Pengkayaan Pakan Alami Artemia sp. dengan Chaetoceros sp. pada Budidaya Post Larva Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei)

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-258
Pandu Abdi Perdana ◽  
Salnida Yuniarti Lumbessy ◽  
Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh pengkayaan pakan Artemia sp. dengan Chaetoceros sp. terhadap performa pertumbuhan larva udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan menggunakan empat (4) perlakuan perbedaan dosis Chaetoceros untuk pengkayaan Artemia sp., yaitu A (pakan alami Artemia sp. tanpa pengkayaan Chaetoceros) sebagai perlakuan kontrol, B (dosis pengkayaan Chaetoceros 1,5 x 105 sel/ind), C (dosis pengkayaan Chaetoceros 2,5 x 105  sel/ind) dan D (dosis pengkayaan Chaetoceros 3,5 x 105 sel/ind), masing-masing perlakuan dengan 4 kali ulangan. Data dianalisis menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA) pada taraf nyata 5% dengan selang kepercayaan 95% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengkayaan pakan alami Artemia sp. dengan Chaetoceros dapat meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan panjang mutlak dan spesifik larva udang vaname tetapi tidak mempengaruhi tingkat kelangsungan hidupnya, dimana perlakuan dosis Chaetoceros 3,5 x 105 sel/ind memberikan laju pertumbuhan panjang mutlak dan spesifik  larva udang vaname yang lebih baik, yaitu berturut-turut  5,45 mm, dan 8,60%/hari. Pengkayaan pakan alami Artemia sp. dengan Chaetoceros sp. dapat meningkatkan nilai protein pakan larva udang vanname hingga mencapai 66 %. This study aims to analyze the effect of Artemia sp. with Chaetoceros sp. on the growth performance of vaname shrimp larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) using four (4) different treatments of Chaetoceros Dose for Artemia sp. Enrichment, namely  A (natural feed of Artemia sp. without Chaetoceros Enrichment) as control treatment, B (Chaetoceros sp. Enrichment dose 1,5 × 105 cells / ind), C (Chaetoceros enrichment dose 2,5 × 105 cells / ind) and D (Chaetoceros enrichment dose 3,5 × 105 cells / ind) , each treatment with 4 replications. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a significant level of 5% with a 95% confidence interval and continued with the Duncan test. The results showed that enrichment of natural feed for Artemia sp. with Chaetoceros The growth rate of absolute and specific length of vannamei shrimp larvae but does not affect the survival rate, where the Chaetoceros treatment dose of 3,5 × 105 cells / ind gives the absolute and specific length growth rate of the vaname shrimp larvae. better, namely 5.45 mm, and 8.60% / day, respectively. Natural food enrichment of Artemia sp. with Chaetoceros sp. can increase the protein value of vanname shrimp larvae feed by up to 66%

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-28
Mahfud Akbar ◽  
Muhammad Junaidi ◽  
Fariq Azhar

Research on the effect of probiotic dosing on the growth of vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). This research was conducted for 45 days from 26 August to 14 October 2019 which took place at UD Kolbun Nanda Mumbul Sari Village, Bayan District, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). This study used the CRD method (completely randomized design) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The container used in this study was a sterofome with p 82 x50x38 cm, so that the area of ​​the container used was 155,800 cm3 and the volume of water in the container was 50 liters. The containers used were 15 sterofom units with 5 treatments and 3 replications, where in treatment one (P1) used probiotics at a dose of 0.2 ml / l / week, treatment two (P2) used probiotics at a dose of 0.4 ml / l / week, treatment three (P3) used probiotics at a dose of 0.6 ml / l / week, treatment four (P4) used probiotics at a dose of 0.8 ml / l / week, and treatment five (P5) used probiotics at a dose of 1 ml / l / week. Parameters observed during the study included growth rate, survival rate (SR), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of vanname shrimp. The results showed that the administration of probiotics with different doses did not have a significant effect on growth in absolute weight and growth in daily weight. However, it had a significantly different effect on the survival rate and feed conversion ratio.

