2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Dwi Suratno ◽  
Ermi Suhasti Syafei

The phenomenon of husband or wife working as Indonesian Labor (TKI) is not a new among people of Tresnorejo village, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah.  The reason they work as TKI is to improve the welfare of households, because Tresnorejo’s villager income still low. Their  job they rely on is making a caping - Asian conical hat made of plaited bamboo. In Islamic law, the husband requires to give his wife and family needs, like clothing, food and house. Wife is not forbidden to work in order to help her husband earning a living for the family. On the basis of voluntary work of his wife, the work considered charity for the husband . The implementation of the rights and obligations between husband and wife in the family did not violate Islamic law, because of the balance between madārat and maslahah, but it could also result in a negative on the family. Islamic law does not forbid, his wife helped work to earn a living for the family. On the basis of voluntary work with his wife, then considered the husband wife charity. Implementation of the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of husband and wife in the family did not violate Islamic law, TKI, as between mad}ārat and mas}lah}ah it is balanced, but it could also result in a negative impact on the family.[Fenomena suami atau istri bekerja sebagai TKI bukanlah fenomena baru bagi masyarakat Desa Tresnorejo. Faktor yang mendorong suami atau istri bekerja sebagai TKI adalah ingin meningkatkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penghasilan warga Desa Tresnorejo yang masih kurang (hanya mengandalkan hasil dari pertanian dan usaha membuat tudung—caping yang terbuat dari anyaman bambu). Hukum Islam mewajibkan suami untuk menafkahi istri dan keluarganya; mulai dari sandang, pangan sampai papan. Hukum Islam tidak melarang, istrinya membantu bekerja mencari nafkah untuk keluarga. Atas dasar istrinya bekerja dengan sukarela, maka dianggap sedekah istri kepada suami. Pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban suami istri pada keluarga TKI tidak melanggar hukum Islam, karena antara mad}ārat dan māslah}ah  itu seimbang, namun hal tersebut juga bisa mengakibatkan dampak negatif pada keluarga.]

Aulil Amri

In Islamic law, pre-wedding photos have not been regulated in detail. However, pre-wedding photo activities have become commonplace by the community. It becomes a problem when pre-wedding is currently done with an intimate scene, usually the prospective bride uses sexy clothes and is also not accompanied by her mahram when doing pre-wedding photos. Even though there have been many fatwas and studies on the limits of permissibility and prohibition in the pre-wedding procession.The results show that the pre-wedding procession that is carried out by the community in terms of poses, clothes, and also assistance in accordance with Islamic law, the law is permissible. However, it often happens in the community to take photos before the marriage contract with scenes as if they are legally husband and wife and the bride's family knows without prohibiting, directing, and guiding them according to Islamic teachings. In this case the role of the family is very important, we as parents must understand the basis of religious knowledge and how to instill religious values in our children since childhood is the key to this problem dilemma.

