On Culture-General Training of Master�s Degree Students at Higher Pedagogical Institutions

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-35
��������� ◽  
B. Elkanova

The ongoing reforms of the Russia�s educational system call for improvements in the system of higher education. Thus there is a critical need to provide the theoretical and methodological basis for training Master�s degree students, and particularly for the culture-general training. Meanwhile the Federal State Educational Standard of the 3rd generation does not describe in detail the concept of culture-general training of Master�s students, providing only the set of general cultural competencies, which students are required to develop to graduate with the Master�s degree. As higher education institutions are free to set up their own mechanisms of culture-general training, the author emphasizes, that she and her colleagues place a particular focus on culture-general training of Master�s degree students attending the higher pedagogical institutions, because the graduates would not become valued society members, unless they have mastered and enhanced the whole range of culture-general competencies.

2016 ◽  
Leonid Basovskiy ◽  
Viktor Protasyev

The book represents a modern professional course of quality management. Contains a statement of teoretiko-methodological fundamentals of science about quality management. Covers all complex of problems, methods and instruments of quality management of goods, services and works, processes and control systems. Conforms to requirements of the Federal state educational standard of the higher education of the last generation for the Management direction 38.03.02 and the requirements which have developed at the universities conducting in world educational space. For students, graduate students, teachers of the economic, administrative and engineering directions of higher education institutions, students of business schools and practical workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 82-86
Seferyan E. ◽  

Purpose. The article analyzes the normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labor, which underlie the development of the basic educational curriculum for the new Federal State Educational Standard 3 ++ majoring in 20.05.01 “Fire safety”. The types of professional activity in the specified specialty are considered, the range of tasks is outlined when introducing an independent assessment of qualifications into the institute system of specialists training. The principle has been determined, which, if not observed, will result in the unbalancing of specialist program. Methods. Theoretical level methods were used within the framework of the research, in particular, analysis, as well as methods of the empirical level – description, comparison and testing. Findings. The research resulted in the development of a scheme for a two-stage education system in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, and the direction of specialization for a specialist program has been determined as well. Research application field. The results obtained will help to further develop the main professional educational curricula of a specialist program in two areas, in which graduates will be equally in demand. Conclusions. Taking into account the above said, the study will progress in developing a separate specialist program, aimed at the needs of the labor market in the field of fire safety (engineering, preventive and managerial personnel of the services providing fire safety in an organization).

Anna L. Morozova ◽  
Tatyana A. Kostyukova

The expansion of Russian education is now recognized as one of the newest challenges facing the modern system of Russian higher education in the framework of the implementation of the strategies “National Innovation System” and “Priority 2030”. In this regard, the experience of MGIMO, which established its first foreign branch in Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2018, is interesting. The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of the introduction of CLIL elements in ESP training within the framework of spreading the influence of Russian education on the example of MGIMO-Tashkent. We consider the key requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education currently being implemented in domestic universities in the field of training 40.03.01 “Law”, furthermore, since we are dealing with an international education, we rely on the concept of European competencies, initially adopted in 2001 by the European Union (with subsequent amendments). We consider such concepts as: CLIL, ESP, EMI, cultural approach and conducted a brief analysis of their content. The accumulated experience of using CLIL and cultural approaches as the most progressive approaches to the implementation of education within the framework of the expansion of Russian higher education and the subsequent transition to EMI is analyzed. We present the English Language Department experience in the field of teaching ESP at MGIMO on the application of the CLIL approach as part of the expansion of Russian education (2nd semester of 2020/2021 of academic year).

Dmitry V. IVINSKY ◽  

The base of the quality improvement of higher education in the Russian Federation is in modern approaches to the education and upbringing of student youth. This provision also applies to physical education and sports. The modern requirements of the federal standard for the training process in the discipline “Physical Education and Sports” do not specify the means and methods of their implementation. This poses the problem for the teacher of a higher school to find accessible and effective means and methods of physical education of student youth, as well as to improve the elective environment of physical education. Purpose . Consideration and identification of distinctive features of elective disciplines in the field of physical education and sports, mechanisms for their organization and implementation at the modern stage of the development of higher education. Materials and methods . We analyzed the mandatory requirements for the implementation of educational programs of higher education, presented in the federal state educational standard of the third generation. Main results . We presented the pedagogical model of sports-oriented physical education in the organization of higher education and indicated the basic vectors of implementation of elective disciplines and the process of monitoring and accounting of student performance in elective disciplines. Conclusions . The elective environment of physical education is a set of subject-spatial, information-technological and socio-interactive conditions and opportunities created by the organization of higher education for the implementation of the student's individual educational route and its self-realization through physical education and sports. A necessary part of the process of physical training in the organization of higher education is the monitoring and accounting of student performance in elective disciplines.

