ◽  
Jakub Mieczkowski ◽  
Anna Macioszek ◽  
Bartosz Wojtaś ◽  

AbstractChromatin structure and accessibility, and combinatorial binding of transcription factors to regulatory elements in genomic DNA control transcription. Genetic variations in genes encoding histones, epigenetics-related enzymes or modifiers affect chromatin structure/dynamics and result in alterations in gene expression contributing to cancer development or progression. Gliomas are brain tumors frequently associated with epigenetics-related gene deregulation. We perform whole-genome mapping of chromatin accessibility, histone modifications, DNA methylation patterns and transcriptome analysis simultaneously in multiple tumor samples to unravel epigenetic dysfunctions driving gliomagenesis. Based on the results of the integrative analysis of the acquired profiles, we create an atlas of active enhancers and promoters in benign and malignant gliomas. We explore these elements and intersect with Hi-C data to uncover molecular mechanisms instructing gene expression in gliomas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Julius Judd ◽  
Hayley Sanderson ◽  
Cédric Feschotte

Abstract Background Transposable elements are increasingly recognized as a source of cis-regulatory variation. Previous studies have revealed that transposons are often bound by transcription factors and some have been co-opted into functional enhancers regulating host gene expression. However, the process by which transposons mature into complex regulatory elements, like enhancers, remains poorly understood. To investigate this process, we examined the contribution of transposons to the cis-regulatory network controlling circadian gene expression in the mouse liver, a well-characterized network serving an important physiological function. Results ChIP-seq analyses reveal that transposons and other repeats contribute ~ 14% of the binding sites for core circadian regulators (CRs) including BMAL1, CLOCK, PER1/2, and CRY1/2, in the mouse liver. RSINE1, an abundant murine-specific SINE, is the only transposon family enriched for CR binding sites across all datasets. Sequence analyses and reporter assays reveal that the circadian regulatory activity of RSINE1 stems from the presence of imperfect CR binding motifs in the ancestral RSINE1 sequence. These motifs matured into canonical motifs through point mutations after transposition. Furthermore, maturation occurred preferentially within elements inserted in the proximity of ancestral CR binding sites. RSINE1 also acquired motifs that recruit nuclear receptors known to cooperate with CRs to regulate circadian gene expression specifically in the liver. Conclusions Our results suggest that the birth of enhancers from transposons is predicated both by the sequence of the transposon and by the cis-regulatory landscape surrounding their genomic integration site.

1987 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 398-402
T Rutherford ◽  
A W Nienhuis

The contribution of the human globin gene promoters to tissue-specific transcription was studied by using globin promoters to transcribe the neo (G418 resistance) gene. After transfection into different cell types, neo gene expression was assayed by scoring colony formation in the presence of G418. In K562 human erythroleukemia cells, which express fetal and embryonic globin genes but not the adult beta-globin gene, the neo gene was expressed strongly from a fetal gamma- or embryonic zeta-globin gene promoter but only weakly from the beta promoter. In murine erythroleukemia cells which express the endogenous mouse beta genes, the neo gene was strongly expressed from both beta and gamma promoters. In two nonerythroid cell lines, human HeLa cells and mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, the globin gene promoters did not allow neo gene expression. Globin-neo genes were integrated in the erythroleukemia cell genomes mostly as a single copy per cell and were transcribed from the appropriate globin gene cap site. We conclude that globin gene promoter sequences extending from -373 to +48 base pairs (bp) (relative to the cap site) for the beta gene, -385 to +34 bp for the gamma gene, and -555 to +38 bp for the zeta gene are sufficient for tissue-specific and perhaps developmentally specific transcription.

