scholarly journals Agtechs and the Innovation Ecosystem of the Espírito Santo

Christiane Barbosa e Castro ◽  
Paulo Henrique Bertucci Ramos

Objective: to identify the most relevant incentives available to agtechs - also known as agritechs or agrotechs; the challenges they face to reach the scalability phase; and the relationship of these challenges with possible limitations of the local innovation ecosystem. Methodology/approach: the data were collected through qualitative research and examined using the content analysis technique. Main results: (1) the entrepreneurs of the interviewed Agtechs identified different market demands and opportunities; (2) the agtechs relied mainly on support, through incubation and mentoring; (3) these nascent companies had greater difficulty in the prototyping stage, in the identification of resource sources, and the formation of a team, which indicates the need to expand support and offer ecosystem solutions in this direction, as well as to facilitate the access to investors; and (4) the Espírito Santo’s innovation ecosystem still presents a series of challenges so that it can fully fulfill the role of encouraging, in a structured way, startups called agtechs. Theoretical/methodological contributions: the results obtained demonstrate the need for an entrepreneurial ecosystem to foster the development of agtechs and reflect the main difficulties faced by entrepreneurs of these nascent companies in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo. Relevance/originality: the issues involved in the study comprise themes of central interest for a deeper understanding of the applied dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems and Agtechs in the context of the Espírito Santo.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 297 (1) ◽  
pp. 77 ◽  

This paper reports a new species of Psidium found only in the Atlantic Forest of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Psidium grazielae is related to P. cauliflorum, differing mainly by membranaceous to chartaceous leaves with glandular dots visible on both faces, inconspicuous secondary veins, as well as the absence of trichromes on branches, inflorescences and fruits. We provide the description and illustrations for this new species. The relationship of P. grazielae and P. cauliflorum is discussed, and comments concerning the taxonomy and ecology of the new species are provided.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Azizatun Nisa

This research is a qualitative research. The aim is finding out the role of reason in understanding laduni knowledge. In this case laduni knowledge is the same as intuition. The relationship of reason and intuition which is essentially always in an interactive condition, first seeing the types of knowledge that can be captured by humans. According to al-Ghazali there are four kinds of levels of existence (being). First. The metaphysical form, according to him, is summarized in the Mahfudh letter. Second, empirical forms in the concrete world (alam syahadah). Third, imaginary (imaginative), and fourth, rational form (al-ma’qulat). The relationship of reason and intuition, al-Ghazali made a parable of people who gained knowledge with reason likened to a child and those who obtained knowledge with intuition were likened to (al-mumayyiz). The parable above implies the existence of a level between the two and does not mean there is a separation between each. If this is related to the theory of the human ratio (al- nafs al-natiqoh) after being able to capture a priori or dharuriyyat knowledge, in turn it shows two abilities, namely, the ability to produce knowledge through understanding (through) feeling . The first is creative-methodical-systematic, while the second is creative-non-systematic-systematic. Thus, it is clear that the nature of both knowledge comes from the same source as the derivative of the soul and therefore both are contained in human intellectuality.

David Rodrigues Rocha

Este trabalho apresenta, por meio de pesquisa descritiva, as práticas de leitura dos estudantes de Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), regularmente matriculados no período de 2009/2. Através de pesquisa de campo, investiga suas relações com o livro e a leitura, as áreas de interesse e o perfil destes estudantes. A pesquisa aponta ainda que a experiência da leitura envolve diferentes processos em sua prática, e que o estereótipo sobre a imagem do estudante de Biblioteconomia, geralmente tão ligada à leitura e ao livro, nem sempre condiz com a realidade, uma vez que este demonstra manter uma relação funcional com a leitura ao longo de sua graduação.Palavras-Chave: Leitura; Estudante-biblioteconomia; Livro; Leitor AbstractThis work presents, by a descriptive research, the reading practices of the librarianship students from the Brazilian Espírito Santo Federal University (UFES), regularly enrolled in the period of 2009/2. Through a field research, it investigates the relationship of students with book and reading, besides their interest fields and profiles. The research points out that the reading experience involves different processes in its practice and that the librarianship student stereotype, generally so linked to reading and book, not always matches with the reality, since this student demonstrates to keep a functional relationship with the reading along with his undergraduate level.Keywords: Reading; Student-librarianship; Book; Reader

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 847
Cokorda Istri Agung Vera Nindiaputri ◽  
Ida Bagus Sudiksa

The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of customer delight in moderating esteem needs to consumer purchase intentions (study on Guess products). This research was conducted in Bali Province with data analysis technique of Moderation Regression Analysis (MRA). Sample size obtained by using purposive sampling method as much as 100 respondents. Based on the results of the analysis can be stated that the esteem needs and customer delight directly affect the consumer's buying intentions on Guess products. Customer delight proved to moderate the relationship of esteem needs to consumers' buying intentions on Guess products. Recommendations that can be recommended for manufacturers Guess should pay attention to the position and views of consumers will use a Guess product to be an inspiration and improve the esteem needs among the community. Guess must be correct in providing information about the advantages over Guess products so that consumers feel comfortable, confident interested and really Guess as a product that is sought and needed.

