ISO Quality Standards for Participants in Performance-Based Regulation

VM Brannigan ◽  
SM Spivak
J. B. Moran ◽  
J. L. Miller

The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 provide the basis for a dramatic change in Federal air quality programs. The Act establishes new standards for motor vehicles and requires EPA to establish national ambient air quality standards, standards of performance for new stationary sources of pollution, and standards for stationary sources emitting hazardous substances. Further, it establishes procedures which allow states to set emission standards for existing sources in order to achieve national ambient air quality standards. The Act also permits the Administrator of EPA to register fuels and fuel additives and to regulate the use of motor vehicle fuels or fuel additives which pose a hazard to public health or welfare.National air quality standards for particulate matter have been established. Asbestos, mercury, and beryllium have been designated as hazardous air pollutants for which Federal emission standards have been proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 875-894
Yeni Yuliana

Abstract The internet can be made as a way to transfer knowledge from lecturers to students, while Learning that utilizes the internet is one of the E-Learning Learning media. E-learning is distance learning that utilizes computer technology or computer networks or the Internet E-learning, so that it can enable the learning process through computers in their respective places without having to physically go to attend classes or lectures in class, Systems e-learning learning is a new way of teaching and learning. E-learning as a special learning media PAI courses provide a very important role and a large function in the course because so far there are many shortcomings and weaknesses such as the limitations of space and time in the teaching and learning process through E-learning which prioritizes the efficiency of learning so students get full teaching even though they do not have to be face to face, can also be accessed anywhere, anytime, according to the assignments given by the lecturer usually scheduled with a specified deadline. The development of education towards e-learning is a must so that the quality standards of education can be improved, E-learning is one of the uses of internet technology in the delivery of learning and its broad reach. E-learning can also be an answer to a health problem that is Pandemic Corona (Covid-19) which is very influential also in every aspect of life, especially in education.Keywords: Effectiveness, Utilization, Islamic Religious Education, E-Learning, Covid 19. Abstrak Internet dapat dijadikan cara untuk mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan dari Dosen kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi. Adapun Pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan internet salah satunya adalah media pembelajaran E-Learning. E-learning adalah pembelajaran jarak jauh (distance learning) yang memanfaatkan  teknologi komputer atau jaringan komputer atau internet E-learning, sehingga dapat  memungkinkan proses pembelajaran melalui komputer di tempat mereka  masing– masing tanpa harus secara fisik  pergi  mengikuti pelajaran atau pun  perkuliahan di kelas,  Sistem pembelajaran e-learning adalah cara baru dalam proses belajar mengajar. E-learning  sebagai   media pembelajaran khususnya mata kuliah PAI memberikan  peran   sangat   penting  dan fungsi yang besar pada mata kuliah tersebut karena selama  ini terdapat banyak  kekurangan  dan kelemahan seperti keterbatasan ruang dan waktu dalam  proses belajar  mengajar melalui E-learning yang  mengedepankan keefisienan dalam belajar sehingga  mahasiswa mendapat pengajaran yang penuh meski tidak harus bertatap muka, juga bisa di akses di mana saja, kapan saja,  sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen biasanya terjadwal dengan  batas  waktu  yang  di tentukan. Pengembangan  pendidikan menuju e-learning merupakan suatu keharusan agar standar mutu pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan,  E-learning merupakan salah satu penggunaan teknologi internet dalam penyampaian  pembelajaran  serta  jangkauannya yang luas. E-learning  juga dapat menjadi jawaban dari suatu permasalahan kesehatan yaitu Pandemi Corona (Covid-19) ini yang sangat berpengaruh juga pada setiap aspek kehidupan terutama bidang pendidikan.Kata kunci  :  Keefektifitas, Pemanfaatan, Pendidikan Agama Islam,  E-Learning, Covid 19.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Saibatul Hamdi

