Understanding Holism in the light of principle underlying practice of Unani Medicine

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Wasim Ahmad ◽  
Ghulamuddin Sofi ◽  
Md Anzar Alam ◽  
Mohd Zulkifle ◽  
Bilal Ahmad

Abstract The holistic Unani medicine is fundamentally different from the reductionist conventional medicine. It asserts the self-integration amongst its basic disciplines, without considering them underlying principles of Unani system of medicine cannot be understood. The diagnosis, selection of drugs, and plan of treatment is also overlooked. Unani scholars attribute health to the functions or actions of the body in a normal way. The constitution is considered as the result of need based on the amalgamation of Arkan (primordial essence). Umoor Tabiya (basic principles) interact at many levels and manifest into Kaifiyyat (Mizaj), Akhlat (Humour), Arwaah (Pneuma), Quwa (faculties), and Tabiyat (Physis) which need to be understood properly for effective management and diagnosis of disease in Unani medicine as well as its treatment. Ilmul Asbab is applied in the prevention of disease as well as in disease causation. In Unani medicine, there should be conformity in between, Asbab (causes), Alamaat (symptoms), and therapeutics. Therefore; the treatment strategy needs the knowledge of Ilmul Asbab. This paper will examine the basic relationship amongst disciplines i.e. Basic principles, diagnosis, and principles of treatment. It will attempt to illustrate the need for awareness of the basic principles of health and disease for a physician for effective management of disease which is what Unani medicine claims to be holistic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1-s) ◽  
pp. 516-519
Mursaleen Naseer

The fever has been described in Unani System of Medicine in a very elaborative manner. Besides controlling raised body temperature, the management also comprises other measures to achieve holistic treatment. The basic modes of treatment viz. Ilaj bil Ghiza (dietotherapy), Ilaj bil Tadbeer (regimenal therapy) and Ilaj bil Dawa (pharmacotherapy) are taken into account as per the basic principles of treatment in Unani medicine. Use of cold water and other drinks (mashroob) reduces body temperature, while use of easily digestible and jayyadul kemoos diet like maul asl, ma’ul shaeer, kashak-us-shaeer, aash-e-jau etc. are given in small amounts, just to provide strength to tabiát and to avoid further increase in morbid matter. Various types of drug used to manage different kinds of fever are Dafe Humma, Muarriqat, Musaffiyat wa Muaddilat, Mubarridat wa Musakkinat, Mudirrat, Muqawwi Kabid and Mufarrehat. Keywords: Humma, Fever, Unani, Management, Basic Principles

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-246
Hina V Kouser ◽  
Fatima Khan ◽  
Ayesha Tehseen ◽  
Mohd Nayab ◽  
Abdul Nasir Ansari

The theory of humours (akhlat) is one of the fundamental pillars of the Unani System of Medicine (USM). The concept of health and disease depends on the quality (kaifiyat) and quantity (kammiyat) of humour (khilt). Health (sehat) lasts when humours remain in equilibrium and the main determinant of health is the balance in six essential factors (asbab-e-sittah zarooriya). These factors are highly modifiable and deviation in any of them leads to disequilibrium in humours either qualitatively or quantitatively which ultimately manifests in the form of the disease. Elimination (istifragh) of these morbid humours from the body becomes mandatory to treat the diseases or to restore health. One of the effective methods of elimination is purgation (ishal). It is a method by which morbid humours from the body are eliminated through the anal route. Before the elimination of any pathological humour especially in chronic diseases, it is mandatory to make the humour easily eliminable. This process of making the pathological humour eliminable is known as concoction (nuzj). The process of concoction is a regular and continuous process of the tabiyat (mediatrix naturae) of the body. In case of a minor deviation in humour, tabiyat itself eliminates it from the body after concoction. When the causative pathological humours are in abundance or grossly deviated from normalcy, tabiyat needs help from outside the body. This help of tabiyat can be done with some humour specific drugs which are known as concoctive medicines (munzij advia). Once, the humours become eliminable, the process of evacuation can be started. Classical Unani literature and published papers were explored to find the rationale of purgation therapy. Purgation is found to be advisable in the treatment of many chronic diseases. Tabiyat is the ultimate healer in the body and purgation helps it to overcome the diseases. Keywords: Istifragh; Munzij; Nuzj; Akhlat; Humours; Concoction

