scholarly journals Islamic Studies in Higher Education in Indonesia: Challenges, Impact and Prospects for the World Community

2017 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 391-426 ◽  
Muhammad Amin Abdullah

In the global socio-political situation today, where rigid, extreme and radical interpretations of religion are commonly found and widespread, the contribution of Indonesian post-graduate education, especially Islamic higher education, come to the front stage and become a topic of serious discussion. In term of education in Indonesia, there is an unavoidable fact that Islamic education including Islamic higher education is not a new phenomenon. The situation led to the fact that some international Islamic scholars began to consider the Islamic higher education in Indonesia as a potential alternative system of graduate education including religious education and its contents and methods in offering innovation and transformation. This seems to be much more conducive approach and research to local, regional and global community and peace. This article will explain descriptively the long history of Islamic education and its development. It also aims at presenting elaboration on how higher education of indigenous Islam can modify their own teaching and research methodologies to be more relevant to the intellectual development and advancement, especially that of sciences and humanities in particular. The focus will be on: what are the key issues and elements of the Indonesian Islamic higher education leading to significantly change and contribute to the welfare of the nation and mankind, especially on the development of research which seems to illustrate the weakness of previous educational institutions system  in Indonesia. Moreover, there is one thing to remember that the worldwide academic community cannot wait for any longer the solution strongly expected to reduce the weakness since development of religious education and Islam in the Middle East, South Asia, and some parts of the Muslim world is not, more or less, promising for the sake of global humanity, prosperity and peace.[Pada situasi sosial-politik global dewasa ini, ketika interpretasi agama yang rigid, ekstrim dan radikal meluas dan mudah dijumpai, kontribusi pendidikan tinggi, khususnya perguruan tinggi Islam, harus tampil dan menjadi bahan diskusi serius. Dalam konteks pendidikan di Indonesia, terdapat fakta tak terbantahkan bahwa pendidikan Islam termasuk pendidikan tinggi Islam, bukanlah hal baru. Situasi di Indonesia ini mendorong akademisi Islam internasional untuk mempertimbangkan pendidikan tinggi Islam sebagai alternatif dalam inovasi dan transformasi pendidikan, baik dalam hal materi ataupun metodologi. Tulisan ini menjelaskan sejarah panjang perkembangan  pendidikan Islam. Selain itu, juga mengelaborasi bagaimana sistem pendidikan Islam memodifikasi metode pengajaran dan risetnya agar lebih sesuai dengan perkembangan dan capaian ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya ilmu sosial humaniora dewasa ini. Tulisan ini berfokus pada isu-isu dan unsur-unsur kunci pendidikan tinggi Islam yang sekiranya mampu berkontribusi dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan umat manusia dan bangsa, khususnya perkembangan riset yang memetakan kelemahan dari sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, satu hal yang harus diingat bahwa komunitas akademik dunia tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi solusi untuk menutupi kekurangan - kekurangan tersebut, terlebih karena perkembangan pendidikan agama dan Islam di Timur Tengah, Asia Selatan, dan wilayah lain dunia Islam tidak terlalu menjanjikan terhadap kemanusiaan, kesejahteraan, dan perdamaian global.] 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Jasminto Jasminto

Pesantren as an Islamic educational institution in Indonesia has a meaning and role that is very urgent in order to improve the standard of living and maintain tolerance in a diverse society. The journey of pesantren as an institution that concentrates on the field of education requires mutual attention. The existence of Pesantren is the mandate of the nation, even before the independence of Indonesia, while its implementation at the moment is the implementation of the joint responsibility in accordance with the mandate in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of paragraph IV and Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution. The development in Indonesia is carried out by various institutions education both general education and Islamic education that has a different background. The Pesantren as an Islamic educational institution that is built and developed in Indonesia is one type of Islamic education of Indonesia that is both traditional and modern to deepen the knowledge of Islam, live in society and nation. Historically, the development of pesantren in Indonesia has different backgrounds, styles and roles, as well as the struggle to realize national educational goals framed in Islamic religious education. Thus, in this study will be discussed a brief history of Islamic boarding schools, Islamic education in Indonesia as well as about pesantren as educational institutions that have a characteristic nationality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-193
Alfurqan Alfurqan ◽  
Deprizon Deprizon ◽  
Ahmad Taufik Hidayat

