scholarly journals O inquérito policial como instrumento do contraditório mitigado

Fabiano Silveira Pignata

Resumo: O inquérito policial é o instrumento que a polícia judiciária utiliza para subsidiar o titular da ação e para formar sua opinião sobre o delito, uma vez que este é de fundamental importância no deslinde de uma infinidade de crimes (contra a pessoa, o patrimônio, a economia popular, etc.), tendo como finalidade a solução dos crimes que assolam a paz social. O presente artigo busca discutir os reflexos críticos causados pela promulgação da Lei 13.245/16 no inquérito policial, com a possibilidade de aplicação do contraditório mitigado na fase pré-processual. Para isso, trará à baila a dinâmica da fase investigativa em um modelo inquisitorial brasileiro, a aplicação dos princípios constitucionais da ampla defesa e do contraditório no inquérito policial e a identificação das modificações causadas pela Lei 13.245/16 que alcançou o instituto do inquérito policial. A metodologia utilizada foi exploratória e qualitativa, tendo por base a revisão bibliográfica como procedimento técnico. Os resultados apresentados advêm da possibilidade da utilização do contraditório mitigado na fase pré-processual com a entrada em vigor da Lei 13.245/16 como atividade afirmativa e garantista do Estado na efetivação da defesa do suspeito/indiciado no procedimento investigativo.Abstract: The police investigation would be the instrument that the judicial police uses to subsidize the owner of the action and to form their opinion about the crime, given that it exercises fundamental importance in the delimitation of an infinite number of crimes (against the person, patrimony, popular economy , Etc.) with the purpose of solving the crimes that devastate the social peace. The present article seeks to discuss the critical reflexes caused by the promulgation of Law 13.245 / 16 in the Police Inquiry with the possibility of applying the Mitigated contradiction in the pre-procedural phase. To do so, the application of the constitutional principles of ample defense and contradiction in the police Inquiry and identification of the modifications caused by law 13245/16 that reached the institute of the Police Inquiry will be brought to the dynamics of the investigative phase in a Brazilian inquisitorial model. The methodology used was exploratory and qualitative, based on a bibliographical review as a technical procedure. The results presented come from the possibility of using the Mitigated contradiction in the pre-procedural phase with the entry into force of Law 13.245 / 16 as an affirmative activity and guarantor of the State in effecting the defense of the suspect / indicted in the investigative procedure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Giselle M. Cardoso da Costa

Resumo: O presente artigo buscou discorrer sobre o trabalho do assistente social frente a demandas de pessoas com deficiência num ambulatório de saúde. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa em documentos de registro de atendimentos do assistente social no respectivo ambulatório. O material foi analisado de forma quantitativa e também qualitativamente, e dentre os principais resultados temos que a maioria dos atendimentos decorreu por busca ativa do assistente social, e a maioria das demandas apresentadas pelos usuários são relativas a orientações sociais, previdenciárias e assistenciais. Na primeira parte do artigo trazemos reflexões, à luz de revisão bibliográfica, sobre o conceito de deficiência e as principais políticas públicas brasileiras para esta população, além de alguns dados estatísticos extraídos do Censo 2010 sobre pessoas com deficiência. Demands of persons with disabilities and intervention of the social worker in the outpatient clinic of HU-UFJF Abstract: The present article sought to discuss the work of the social worker regarding the demands of people with disabilities in a health clinic. To do so, a study was carried out on records of the social worker's attendance at the respective outpatient clinic. The material was analysed quantitatively and also qualitatively, and among the main results we have that most of the attendance was due to the active search of the social worker, and most of the demands presented by the users are related to social, welfare and welfare guidelines. In the first part of the article, we present reflections, in the light of a bibliographical review, on the concept of disability and the main Brazilian public legislation for this population, as well as some statistical data extracted from the 2010 Census on persons with disabilities.

