scholarly journals Dendrochronology and extreme pointer years in the tree-ring record (AD 1951–2011) of polar willow from southwestern Spitsbergen (Svalbard, Norway)

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-95 ◽  
Piotr Owczarek ◽  
Magdalena Opała

AbstractGreater warmth and precipitation over the past several decades in the High Arctic, as recorded in meteorological data, have caused shrub expansion and affected growth ring widths. The main aim of the study was to develop a tree-ring chronology of polar willow (Salix polarisWahlenb.) from southwest Spitsbergen, attempt to explain its extreme pointer years (extremely low value of growth-ring widths) and to demonstrate the dendrochronological potential of this species. This plant is a deciduous, prostrate, creeping dwarf shrub that produces anatomically distinct annual growth rings with the consistent ring width variation. After using serial sectioning we developed rigorously cross-dated ring width chronology covering the period 1951–2011. Since the beginning of the 1980s an increase of the mean and maximum growth ring width has been observed which is consistent with the increase of both temperature and precipitation in the Arctic reported from meteorological sources. Nine negative extreme years were distinguished and explained by complex hydroclimatic drivers, which highlight the importance of availability of moisture from snowpack and spring precipitation. An additional negative factor present in the years with very low dwarf shrubs growth is rapid thawing and fast freezing during winter as well as low sunshine duration. Our results contradict the prior assumption that inter-annual tree growth variability of dwarf shrubs from polar regions is controlled simply by temperature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 124 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Jakob Wernicke ◽  
Georg Stark ◽  
Lily Wang ◽  
Jussi Grießinger ◽  
Achim Bräuning

Abstract Background and Aims Annually resolved biological climate proxies beyond the altitudinal and latitudinal distribution limit of trees are rare. In such regions, several studies have demonstrated that annual growth rings of dwarf shrubs are suitable proxies for palaeoclimatic investigations. In High Asia, the pioneer work of Liang et al. (Liang E, Lu X, Ren P, Li X, Zhu L, Eckstein D, 2012. Annual increments of juniper dwarf shrubs above the tree line on the central Tibetan Plateau: a useful climatic proxy. Annals of Botany109: 721–728) confirmed the suitability of shrub growth-ring chronologies for palaeoclimatic research. This study presents the first sensitivity study of an annually resolved δ18O time series inferred from Wilson juniper (Juniperus pingii var. wilsonii) from the northern shoreline of lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau). Methods Based on five individual dwarf shrub discs, a statistically reliable δ18O chronology covering the period 1957–2009 was achieved (expressed population signal = 0.80). Spearman’s correlation analysis between the δ18O chronology and climate variables from different sources was applied. In a first step, the suitability of various climate data was evaluated. Key Results Examinations of climate–proxy relationships revealed significant negative correlations between the δ18O shrub chronology and summer season moisture variability of the previous and current year. In particular, relative humidity of the previous and current vegetation period significantly determined the proxy variability (ρ = −0.48, P < 0.01). Furthermore, the δ18O variability of the developed shrub chronology significantly coincided with a nearby tree-ring δ18O chronology of the same genus (r = 0.62, P < 0.01). Conclusions The δ18O shrub chronology reliably recorded humidity variations in the Nam Co region. The chronology was significantly correlated with a nearby moisture-sensitive tree-ring δ18O chronology, indicating a common climate signal in the two chronologies. This climate signal was likely determined by moisture variations of the Asian summer monsoon. Local climate effects were superimposed on the supra-regional climate signature of the monsoon circulation. Opposing δ18O values between the two chronologies were interpreted as plant-physiological differences during isotopic fractionation processes.

2008 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Jerzy Boryczka ◽  
Maria Stopa-Boryczka ◽  
Szymon Bijak

Abstract The paper discusses periodic climate changes in Europe determined on the basis of dendrochronological data dating back one thousand years. In tree-ring width sequences of trees growing in Poland there are approximately 8-, 11-, 100- and 180- year periods. The tree-ring widths of oaks growing in Poland for the last centuries are characterised, without any significant amplitude, by 8- and 11-year periods (Tab. 1). In turn, chronologies of pine, spruce, larch, oak and fir growing in Europe are characterised by 100- and 180-year periods (Tab. 2). Cycles of dendrochronological variables approximate cycles of air temperature and North Atlantic Oscillation NAO as well as those of solar activity. The forecast of annual growth (ring width) for 2001-2100 was calculated by interference of the tree-ring width cycles determined by the sinusoidal regression method. Because of much longer empirical sequences of specific periods, the credibility of forecasts for tree-ring widths is greater than that for air temperature.