In this research study, the authors describe the existence of educational institutions (madrasah Nizamiyah) and educational curricula in the Nizam Al-Mulk era. Nizam Al-Mulk with several of his madrasas had built a network of higher education institutions in his time, and he was the first to be able to do so. Even so, the Nizamiyah madrasa is not the first madrasa in the history of Islamic education. Because there have been many madrasas before the Nizam Al-Mulk era. The Nizamiyah madrasah learning system applies a classical learning system, in which a teacher stands in front of the classroom presenting lecture material. While the students sat and listened on the bench provided, then continued with dialogue (questions and answers) between the teacher and students. Furthermore, the madrasa curriculum in the Nizam Al-Mulk era was centered on the Qur'an, which included reading, memorizing and writing, Arabic literature, the history of the prophet Muhammad SAW, and counting, with an emphasis on the Shafi'i school and the Asy 'theological system. ariyah. Philosophy itself is not included as part of the curriculum at this time.

Ismail Ismail

There have been a lot of studies on the history and development of Islamic education in Indonesia conducted by various groups. At least, there are three important aspects that should be noted in this study. First, from the aspect of the region, the history of Islamic education in South Sumatera which has never been comprehensively studied since the colonial era. Second, related to theoretical assumption, the question of whether the development of the system and the modern Islamic institution in Palembang during colonial era tend to be dominated by Muslim reformers or Muslim traditionalists. Third, from the point of view of methodology which tends to be descriptive and chronological, though recently there arises an analytical approach in which the system and the institution are not seen as things that can stand on their own, but are attached to social, religious, cultural, and political aspects. It is this approach which will be used in this study. Therefore, this study will try to look into the relationship between various social changes in Palembang and the system and Islamic educational institutions in the colonial era.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 471
Mohammad Muchlis Solichin

Abstract: Ecological Spirituality is an awareness for connecting the environment through education. Education is a means of shaping the character of the environmental awareness. The knowledge and awareness of the importance of the environment can be fostered through the process of learning in school/madarasah. Ecological Spirituality can be implemented in the Learning of Islamic Education (PAI) by integrating the concept of Islam which is related to the environment into the teaching. This paper focus on 1) What are the learning materials of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) associated with ecological spirituality?, 2) How is the implement of the learning model of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) with associated with ecological spirituality. The findings revealed that the PAI learning materials which is related to the ecological spirituality comprising the learning of  environment in the perspective of Alquran, Hadith, Fiqh, Aqidah, Moral and History of Islamic Culture. Meanwhile, the learning models encompassing a contextual learning, thematic learning and, inquiry learning models.الملخص: إن الروحانية الإيكولوجية هو الوعي للقدرة على التعامل مع البيئة، وأن ينمّى هذا الوعي – بقدر المستطاع – عن طريق التربية. والتربية هي الوسيلة لتكوين طبيعة الاهتمام والوعي بالبيئة. ويكون الفهم عن الوعي بالبيئة يمكن تنميته عن طريق عملية التعليم في المدارس. والروحانية الإيكولوجية يمكن تكوينها عن طريق عملية التربية الإسلامية ببيان التعاليم الإسلامية المتعلقة بالبيئة والعالم. وتركيز هذا المقال هو: 1) ما هي المواد في التربية الإسلامية في ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية: 2) كيف تطبيق نماذج التعليم في مادة التربية الإسلامية في ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية. ومن البيانات المجموعة يمكن الاستنتاج منها : أن مواد تعليم مادة التربية الإسلامية في ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية تحتوى على تعليم موضوع البيئة في ضوء القرآن والسنة والفقه والعقيدة والأخلاق وتاريخ الثقافة الإسلامية. وأما نماذج تعليم مادة التربية الإسلامية على ضوء الروحانية الإيكولوجية فهي : نموذج التعليم السياقي، ونموذج التعليم الموضوعي، ونوذج التعليم على أساس التحقيق. Abstrak: Spiritualistas Ekologi merupakan suatu kesadaran untuk mampu berhubungan dengan lingkungan yang ditanamkan melalui jalur pendidikan. Pendidikan merupakan wahana pembentukan karakter peduli terhadap lingkungan. Pemahaman, kesadaran akan pentingnya lingkungan alam dapat ditumbuhkembangkan melalui proses pembelajaran di sekolah/madarasah. Spiritualitas Ekologi dapat dilakukan melalui pembelajaran Pendidkan Agama Islam (PAI) dengan menjelaskan ajaran Islam berkaitan dengan lingkungan, alam. Fokus tulisan ini adalah 1) Apa saja materi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi, 2) Bagiamana pelaksanaan model-model pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi. Dari penelusuran data, terungkap bahwa materi pembelajaran PAI berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi meliputi pembelajaran lingkungan hidup dalam perspektif Alquran, Hadis, Fiqh, Aqidah, Akhlak dan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam. dan Akhlak. Sementara itu model-model pembelajaran (PAI) berwawasan spiritualitas ekologi, adalah model pembelajaran kontekstual, model pembelajaran tematik, dan model pembelajaran, inquiry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 134
Al Husaini M Daud