2020 ◽  
Oleg Yapaskurt ◽  
Evgeniya Karpova

The tutorial deals with modern methods stadial analysis which allows you to retroactively recreate the stages of the successive changes in the substance of sludge as its transformation into the breed and during the stay of the breed in stratisphere. Seems some of the techniques of deciphering and mineral structural and textural transformations, corresponding to different stages of lithogenesis and early metamorphism using optical and electron microscopy, as well as methods of synthesis of such observations on genetic (lithofacies and formational) basis, theoretical understanding of the mechanisms of multivariate processes of sedimentary rock formation, the problems of their classification and relationships with Genesis. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standard of higher education of the last generation. For students of geological specialties, undergraduates, graduate students and research generalists.

2017 ◽  

The manual contains a full and systematic presentation of the University course of sociology. It is aimed at forming students ' General cultural competence contributing to the development of students of the whole scientific Outlook, and a clear civil position, the mastery of basic sociological concepts and the acquisition of research skills. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standard of higher education of the latest generation for the preparation of bachelors. For students enrolled in asociological bachelor.

2017 ◽  
Sergey Katorkin ◽  
Mihail Mel'nikov ◽  
Pavel Myshencev ◽  
Sergey Sushkov ◽  
Sergey Sushkov

The training manual sets forth modern views on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic and principles of complex treatment of lymphedema of the lower extremities. Individual tactics based on the use of clinico-functional and biomechanical methods in diagnosis and treatment are substantiated. The authors described methods of conservative treatment, the technique of classical operations and modern innovative technologies. It meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the latest generation. The manual is intended for students of medical higher educational institutions, clinical residents, surgeons, angio-surgeons and general practitioners

10.12737/5977 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 26-29
Фортыгина ◽  
Svetlana Fortygina

The paper examines specific aspects of how higher education students intending to be primary school teachers, master project competences. Special attention is given to the “Electronic model of primary general education content”, the software product, which meets the requirements imposed by the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education in terms of effective forecasting the outcomes of pedagogical activities.

Александр Рыманов ◽  
Aleksandr Rymanov

The textbook examines issues of corporate governance in the banking sector. The structure of the publication covers the main areas of corporate governance, which include an overview of the regulator's requirements, industry recommendations, exchange requirements, international and national experience of corporate governance in banks. The content of the textbook meets the requirements of the Russian Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the latest generation, as well as professional standards. The book is presented in an accessible form, clearly illustrated. The publication is intended for specialists in the field of corporate governance, finance and credit, internal control and audit, for graduates.

Чуланова ◽  
Oksana Chulanova

Within the frame of personnel consulting, management tools are offered that help to increase the efficiency of personnel as a company resource and reduce the risks of the personal dependence of modern businesses. " Ways to increase the productivity of labor creativity At the enterprise, creating the most favorable conditions for The solution of personnel-related tasks and the search for the most optimal management style of the enterprise become the main tool of consultants in personnel management. To ensure a stable position of the company in the market, the latter must have personnel capable of creatively approaching work, strive for innovations, and achieve an optimal final result. It is on the creation and improvement of cooperation between the personnel of the enterprise that is sent The activity of personnel consultants. Any Russian pre- It is interested in increasing its competitiveness, which raises the task of selecting the most talented, capable Think outside the box of workers. Gradually A new model for the development and use of human Resources. Its main features include: • Orientation to a highly skilled workforce; • the continuity of the knowledge enrichment process; • flexibility in the organization of work; • rejection of traditional personnel policy; • the formation of a new production culture, oriented to people. The trunk line of modern HR consulting is to make human resources that are the essence of competitive Advantages of any organization. This training manual on the discipline "Staff Consulting" was developed In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of higher education in the direction of 38.04.03. "Personnel Management" within the disciplines "Personnel Consulting", " "HR consulting" and in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education for Board 38.06.01 "Economics", profile of training 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy", within the framework of the discipline "Modern problems of personnel management" and training Final qualification works in these areas. The actuality of the publication lies in the fact that in the training manual, along with the main approaches of management consulting in general, all the latest technologies Personnel management. Outsourcing and outstaffing As a technology of hiring temporary personnel.

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