1986 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 1041-1049 ◽  
K. C. Yang ◽  
C. A. Benson ◽  
J. K. Wong

The distribution and vertical variation of juvenile wood was studied in an 81-year-old dominant tree and an 83-year-old suppressed tree of Larixlaricina (Du Roi) K. Koch. Two criteria, growth ring width and tracheid length, were used to demarcate the boundary of juvenile wood. The width of juvenile wood, expressed in centimetres and the number of growth rings, decreased noticeably from the base to the top of the tree. The volume of juvenile wood decreased in a similar pattern. These decreasing trends had a strong negative correlation with the year of formation of cambial initials at a given tree level. The length of these cambial initials decreased with increasing age of formation of the cambial initials. In the juvenile wood zone, there was a positive linear regression between the growth ring number (age) and the tracheid length. The slopes of these regression lines at various tree levels increased as the age of the year of formation of the cambial initials increased. At a given tree level, the length of tracheids increased from the pith to a more uniform length near the bark. However, the number of years needed to attain a more uniform tracheid length decreased from the base to the top of the tree. These relationships suggest that the formation of juvenile wood is related to the year of formation of the cambial initials. Consequently, the juvenile wood is conical in shape, tapering towards the tree top.

2021 ◽  
Jonathan Barichivich ◽  
Philippe Peylin ◽  
Valérie Daux ◽  
Camille Risi ◽  
Jina Jeong ◽  

&lt;p&gt;Gradual anthropogenic warming and parallel changes in the major global biogeochemical cycles are slowly pushing forest ecosystems into novel growing conditions, with uncertain consequences for ecosystem dynamics and climate. Short-term forest responses (i.e., years to a decade) to global change factors are relatively well understood and skilfully simulated by land surface models (LSMs). However, confidence on model projections weaken towards longer time scales and to the future, mainly because the long-term responses (i.e., decade to century) of these models remain unconstrained. This issue limits confidence on climate model projections. Annually-resolved tree-ring records, extending back to pre-industrial conditions, have the potential to constrain model responses at interannual to centennial time scales. Here, we constrain the representation of tree growth and physiology in the ORCHIDEE global land surface model using the simulated interannual variability of tree-ring width and carbon (&amp;#916;&lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt;C) and oxygen (&amp;#948;&lt;sup&gt;18&lt;/sup&gt;O) stable isotopes in six sites in boreal and temperate Europe.&amp;#160; The model simulates &amp;#916;&lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt;C (r = 0.31-0.80) and &amp;#948;&lt;sup&gt;18&lt;/sup&gt;O (r = 0.36-0.74) variability better than tree-ring width variability (r &lt; 0.55), with an overall skill similar to that of other state-of-the-art models such as MAIDENiso and LPX-Bern. These results show that growth variability is not well represented, and that the parameterization of leaf-level physiological responses to drought stress in the temperate region can be improved with tree-ring data. The representation of carbon storage and remobilization dynamics is critical to improve the realism of simulated growth variability, temporal carrying over and recovery of forest ecosystems after climate extremes. The simulated physiological response to rising CO2 over the 20th century is consistent with tree-ring data in the temperate region, despite an overestimation of seasonal drought stress and stomatal control on photosynthesis. Photosynthesis correlates directly with isotopic variability, but correlations with &amp;#948;&lt;sup&gt;18&lt;/sup&gt;O combine physiological effects and climate variability impacts on source water signatures. The integration of tree-ring data (i.e. the triple constraint: width, &amp;#916;&lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt;C and &amp;#948;&lt;sup&gt;18&lt;/sup&gt;O) and land surface models as demonstrated here should contribute towards reducing current uncertainties in forest carbon and water cycling.&lt;/p&gt;

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 5899-5914 ◽  
B. A. Hook ◽  
J. Halfar ◽  
Z. Gedalof ◽  
J. Bollmann ◽  
D. J. Schulze