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research is a study of the history of an educational figure about the implication of Islamic education related to the thoughts of Abu Teupin Raya, one of prominent educational figure from Aceh. Historical and sociological approach of knowledge were used. Meanwhile, the primary sources were the textual works of Abu Teupin Raya. Another major source was informants, those were the children of figure who were still alive and his students who had learned directly from him. Methods of data collection were done through the study of any literatures and in-depth interviews. All data collected was then selected, classified, verified systematically to the problem and the scope of the study. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by using content analysis and historical continuity method. This study found; First, the process of transformation of Islamic education in Aceh was closely linked with the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundation. Second, the idea of Islamic education which were transformed in the form of Islamic boarding institutions in Aceh had positive implications not only to the paradigm changes in the system of Islamic education but also to the management of educational institutions, financial administration system, even the curriculum and teaching methods.</p><p><br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Abu Teupin Raya, transforming, Islamic education, Aceh</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-287
Bill Luckin

Non-controversially, the full version of this article argues that the crisis in British higher education will impoverish teaching and research in the arts and humanities; cut even more deeply into these areas in the post-1992 sector; and threaten the integrity of every small sub-discipline, including the history of medicine. It traces links between the Thatcherite reforms of the 1980s and the near-privatisation of universities proposed by the Browne Report and partly adopted by the coalition. The article ends by arguing that it would be mistaken to expect any government-driven return to the status quo ante. New ideas and solutions must come from within. As economic and cultural landscapes are transformed, higher education will eventually be rebuilt, and the arts and social sciences, including medical history, reshaped in wholly unexpected ways. This will only happen, however, if a more highly politicised academic community forges its own strategies for recovery.

Numen ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-39
Vasudha Narayanan

India is home to more than 800 million Hindus and has a massive higher education system that is overseen by the University Grants Commission (ugc). Despite this, there are hardly any departments of religion or Hinduism in India, but the ugc, even though it has a secular mission, funds universities with explicit religious affiliations. This article traces the reasons for these paradoxes and discusses the apparent lacuna of religious studies departments by looking at the genealogy of the study of religion in India. It initially looks at the contested terrain of nineteenth-century educational institutions. The work of British missionaries, Orientalists, and government officials form the imperial context to understand Charles Wood’s momentousDespatch(1854), which, on the one hand, argues for secular institutions but, on the other, tries to accommodate the work of the Orientalists and the missionaries. Wood recommends a system in which government subsidies, secular education, and universities with overt religious profiles become interlocked, but the formal study of religion is bypassed. Finally, I reconsider what the “dearth” of religious studies and the “absence” of Hinduism departments reveal about the construction of religion in India itself. The lack of conceptual correspondence between “religion” and “Hinduism” as taught in Western academic contexts does not preclude the formal study of religion in India. Instead, the study of religion is conducted within particularized frameworks germane to the Indic context, using a network of unique institutes. Reflection on these distinctively Indian epistemological frameworks push new ways of thinking about religious education and the construction of religion as an object of study in South Asia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
Kharisul Wathoni

