2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 224-229
Gigih Wicaksono

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan buku cerita bergambar interaktif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menemukan isi cerita siswa kelas IV SDN 2 Campurejo. Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif jenis research and development (R&D). Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru kelas IV dan 26 siswa kelas IV SDN 2 Campurejo. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa wawancara, observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji kelayakan dan uji keefektifan media. Hasil uji kelayakan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media mendapatkan hasil 75% dan 90,6%. Hasil uji paired t-test menunjukkan  = 13,790 > = 2,055 atau H0 ditolak sehingga buku cerita bergambar interaktif efektif digunakan. Hasil uji n-gain sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran diperoleh hasil 0,44 dengan kriteria sedang, sehingga efektif digunakan untuk media pembelajaran. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah buku cerita bergambar interaktif dinyatakan layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia pada materi menemukan isi cerita. This research used a quantitative approach and development (R&D) method. The subjects of this study were the fourth grade teacher and 26 fourth grade students of  Campurejo 2 Elementary School. The data collection techniques used interviews, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis was done by viability test and media effectiveness test. The results by material expert and media expert got percentage of 75% and 90.6%. The results of the paired t-test showed = 13,790> = 2,055 or H0 was rejected so that interactive picture storybook was effectively used. The results of the n-gain test before and after the treatments was 0.44 in a moderate criteria, so it was effectively used as a learning media. The conclusion of this research was that interactive picture storybook was declared viable and effective to be used in Bahasa Indonesia learning to find the meaning of the story topic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-90

This study aimed to describe the style of learning, supporting factors and factors inhibiting the learning styles of fourth-grade students at SDN Bette Barru. The subjects of this study are the fourth-grade students at SDN Bette Barru. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection is carried out through observation, interview and document study. The data analysis technique is done with the collection, reduction, display, and conclude. Researchers used the test of credibility, dependability, and confirmability to obtain the validity of the data. The results showed that fourth-grade students learning styles vary. This is evidenced by the results of the analysis of learning styles of students showed that of the six pupils who are subject to two research students have a tendency of learning styles auditory, two research students have a tendency of learning styles visual, and two research students have a tendency of learning styles kinesthetic. Factors supporting this research is the availability of adequate facilities so that the teacher can use a variety of teaching methods in the learning process, as well as a limiting factor in this study is not maximal teachers in using existing facilities at the school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 787-800
Novia Hardiyanti, dkk.

The present study aimed at finding out the efforts made by teachers to improve the outcomes of Islamic education (PAI) learning undertaken by IV grade students at SDN 156 in Bangun Jaya village, Rejang Lebong regency. This study used a qualitative approach, and the data were collected using observation and interview techniques. After data collection, analyses were carried out with the following stages: selecting data, presenting data, and drawing conclusion. This study concluded that the efforts made by teachers in improving students’ learning outcomes of PAI included: asking the principal to add learning hours outside PAI teaching hours; communicating with students’ parents to remind their children of rehearsing lessons at home; making evaluations before and after the lessons; choosing approaches or methods that appealed to students; making use of learning media to make it easier to explain the materials so that the materials were easily understood by students; and using the reward and punishment methods. The description of PAI learning outcomes for the fourth grade students was quite good because all students’ values in the school year of 2019-2020 could be seen from the results of their semester which had reached the specified KKM standard.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Purdiyanto Purdiyanto ◽  
Rambat Nur Sasongko ◽  
Muhammad Kristiawan ◽  
Ahmad Walid ◽  

This research is motivated by the fact in the field that the fourth-grade students' mathematics learning outcomes are still low in Public Elementery School 16 Bengkulu City. This is presumably, the lack of application of demonstration methods and student activeness towards student learning outcomes. On this basis, this study is focused on discussing mathematics learning using demonstration methods. The problem of this research is the low student learning outcomes and the students' lack of understanding of the broad and perimeter material. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of demonstration methods and student activeness on mathematics learning outcomes of fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 16 Bengkulu City. This type of research is a quantitative study with an experimental method approach. Data collection techniques using observation, tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used the t test. The result of this research is the demonstration method and student activeness have a significant effect. So it can be concluded that the higher the student's activity, the higher the learning outcomes and the demonstration method as well as the learning outcomes, which means that the working hypothesis (Ha) in this study is accepted, that is, there are differences in student activeness in the control and experimental classes.