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Md Anzar Alam ◽  
Mohd Aleemuddin Quamri

AbstractHypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder, affects women more frequently, and incidence increases with age. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in developed countries is around 4–5%, whereas, in India, it is about 11%. The common symptoms of hypothyroidism in adults are weight gain, fatigue, lethargy, cold intolerance, constipation, change in voice, and dry skin. It can affect all systems of the body. Diagnosis is mainly based on clinical history and laboratory investigations. Untreated hypothyroidism increases morbidity and mortality. In conventional medicine, the treatment of choice is Levothyroxine, whereas in Unani System of Medicine, pharmacotherapy consists of single and compound drugs. Single drugs are selected as per the constitution (Mizaj) of drugs as opposed to the abnormal constitution (Su-e-Mizaj) of disease and its pathology. Some drugs increase the basal metabolic rate whereas some evacuate the morbid material from the body by the action of purgation. The drugs are used either in a single form or as a prescription of more than one drug in the form of decoction (Joshandah), infusion (Kheshandah), or powder (Safoof). This review aims at providing comprehensive information regarding various drugs used in Unani system of medicine that is used in the management of thyroid dysfunction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-175
Gia Juniar Nur Wahidah ◽  
Sjaeful Anwar

Abstract This research aims to produce science teaching materials in junior level with Energy in The Body as the theme using Four Steps Teaching Material Development  (4STMD). The material is presented in an integrated way so that students can  think holistically and contextually. The method used in this study is Research and Development. In this R&D methods is used 4STMD. There are four steps done on the development of teaching materials, the selection step, structuring step, characterization, and didactic reduction. Selection step includes the selection of indicators in accordance with the demands of the curriculum which is then developed with the selection of concepts and values that are integrated with the concept of science. Structuring step includes make macro structures, concept maps, and multiple representations. Characterization's step includes preparation instruments, then  trial to students to identify difficult concepts. The last, didactic reduction was done by neglect and the annotations in the form of sketches.The test results readability aspect instructional materials lead to the conclusion that by determining the main idea, the legibility of teaching materials reached 67%, with moderate readability criteria. Test results of feasibility aspects based on the results of questionnaires to the 11 teachers lead to the conclusion that the overall, level of eligibility teaching materials reached 91% with the eligibility criteria well. Keywords: teaching materials; energy; 4STMD Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar IPA SMP pada tema Energi dalam Tubuh menggunakan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). Materi disajikan secara terpadu sehingga memacu siswa untuk berpikir secara holistik dan kontekstual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Dalam penelitian dan pengembangan yang ini, digunakan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD). Terdapat empat tahap yang dilakukan pada pengembangan bahan ajar, yakni tahap seleksi, strukturisasi, karakterisasi, dan reduksi didaktik. Tahap seleksi meliputi pemilihan indikator yang sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum yang kemudian dikembangkan dengan pemilihan konsep dan nilai yang diintegrasikan dengan konsep IPA. Tahap strukturisasi meliputi pembuatan struktur makro, peta konsep, dan multipel representasi dari materi. Tahap karakterisasi meliputi penyusunan instrumen karakterisasi, kemudian uji coba kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi konsep sulit. Tahap terakhir, yaitu reduksi didaktik konsep terhadap konsep sulit. Reduksi didaktik yang dilakukan berupa pengabaian dan penggunaan penjelasan berupa sketsa. Hasil uji aspek keterbacaan bahan ajar menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa berdasarkan penentuan ide pokok, keterbacaan bahan ajar mencapai 67%, dengan kriteria keterbacaan tinggi. Hasil uji aspek kelayakan berdasarkan hasil angket terhadap 11 orang guru menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa secara keseluruhan tingkat kelayakan bahan ajar mencapai 91% dengan kriteria kelayakan baik sekali. Kata Kunci: bahan ajar; energi; 4STMD  Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/es.v8i2.2039  

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (8) ◽  
pp. 1559-1565
Viktor Konoplitskyi ◽  
Ruslan Shavliuk ◽  
Dmytro Dmytriiev ◽  
Kostiantyn Dmytriiev ◽  
Oleksii Kyrychenko ◽  

Data from Web of Science, SCOPUS, Pub Med, Medline, E-library, and other sources was used in writing this article. The main focus was directed towards literature written in English. The selection of literature was based on such concepts as: etiopathogenesis, historical principles of treatment, methods of surgical and non-surgical intervention. Data from metanalysis publications and randomized clinical trials pertaining to the treatment of the pilonidal sinus at various stages of its formation was used, as well.