Abdul Rakhfid ◽  
Wa Ode Halida ◽  
Rochmady Rochmady ◽  
Fendi Fendi

The study aimed to determine the growth and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp with the application of probiotics to different stocking densities.  The study was conducted from May to June 2018 at the Balai Benih Ikan Pantai (BBIP) Ghonebalano, Duruka District, Muna Regency, using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three levels of solid stocking treatment namely treatment A is 18 individu per container, treatment B is 24  individu per container and treatment C is 30  individu per container with three replications.  Data analysis using Variance Analysis (ANOVA) at the confidence level of 95% (α 0.05).  The results showed that the highest daily growth was obtained at 24 individual densities of 5.88% per day, compared to 18 individual densities of 5.86% per day and 30 individual densities of 5.74% per day.  The highest absolute growth is obtained at 24 individual density of 2.43 g per individu, then 18 individual density of 2.15 g per individual, and the lowest at 30 individual density of 2.02 g per individual.  Survival at a density of 18 individual and a density of 24 individual at 88.89%, while a 30-ind density of 86.67%.  Analysis of variance (α 0.05) showed that the application of probiotics to different stocking densities had no significant effect on the daily growth rate of vannamei shrimp (p<0.939), absolute growth of vannamei shrimp (p<0.080), and survival of vannamei shrimp (p<0.744).

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-180
Sarmila ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Sri Warastuti

The purpose of this study was to determine the best percentage of artificial feed substitution for growth and survival rate of giant-snakehead. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 levels of artificial feed substitution dose treatment, namely 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and control (without artificial substitution). The feed used in the form of fresh trash fish mixed with artificial feed FF-999 with a protein content of 35%. The results showed that the control treatment (100% trash fish) gave the best survival rate and spesific growth rate of 75% and 2.12%/day, respectively. Meanwhile, the percentage of artificial feed substitution treatment which gave the best survival rate and specific growth rate was found in the substitution percentage treatment of 25% artificial feed with a survival rate of 66.67% and a daily weight growth rate of 1.89%/day. Substitution of 100% artificial feed caused death with a 0% survival rate. Keywords: artificial feed, feed substitution, giant-snakehead, survival rate, growth ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan persentase substitusi pakan buatan yang terbaik untuk laju pertumbuhan, dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan toman. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan 4 level dosis substitusi pakan buatan yaitu 25%, 50%, 75% dan 100% serta 1 kontrol (tanpa substitusi pakan buatan). Pakan yang digunakan berupa ikan rucah segar dicampur dengan pakan buatan berupa pellet dengan merk FF-999 berkadar protein 35%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kontrol (100% ikan rucah) memberikan tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan laju pertumbuhan berat harian terbaik masing-masing sebesar 75% dan 2.12%/hari. Sementara untuk perlakuan persentase substitusi pakan buatan yang memberikan tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan laju pertumbuhan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan persentase substitusi sebesar 25% pakan buatan dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup 66.67% dan laju pertumbuhan berat harian 1.89%/hari. Substitusi 100% pakan buatan menyebabkan kematian dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup 0%. Kata kunci: ikan toman, kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan, pakan buatan, substitusi pakan.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Masyarul Rusdani, Sadikin Amir Saptono Waspodo dan Zaenal Abidin

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kinerja bakteri probiotik Bacillus spp. dan prebiotik molase dengan dosis berbeda terhadap tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan kinerja pertumbuhan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian ini menggunakan motede eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dan melibatkan 5 perlakuan, yaitu kontrol (K), Bacillus spp. 10 ml/kg pakan (A); Bacillus spp. 10 ml/Kg pakan + molase 10 v/v (B); Bacillus spp. 20 ml/Kg pakan (C); dan Bacillus spp. 20 ml/Kg pakan + molase 10 v/v(D). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan variasi untuk total bakteri, yaitu dari 2,24x108 hingga 3,78x108 CFU/ml. Demikian juga dengan total Bacillus spp. dari 1,07x106 hingga 2,02x107 CFU/ml. Adapun untuk pengamatan tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan laju pertumbuhan tidak menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan. Meski demikian, perlakuan D memiliki hasil yang relatif lebih baik dengan nilai SR dan LPH berturut-turut 96,67% dan 1,01 %/hari. Kata kunci : probiotik Bacillus spp., prebiotik molase,  total bakteri dan Bacillus spp., tingkat kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan harian  ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to determine the good combination of probiotic bacillus spp. and prebiotic molasses with different doses to survival rate and growth performance of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). this study has used experimental design with completely randomized design (CRD) and five treatment, i.e. Control (K), without probiotic and prebiotic; Bacillus spp. 10 ml/kg feed (A); Bacillus spp. 10 ml/Kg feed + molasses 10 v/v (B); Bacillus spp. 20 ml/Kg feed (C); dan Bacillus spp. 20 ml/Kg feed + molasses 10 v/v (D). The results showed variation for total bacteria and total Bacillus spp. The average of total bacteria obtained in this study ranged from 2,24x108 to 3.78x108 CFU/ml. Likewise, the total Bacillus spp. were obtained from 1.07x106 to 2.02x107 CFU/ml. While for survival rate (SR) and the growth rate (DGR) did not showed significant results. However, treatment D has a relatively better then treatment else with SR and DGR respectively 96.67% and Keywords : probiotic Bacillus spp., prebiotic molasses, total bacteria and Bacillus spp., survival rate, specific growth rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-170
Muhaeming Muhaeming ◽  
Jamilah Jamilah ◽  
Zulkarnaim Zulkarnaim