2021 ◽  
Purdiyanto ◽  
Rambat Nur Sasongko ◽  
Muhammad Kristiawan ◽  
Ahmad Walid ◽  
Raden Gamal Tamrin Kusumah

This research is motivated by the fact in the field that the fourth-grade students' mathematics learning outcomes are still low in Public Elementery School 16 Bengkulu City. This is presumably, the lack of application of demonstration methods and student activeness towards student learning outcomes. On this basis, this study is focused on discussing mathematics learning using demonstration methods. The problem of this research is the low student learning outcomes and the students' lack of understanding of the broad and perimeter material. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of demonstration methods and student activeness on mathematics learning outcomes of fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 16 Bengkulu City. This type of research is a quantitative study with an experimental method approach. Data collection techniques using observation, tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used the t test. The result of this research is the demonstration method and student activeness have a significant effect. So it can be concluded that the higher the student's activity, the higher the learning outcomes and the demonstration method as well as the learning outcomes, which means that the working hypothesis (Ha) in this study is accepted, that is, there are differences in student activeness in the control and experimental classes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 852
Samsul Susilawati ◽  
Triyo Supriyatno

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The purpose of this study is to find out the online learning process in the middle and post-pandemic Covid-19. This research employed one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of the study were the fourth-semester students of the MPI Department of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in the even semester of the academic year 2019/2020. The sample of this study was 30 students. Data obtained using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used a paired T-test with an error rate of 5%. With online learning using WhatsApp shows that there is a correlation between the two variables of 0.776 it shows that there is a correlation between the pretest-posttest, the significance was 0.00 &lt;0.05 then H0 was accepted. It further confirms that there is a significant increase in student learning outcomes before and after using WhatsApp. The results of the analysis and discussion can be concluded that there is an increase in online learning in the era and post-pandemic Covid-19 by using WhatsApp to increase learning motivation.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran <em>online</em> di tengah dan pasca pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan on<em>e group pretest-posttest design</em>. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester empat Jurusan MPI Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang semester genap tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 30 mahasiswa. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan paired T-test dengan tingkat kesalahan 5%. Pembelajaran <em>online</em> menggunakan <em>whatsapp</em> menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara kedua variabel sebesar 0,776, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara <em>pretest-posttest</em> dengan signifikansi 0,00 &lt;0,05 maka H0 diterima. Hasil ini semakin menegaskan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan <em>WhatsApp</em>. Hasil analisis dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pembelajaran <em>online </em>di era dan pasca pandemi Covid-19 dengan menggunakan <em>WhatsApp</em> untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar.

Denty Windarny ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan multimedia lectora pada pembelajaran tematik-integratif untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar kognitif siswa serta membangun karakter tanggung jawab dan disiplin bagi siswa kelas IV SD Grogol, Bantul. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Borg and Gall. Desain pengembangan dikelompokkan atas empat prosedur pengembangan, yaitu: (a) eksplorasi, (b) pengembangan produk, (c) uji coba dan revisi, dan (d) validasi akhir. Subjek uji coba terbatas adalah 6 siswa kelas IV dan 1 guru kelas SD N Grogol. Subjek uji coba lapangan adalah 12 siswa dan 1 guru kelas IV SD N Grogol. Subjek uji coba operasional adalah 46 siswa yaitu 22 siswa dari kelas IVA sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 24 siswa dari kelas IVB sebagai kelas kontrol serta 2 guru kelas IVA dan IVB. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengujian t-test dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia lectora menurut ahli media terkategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan menurut ahli materi terkategori “sangat baik”. Respons guru dan respons siswa terhadap penggunaan multimedia lectora terkategori “baik”. Rata-rata skor ketercapaian prestasi belajar secara kognitif dan afektif juga mengalami perbedaan antara kelas eksperimen yang memiliki nilai yang lebih baik dan kelas control. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perbedaan yang signifikan pada efektivitas pembelajaran sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan multimedia lectora.Kata kunci: multimedia pembelajaran lectora, tematik-integratif, prestasi belajar, tanggung jawab, disiplin.DEVELOPING LECTORA ON THEMATIC – INTEGRATIVE LEARNING TO INCREASE COGNITIVE ACHIEVEMENT AND CHARACTER  FOR STUDENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOLAbstract. This study aims toproduce lectora multimedia on thematic-integrative learning to increase cognitive achievement and responssibility and discipline character which is eligible and find out the efectiviness at fourth grade students of SD N Grogol. This development research study refers to the model suggested by Borg and Gall. The developmental design was gropes into four developmental procedures, consisting of: (a) explanation, (b) the development of the product, (c) product testing and revisions, and (d) the final validation. The limited try out subjects are 6 students of fourth grade of SD N Grogol and the teacher. The field testing subjects consisted of 12 fourth grade students and the teacher class of fourth grade of SD N Grogol. The subjects of operational product testing are are 46 students consist of 22 students of class IVA and 24 students of class IVB of SD N Grogol and two teachers of grade four. The data were analyzed using t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The result shows that lectora multimedia in offerings according to media expert is categorized “very good”, and result of material expert is categorized “very good”. The responses of teacher and students are categorized “good”. The average of learning cognitive achievement and affective achievement was significant differences betweenthe experimental class which have value better and control class. It can be seen from the effectiveness of learning before and after using lectora multimedia.Keywords: lectora multimedia learning, thematic-integrative, academic achievement, responssibility, discipline.