Proyeksi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Mutiara Mirah Yunita ◽  
Teguh Lesmana

The data shows that some students have experienced failure in lectures and failures in lectures that have an impact on dropping out of college need to be found. One of the initial factors that contributed to failure in lectures was a low GPA. Students need to have a way to have a positive learning attitude so that they can contribute to improving their GPA. In this case the researcher aims to find out the role of mindfulness and vigor on the student GPA, in addition to finding out the relationship between mindfulness and vigor. The method used in this study is the correlation analysis technique to find evidence of the relationship of mindfulness with vigor, and academic achievement. The number of samples used was 81 students from University X. Mindfulness was measured using the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaires (FFMQ), vigor was measured using the Shirom-Melamed vigor measure (SMVM) and academic achievement was measured by student GPA. Both measuring instruments have been adapted into Indonesian, and have good reliability based on the trial process. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between mindfulness and vigor. Other analysis results also show that there is a significant relationship between mindfulness and vigor with academic achievement in students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Fabianne Torres Oliveira da Silva ◽  
Antônio Carlos Queiroz Filho

ResumoEste artigo apresenta os resultados obtidos por meio de análises sobre a campanha publicitária da Secretaria de Turismo do Estado do Espírito Santo: “Descubra o Espírito Santo”, onde buscamos compreender o papel da produção e circulação de vídeos turísticos como uma dada “imaginação espacial” (MASSEY, 2000). Ao estudar esses aparatos de visualidade, procuramos compreender o papel que o discurso imagético exerce na relação lugar-mercadoria. A problemática que nos mobilizou trata da seguinte questão: que outras possibilidades espaciais nos restam quando temos o lugar sendo propagandeando exclusivamente em suas excentricidades e submetido à uma narrativa videográfica que mais se vale de uma estética padronizada das paisagens e experiências? A análise dessas “políticas visuais” (QUEIROZ FILHO, 2010) são apresentadas ao longo deste artigo e servem como aporte metodológico para outros trabalhos que busquem estudar a relação entre visualidade e espacialidade, cerne do contexto contemporâneo ao se pensar a produção do espaço. Portanto este trabalho é uma Geografia das Imagens.Palavras-chave: Turismo, Imagem, Políticas Visuais, Imaginação espacial. AbstractThis article presents the results obtained from the analysis of the advertising campaign of the Department of Tourism of the State of Espírito Santo: "Descubra o Espírito Santo", where we aim to understand the role of production and circulation of tourist videos as a given "spatial imagination" (MASSEY, 2000). By studying these apparatuses of visuality, we seek to understand the role that imagetic speech plays in place-merchandise relationship. The issue that mobilized us deals with the question: what other spatial possibilities are left to us when the place is being touting exclusively on his eccentricities and submitted to one videographic narrative that most relies on a standardized aesthetics of landscapes and experiences? The analysis of these "visual politics" (QUEIROZ FILHO, 2010) are presented throughout this article and serve as methodological support to other research works that seek to study the relationship between visuality and spatiality, core of the contemporary context of thinking about Space production. So this work is a Geography of Images.Keywords: Tourism, Image, Visual policies, spatial imagination. RésuméCet article présente les résultats obtenus à partir de l'analyse de la campagne de publicité du Département de Tourisme de l'État de l'Espírito Santo: “Découvrez l'Espírito Santo”, qui vise à comprendre le rôle de la production et la circulation des vidéos touristiques comme une “imagination spatiale” donnée (MASSEY, 2000). En étudiant ces appareils de la visualité, nous cherchons à comprendre le rôle que le discours imagetic joue dans la relation lieu-marchandise. La problématique qui nous a mobilisé traite de la question: Quelles autres possibilités spatiales ont quitté quand le lieu est vantant exclusivement sur ses excentricités et soumis à un récit vidéographique qui repose plus sur une esthétique standardisés de paysages et d'expériences? L'analyse de ces “politiques visuels” (QUEIROZ FILHO, 2010) sont présentés dans cet article et servent de soutien méthodologique à d'autres œuvres qui cherchent à étudier la relation entre la visualité et la spatialité, le noyau du contexte contemporain en considérant la production de l'espace. Donc, ce travail est une géographie de les Images.Mots-clés: Tourisme, Image, Politiques Visuels, Imagination Spatiale.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-36
Tieka Trikartika Gustyana ◽  
Arif Partono Prasetio ◽  
Alya Rysda Ramadhanty ◽  
Nabila Azahra