Bastiar Bastiar

In Islamic law, a marriage contract is not only a civil matter but also a very strong sacred bond that is worth of worship. Therefore, marriage must be maintained properly to realize the sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family, but when it is in a sacred bond, there are some couples who are reluctant to fulfill their responsibilities and demand right that are not theirs so that the sakinah family will be difficult to be actualized. This study aimed to determine the understanding of husband and wife about rights and responbilities, and a significant relationship between the rights and obligations acomplishment of husband and wife in realizing a harmonious marriage or sakinah family. This research was normative-empirical legal research in the form of analytical prescriptive which was supported by primary and secondary data. Data collection was obtained through library research, documentation, interviews, and observation. Based on the research was conducted, it found the results: First, husband and wife understand that the position of wife and husband in the household are the same, but they have different rights and obligations, although on the other hand the community understands that the position of the wife in the family is under the husband, they understand it from fiqh salf which states that the wife must uphold her husband with an honor and glory. Second, the concept of Islamic marriage teaches that the rights possessed by husband and wife are balanced with the obligations burdened on them, a husband or wife has balanced obligations. Third, to build a harmonious, peace and peaceful family, they can be performed with developing the Islamic teachings, fostering the mutual respect, coaching the efficient living attitudes, and training a self-awareness from each married couples. Key Words: Fulfillment, Rights and Responbilities, Husband and Wife, Sakinah Household. Abstrak: Dalam hukum Islam akad perkawinan bukan hanya perkara perdata semata, melainkan juga ikatan suci yang sangat kokoh yang bernilai ibadah. Untuk itu perkawinan harus dipelihara dengan baik sehingga akan terwujudnya keluarga sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah, namun ketika telah berada dalam ikatan suci, ada pasangan yang enggan memenuhi kewajiban dan penuntutan hak yang diluar haknya maka keluarga sakinah sebagaimana harapan akan sulit terealisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman pasangan suami istri tentang hak dan kewajiban suami istri, dan hubungan yang signifikan antara pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban suami isteri dalam mewujudkan perkawinan yang harmonis atau perwujudan keluarga sakinah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif-empiris dalam bentuk preskriptif analitis yang didukung oleh data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka, dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan hasil: Pertama, Suami istri memahami bahwa kedudukan istri dan suami dalam rumah tangga sama, namun memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang berbeda, meskipun disisi lain masyarakat memahami bahwa kedudukan istri dalam keluarga berada di bawah suami, hal ini mereka pahami dari pemahaman fikih salaf yang menyebutkan bahwa istri harus menjunjung tinggi suaminya dengan kehormatan dan kemuliaan. Kedua, Konsep pekawinan Islam mengajarkan bahwa hak-hak yang dimiliki oleh suami maupun isteri adalah seimbang dengan kewajiban yang dibebankan kepada mereka,seorang suami atau isteri memiliki kewajiban-kewajiban yang seimbang. Ketiga, untuk mewujufkan keluarga yang harmonis, sakinah dan penuh kedamaian dapat di lakukan dengan cara Pembinaan penghayatan ajaran agama Islam, Pembinaan sikap saling menghormati, Pembinaan sikap Hidup Efisien, dan Pembinaan sikap suka mawas diri dari masing-masing pasangan suami isteri. Kata Kunci: Pemenuhan, Hak dan Kewajiban, Suami Istri, Rumah Tangga

Mahakim ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  

In a general way, the division of community property in divorce at Religion Justice of Kediri utilizes the aught rule on Section 97 Islamic Law Compilations, where is division in that section names that widow or divorce widower lives each get half of community properties. But then available a case where Judges in the Religion Justice of Kedir establish another, which deviates from aught rule in Section 97 Islamic Law Compilation which is, each one third part for husband, and two third part for wife of the community property. This research focuses on 1) What do become the judge’s judgment in deciding matter Number 0168 / Pdt. G / 2014 / PA. Kdr in contrast to aught order in Section 97 KHI; 2) What implications of be applied contra legem in that verdict. In this research, the writer utilizes qualitative approach and field research. Meanwhile, in data collection utilizes interview and documentation. Data analysis uses content analysis of verdict through theory which is available with its practice at the site. This observational result concludes that there is three prime factors of the judge’s judgment in deciding the division matter of the community property Number 0168 / Pdt. G / 2014 / PA. Kdr variably diffrent of section 97 Islamic Law Compilations, which is: 1 ) Since wife while parted by divorces by husband not charge iddah’s earningses, mut ’ ah and past earnings; 2 ) Since wife have greater contributions in render community property; 3 ) as patriarch that ought to meet the family needs, husband has pointed out accountability heaving full as head of family. So if Judge applies rule of law ground, which is by applying Section 97 Islamic Law Compilation are assessed wrongful. Judge moring to advance to perceive justice than rule of law. Therefore of that, Judges in deciding a matter don’t be glued on written order only. Contra legem is form Judge as enforcer of law and justice that not only advance rule of law ground but also utilize justice ground judgment and benefit. Contra legem’s implemented implication can evoke new law that its following can be made as jurisprudence if there is a similar case. Keywords: marriage, divorce, community property, contra legem

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Iwan Romadhan Sitorus ◽  
Yusmita Yusmita