Beatriz Aparecida Alencar ◽  
Aparecida Negri Isquerdo

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="section"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Resumo: </span><span>Este estudo analisa as denominações obtidas para a brincadeira em que uma criança, com os olhos vendados, tenta pegar as outras (COMITÊ NACIONAL DO PROJETO ALiB, 2001, p. 34), área semântica Jogos e Diversões Infantis. O universo da pesquisa compreendeu 188 inquéritos do Projeto ALiB realizados nas 37 localidades paulistas e 10 na área de controle, estas limítrofes à divisa estadual, com informantes selecionados segundo a metodologia do projeto ALiB. Para tanto, utilizaram-se os pressupostos da Dialetologia, da Lexicologia, da Semântica e da Etnolinguística, o que permitiu apurar que a variante cobra-cega foi a mais produtiva neste estudo, seguido por cabra-cega e que suas ocorrências se relacionam às características dos informantes e à história social das localidades em que foram documentadas.</span></p><div class="page" title="Page 2"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Abstract: </span><span>This study analyzes the denominations learned from a play in which a child is blindfolded and </span><span>tries to catch the others (COMITÊ NACIONAL..., 2001, p. 34), Semantic area Games and Children's </span><span>Amusement. The research universe is composed of 188 surveys from the ALiB Project conducted in 37 places of São Paulo and 10 of the control area, bordering the state border, with selected informants according to an ALIB methodology. In order to do so, the assumptions of Dialectic, Lexicology, Semantics and Ethnolinguistics were used, which helped to estabilish </span><span>the “cobra</span><span>-</span><span>cega” variant more productive in this study, followed for “cobra</span><span>-</span><span>cega” and that its occurrences are related to the characteristics of the </span><span>informants and the social history of the places where they were documented. </span></p><p><span>Keywords</span><span>: Diaclectology; ALiB Project; Games </span><span>and children’s amusement</span><span>; Cobra-cega; São Paulo. </span></p></div></div></div><p><span><br /></span></p></div></div></div></div>

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (49) ◽  
pp. 383
Angelo Serpa ◽  
Alexandre Matos Contreiras Pereira ◽  
Raísa Santos Muniz

<p>Neste artigo, busca-se problematizar os processos de complexificação dos campos de produção e consumo em dois bairros populares, os bairros Brasil, em Vitória da Conquista, e Pernambués, em Salvador, através da identificação, da caracterização e da análise das centralidades de comércio e serviços, de suas dinâmicas internas e relações com a área da qual fazem parte na cidade. Além da pesquisa bibliográfica relativa à temática e à metodologia, a aplicação de questionários para empreendedores e público consumidor, realização de entrevistas com empreendedores, bem como a sistematização, a tabulação e a análise dos dados obtidos foram os principais procedimentos metodológicos utilizados, objetivando-se traçar os perfis sociais dos dois grupos, vistos aqui como agentes nos processos de complexificação das centralidades identificadas nos bairros. As pesquisas realizadas entre 2015 e 2016 buscaram também fomentar o debate sobre a existência ou não de um processo de ascensão de uma “nova classe média”, discurso tão amplamente divulgado pelo governo brasileiro e difundido pelos veículos de comunicação nos últimos anos. A análise de dois bairros populares em contextos urbano-regionais diferenciados no estado da Bahia nos permite afirmar que é inegável o processo de complexificação das centralidades de comércio e serviços nestes recortes. Por outro lado, há um evidente empobrecimento do capital social dos empreendedores entrevistados em ambos os bairros (lazer restrito, falta de tempo para os amigos e para frequentar equipamentos culturais), o capital escolar/cultural permanecendo praticamente inalterado e a continuidade dos estudos na universidade dependendo de um enorme esforço pessoal daqueles que se dispõem a fazê-lo. Percebe-se também que a ascensão social, ou melhor, a inserção pelo consumo pode interferir na vida de relações sociais dos bairros populares analisados, com o empobrecimento do capital social de empreendedores (e consumidores).</p><p><strong>Palavras–chave:</strong> comércio e serviços, ascensão social, bairro popular, bairro empreendedor, Salvador, Vitória da Conquista.</p><p><strong>Abstract </strong></p><p>This paper aims to discuss the processes of complexification of the fields of production and consumption through the identification, characterization and analysis of trade and services centralities, its internal dynamics and the relations sustained by them within the area of the city in which they are located. We proceeded the studies in two popular neighborhoods in two different cities in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The first neighborhood is called Brazil and it is located in Vitoria da Conquista and the second is called Pernambués and it is located in Salvador. In addition to bibliographical research on both, the subject and methodology, we applied questionnaires for entrepreneurs and consumers, conducted interviews with entrepreneurs and proceeded its systematization, tabulation and analysis of the data obtained as the main methodological procedures in this study. By choosing to do so, we aimed to portray the social profiles of the two groups (entrepreneurs and consumers), seen here as active agents in the processes of complexification of the centralities identified in the neighborhoods. The surveys that were conducted between 2015 and 2016 intended to promote the debate about the possibility of existence of the process of ascension of a "new middle class" in Brazil, a discourse extensively disseminated by the government and by the media in recent years. The analysis of the two popular neighborhoods in different urban-regional contexts in the state of Bahia allows us to affirm that the process of complexification of the centralities of commerce and services in these localities is undeniable. On the other hand, there is a discernible impoverishment of the social capital of the entrepreneurs interviewed in both neighborhoods (restricted leisure, lack of time for friends and to attend cultural facilities), school/cultural capital remaining practically unchanged and the continuity of university studies (when applied) depending on a huge personal effort of those who are willing to do so. It is also noticeable that social ascension, or rather, insertion through consumption, can interfere in the social life of the residents of the popular neighborhoods analyzed resulting in the impoverishment of the social capital of the entrepreneurs (and also of the consumers).</p><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><strong>Keywords</strong>: commerce and services, Social ascension, Popular neighborhoods, Entrepreneurial neighborhoods, Salvador, Vitória da Conquista</p>

