scholarly journals Promoting mathematical reasoning and problem solving through inquiry-based relevance focused computer simulations: a stoichiometry lab

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Tanya Gupta

AbstractSimulations model concepts and phenomena. Several researchers have called for an intuitive and user-friendly simulation design to foster conceptual understanding of users. Simulations can also be used to promote mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills of students in various chemistry courses. An example of such use of simulations would be teaching reaction stoichiometry and underlying dimensional analysis for determining the quantity of reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction. In this paper, the author presents an innovative model of a guided-inquiry based simulation for promoting mathematical thinking in chemistry by incorporating mathematical thinking as a component of simulation design. The simulation was implemented in an introductory organic chemistry laboratory course in which a significant gain in pre- and post-test was observed for participating students.

Joko Sulianto, Kurniawan Eko Prabowo

This research is motivated by the lack of reasoning and problem-solving skills math class V students on the subject of the story about the multiplication and division of fractions. Students are less able to understand and decipher the core issues contained in the matter of the story. In addition, students difficulty changing story problems into mathematical form. This makes the learning achievements of students who achieved less than the maximum.Issues examined in this study were (1) Is the mathematical reasoning fifth grade students Karangayu SD N 02 Semarang can reach the learning criterion was after receiving RME? (2) Is there any difference in the ability to solve mathematical problems Karangayu fifth grade students of SDN 02 Semarang after receiving RME learning?This research is quantitative. By using the design / design study pre-experimental design types of one- group pre-test-post-test design. Based on the pre-test and post-test reasoning variables obtained average value of 51.38 in the pre-test criteria for low and average value of the post-test 65.06 on the criterion of moderate / normal. The research hypothesis has been mentioned that, H01 is rejected and thank Ha1 the mathematical reasoning fifth grade students Karangayu SD N 02 Semarang reach criterion medium / normal after getting learning RME (Realistic Mathematic Education). While the t-test on the variable math problem-solving skills obtained t count> t table = 5.971> 2.021. The research hypothesis has been mentioned that, H01 and thank Ha1 denied that there are differences in the ability to solve mathematical problems graders V SD N Karangayu 02 Semarang after getting learning RME.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (15) ◽  
pp. 552-562
Fatma Berna BENLİ ◽  

In our new education curriculum, it has been seen that it is no longer sufficient for students to learn only the achievements, unlike these gains, solution strategies that the student visualizes in his mind and designed by himself are also needed. Mathematical thinking, which is the process of obtaining new information completely different from the student's old knowledge and new knowledge, using it in the solution of the problem, and transforming that knowledge into new knowledge, has become extremely important. MEB asks students for deep mathematical thinking and problem solving skills in all questions they ask in the skill-based tests and student selection exam LGS. In this study, mathematical thinking and problem solving skills of middle school 7th grade students while solving problems will be examined. The research was applied to 241 students in 7 different secondary schools in the province of Bingöl in the Eastern Anatolia Region in the 2020-2021 academic year. In the study, it was investigated by quantitative and qualitative methods whether the mathematical thinking and problem solving skills of the students on rational numbers are related to gender, whether they had pre-school education and daily reading time. In the research, the SPSS 25 package program was used in the analysis of quantitative data, and in the analysis of qualitative data by examining the process steps in the answers from the students. As a result of the research, a statistically significant difference was found between male and female students, and this difference is in favor of female students. According to the findings obtained from the research, no statistically significant difference was found between the students who had and did not have pre-school education. Secondary school 7th grade students’ mathematical thinking and problem solving skills are related to their daily reading time. According to the results, students who read for an hour a day are more successful than students who read for fifteen minutes a day.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-170 ◽  
Burcu Alan ◽  
Fikriye Kirbağ Zengin ◽  
Gonca Keçeci

In this research the effects of STEM applications, which are aimed to support the integrated teaching knowledge of pre-service science teachers on the problem solving skills of pre-service science teachers were examined. The research was carried out in scope of the mixed method design of convergent parallel design. The research was conducted with pre-service science teachers of experimental group (n=31) and control group (n=31) who were studying at Fırat University. STEM applications including Algodoo were carried out with the pre-service teachers in the experimental group for one term. The data of the research were collected through the problem solving inventory test (PSIT), prospects diaries during the process of the pre-service science teachers in the experiment group. Quantitative data were analyzed using unpaired samples t-test. Statistically significant differences were found in favor of the experimental group when the PSIT post-test scores of the pre-service teachers in the experimental and control groups were analyzed. They said that STEM education is necessary and important for them, much better products arise as a result of gathering different disciplines, but integration of four disciplines is not easy.

