Ismail Ismail

There have been a lot of studies on the history and development of Islamic education in Indonesia conducted by various groups. At least, there are three important aspects that should be noted in this study. First, from the aspect of the region, the history of Islamic education in South Sumatera which has never been comprehensively studied since the colonial era. Second, related to theoretical assumption, the question of whether the development of the system and the modern Islamic institution in Palembang during colonial era tend to be dominated by Muslim reformers or Muslim traditionalists. Third, from the point of view of methodology which tends to be descriptive and chronological, though recently there arises an analytical approach in which the system and the institution are not seen as things that can stand on their own, but are attached to social, religious, cultural, and political aspects. It is this approach which will be used in this study. Therefore, this study will try to look into the relationship between various social changes in Palembang and the system and Islamic educational institutions in the colonial era.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 220
Rafika Nisa

<strong>Abstrak: </strong>Artikel ini mengkaji sistem pendidikan di Madrasah Al-Jam’iyatul Chalidiyah di Langkat. Kajian ini dilatari oleh keyakinan bahwa ada banyak lembaga pendidikan Islam yang didirikan sepanjang era kolonial, dan terus bertahan sampai era kemerdekaan. Secara khusus, kajian ini hendak meneliti eksistensi Madrasah Al-Jam’iyatul Chalidiyah ditinjau dari perspektif ilmu pendidikan Islam, sehingga akan dianalisa tujuan, pendidik dan peserta didik, kurikulum, metode, dan fasilitas pendidikan madrasah ini. Objek kajian akan didekati dengan pendekatan sejarah, dan data penelitian diperoleh melalui kegiatan telaah dokumen. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa sistem pendidikan di Madrasah Al-Jam’iyatul Chalidiyah telah mengalami banyak perubahan setelah berusia 75 tahun yang dapat dibagi menjadi tiga fase, yakni fase sebelum kemerdekaan Indonesia, sesudah kemerdekaan Indonesia dan reformasi. Kajian ini diyakini dapat memperkaya referensi dalam bidang sejarah pendidikan Islam di luar Jawa, khususnya di dunia Melayu.<br /><br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> <strong>Islamic Education in Malay Land:</strong> <strong>The Education System of Madrasah al-Jam’iyatul Chalidiyah in Langkat</strong><strong>, 1941-2016. </strong>This article examines the education system at Madrasah Al-Jam'iyatul Chalidiyah in Langkat. This study is based on the belief that there are many Islamic educational institutions established throughout the colonial era, and continue to survive until the era of independence. In particular, this study will examine the existence of Madrasah Al-Jam'iyatul Chalidiyah from the perspective of Islamic education science, so that will be analyzed purposes, educators and learners, curriculum, methods, and educational facilities of this madrasah. The object of the study will be approached with a historical approach, and research data is obtained through document review activities. This study found that the education system at Madrasah Al-Jam'iyatul Chalidiyah has undergone many changes after 75 years of age which can be divided into three phases, the pre-independence phase of Indonesia, after Indonesian independence and reform. This study is believed to enrich references in the history of Islamic education outside Java, especially in the Malay world.<br /><br /><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: sistem pendidikan, madrasah, Melayu, Langkat, Al-Jam’iyatul Chalidiyah

Al-Ulum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Moch. Tolchah

Relation between �Nusantara Islam� and Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia is a pivotal issue. It is because of many fundamental reasons, such as, historical, social, political, cultural, religious and educational perspectives. In this context, this article focuses on the relationship and the contribution of Nusantara Islam in Indonesian Islamic educational context from time to time in all aspects. The research in this paper is qualitative with descriptive analytical approach and documentary method. The general objective of this study is to find out what and how the history of Nusantara Islam in the country? What and how the history of Islamic education in Indonesia? How is the relationship between Nusantara Islam and Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia? The results showed that, first and foremost, is the history of Nusantara Islam is a portrait of a very complex history, which extends from the Aceh to Papua and elsewhere in Indonesia. Second, the history of Indonesian Islamic education is the discussion about institution, content of materials and objectives of Islamic-based education from time to time. Third, the relationship between Nusantara Islam and Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia has a strong �bond� with each other. Ultimately, the relationship is so closely linked to the development and progress of the nationhood.