2006 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-100
Michael Weinman ◽  

This is, indeed, another work on the subject of hate speech regulation in the United States. And yet, it is not just another such work. For my goal here is not to settle the jurisprudential arguments regarding the possibility of any specific hate speech regulation, either extant or yet to be conceived, withstanding a Constitutional test. Nor is it my intention to demonstrate, on the basis of a comparative study of existing legislation, that such regulation either is or is not effective in addressing or redressing the social ills of hatred, discrimination, and inequality. Rather, I will achieve greater analytical clarity about just what the harms of hate speech are. I do so in order to reinvigorate the question about regulation with a new view of what exactly the object needing attention is, by demonstrating that though there are real harms here, the state cannot provide a regulatory remedy (at least qua criminal justice). Thus, in my conclusion I will assert that the question of what we might do differently in response to hate speech can only be answered —however provisionally—insofar as we first confront how we need to think differently about it. Specifically, I will argue that we need to replace the emphasis on redressing harms once they have occurred with a new emphasis on addressing, and ultimately eliminating, the conditions which make those harms possible in the first place.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Moésio Pereira de Souza

Os estudos de gênero têm solicitado muito debate nos meios acadêmicos, educacionais e também religiosos. A teologia, por sua vez, não pode ficar indiferente a estas discussões. O presente artigo parte da convicção de que a teologia deve levar a sério as interpelações suscitadas por estes estudos. Mas para isso, ela deve ser capaz de ir além da identificação da categoria de gênero com o uso ideológico do mesmo. Estudos de gênero e ideologia de gênero não são a mesma coisa. Fazer essa distinção se mostra fundamental a fim de que elementos importantes desses estudos não sejam ignorados uma vez que, no fundo, a discussão sobre gênero diz respeito ao ser humano, a sua identidade; em última instância, estamos diante de uma questão antropológica que desafia o saber teológico.Palavras-chave: Gênero. Ideologia de gênero. Teologia.Abstract: Gender studies have evoked plenty of debate in the academic, educational and also in the religious world. Theology, for its part, cannot remain indifferent to these discussions. The present article arises from the conviction that theology must deal, in a serious manner, with the questions that arise from such studies. However, to do so, theology needs to go beyond a mere categorical identification of gender to its use as an ideology. Gender studies and gender ideology are not one and the same matter. It is of fundamental importance to make this distinction so that prime aspects of the studies are not forgotten, considering that the gender debate, in the final analysis, is about the identity of the human being and so theology is confronted by an anthropological question.Keywords: Gender. Gender ideology. Theology