Novita Nurul Aini ◽  
Mohammad Mukhlis

One of the studen learning goals mathematics is mathematical reasoning for outcomes training student to solve the problems. One of the problems faced by students is word questions. There are several students responses in dealing with word question which is known as Adversity Quotient. This research aims to describe the students' problem solving skills in system of three-variable linear equations subject based on Polya's theory in terms of Adversity Quotient. This is a qualitative descriptive research with three subjects of students class X IPA 1 SMAN Arjasa Jember, there are one climber student, one camper student and one quitter student. These subjects took purposive sampling with consideration according to the results of questionnaire scores that meet each of the criteria of Adversity Quotient. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires, tests, interviews and observations. The validity test used is technical triangulation. Data analyzed through data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that student with the type of climber was able to meet all the indicators of problem solving in the problem of the word questions which included indicators of understanding the problem, planning the solution, carrying out the plan of solving and re-checking. Camper type student met all indicators of problem solving except at the re-checking stage. Quitter type student in completing word questions met the stage of understanding the problem and planning the solution, while the stage of carrying out the plan and re-checking is not fulfilled by the quitter student.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-53
Dyah Ayu Setyarini ◽  
Zainal Arifin Imam Supardi ◽  
Elok Sudibyo

This research aims to improve senior high school students’ physics problem-solving skills through learning used IBMR learning model. This research was a pre-an experimental study with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The Methods of data collection used validation and test. The materials used to teach were valid category by two experts and can be used to practice physics problem-solving skills. The average post-test score physics problem-solving ability was 73.24 with an N-gain of 0.59 was classified as moderate. The success of IBMR learning model-based devices in practicing problem-solving abilities can be seen in the increase in the average score in each indicator of problem-solving abilities. The indicator of understanding the problem had the highest post-test average score of 94.58 with an N-gain of 0.89 in the high category. The problem-solving indicator had the lowest posttest average score was 58.22 with N-gain 0.39 and mean that it was the moderate category. Based on the results study, it can be concluded that the learning used by IBMR learning model can practice the ability to solve physics problems on heat material and its displacement. Learning with the IBMR learning model was expected to train students in solving physics problems. The stages in the IBMR learning model can help students

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 204-209
Kshitija Umesh Patkar ◽  
Umesh Suresh Patkar ◽  
Vrunda Subhash Kolte

Objectives: The overall goal of the study was to foster self-directed learning, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in 1st-year medical students. Another goal was to create interest in learning by making it more interactive. As per the requirement of a competency-based medical education curriculum, we tried to use a novel teaching method called Flipped classroom method to meet our goals. Hence, the objectives of this study were: (1) To compare the effect of flipped classroom method and didactic lecture on students’ performance in the topics from renal physiology by MCQ test. (2) To obtain students’ perception about flipped classroom method in learning physiology. (3) To obtain teachers’ perception about flipped classroom method in teaching physiology. Materials and Methods: Flipped classroom method was introduced for teaching two topics in renal physiology for first MBBS students. This cross-over experimental study included 112 first M.B.B.S. students, after taking their informed consent and Ethics Committee permission. They were divided into two groups according to odd and even roll numbers. In the first part of the study, Group A (odd roll numbers) attended the didactic lecture on Renal Clearance (RC) and Group B (even roll numbers) attended the didactic lecture on Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). These topics were taught by two different teachers in two different classrooms. They were administered pre-test and post-test in the form of case-based MCQs which tests knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills on the topic. In the second part, two groups were swapped. Group A attended flipped class for G.F.R. and Group B attended flipped class for RC. They were again administered pre-test and post-test in the form of the same MCQ test. The teacher remained the same for the particular topic. For the flipped class, students came prepared with the topic. They were provided with resource materials of the allotted topic 1 week prior, in the form of pre-recorded lectures and videos. Students’ feedback in the form of a questionnaire and teachers’ feedback in the form of the interview was obtained. Marks obtained by students after didactic teaching and flipped classroom method teaching were compared by “Student’s t-test.” Results: The post-test score of students in the flipped class was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the post-test score of students in didactic class. More than 85% of students agreed and strongly agreed that the flipped classroom method improved their learning in renal physiology and it increased their confidence in answering the topic in the final exam. Near about 50% of students liked the flipped class method because of its interactive nature and discussion which was based on the application of knowledge. The teachers were more satisfied by flipped classroom method of teaching. Conclusion: Flipped classroom method is an effective teaching-learning method in physiology when compared with a didactic lecture.