Penambahan nutrisi perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertumbuhan jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). Salah satu bahan yang dapat digunakan adalah serbuk jagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan serbuk jagung pada komposisi media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan miselium bibit F1 jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) dan mengetahui konsentrasi serbuk jagung yang paling baik digunakan pada pertumbuhan  miselium bibit F1 jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). Penelitian ini mengunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan sehingga diperoleh 12 satuan percobaan; P0 (perlakuan kontrol), P1 (25%), P2 (50%), dan P3 (100%). Variabel yang diukur adalah persentase pertumbuhan miselium yang diamati pada hari ke-6, 12 dan 18 dan waktu penyebaran miselium Hari Setelah Inokulasi (HSI). Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA) dengan uji lanjut menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pada pertumbuhan miselium bibit F1 jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) dengan penambahan serbuk jagung pada komposisi media tanam. Selain Itu, konsentrasi serbuk jagung yang memberikan hasil yang paling baik terhadap pertumbuhan miselium adalah P2 dengan konsentrasi 50%. Kata kunci : miselium F1; Pleurotus ostreatus; serbuk jagung  ABSTRACTAdditional nutrition needs to be done to increase the productivity of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) growth. One of the materials that can be used is corn powder. This study aimed to determine the effect of corn powder on the planting medium composition towards mycelium growth of oyster mushroom F1 seeds (Pleurotus ostreatus) and to find the best concentration of corn powder to grow mycelium seeds F1 oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). This research was an experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments namely; P0 (control treatment), P1 (25%), P2 (50%), and P3 (100%), and 3 repetitions so that obtained 12 experimental units. The variables measured were the mycelium growth percentage on days 6, 12, and 18, and the mycelium widespread time after the day of inoculation. The data were analyzed using ANOVA then continued on the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The results showed that the addition of corn powder on oyster mushroom growing media affected mycelium growth of the oyster mushroom F1 seeds (Pleurotus ostreatus). It also found that the P2 with a 50% concentration of corn powder gave the widest mycelium growth.  Keywords: corn powder; mycelium; Pleurotus ostreatus

2003 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Rustidja Rustidja

The aim of study was to know the effect of sludge in the ration on the gonadal growth of Oreochromis sp. broodstock. Experimental design used in this experiment was completely Randomized Design. The broodstocks were fed with the ration containing 0-40% of sludge, or with a commercial fish feed as a control.The results were not significantly differences between the treatment in all parameters. The sludge in ration ranging from 0 to 40% resulted the level of gonadal maturation of 4, 6, 7, dan 9. The value of Gonadal Maturation Index on 0,96 to 3,98 % and the control group on 1,75 %. The specific growth rate of broodstock fed with the ration ranged from 1,1 to 1,62 Bw/day and that of the development of gonadal control group was 1,97. The survival rate were variated between 14,29 to 100% and that of the development of gonadal control group is 71,43%. The ration containing 40% sludge is the most suitable feed for maturation in Oreochromis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-82 ◽  
Annisa Siregar ◽  
Dade Jubaedah ◽  
Marini Wijayanti