Robert Laumbach ◽  
Michael Gochfeld

This chapter describes the basic principles of toxicology and their application to occupational and environmental health. Topics covered include pathways that toxic substances may take from sources in the environment to molecular targets in the cells of the body where toxic effects occur. These pathways include routes of exposure, absorption into the body, distribution to organs and tissues, metabolism, storage, and excretion. The various types of toxicological endpoints are discussed, along with the concepts of dose-response relationships, threshold doses, and the basis of interindividual differences and interspecies differences in response to exposure to toxic substances. The diversity of cellular and molecular mechanisms of toxicity, including enzyme induction and inhibition, oxidative stress, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and teratogenesis, are discussed and the chapter concludes with examples of practical applications in clinical evaluation and in toxicity testing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105971232199468
Paolo Pagliuca ◽  
Stefano Nolfi

We introduce a method that permits to co-evolve the body and the control properties of robots. It can be used to adapt the morphological traits of robots with a hand-designed morphological bauplan or to evolve the morphological bauplan as well. Our results indicate that robots with co-adapted body and control traits outperform robots with fixed hand-designed morphologies. Interestingly, the advantage is not due to the selection of better morphologies but rather to the mutual scaffolding process that results from the possibility to co-adapt the morphological traits to the control traits and vice versa. Our results also demonstrate that morphological variations do not necessarily have destructive effects on robots’ skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 634
Euichi Hirose ◽  
Noburu Sensui

Ascidians are marine sessile chordates that comprise one of the major benthic animal groups in marine ecosystems. They sometimes cause biofouling problems on artificial structures underwater, and non-indigenous, invasive ascidian species can potentially and seriously alter native faunal communities. Ascidian larvae are usually tadpole-shaped, negatively phototactic, and adhere on substrates by secreting a glue from their adhesive organs. Although larvae often prefer hydrophobic surfaces, such as a silicone rubber, for settlement, hydrophobic materials are often used to reduce occurrence of fouling organisms on artificial structures. This inconsistency may indicate that an attractive surface for larvae is not always suitable for settlement. Micro-scale structures or roughness may enhance the settlement of ascidian larvae, but settlement is significantly reduced by a nano-scale nipple array (or moth-eye structure), suggesting functional properties of similar structures found on the body surfaces of various invertebrates. The substrate preferences of larvae should be one of the important bases in considering measures against biofouling, and this review also discusses the potential uses of materials to safely reduce the impacts of invasive species.

Athar Parvez Ansari

AbstractSince antiquity, the Unani system of medicine has been participating in health care system. Usually, four modes of treatment viz. regimenal therapy, dietotherapy, pharmacotherapy and surgery are applied for the treatment of diseases. Regimenal therapy is an important mode in which the morbid matter present in the body is either dispersed/excreted or its unnecessary production is blocked or its flow is restricted and the diseases are cured by natural healer of the body, consequently bring back the humoural stability. Nearly 30 regimens have been mentioned in classical Unani literature. Commonest regimenal procedures such as fasd (venesection/phlebotomy), hijāma (cupping), ta‘līq al-‘alaq (hirudotherapy/leech therapy), ishāl (purgation), qay’ (emesis), idrār-i-bawl (diuresis), huqna (enema), ta’rīq (diaphoresis), riyādat (exercise), dalk (massage), hammām (bathing), tadhīn (oiling), natūl (irrigation), sakūb (douching/spraying), inkibāb (steam/vapour application), takmīd (fomentation) etc. are usually applied for the management of various ailments. These regimenal procedures are completely based on holistic approach and are potential but needs to be explored scientifically. This review outlines the therapeutic applications of various regimens of regimenal therapy used in Unani medicine.

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