Abstract. The recent discovery of well-preserved mummified wood buried within a subarctic kimberlite diamond mine prompted a paleoclimatic study of the early Eocene "hothouse" (ca. 53.3 Ma). At the time of kimberlite eruption, the Subarctic was warm and humid producing a temperate rainforest biome well north of the Arctic Circle. Previous studies have estimated that mean annual temperatures in this region were 4–20 °C in the early Eocene, using a variety of proxies including leaf margin analysis and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) of fossil cellulose. Here, we examine stable isotopes of tree-ring cellulose at subannual- to annual-scale resolution, using the oldest viable cellulose found to date. We use mechanistic models and transfer functions to estimate earliest Eocene temperatures using mummified cellulose, which was well preserved in the kimberlite. Multiple samples of Piceoxylon wood within the kimberlite were crossdated by tree-ring width. Multiple proxies are used in combination to tease apart likely environmental factors influencing the tree physiology and growth in the unique extinct ecosystem of the Polar rainforest. Calculations of interannual variation in temperature over a multidecadal time-slice in the early Eocene are presented, with a mean annual temperature (MAT) estimate of 11.4 °C (1 σ = 1.8 °C) based on δ18O, which is 16 °C warmer than the current MAT of the area (−4.6 °C). Early Eocene atmospheric δ13C (δ13Catm) estimates were −5.5 (±0.7) ‰. Isotopic discrimination (Δ) and leaf intercellular pCO2 ratio (ci/ca) were similar to modern values (Δ = 18.7 ± 0.8 ‰; ci/ca = 0.63 ± 0.03 %), but intrinsic water use efficiency (Early Eocene iWUE = 211 ± 20 μmol mol−1) was over twice the level found in modern high-latitude trees. Dual-isotope spectral analysis suggests that multidecadal climate cycles somewhat similar to the modern Pacific Decadal Oscillation likely drove temperature and cloudiness trends on 20–30-year timescales, influencing photosynthetic productivity and tree growth patterns.

2002 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 498-508 ◽  
Seija Anttonen ◽  
Riikka Piispanen ◽  
Jari Ovaska ◽  
Pia Mutikainen ◽  
Pekka Saranpää ◽  

Three-year old Betula pendula Roth clones were grown at two nutrient levels in a field experiment to investigate the responses and recovery in growth and wood properties to a range of defoliation levels (0–100%). No general threshold value of defoliation level for negative effects in growth was found, since the sensitivity of saplings to defoliation varied according to plant traits studied. However, responses were related to defoliation intensity. Saplings compensated for 25% defoliation in terms of height growth and number of current branches and were able to tolerate 50% defoliation without effects on diameter growth 1 year after the defoliation. Nutrient availability was significant only in determining how total biomass responded to defoliation. Fertilized saplings were able to tolerate 25% defoliation without reduction in total biomass, but nonfertilized saplings were not. The interaction between defoliation and fertilization disappeared in the second growing season after the defoliation. Saplings were not able to compensate for 75% defoliation in terms of total biomass or for 100% defoliation in terms of growth and branching even in 2 years' recovery time. In stemwood, complete defoliation reduced growth ring width and vessel diameter simultaneously and also induced a narrow zone of secondary xylem with defects. Our results suggest that defoliation level and recovery time played a crucial role in compensatory growth of birch saplings, while nutrient availability had a minor role.

2016 ◽  
Vol 77 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-123 ◽  
Anna Cedro

AbstractThe wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis L.) is a very rare tree species in Poland, where it reaches the north-eastern border of its natural range. The majority of this species’ stands is found in Wielkopolska. This study was aimed at examining the relationships between the growth and climate for trees of the species Sorbus torminalis L. growing in the Wielkopolska National Park and the Pniewy forest district (Wielkopolska). The samples for the analysis were taken from 63 trees. However, taking into account the missing growth rings and the difficult identification of the tree ring borders in sapwood, only ca. 30% of the samples could be synchronised and dated accurately. Applying the classic methods of dendrochronological dating, a 94- year STW chronology was constructed, spanning the years of 1920-2013. The chronology, in turn, was used as a basis for dendroclimatological analyses, including correlation, response function, and pointer years. The climatic data used in the analyses came from the meteorological station in Poznań; providing air temperature and precipitation for a period of 66 years (1948-2013) and 48 years of insolation data (1966-2013). Insolation had the highest negative impact and precipitation had the highest positive impact on the annual growth in May and June. Positive pointer years could be linked to humid months with low insolation during the growing season, while negative pointer years are characterised by deficient precipitation, a large number of sunny hours, and high air temperatures in the summer months.