Employees become an important factor in the success of the organization. They have impact on almost every business activity. Therefore company needs to manage their human resources in order to get highest performance. Many human resources practices implemented to achieve such result. One thing that indicate a positive result is the level of employee commitment toward the organization. Committed employees will contribute more. Affective commitment is the highest level of commitment because this emerge from within the employee's feelings. This study discusses the effect of perceived organizational support (POS), stress, and job satisfaction on employee’s affective commitment. The research was conducted in the drinking water company in Bandung using 85 participants. The analysis technique used is partial correlation analysis to identify the relationship between variables and also identify control variables that affect each relationship. Furthermore, mediation analysis is used to determine whether stress and job satisfaction have a mediating role in the relationship of POS influence to affective commitment. The results showed that POS had no significant effect on affective commitment. Furthermore, stress does not have the role of mediation either partially or simultaneously with job satisfaction. While job satisfaction has a partial mediation role in the relationship of influence between POS and affective commitment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-201
Ira Yuniati ◽  
Chairunnisa Chairunnisa

This study aims to determine the cohesion marker used in the Cinta Suci Zahrana novel especially in the last chapter titled Cinta Suci Zahrana. This research uses qualitative research method with content analysis technique. The data in this research is cohesion in Novel Cinta Suci Zahrana by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The source of data is the novel of Cinta Suci Zahrana by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The data on the cohesion in the novel of the Cinta Suci Zahrana by Habiburrahman El Shirazy is analyzed by steps in tracking the relationship of every two sentences in pairs, ie the relationship between a sentence with a preceding sentence characterized by the use of the cohesion marker. The results of research based on cohesion mechanisms between the sentences contained in the novel Cinta Suci Zahrana by Habiburrahman El Shirazy there is a grammatical cohesion which includes referring, replacing, and sequencing. In addition, lexical cohesion is used which includes repetition, antonymy, collocation, hyponimi, and equivalence. Keywords: Cohesion, Novels, Discourse Analysis

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Sulthon Sulthon

<p>Tulisan ini berupaya menelaah tentang dinamika pengembangan kurikulum ditinjau  dari  dimensi politisasi   pendidikan dan ekonomi. Kurikulum sebagai bagian dari faktor penting dalam pendidikan memiliki   posisi strategis dalam  mewarnai dan menentukan kualitas output pendidikan.  Hitam putihnya kualitas  pendidikan  sesungguhnya sangat  ditentukan  oleh eksistensi kurikulum tersebut. Dalam pelaksanaannya,  kajian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif menuntut keteraturan, ketertiban dan kecermatan dalam berpikir, tentang hubungan datta yang satu dengan data yang lain dan konteksnya dalam masalah yang akan diungkapkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya perubahan kurikulum diperlukan setiap saat karena kurikulum akan selalu merespon perkembangan dalam  kehidupan, baik  perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan  dan teknologi, perkembangan sosial dan budaya, dan perkembangan politik. Di samping itu, dalam perkembangannya kurikulum harus memperhatikan unsur peserta didik,  satuan pendidikan, masyarakat,  dan peranan pengembang kurikulum terutama guru.  Peserta didik sebagai obyek kurikulum harus mendapat prioritas utama dalam pengembangan kurikulum.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: dinamika, pengembangan, kurikulum, politisasi</strong></p><p><em>THE DYNAMICS OF  CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF POLITICIZATION DIMENSIONS OF EDUCATION AND  ECONOMY.  This  paper  attempts to examine  about the changing dynamics of the curriculum in terms of the dimensions of the politicization of education and economics. Curriculum  is as an important factor in education has a strategic position in coloring and determining the quality of educational output. The black-and-white of education quality is determined by the existence of the curriculum. In its implementation, this study uses qualitative  research. Qualitative research requires regularity,  order  and precision  in thinking about the relationship of the data each other and its context in the problem that will be revealed. The results of this research show that any change of the curriculum is required at any time due to the curriculum will always respond to developments in life, both development  of science and technology,   social  and cultural  development,  and political developments. In addition, the curriculum should pay attention to the elements of the learners, education, society, and the role of curriculum developers  especially teachers. Learners  as an object of curriculum should get top priority in the development of the curriculum.</em></p><p> <strong><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:  dynamics, development, curriculum, politicization,</em><br /></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 6
Hanita Hanita

<p>Parents, schools and government should pay great attention to early childhood education and knowledge. Early childhood is nurtured and stimulated according to the wishes and abilities of each child with the hope that they can grow accordingly and develop as they should. Play is every child's right. Playing is a land for children to express all forms of behavior that are fun and without coercion. Play has a role to support children's growth and development, especially in the development of cognitive aspects. This study identifies the role of play activities on knowledge of children aged 1-2 years. Quantitative research and using a simple paradigm of the relationship of two variables. The data analysis technique used in this study was the parametric correlation analysis perarson product moment. The results of the study The value of sig (0.003) &lt;a  then H0 is rejected. So that there is a correlation between the role of play activities and the cognitive development of children 1-2 years. The correlation coefficient value shows the effect of the role of playing activities on cognitive development of children 1-2 years of 0.598 or 59.8%. So that the correlation is 40.2%, maybe there is a relationship with other elements.</p>

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