Law Number 16 Year 2019 in article 7 provides an age limit for each person who will marry at the age of 19 years for men- and 19 years for women. The age limit given by the law does not look comprehensively in biological, sociological readiness, and so on. The modified law should be able to realize the benefit of the husband and wife in fostering the household. Determination of marriage age aims to protect offspring, create a family that is sawah mawaddah wa rahmah, maintain lineage, maintain family relationships, maintain diversity in the family, and prepare for maturity in the economy by paying attention to various aspects, both aspects, psychological, sociological, biological and certainly religious aspects. so that it can create a family in accordance with the marriage ceremony

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Bachtiar Suryo Bawono ◽  
Bambang Santosa

<p>Women in the era of globalization have experienced significant changes. As women who previously were not played an active role in the labor market, many woman now play an active role in the world of work, especially in the trade sector. Based on data from the Surakarta City Gender Study and Social Workers Association (PRP) Study, 72% of the traditional market trader population is women. In addition to having a positive impact, increasing women's participation in the world of work also has a negative impact on women themselves. As women as workers will experience double burden problems. It means women who work will have two responsibilities, that is public work responsibilities and domestic work responsibilities.</p><p>Therefore, the author would like to know how the Dual Role of Women in the Family Economy in Women's Traders' Families in Surakarta City's Klewer Market? This study uses gender analysis techniques Hardvard-1 or HAF method combined with interactive analysis methods. The results showed that the first category of informants only wives who traded in the market showed that, the wife played a role in increasing family income. The initial income of a husband working alone is only able to meet primary needs. After the wife trades, the husband and wife can meet secondary needs and increase family purchasing power. In the access and control of family economic resources, they tend to be dominated by husbands. The informants of both husband and wife trading together in a kios then the role of the wife does not affect the ups and downs of trading income. In accessing and controlling economic resources the family runs in balance.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Eka Ristianawati

Joint property distribution has been regulated in the Islamic Law Compilation (KHI), namely, Article 97 which explains that a widow or widower is entitled to half of the joint property. The distribution is fair if the husband and wife make the same contribution in the marriage. However, in fact, today we often find that wives are being the backbone of the family while husbands do not earn a living or husbands earn a living for the family, but wives do not take care of the household. If such a situation is found, is the article 97 of KHI still relevant? This paper presents a concept of joint property distribution based on the contribution of husband and wife in marriage which is considered fairer for both of them than what has been stipulated in the KHI and the Civil Code Articles 128-129. The type of research used is descriptive research. This means that research is discussed in the form of an explanation described in words carefully and thoroughly. The approach method used in this research is a normative juridical approach. The results of this study explain that to obtain the justice, judges can act contra legem (against the law) where justice should give a share to everyone based on his services or contributions (Aristotle). The joint property distribution in marriage from a justice perspective is the distribution of joint property by assessing the amount of contribution of the parties. A fair share does not have to be 50% for widowers and 50% for widows. The husband can get a smaller share from the wife if the contribution is less during the marriage and does not carry out his obligation as the breadwinner and the wife can get a larger share from the husband if the wife plays a dual role, and vice versa.Pembagian harta bersama telah diatur dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam yakni pada pasal 97 dijelaskan bahwa janda atau duda berhak separuh dari harta bersama. Pembagian tersebut adil apabila suami dan istri memberikan kontribusi yang sama dalam perkawinan. Akan tetapi pada faktanya saat ini sering kita temui istri menjadi tulang punggung keluarga sedangkan suami tidak mencari nafkah atau suami mencari nafkah untuk keluarga akan tetapi istri tidak mengurus rumah tangga. Jika ditemukan keadaan seperti itu apakah masih relevan KHI pasal 97 tersebut. Tulisan ini menyajikan sebuah konsep pembagian harta bersama berdasarkan kontribusi suami istri dalam perkawinan yang dinilai lebih adil untuk keduanya daripada apa yang sudah diatur dalam KHI dan KUHPerdata Pasal 128-129. Hasil dari penelitian ini dijelaskan bahwa untuk mendapatkan sebuah keadilan hakim dapat bertindak contra legem (mengenyampingkan undang-undang) dimana keadilan itu seharusnya memberikan bagian kepada setiap orang didasarkan atas jasa-jasanya atau kontribusinya (aristoteles). Pembagian harta bersama dalam perkawinan jika dilihat dari perspektif keadilan adalah pembagian harta bersama dengan menilai besaran konstribusi para pihak. Dimana pembagian yang adil tidak harus 50 % untuk duda dan 50% untuk janda. suami bisa mendapatkan bagian yang lebih kecil dari istri apabila kontribusinya kurang selama perkawinan dan tidak menjalankan kewaibannya sebagai pencari nafkah dan istri bisa mendapatkan bagian yang lebih besar dari suami jika istri berperan ganda, begitu uga sebaliknya. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 250-256
Riva Dila Yarsiah ◽  
Alia Azmi