IAWA Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 276-287 ◽  
Marcos González-Cásares ◽  
Marín Pompa-García ◽  
Alejandro Venegas-González

ABSTRACTOngoing climate change is expected to alter forests by affecting forest productivity, with implications for the ecological functions of these systems. Despite its great dendrochronological potential, little research has been conducted into the use of wood density as a proxy for determining sensitivity to climate variability in Mexico. The response of Abies durangensis Martínez, in terms of wood density and growth ring width, to monthly climatic values (mean temperature, accumulated precipitation and the drought index SPEI) was analyzed through correlation analysis. Abies durangensis presents a high response, in terms of radial growth, to climatic conditions. Tree-ring widths are more sensitive to hydroclimatic variables, whereas wood density values are more sensitive to temperature. In particular, mean (MeanD) and minimum (MND) wood density values are more sensitive to climate than maximum (MXD). We found very marked spatial variations that indicate that A. durangensis responds differently to drought conditions depending on the indices of density.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 685-700 ◽  
Olga V. Churakova (Sidorova) ◽  
Marina V. Fonti ◽  
Matthias Saurer ◽  
Sébastien Guillet ◽  
Christophe Corona ◽  

Abstract. Stratospheric volcanic eruptions have far-reaching impacts on global climate and society. Tree rings can provide valuable climatic information on these impacts across different spatial and temporal scales. To detect temperature and hydroclimatic changes after strong stratospheric Common Era (CE) volcanic eruptions for the last 1500 years (535 CE unknown, 540 CE unknown, 1257 CE Samalas, 1640 CE Parker, 1815 CE Tambora, and 1991 CE Pinatubo), we measured and analyzed tree-ring width (TRW), maximum latewood density (MXD), cell wall thickness (CWT), and δ13C and δ18O in tree-ring cellulose chronologies of climate-sensitive larch trees from three different Siberian regions (northeastern Yakutia – YAK, eastern Taimyr – TAY, and Russian Altai – ALT). All tree-ring proxies proved to encode a significant and specific climatic signal of the growing season. Our findings suggest that TRW, MXD, and CWT show strong negative summer air temperature anomalies in 536, 541–542, and 1258–1259 at all studied regions. Based on δ13C, 536 was extremely humid at YAK, as was 537–538 in TAY. No extreme hydroclimatic anomalies occurred in Siberia after the volcanic eruptions in 1640, 1815, and 1991, except for 1817 at ALT. The signal stored in δ18O indicated significantly lower summer sunshine duration in 542 and 1258–1259 at YAK and 536 at ALT. Our results show that trees growing at YAK and ALT mainly responded the first year after the eruptions, whereas at TAY, the growth response occurred after 2 years. The fact that differences exist in climate responses to volcanic eruptions – both in space and time – underlines the added value of a multiple tree-ring proxy assessment. As such, the various indicators used clearly help to provide a more realistic picture of the impact of volcanic eruption on past climate dynamics, which is fundamental for an improved understanding of climate dynamics, but also for the validation of global climate models.

IAWA Journal ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 281-290 ◽  
Shinya Koga ◽  
Kazuyuki Oda ◽  
Juichi Tsutsumi ◽  
Takaaki Fujimoto

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of thinning on the annual ring structure and the cross-sectional dimensions of tracheids in plantation-grown Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis). Annual ring width, earlywood width and latewood width increased significantly after thinning. The width of the band of nonflat latewood tracheids in the annual ring increased more than that of flat latewood tracheids. Thinning did not significantly affect latewood percentage. The average radial diameter of both earlywood and latewood tracheids increased after thinning. After thinning, average wall thickness of earlywood tracheids increased, while that of latewood tracheids decreased. Cell wall percentage in earlywood was not influenced significantly by thinning, but latewood cell wall percentage decreased. The changes of the average radial tracheid diameter, the average wall thickness of tracheids and cell wall percentage from earlywood to latewood within a growth ring became more gradual after thinning. However, thinning did not affect significantly the cell wall percentage of the whole growth ring. This study suggests that thinning has little effect on wood density of the whole growth ring in Japanese larch.

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