Luncana Faridhoh Sasmito ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Luncana Faridhoh Sasmito dan Ali Mustadi  Abstrak: Penelitian bertujun untuk: (1) menghasilkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) tematik-integratifberbasispendidikankarakterdan(2)mengetahuikeefektifanLKPDtematik-integratifberbasisnilaipendidikankarakterpadapesertadidikkelasIVSDNTurusKediriyangdikembangkan.PenelitianpengembanganinimengaculangkahyangdikembangkanolehBorg&Gall.SubjekpesetadidikkelasIVSDNTurusKediri.Teknikpengumpulandatamenggunakanwawancara,observasi,danangket.Teknik analisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Data peningkatan karakterkreatif dan kerja keras dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t-pair dan independen t-test dengan taraf sig-nifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, LKPD ditinjau dari aspek penyajian, danpengintegrasian karakter menurut ahli evaluasi dan ahli kurikulum mendapatkan skor 4 berkategori“baik”. Penerapan LKPD secara umum dapat terlaksana mendapatkan skor 4 dengan kategori “ baik”.Kedua, hasil uji coba LKPD berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan karakter kreatif dengan nilaisignifikansi0,004<0,005.HasilujicobaLKPDberpengaruhsignifikanterhadappeningkatankarakterkerjakerasdengannilaisignifikansi0,000<0,005.Kata Kunci: lembar kerja peserta didik (LKPD), tematik-integratif, karakter kreatif, dan kerja keras   DEVELOPING LEARNERS’ TEMATIK-INTEGRATIVE  WORKSHEET BASED ONCHARACTER EDUCATION FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Abstract: This research aimed to: (1) generate thematic-integrative Learners’ Worksheet (LKPD) basedon character education and (2) determine the effectiveness of the thematic-integrative Learners’ Worksheet(LKPD) based on character education for the fourth grade students of SDN Turus Kediri. Thestudy referred to the research and development procedures developed by Borg & Gall. The subjects ofthe research were the fourth grade students of SDN Turus Kediri. The techniques of collecting dataused interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The data analysis used was a quantitative descriptiveanalysis technique. Data on the enhancement of creativity and hard work character values wereanalyzed using t-pair test and independent t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The research showedthe following results. First, from the aspects of presentation and integration of the character accordingand to the expert evaluation and curriculum experts, the LKPD, witha score of 4, was categorized"good." The implementation of LKPD was generally well done with a score of 4 and was in the "good"category. Second, the results LKPD try-out brought about a significant effect on the improvement ofthe creative character with a significance value of  0.004 <0.005. The LKPD try-out resulted in a significanteffectontheincreaseofhardworkcharacterwithasignificantvalueof0.000<0.005.Keywords:learners’worksheets(LKPD),thematic-integrative,characterofcreativeandhardwork