2021 ◽  
Moataz Dowaidar

Changes in gene expression levels above or below a particular threshold may have a dramatic impact on phenotypes, leading to a wide spectrum of human illnesses. Gene-regulatory elements, also known as cis-regulatory elements (CREs), may change the amount, timing, or location (cell/tissue type) of gene expression, whereas mutations in a gene's coding sequence may result in lower or higher gene expression levels resulting in protein loss or gain. Loss-of-function mutations in both genes produce recessive human illness, while haploinsufficient mutations in 65 genes are also known to be deleterious due to function gain, according to the ClinVar1 and ClinGen3 databases. CREs are promoters living near to a gene's transcription start site and switching it on at predefined times, places, and levels. Other distal CREs, like enhancers and silencers, are temporal and tissue-specific control promoters. Enhancers activate promoters, commonly referred to as "promoters," whereas silencers turn them off. Insulators also restrict promiscuous interactions between enhancers and gene promoters. Systematic genomic approaches can help understand the cis-regulatory circuitry of gene expression by highly detecting and functionally defining these CREs. This includes the new use of CRISPR–CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR–Cas9) and other editing approaches to discover CREs. Cis-Regulation therapy (CRT) provides many promises to heal human ailments. CRT may be used to upregulate or downregulate disease-causing genes due to lower or higher levels of expression, and it may also be used to precisely adjust the expression of genes that assist in alleviating disease features. CRT may employ proteins that generate epigenetic modifications like methylation, histone modification, or gene expression regulation looping. Weighing CRT's advantages and downsides against alternative treatment methods is crucial. CRT platforms might become a practical technique to treat many genetic diseases that now lack treatment alternatives if academics, patient communities, clinicians, regulators and industry work together.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261215
Qurat-ul ain-Ali ◽  
Nida Mushtaq ◽  
Rabia Amir ◽  
Alvina Gul ◽  
Muhammad Tahir ◽  

Dehydration Responsive Element Binding (DREB) regulates the expression of numerous stress-responsive genes, and hence plays a pivotal role in abiotic stress responses and tolerance in plants. The study aimed to develop a complete overview of the cis-acting regulatory elements (CAREs) present in S. tuberosum DREB gene promoters. A total of one hundred and four (104) cis-regulatory elements (CREs) were identified from 2.5kbp upstream of the start codon (ATG). The in-silico promoter analysis revealed variable sets of cis-elements and functional diversity with the predominance of light-responsive (30%), development-related (20%), abiotic stress-responsive (14%), and hormone-responsive (12%) elements in StDREBs. Among them, two light-responsive elements (Box-4 and G-box) were predicted in 64 and 61 StDREB genes, respectively. Two development-related motifs (AAGAA-motif and as-1) were abundant in StDREB gene promoters. Most of the DREB genes contained one or more Myeloblastosis (MYB) and Myelocytometosis (MYC) elements associated with abiotic stress responses. Hormone-responsive element i.e. ABRE was found in 59 out of 66 StDREB genes, which implied their role in dehydration and salinity stress. Moreover, six proteins were chosen corresponding to A1-A6 StDREB subgroups for secondary structure analysis and three-dimensional protein modeling followed by model validation through PROCHECK server by Ramachandran Plot. The predicted models demonstrated >90% of the residues in the favorable region, which further ensured their reliability. The present study also anticipated pocket binding sites and disordered regions (DRs) to gain insights into the structural flexibility and functional annotation of StDREB proteins. The protein association network determined the interaction of six selected StDREB proteins with potato proteins encoded by other gene families such as MYB and NAC, suggesting their similar functional roles in biological and molecular pathways. Overall, our results provide fundamental information for future functional analysis to understand the precise molecular mechanisms of the DREB gene family in S. tuberosum.