ABSTRACT Fitoremediation is one of water quality management system by using water plant such as Hydrilla verticillata that is purposed to decrease organic materials. This research was conducted at Laboratorium Dasar Perikanan, Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University,Indralaya on May – July 2016. The research based on a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and three replications. The treatments were media without H. verticillata (P0), addition of H. verticillata as much as 85 ± 10 g (P1), 110 ± 10 g (P2) and 135 ± 10 g (P3). The parameters were water quality, survival rate and specific growth rate of catfish. The data were analyzed by regressions analysis, analysis of variance and least significant diference test. The result showed that the addition of H. verticillata could improved water quality. The treatment of addition ofH. verticillata as much as 135 ± 10 g (P3) has highest survival rate 95.49 %, spesific growth rate for length 1.53 and weight 5.25 Keywords: Catfish,  Hydrilla verticillata, Phytoremediation, Water Quality 

Maria Theresia ◽  
Siti Aslamyah ◽  
Sriwulan Sriwulan

The use of probiotics (Lactobacillus  sp.) in feed is one alternative that is done to improve immunostimulants, growth stimulants, and can be used as a balance of microorganisms in digestion. This study aimed to evaluate the growth performance of vanamei shrimp fed with the addition of Lactobacillus  sp. with sweet potatoes in feed. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment was by feeding with different sweet potato concentrations: A) The dose of sweet potato in feed was 0% (as control); B) The dose of sweet potato in feed was 10%; C) 1The dose of sweet potato in feed was 15%; and D) The dose of sweet potato in feed was 20%. Data were analyzed using variance analysis (ANOVA) and continued with W-Tuckey's further test. The research parameters were digestive enzyme activity, nutrient digestibility, and growth. The results of the variance analysis showed the addition of various sweet potato concentrations with Lactobacillus sp. has no significant effect (p> 0.05) of the growth rate. The specific growth rate of vannamei shrimp ranges from 3.06 to 3.23% / day. Based on the results of the analysis on the utilization of sweet potatoes as a prebiotic on the performance of Lactobacillus sp. in the vannamei shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) digestive tract can be concluded that the growth performance does not have a significant effect after being fed with the addition of Lactobacillus sp. and sweet potatoes in feed. Keywords: Enzymes, Digestion, Growth, Lactobacillus sp., Prebiotic, Probiotic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Muhammad Arief, Nur Fitriani, Sri Subekti

Abstract Freshwater culture commodity such as sangkuriang catfish (Clarias sp.) has high sufficient demand. One way to fullfil necessity of sangkuriang catfis demand is accelerate the growth. The aim of this research is to determine the present effect of different probiotics on commercial feed towards growth and feed efficiency of sangkuriang catfish. The research using experimental method, using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Sangkuriang catfish kept in 30 days with four treatments and five replications, that is P1 (control), P2 (5% probiotics A), P3 (5% probiotics B), and P4 (5% probiotics C). The obtained data were processed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test if there was significant data. The result showed that different probiotics giving significant effect to growth rate and feed efficiency (p<0,05). The best sangkuriang catfish (Clarias sp.) growth rate is P2 treatment 2,88% ± 0,38, and the lowest is P1 treatment at 1,73% ± 0,7. The best feed efficiency is P2 treatment at 54,69% ± 9,67 and the lowest is P1 treatment at 30,27% ± 12,65

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
Novan Agil Permana ◽  
Yudi Cahyoko ◽  
Muhammad Arief

Abstract Currently, African catfish is developing quite rapidly, because African catfish is one of the important commodities in the fishery. Efforts to increase the production of African catfish is to improve the quality of feed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of shark waste mill on the growth rate, feed efficiency and survival rate of African catfish fishing. The research method was experimental with completely randomized design (CRD). The research consisted of five treatments and four replications. The treatments used were: (A) shark waste mill at 0% and fish mill by 50%, (B) 5% shark waste mill and 45% fish mill, (C) 10% waste shark mill and 40% fish mill, (D) 15% waste shark mill and fish mill and 35% (E) 20% shark waste mill and 30% fish mill. The main parameters measured were growth, feed efficiency and survival rate. Supporting parameters measured were water quality. Analysis of the data using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and to determine the differences between treatments tested by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the giving of shark waste mil on ration had highly different effects on growth rate and feed eficiency of african catfish. The feeding of waste shark mill in ration had no significantly different effect on Survival Rate (SR). The best dose of shark waste mill is treatment C (10%) with growth rate (1,26%/day), feed eficiency (38,64%) and survival rate (55%).

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