1984 ◽  
Vol 28 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 34-43 ◽  
Francis Snyder

In this paper I discuss some aspects of the relationship of African customary law to the economy. Such a vast topic potentially embraces at least three different themes: the economic context in which African customary law has developed and operates today; the economic consequences and implications of different African customary laws; and the relationship between customary law and the economic aspect of society. These three themes inevitably overlap, but while recognising their interconnections I shall concentrate primarily on the third. My principal aim is to identify some of the linkages between customary law and economic relations, especially those linkages which become manifest during broad social changes.An examination of the relationship between customary law and the economy in Africa almost ineluctably requires an historical perspective. This is so, first, because, as I suggest later, customary law is historically specific: it developed in particular historical circumstances and in close conjunction with the formation of the colonial state. Thus, the foundations of customary law in Africa lie partly in the development of capitalism and its expansion from Europe during the colonial era. These interrelated processes have decisively moulded and subtly shaped the law, legal institutions and legal professions of contemporary Africa.More generally, however, it is essential today to envisage the possibility of new, alternative forms of development and social regulation. The particular forms of legal pluralism which characterise third world countries indicate, in many cases, that the subsumption of African economies within capitalist relations of production and exchange has thus far been merely partial and formal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-286
Djunawir Syafar

This research discusses bureaucracy and organizational behaviour and culture in Islamic education institute i.e., Roudlotul Athfal UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This research aims to study the implementation of institutional bureaucracy and to build organisational behaviour and culture. This is a qualitative research applying three methods of data collection, namely: (1) observation, (2) in-depth interview, (3) emphasizing the value of dialogue ​​(small colloquium, discussion or sharing), (2) Integrating Islamic values ​​to build organizational behaviour such as honesty, discipline and mutual respect. (3) Cultural acculturation as part of the organizational cultural identity, such as maintaining the grassroots culture including how to behave, how to communicate in certain language and other social interactions. These aspects ​​turn into the basic values of institutional bureaucracy in facing various challenges, social changes as well as competition among numerous Islamic educational institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 134
Al Husaini M Daud

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research is a study of the history of an educational figure about the implication of Islamic education related to the thoughts of Abu Teupin Raya, one of prominent educational figure from Aceh. Historical and sociological approach of knowledge were used. Meanwhile, the primary sources were the textual works of Abu Teupin Raya. Another major source was informants, those were the children of figure who were still alive and his students who had learned directly from him. Methods of data collection were done through the study of any literatures and in-depth interviews. All data collected was then selected, classified, verified systematically to the problem and the scope of the study. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by using content analysis and historical continuity method. This study found; First, the process of transformation of Islamic education in Aceh was closely linked with the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundation. Second, the idea of Islamic education which were transformed in the form of Islamic boarding institutions in Aceh had positive implications not only to the paradigm changes in the system of Islamic education but also to the management of educational institutions, financial administration system, even the curriculum and teaching methods.</p><p><br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Abu Teupin Raya, transforming, Islamic education, Aceh</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Tautvydas Vėželis

This article examines the problem of overcoming nihilism in Heidegger’s dialogue with Jünger. It is suggested that nihilism is manifested in various forms and is the deep logic of the whole history of European civilization. One of the main aims of this paper is to outline the relationship of nihilism and Nothing in Heidegger’s dispute with Jünger, viewing how Heidegger distinguishes his approach from Jünger’s point of view. Heidegger, on the one hand, treats nihilism as consummation of the Western metaphysical tradition, on the other hand, identifies Nothing itself as the shadow of Being, which cannot be overcome in the traditional dialectical thinking manner.

Masthu Mastuhu

It is necessary for Islamic educational institutions to have the power of changing themselves to be able to take part in determining the ideal and success of national education. Precisely, today, Islamic educational sys­tem is perceived weak and powerless in the dynamic of social changes have been occurring in the society. Even, this situation, it is frequently assumed as the burden of national education. Why can it be so? Aren't Islamic educational providers are also referring to the only one Law, that is, Law Number 20 year 2003 regarding National Educational System? What is wrong with Islamic education ? How is the quality of human resources of these providers? This article tries to answer those questions. This article also deals with analogue of Islamic Education as a subsystem of national education with family system in Islam. Fam­ily is a system. Child is a subsystem of the family. The more the child is matured and independent the better his/her family is.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 997-1007
Shao Zhaopo