The purpose of this research is to know the mechanical strength of gypsum board by utilizing waste sawn wood. Raw materials used consist of flour, gypsum,wood particles, boraks and kambang (Goniothalamus sp), wood tarap (Artocarpus elasticus REINW) and lua (Ficus glomerata ROXB). Wood particle 40 mesh and 60 mesh, concentrations boraks of 1 and 2 and the percentage particles of gypsum sawn timber is 300, 400 and 500%. The results showed that the average value Modulus of Rufture (MoR) in lua wood ranges from 12.55 – 14,47 kgcm2, wood kambang 25.10-31,11 kgcm2 and wood tarap 19.20- 24,18 kgcm2. As for Modulus of Elasticity (MoE) on the lua 1129,80- 2092,70 kgcm2, wood kambang 2512,37-3971,32 kgcm2 and tarap 2050,63-2691,09 kgcm2. Gypsum board are mechanical properties do not meet quality standards created SNI 03-6434-2000.Keywords: sawdust, lua, kambang, tarap, gypsum, mechanical

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Arie Herlambang

Basically, nature has the ability to perform the restoration of environmental damage caused by increased human activity, but because of the limited carrying capacity, then the environment has decreased the quality from year to year. In saving the environment, technology plays a role in reducing the risk of pollution, increased efi siensi process, and creating processes and environmentall friendly products, monitoring and prediction of environment quality, environmental pollution control, restoration and environmental improvement. Waste Technology (end of pipe technology) are widely used to cope with environmental pollution, both for liquid waste, solid and air. Waste processing technology developed for the waste can be in accordance with quality standards thathave been established, while monitoring technology has been developed either manually or automatically. For recovery and improvement of technology has been developed remedies and restoration that rely on bacteria in nature.Keywords: end of pipe technology, reuse, recycle, reduce (3R), carrying capacity, and environment pollution

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 039
Trie Omitha Purba ◽  
Suparmi Suparmi ◽  
Dahlia Dahlia

The study aimed to determine the effect of rebon shirmp (mysis relicta) protein hydrolisate fortification to the sago noodles and to observe the characteristics of the sago noodles produced. The research was carried on in February – April 2019 in the  Laboratory of Fish Processing Technology, Integrated Laboratories, and the Fisheries and Marine Chemistry Laboratories at the Universitas Riau. The method used was the experimental method, designedas a non-factorial complete randomized design. The treatment conducted was addingof rebon shrimp protein hydrolysate at 4 level concentrations (0%, 5%, 10% dan 15%). The variables assessed were the quality of organoleptic (appearance, texture, odor, flavor) and the proximate composition. The results showed that the proteinhydrolysate of rebon shrimp at concentration of 15% was the best treatment and in accordance to the quality standards of dried noodles (SNI 01-2974-1996), indicated bythe highest organoleptic qualityof the dried noodles produced, including: the appearance that was brown, less attractive, whole, less neat; the texture that was dry and compact; the aroma that was quite fragrant, spesific rebon shrimp; and the taste that was quite tasty and shrimp flavored. The proximate composition ofthe best product was presented by the content of moisture, ash, fat, protein, and carbohydrate at 7.55%,1.02%, 0.17%, 16.76%, and 74.49%, respectively.Keywords: Hydrolysate protein, rebon shrimp, sago noodles

2014 ◽  
pp. 87-92
Thi Hoai Nguyen ◽  
Thi Van Thi Tran ◽  
Trung Hieu Le ◽  
Thi Mai Huong Vo

Background: There are many beneficial effects such as reducing the risk of obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia from Amorphophallus sp. This reports are research results of physicochemical properties of glucomannan flour from tubers of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius cultivated in Thua Thien Hue. Materials: Glucomannan flour from tubers of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst) Nicolson – Araceae cultivated in Thua Thien Hue. Method: Identify the quantity and physicochemical properties by many methods such as using enzymes, chemistry, physical chemistry, spectroscopic methods, laser analysis. Results: Identified starch and glucomannan quantity, physicochemical properties and indicators of microbiological of glucomannan flour. Conclusion: From the achieved results set up quality standards of glucomannan flour from tubers of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius cultivated in Thua Thien Hue. Key words: Glucomannan, starch, β-amylase.

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