A political policy that is carried out within a certain period of time seems to encourage the development of a social system as an effort to maintain the security of the system and political policies. As the government policy given to pesantren as Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia, has had an impact on the development of Islamic education institutions in Indonesia from basic education institutions and even to the formation of higher education institutions that are able to compete with general education institutions. There are 5 characteristics inherent in Islamic boarding schools, namely: pondok, mosque, teaching of classical Islamic books, santri, and kyai. Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia have a very big role, both for the progress of Islam itself and for the Indonesian nation as a whole. Based on existing records, religious education activities in the archipelago have been started since 1596. These religious activities are later known as Islamic boarding schools. Ulama began to realize that the traditional Islamic boarding schools and education systems were no longer suited to the Indonesian climate at that time. Therefore, an idea emerged about the need to develop and renew Islamic education in Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26
M. Syahran Jailani ◽  
Muhammad Muhammad

Islamic education during the New Order experienced a growth both quantitatively and in terms of the quality of the organization. The New Order policy in Islamic Education, for example: the government implemented Islamic religious education taught in elementary schools to higher education, madrasa institutions and pesantren began to be recognized, the provision of facilities and others. Government policies during the New Order era, although providing fresh air for the development of Islamic education, the stakeholders must fight and work hard to convince the government so that the existence of Islamic education remains recognized and has the same position with other education nationally.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-193
Leryani Mince Maria Manuain ◽  
Viktor Imanuel Nani

This Paper is the result of a study of the extent of STAKN Kupang students’ understanding of General Church History Periodization. This research uses survey method with samle of 147 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and then analyzed in quantitative descriptive. The result showed that the level of  understanding of STAKN Kupang students was in the capable category.The Respondents’ denomination is in the category of able to very capable. This show that students, lectures and institutions have synergized well; students have a high  understanding of the periodization  of the history of the general church, lectures teaching with professionals and STAKN Kupang who always maintain and improve the equality of educational institutions. Scientific contributions from this research can be used as a source of study of Christian religious education. Such as hermeneutics, dogmatis, ethics, practica, theology form which can take something to deepen the knowledge and thingking of studet theology.     Tulisan ini merupakan hasil kajian tentang sejauh mana tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa STAKN Kupang terhadap periodisasi Sejarah Gereja Umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan jumlah sample 147 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dan kemudian dianalisa secara deskirptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa STAKN Kupang berada pada kategori mampu.  Denominasi sebaran responden berada pada kategori mampu menuju sangat mampu. Ini menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa, dosen dan lembaga telah bersinergi dengan baik; mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman yang  tinggi terhadap Periodisasi Sejarah Gereja Umum, dosen mengajar dengan profesional dan STAKN Kupang yang selalu menjaga dan memperbaiki kualitas lembaga pendidikan. Sumbangan ilmiah dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sumber kajian mata kuliah Pendidikan Agama Kristen seperti hermeneutik, dogmatika, etika, teologi praktika yang daripadanya dapat kita ambil sesuatu untuk memperdalam pengetahuan dan pemikiran teologi mahasiswa. Sumbangan ilmiah dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sumber kajian mata kuliah Pendidikan Agama Kristen seperti hermeneutik, dogmatika, etika, teologi praktika yangdari padanya dapat kita ambil sesuatu untuk menperdalam pengetahuan dan pemikiran teologi mahasiswa.

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