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-245

During this pandemic, distance learning is required using virtual applications. This results in reduced communication between students, the loss of closeness between students and teachers, so that the material is not conveyed evenly. One of the impacts is also the decrease in students' understanding of the Indonesian language material, even though Indonesian is a bridge for other subjects, in social life, and even communicating with oneself. For this reason, the authors conducted research related to discussion methods to improve students' Indonesian language skills. The discussion method has several advantages and benefits such as strengthening student-teacher relationships but can be at risk of fights and relationship gaps between students outside of class hours, then makes students able to think critically about an information obtained but can risk making only a few students dominate the discussion, in addition to it can also make class time less boring but there is a possibility that it takes up a lot of class hours or even discussions are not finished, etc. After conducting the analysis, it is known that the variables are normally distributed so that the comparison test method that can be used is to use the paired t test, the result of this test is to get a p-value to reject the null hypothesis of 5.135x10-7 which means that there are differences in student scores before and after after the discussion method was carried out, where the value of learning with the discussion method was better due to a higher average of 77.25. ABSTRAKDalam masa pandemi ini mengharuskan dilaksanakannya pembelajaran jarak jauh menggunakan aplikasi virtual. Hal ini menyebabkan berkurangnya komunikasi antar siswa, hilngnya kedekatan siswa dan guru, hingga tidak tersampaikannya materi secara merata. Salah satu imbasnya juga berkurangnya pemahaman siswa terhadap materi Bahasa Indonesia, padahal Bahasa Indonesia merupakan jembatan untuk mata pelajaran lain, dalam kehidupan sosial, bahkan berkomunikasi dengan diri sendiri. Untuk itu penulis melakukan penelitian terkait metode diskusi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Indonesia siswa. Metode diskusi memiliki beberapa keunggulan dan manfaat seperti mempererat hubungan murid dan guru tetapi dapat beresiko perkelahian dan kesenjangan hubungan antar siswa di luar jam pelajaran, kemudian membuat siswa mampu berpikir kritis terhadap suatu informasi yang didapatkan tetapi dapat beresiko membuat beberapa siswa saja yang mendominasi diskusi, selain itu juga dapat membuat waktu pelajaran tidak membosankan tetapi adanya kemungkinan bahwa menyita banyak jam pelajaran atau bahkan tidak terselesaikannya diskusi, dll. Setelah melakukan analisis diketahui bahwa variabel berdistribusi normal sehingga metode uji perbandingan yang dapat digunakan adalah menggunakan uji paired t test, hasil dari uji ini adalah dapatkan nilai p-value untuk menolak hipotesis null sebesar 5.135x10-7 yang mengartikan bahwa adanya perbedaan nilai siswa sebelum dan setelah dilakukannya metode diskusi, di mana nilai pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi lebih baik dikarenakan rata-rata yang lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 77.25.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-94
Reni Nuraeni ◽  
Rahmat Permana ◽  
M. Fahmi Nugraha

This study was conducted to determine the effect of the SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) learning model on the science learning achievement of fourth-grade students. student of SDN 1 Setiamulya District Tamansari. This type of research is the same experiment with a research design using Factorial Experimental design. The population in this research is grade IV SDN 1 Setiamulya District of Tamansari. The sample of this research is all grade IV SDN 1 Setiamulya amounting to 41 students. Data collection techniques are conducted with pretest and posttest test dan data analyzed using SPSS version 21. Data obtained are analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Based on the result of data analysis, obtained significance of 0,793 < 0,05, it can be concluded that Ho in reject and H1 is acceptable. This means that students’ confidence can influence the SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual and Intellectual) model towards students’ learning performance in the Grade IV SDN 1 Setiamulya.

Computational thinking is a fundamental skill to be used by everyone in the 4th industrial revolution age and it is a hot issue of the education field in the world. Usually, SW coding means the whole process to make a computer program. Since a program has logical structure and its development process requires subsidiary abilities which analyze a problem and devise the stepwise procedure, SW coding has been understood to be a good method for computational thinking(CT). In this paper, we propose a way to teach CT by using coding notes and analyze its educational effects on CT. To find the educational effects of SW coding notes, logical reasoning ability before and after SW coding education was measured through questionnaire survey and compared by statistical methods. We sampled 51 students and divided them two groups; one for computer science major(38) and the other for computer science non-major(13). They are asked to answer three categories of questions such as problem understanding, data analysis, and problem solving. An d then by the paired t-test along with normality and homoscedasticity of two groups, the change of student’s CT ability before and after taking SW coding education was statistically tested at a significant level of 95%. According to our experiments, p-values of the paired t-test for problem understanding, data analysis, and problem solving are 0.176, 0.134, and 0.470, respectively and alternative hypotheses are accepted. It implies that student’s logical reasoning ability can be improved and their academic achievement is also relatively great by using SW coding notes. Although there are similar results for educational effects of SW coding, our work is different from them in terms of using new education tool named as SW coding notes.

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