William Enrique Poveda Fernández

RESUMENEn este artículo se analizan y discuten las ventajas y oportunidades que ofrece GeoGebra durante el proceso de resolución de problemas. En particular, se analizan y documentan las formas de razonamiento matemático exhibidas por ocho profesores de enseñanza secundaria de Costa Rica, relacionadas con la adquisición y el desarrollo de estrategias de resolución de problemas asociadas con el uso de GeoGebra. Para ello, se elaboró una propuesta de trabajo que comprende la construcción y la exploración de una representación del problema, y la formulación y la validación de conjeturas. Los resultados muestran que los profesores hicieron varias representaciones del problema, examinaron las propiedades y los atributos de los objetos matemáticos involucrados, realizaron conjeturas sobre las relaciones entre tales objetos, buscaron diferentes formas de comprobarlas basados en argumentos visuales y empíricos que proporciona GeoGebra. En general, los profesores usaron estrategias de medición de atributos de los objetos matemáticos y de examinación del rastro que deja un punto mientras se arrastra.Palabras claves: GeoGebra; Resolución de problemas; pensamiento matemático. RESUMOEste artigo analisa e discute as vantagens e oportunidades oferecidas pelo GeoGebra durante o processo de resolução de problemas. Em particular, as formas de raciocínio matemático exibidas por oito professores do ensino médio da Costa Rica, relacionadas à aquisição e desenvolvimento de estratégias de resolução de problemas associadas ao uso do GeoGebra, são analisadas e documentadas. Para isso, foi elaborada uma proposta de trabalho que inclui a construção e exploração de uma representação do problema, e a formulação e validação de conjecturas. Os resultados mostram que os professores fizeram várias representações do problema, examinaram as propriedades e atributos dos objetos matemáticos envolvidos, fizeram conjecturas sobre as relações entre esses objetos e procuraram diferentes formas de os verificar com base em argumentos visuais e empíricos fornecidos pelo GeoGebra. Em geral, os professores utilizaram estratégias para medir os atributos dos objetos matemáticos e para examinar o rasto que um ponto deixa enquanto é arrastado.Palavras-chave: GeoGebra; Resolução de problemas; pensamento matemático. ABSTRACTThis article analyzes and discusses the advantages and opportunities offered by GeoGebra during the problem-solving process. In particular, the mathematical reasoning forms exhibited by eight secondary school teachers in Costa Rica, related to the acquisition and development of problem solving strategies associated with the use of GeoGebra, are analyzed and documented. The proposal was developed that includes the elements: construction and exploration of a representation of the problem and formulation and validation of conjectures. The results show that teachers made several representations of the problem, examined the properties and attributes of the mathematical objects involved, made conjectures about the relationships between such objects, and sought different ways to check them based on visual and empirical arguments provided by GeoGebra. In general, the teachers used strategies to measure the attributes of the mathematical objects and to examine the trail that a point leaves while it is being dragged.Keywords: GeoGebra; Problem Solving; Mathematical Thinking.