Objectives: Playing an important role in the history of Chinese animation art, the minority theme animation not only contains strong national spirit and historical tradition, but also has a close relation with social-historical evolution and the characteristics of its historical stage during its development, thus making ontology language more abundant in social changes. In this paper, the development of minority theme animation is described macroscopically according to the statistics and analysis on the output, theme and object of Chinese minority animation. The “pluralistic integration” theory-based systematic analysis on the relationship between minority theme animation and Chinese social-economical development, national literature and art, ethnic policy, ethnic culture, etc. helps us to outline the nationalimage of new China.In the development of Chinese animation, tobacco advertising is often involved in the form of anime painting. In this context, the presented cultural phenomenon and value shouldattract the attention of scholars.

Айгүл Турсунова

Баарыбызга маалым болгондой аркылуу мамиле этишке мүнөздүү категория. Мамиле категорияларынын эӊ негизги өзгөчөлүгү - кыймыл-аракеттин субъектиси менен объектисинин ортосундагы мамиле, б.а. сүйлөмдө ээлик милдет аткарган сөздүн же кыймыл-аракеттин чыныгы аткаруучусунун субъект же объект экендигин аныктайт. Алардын ичинен аркылуу мамиле кыймыл-аракеттин башка бирөө тарабынан иштелгенин билдирет. Биз бул эмгегибизде кыргыз тилиндеги мамиле категорияларынан - аркылуу мамилени тарыхый жана маанилик жактан анализдемекчибиз. Маанилерди аныктоодо бул мамиленин байыркы Көктүркчөдөн азыркы убакка чейинки басып өткөн жолу талданып, кандай лигвистикалык методдор менен түзүлөрүнө да кеӊири токтолдук. Макалабызда кыргыз тили менен түрк тили негизге алынды. Категория залога - есть необходимая категория языковой мысли, присущая общению. Важнейшей особенностью категорий залога является отношение между субъектом и объектом действия. В предложении данная категория определяет, является ли реальный исполнитель слова или действия, выполняющий функцию, субъектом или объектом, и означает ли что действие было разработано кем-то другим. В этой статье мы проанализируем категорию залога с исторической и семантической точек зрения в кыргызском языке. Определяя значения, мы будем анализировать историю этих залогов от древнего Коктюрского времени до наших дней и подробно обсуждать лингвистические методы, с помощью которых они сформированы. Наша статья основана на материале кыргызского и турецкого языков. The collateral category is a necessary category of linguistic thought inherent in communication. The most important feature of the categories of collateral is the relationship between the subject and the object of the action. In a sentence, this category determines whether the real performer of a word or action performing a function is a subject or an object, and means that the action was designed by someone else. In this article, we will analyze the category of collateral from a historical and semantic point of view in the Kyrgyz language. By defining the meanings, we will analyze the history of these pledges from ancient Cocturian times to the present day and discuss in detail the linguistic methods by which they were formed. Our article is based on the material of the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages.

1982 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 495-513
Paolo Ramat

Summary The paper essays to give a brief survey of the imposing and complex work of Giacomo Devoto (1897–1974), with particular emphasis on its principal traits seen both from the point of view of the history of linguistics and its scientific significance. Especial attention is drawn first of all to Devoto’s position vis-à-vis Benedetto Croce’s Idealism and the linguistic positivism of the first half of the 20th century. It seems possible to define Devoto’s position as a dialectic one between these two intellectual currents, which eventually led to an historicism, which actually was typical of the Italian linguistic tradition. From this viewpoint then Devoto’s understanding of language as an ‘institution’ is examined, including his intervention in the dispute between N. Ja. Marr and Stalin. After having dealt with his concept of a ‘stylistics of language’, which returns to regarding langue as an historicaland social institution, and its difference from a literary stylistics, Devoto’s Indo-European studies are examined. Here, the question of the relationship between linguistics and the other disciplines concerned with antiuqty is discussed, a relationship which Devotohad been obliged on several occasions to come back to. The ‘Devotian’ position is presented critically with the help of discussions which Devoto himself had entertained, with archaeologists and with linguists.

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