This study aims to describe the phenomenon of the double burden endured by female farm workers in Jorong Limpato Nagari Kajai and the impact of the double burden on family and social activities in the community and to identify the involvement of the female farmworker's husband in domestic work. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method conducted in Jorong Limpato Nagari Kajai Talamau District, West Pasaman Regency. The informants in this study were determined using purposive sampling technique. The type of data in this study consisted of primary and secondary data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study show the phenomenon of the double burden faced by women farm workers can be seen from their productive, reproductive, and social roles in society. The positive impact of a double burden on the family is to increase the husband's income in meeting family needs, while the negative impact is the time to gather with the family and educate and supervise children is limited and the difficulty in allocating time to carry out their role creates pressure for farm laborers. The positive impact of a double burden on social activities in the community is women active in social activities in the community that are informal as at weddings and deaths, while the negative impact is the lack of interaction between women farm workers and community members, in addition to social activities held during the day women farm workers are rarely attended because to attend they are forced to leave their jobs. The involvement of the female farm worker husband in domestic work is very low due to the construction of community thought in Jorong Limpato which results in gender injustice against the female farm worker. interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study show the phenomenon of the double burden faced by women farm workers can be seen from their productive, reproductive, and social roles in society. The positive impact of a double burden on the family is to increase the husband's income in meeting family needs, while the negative impact is the time to gather with the family and educate and supervise children is limited and the difficulty in allocating time to carry out their role creates pressure for farm laborers. The positive impact of a double burden on social activities in the community is women active in social activities in the community that are informal as at weddings and deaths, while the negative impact is the lack of interaction between women farm workers and community members, in addition to social activities held during the day women farm workers are rarely attended because to attend they are forced to leave their jobs. The involvement of the female farm worker husband in domestic work is very low due to the construction of community thought in Jorong Limpato which results in gender injustice against the female farm worker.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Shofi Puji Astiti