2012 ◽  
Vol 106 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-39 ◽  
Joseph B. W. Yeo

The game Fifteen can motivate students to develop problem-solving skills and mathematical thinking.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Alman Alman

This study is a quasi-experimental research using factorial design. This study aimed at finding the facts that had been resulted from the different influence caused by the use of Open-Ended method and that of STAD method on the students’ mathematical problem-solving skills in terms of learning achievement. The learning achievement was categorized into two types namely the high achievement and the low achievement. The population in this study was Grade V students from SD Negeri Serayu. The data were analyzed by ANAVA univariate test. The results of the study were as follows. First, there have been differences in the mathematical problem-solving skills of the students who had been taught using Open-Ended method and those who had been taught using the STAD method. Second, there were also differences on the students’ score. For the students who had been taught using the Open-Ended method, the highest posttest average score of their learning achievement was 95.71 while the lowest post-test average score of their learning achievement was 63.92. These students’ total average score of learning achievement was 81.04. On the other hand, for the students who had been taught using STAD the highest posttest average score of their learning achievement was 95.50 while the lowest posttest average score of their learning achievement was 70.00. These students’ total average score of learning achievement was 89.13. Third, there has not been any differences between the Open-Ended method and the STAD method.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 271
Dian Dwi Nur Rahmah Rahmah ◽  
Arief Fahmie

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh antara pelatihan coaching dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada supervisor di PT.X Kalimantan Timur.Kemampuan Pemecahan masalah adalah kemampuan untuk mengenali dan merumuskan masalah, serta menemukan dan menerapkan pemecahan yang ampuh.Coaching adalah kunci pembuka potensi seseorang untuk memaksimalkan kinerjanya. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah ada pengaruh pelatihan coaching terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang terdiri dari 4 aspek yaitu mampu memahami masalah, mampu mencari dan menilai alternatif solusi, mampu melaksanakan solusi, mampu melaksanakan evaluasi terhadap solusi yang telah di laksanakan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 26 supervisor baru dengan masa kerja 1 – 3 tahun. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala stres kerja menurut Ellis dan Hunt (1993) yang berjumlah 25 butir. Validitas yang dihasilkan adalah 0,700 sedangkan uji reliabilitas menghasilkan koefisien reliabilitas alpha sebesar 0,908. Analisis hipotesis menggunakan Independent Sample t-test menunjukkan nilai signifikansi p value (p = 0,506 > 0,05) pada pascates, maka hipotesis dinyatakan tidak diterima. Dengan demikian, tidak ada perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Walaupun demikian, saat pelaksanaan tindak lanjut nilai signifikansi p value menunjukkan (p = 0,030 > 0,05) yang menandakan bahwa ada perbedaan dari pascates ke tindaklanjut pada kelompok eksperimen.Kata Kunci :Coaching, kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah, Pelatihan This study aims to determine whether there is influence between coaching training with problem solving skills on PT.X supervisor in East Kalimantan. Problem solving ability is the ability to identify and formulate problems, and find and implement effective solutions. Coaching is the key to unlocking a person's potential to maximize performance. The hypothesis is there are not coaching training effect on the ability of problem solving consists of four aspects which is able to understand the problem, which is able to seek and assess alternative solutions, able to implement the solution, able to carry out an evaluation of the solutions that have been implemented. The study involved 26 new supervisors with tenure 1-3 years. Measuring instruments used are problem solving scale according to Ellis and Hunt (1993), which amounted to 25 points. Validity produced was 0,700 while the reliability test result reliability coefficient alpha of 0.908. Hypothesis analysis using independent sample t-test showed a significance value of p value (p = 0.506> 0.05) in the post-test, the hypothesis stated are not accepted. Thus, there is no difference in the ability of solving problems in experimental and control groups. However, when the implementation of the follow-up showed a significance value p value (p = 0.030> 0.05), which indicates that there are differences of post-test to follow up the experimental group.Keywords: Coaching, Problem Solving Ability, Training

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