Blood ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 92 (12) ◽  
pp. 4529-4538 ◽  
Steve N. Georas ◽  
John E. Cumberland ◽  
Thomas F. Burke ◽  
Rongbing Chen ◽  
Ulrike Schindler ◽  

Abstract The differentiation of naive T-helper (Th) cells into cytokine-secreting effector Th cells requires exposure to multiple signals, including exogenous cytokines. Interleukin-4 (IL-4) plays a major role in this process by promoting the differentiation of IL-4–secreting Th2 cells. In Th2 cells, IL-4 gene expression is tightly controlled at the level of transcription by the coordinated binding of multiple transcription factors to regulatory elements in the proximal promoter region. Nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) family members play a critical role in regulating IL-4 transcription and interact with up to five sequences (termed P0 through P4) in the IL-4 promoter. The molecular mechanisms by which IL-4 induces expression of the IL-4 gene are not known, although the IL-4–activated transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (Stat6) is required for this effect. We report here that Stat6 interacts with three binding sites in the human IL-4 promoter by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. These sites overlap the P1, P2, and P4 NFAT elements. To investigate the role of Stat6 in regulating IL-4 transcription, we used Stat6-deficient Jurkat T cells with different intact IL-4 promoter constructs in cotransfection assays. We show that, whereas a multimerized response element from the germline IgE promoter was highly induced by IL-4 in Stat6-expressing Jurkat cells, the intact human IL-4 promoter was repressed under similar conditions. We conclude that the function of Stat6 is highly dependent on promoter context and that this factor promotes IL-4 gene expression in an indirect manner.

Plants ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1176
Ivan Tsers ◽  
Vladimir Gorshkov ◽  
Natalia Gogoleva ◽  
Olga Parfirova ◽  
Olga Petrova ◽  

Soft rot caused by Pectobacterium species is a devastating plant disease poorly characterized in terms of host plant responses. In this study, changes in the transcriptome of tobacco plants after infection with Pectobacterium atrosepticum (Pba) were analyzed using RNA-Seq. To draw a comprehensive and nontrivially itemized picture of physiological events in Pba-infected plants and to reveal novel potential molecular “players” in plant–Pba interactions, an original functional gene classification was performed. The classifications present in various databases were merged, enriched by “missed” genes, and divided into subcategories. Particular changes in plant cell wall-related processes, perturbations in hormonal and other regulatory systems, and alterations in primary, secondary, and redox metabolism were elucidated in terms of gene expression. Special attention was paid to the prediction of transcription factors (TFs) involved in the disease’s development. Herewith, gene expression was analyzed within the predicted TF regulons assembled at the whole-genome level based on the presence of particular cis-regulatory elements (CREs) in gene promoters. Several TFs, whose regulons were enriched by differentially expressed genes, were considered to be potential master regulators of Pba-induced plant responses. Differential regulation of genes belonging to a particular multigene family and encoding cognate proteins was explained by the presence/absence of the particular CRE in gene promoters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (7) ◽  
pp. 3513-3524 ◽  
Monali NandyMazumdar ◽  
Shiyi Yin ◽  
Alekh Paranjapye ◽  
Jenny L Kerschner ◽  
Hannah Swahn ◽  

Abstract The CFTR gene lies within an invariant topologically associated domain (TAD) demarcated by CTCF and cohesin, but shows cell-type specific control mechanisms utilizing different cis-regulatory elements (CRE) within the TAD. Within the respiratory epithelium, more than one cell type expresses CFTR and the molecular mechanisms controlling its transcription are likely divergent between them. Here, we determine how two extragenic CREs that are prominent in epithelial cells in the lung, regulate expression of the gene. We showed earlier that these CREs, located at −44 and −35 kb upstream of the promoter, have strong cell-type-selective enhancer function. They are also responsive to inflammatory mediators and to oxidative stress, consistent with a key role in CF lung disease. Here, we use CRISPR/Cas9 technology to remove these CREs from the endogenous locus in human bronchial epithelial cells. Loss of either site extinguished CFTR expression and abolished long-range interactions between these sites and the gene promoter, suggesting non-redundant enhancers. The deletions also greatly reduced promoter interactions with the 5′ TAD boundary. We show substantial recruitment of RNAPII to the −35 kb element and identify CEBPβ as a key activator of airway expression of CFTR, likely through occupancy at this CRE and the gene promoter.

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