<p>Judul Penulisan jurnal ini diharapkan menjawab rumusan masalah mengenai bagaimana pengaruh terapi konstruktif untuk membangun komunikasi keluarga islami?. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut di atas penulisan jurnal ini menetapkan tujuan yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi konstruktif untuk membangun komunikasi kelurga islami. Metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan. Setelah pemaparan teori yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pernikahan merupakan satu-satunya sarana untuk membina keluarga yang menghalalkan hubungan pasangan suami istri untuk memperolah keturunan. Setiap pasangan laki-laki dan perempuan melangsungkan pernikahan tentu tujuannya tidak lain adalah untuk memperolah kebahagiaan, keberkahan, dan keturunan. Namun seiring dengan dibangunnya bahtera rumah tangga, seringkali banyak problem keluarga yang muncul silih berganti. Dan terkadang permasalahan itu tidak bisa diselesaikan secara mandiri oleh kedua pasangan suami istri—mereka membutuhkan pihak lain untuk menjadi <em>problem solver</em>. Di sinilah terapi konstruktif dalam pernikahan diperlukan sebagai usaha untuk membantu mengentaskan kesulitan-kesulitan pasangan suami istri dalam rumah tangga mereka untuk memperoleh kebahagiaan dalam menempuh kehidupan berumah tangga. Salah satu alternatif model terapi yang digunakan dalam mewujudkan keluarga islami adalah terapi konstruktif, yaitu model terapi disandarkan pada pemahaman tentang keluarga yang tidak sekedar berkonsentrasi pada teori-teori tetapi, juga tentang cara keluarga berfungsi secara normal. Melalui terapi konstruktif seorang konselor bisa membantu konseli keluar dari permasalahan keluarga mereka.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Terapi Konstruktif, Komunikasi, Keluarga Islami</p><p> </p><p><em>BUILDING ISLAMIC FAMILY COMMUNICATION THROUGH CONSTRUCTIVE THERAPHY</em><em>. </em><em>The title of the journal writing is expected to answer the formulation of problems about how the influence of constructive therapy to build communication Islamic family?. Based on the problems in the writing of the journal of this specifies the purpose of which is to know the influence of constructive therapy to build communication do away with the Islamic. The method that I will use in this research is the method literature. After revealing the theory that related with the problems it can be concluded that marriage is the only means to build the family which justifies the relationship of husband and wife pair permission for generations. Each couple male and female holds the marriage of course the aim is to permission of happiness, blessings, and offspring. But along with constructing the ark household, often many problems in the family that appears to surmount. And sometimes the issue could not be completed independently by the two pairs of husband and wife and they need other parties to become the problem solver. This is where the constructive therapy in a marriage is required as an effort to help alleviate the difficulties the couple of husband and wife in their household to obtain happiness in taking the life of housekeeping. One of the alternative therapy model that is used in realizing the family of Islamic law is constructive therapy, namely therapy model is predicated on the understanding of the family that is not just to concentrate on the theory of the theory but also about how the family is functioning normally. Through constructive therapy a counselor can help konseli out from the problems of their families.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key Words</em></strong><em>: constructive therapy, Communication, Islamic Family</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-150
Fahmi Basyar

This study discusses the relationship between husband and wife in the Islamic legal perspective, using qualitative descriptive research methods to obtain valid and factual data. Based on the research results, an analysis of the family relationships is under Islamic law. Decision making in the family as stated in the verse al-quran surah An-Nisa 'verse: 34 and family psychology in general. Meanwhile, the fulfillment of a living is in accordance with the content of the verse al-quran surah Al-Baqarah verse: 233 and the typology in the family psychology they live. Then the implementation of daily household activities is following the contents of the compilation of Islamic law and law number 1 of 1974. Care and protection are the background foundations of aqidah in every family. From the results of this study, it has been concluded that the husband's role as head of the household is constant, while the wife as a housewife has shifted due to the increasing role in the public domain. And regarding the rights and obligations of husband and wife depending on the agreement of both by looking at their daily conditions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Febi Febi ◽  
Iskandar Budiman

AbstractThe main problem discussed here is The Domestic Responsibility of Economic Development in Islam, focusing on economic growth analisis of fisherman community in Lhokseumawe. The objective of this discussion is to illustrate the whole things related to right and obligation of husband and wife in the household, particularly the fisherman’s family. This is a qualitative-explorative study. The primary source of data in this study was found from participant observation, questionnaires, and from interview, while the secondary data was collected through document analysis as well as library research which were related to economic growth issues of fisherman’s community. The analysis of data was done through interpretation of proposition which was based on the opinion of Islamic Law Expert (Fuqaha) or Islamic scholars. The result of research shows that Islam recommends that the position of man and women or husband and wife have the same right and obligation based on Islamic Shari’ah. According to Quranic values and Islamic point of view, the position of husband and wife are the same in term of right and obligation in surviving family and educating children, in associating with the community, and also the same right before the law. In case of family economic development, especially for lower scale family as it is experienced by the fisherman’s family in Lhokseumawe, the involvement of wife in working to survive the family is significantly influenced for increasing family income. The efforts of women or wifes to earn for living are very limited because most of the fisherman’s community think that the main responsibility or obligation of earning money to survive the family is burdened exclusively on husband as the head of family. It is necessary to inform and enlighten comprehensively that Islamic Shari’ah has recommended the same right and obligation between husband and wife forimproving welfare of their family.Keywords: Domestic Responsibility, fisherman’s family, economic development

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