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Daniele Cristina Silva Gomes ◽  
Luciana Gonçalves Pereira de Paula

Resumo: O presente artigo consiste em um debate acerca da supervisão de estágio em Serviço Social, realizada em programas de residência, desenvolvidos na área da saúde. Para tal apresenta algumas reflexões em torno da concepção de estágio e supervisão, no âmbito do Serviço Social, bem como os desafios colocados a esses processos na conjuntura atual de ofensiva do capital. Apresenta, de forma breve, a organização e algumas particularidades dos programas de residência, oferecidos pelo HU/UFJF, onde se inserem os assistentes sociais. E traz uma pesquisa empírica, de caráter qualitativo, realizada com ex-residentes que estiveram inseridos no HU/UFJF, no período de 2010 a 2016 que revela alguns desafios e possibilidades da atividade de supervisão de estágio. Stage supervision as attribution of social worker inserted in residence programs - issues for debate Abstract: The present article consists of a debate about the supervision of internship in Social Work, carried out in residency programs, developed in the health area. In order to do so, it presents some reflections on the conception of internship and supervision, within the scope of Social Work, as well as the challenges posed to these processes in the current conjuncture of capital offensive. It presents, briefly, the organization and some particularities of the residency programs, offered by HU/UFJF, where the social workers are inserted. And it brings an empirical research, of qualitative character, carried out with ex-residents that were inserted in the HU/UFJF, during the period of 2010 to 2016 that reveals some challenges and possibilities of the activity of supervision of internship.

1968 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 559-592 ◽  
J. P. Nettl

The concept of state is not much in vogue in the social sciences right now. Yet it retains a skeletal, ghostly existence largely because, for all the changes in emphasis and interest of research, the thing exists and no amount of conceptual restructuring can dissolve it. The present article develops a conceptual approach in which no violence is done to historical or empirical fact, but which offers a means of integrating the concept of state into the current primacy of social science concerns and analytical methods. It is hoped that this approach not only will provide a convenient conceptualization, but will contribute to attacking a substantive problem of some consequence. Since the relevant area is potentially huge, no more than a brushstroke configuration can be attempted.

2000 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-321 ◽  
David Lester

The present article presents reflections on Durkheim's theory of suicide 100 years after it was first formulated. It is suggested that much of the research which purports to test Durkheim's theory does not in fact do so, and suggestions are made as to how the theory might be tested. Research into whether there is a societal effect on suicide is reviewed, and efforts to apply Durkheim's theory to individuals described.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. a10en
Marcelo Barboza Duarte

The present article seeks to reflect upon the contradictions and antagonisms that permeate education, its modes and process as well as school, pedagogy, the State and the capitalist system. To do so, we begin by stressing the functional inefficiency of the educational structure and the school structure. Inefficiency that is objective and controlled by the business community and the Brazilian politicians that seeks first of all to defend the interests of the international and national capital, and then to defend their own interests. These ones, as a matter of fact, are identical to the first ones! With this in mind, starting from this reflections to the modes that pedagogy, education and philosophy have been treated in time and history, to the modes and forms that education and school act today in Brazil, we finish with relevant reflections.

Claudio Sopranzetti

This chapter follows the association of motorcycle taxis after the end of the Red Shirts protest. It explores the attempt by military forces to cut off the drivers from the social movement and include them into the state security apparatus. The chapter shows how the association was divided between two conceptions of power—barami and amnāt—and positions this tension at the core the Thai political conflict in the last decade. We are not facing a binary, but rather the unresolved tensions and the failed attempts to combine two conceptualizations of power that need to coexist, even with their contradicting features. To govern Thailand, one needs to needs to have both amnāt and barami, both to claim moral charisma and institutional power, juggling both of them. The conflict, this chapter argues, emerged because, since 2006, no political figure has been seen able to do so.

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