scholarly journals Judgment Considerations Regarding Decisions about Child Sex Abuse Crime Conducted by Military Member

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-258
Novi Anggraini Putri

TNI and Children are the two parties that are protected by special laws and regulations. Members of the TNI are committed and submit to military legislation. Apparatus who committed crimes have to follow the military’s criminal law and military court. Meanwhile, children as the victims of criminal acts have the rights that are legally protected in the legislation on child protection. The problems on this research are (1) How is Implementation of Act No. 35 of  2014 About Child Protection against child sex abuse committed by TNI in Judicial Process at Military Court II-10 Semarang? (2) How does the judge’s consideration about the Criminal adjudication to the suspect of the child sex abuse committed by TNI (Case Study of Military Court II-10 Semarang’s Verdict No. 62-K/PM.II-10/AD/IX/2016)? This study uses a qualitative method located in Indonesia with a Verdict as the object of research. The data collection techniques using document and literature study. The result of research, 1) Implementation of Act No. 35 of  2014 About Child Protection in Judicial Process at Military Court II-10 Semarang, i.e (1) Arresting the defendant (2) Giving the child as a victim an opportunity to speak up some testimony (3) The result of Visum et Repertum as a Health service (4) Giving detention and forfeit to defendant along with dismissal from military service  2) Judge's consideration of the Criminal adjudication of perpetrators of the Child Sex Crimes committed by TNI (1) Juridical considerations, i.e : Indictment, testimony of witnesses and defendants, expert's testimony, evidence and other articles in the Child Protection Law (2) Non-Juridical Considerations are mitigating and aggravating factors. The conclusion of this research is that the Implementation of Act no. 35 of 2014 has not been fully implemented in the judicial process in Military Court II-10 Semarang, the child’s identity in the previous verdict is not disguised. Suggestion from this study is the punishment of the defendant should refer to Act no. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection and after the judicial process the parties including law enforcement should provide protection for the future of the child as a victim.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 196-204
Sulistiawati Sulistiawati

This research is intended to search and information about the strengthening of Islamic religious education (PAI) through the recitation of furudhul Ainiyah which is carried out in Nurul Jadid Paiton Junior High School. The method of this research is by qualitative method with case study method, to express. That is more intense and deep with the above phenomenon. Technique of completion of data and information is done through interview, observation, study study, and literature study. The findings of this research are 1). Students or students are required to complete the recitation of Furudhul Ainiyah as a condition to take the odd semester and even semester exam and become a requirement for class and graduation increase. 2). the implementation of the furudhul Ainiyah memorization is performed on Thursday and Friday nights and Tuesday nights, and can also be done during normal day breaks, 3). The responsible and recipient of the rote deposit are PAI teachers and their homeroom teachers, 4). For students and students who can not read written Al-qur'an is not subject to rote burden, but get special coaching related to Al-Qur'an reading written by the religious coordinator of students. 5). Memory materials include Aqidah, Fiqih or Amaliyah materials, and daily prayers for students of VII and VIII semerter 1 and 2, while for classes IX semesters 1 and 2 cover the material of the Qur'an and Fiqh. 6). (a). Principal, (b). Vice Principal of the curriculum section, (c). Coordinator of students' religious activities, (d). Teacher / teacher of PAI, (e). Homeroom, (e). Student religious coordinator, (f). Student.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
Penny Crofts

The current Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has demonstrated serious long-term failures to prevent and adequately respond to child sexual abuse by institutions. Rather than regarding the law as a system of responsibility, this article argues that it can be read instead as organising irresponsibility, drawing upon Scott Veitch’s ideas in Law and Irresponsibility. His key argument is that legal institutions operate as much to deflect responsibility for harms suffered as to acknowledge them. This article focuses on the ways in which the criminal justice system is complicit in organising irresponsibility for systemic failures through an analysis of the Royal Commission Case Study No 6: The responses of a primary school and the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office to the Conduct of Gerald Byrnes. Through concrete examples, this article analyses the ways in which criminal law organises irresponsibility through the individuation of responsibility and the emphasis upon subjective culpability. These practices ensure irresponsibility for actors for systemic failures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 889-900 ◽  
Winarto Winarto ◽  
Ujang Khiyarusoleh ◽  
Aqib Ardiyansyah ◽  
Insih Wilujeng ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-203
Sulistiawati Sulistiawati

This research is intended to search and information about the strengthening of Islamic religious education (PAI) through the recitation of furudhul Ainiyah which is carried out in Nurul Jadid Paiton Junior High School. The method of this research is by qualitative method with case study method, to express. That is more intense and deep with the above phenomenon. Technique of completion of data and information is done through interview, observation, study study, and literature study. The findings of this research are 1). Students or students are required to complete the recitation of Furudhul Ainiyah as a condition to take the odd semester and even semester exam and become a requirement for class and graduation increase. 2). the implementation of the furudhul Ainiyah memorization is performed on Thursday and Friday nights and Tuesday nights, and can also be done during normal day breaks, 3). The responsible and recipient of the rote deposit are PAI teachers and their homeroom teachers, 4). For students and students who can not read written Al-qur'an is not subject to rote burden, but get special coaching related to Al-Qur'an reading written by the religious coordinator of students. 5). Memory materials include Aqidah, Fiqih or Amaliyah materials, and daily prayers for students of VII and VIII semerter 1 and 2, while for classes IX semesters 1 and 2 cover the material of the Qur'an and Fiqh. 6). (a). Principal, (b). Vice Principal of the curriculum section, (c). Coordinator of students' religious activities, (d). Teacher / teacher of PAI, (e). Homeroom, (e). Student religious coordinator, (f). Student.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 208-215
Nur Fitri Rahmawati ◽  
Anita Maulina ◽  
Bisma Widyawan ◽  
Trie Andari Ratna Widyastuti

The Pancasila Sakti Monument in Lubang Buaya, Jakarta is one of the tourism identities of DKI Jakarta, many efforts have been made in developing the preservation and preserving the cultural assets that are still left in the Pancasila Sakti Monument in Lubang Buaya. The purpose of this research is to determine the potential development of tourism objects in Pancasila Sakti Monument in Lubang Buaya by analyzing the historical values ​​and uniqueness. This study used a descriptive qualitative method that describes the information of the Tourism Object from the Pancasila Sakti Monument in Lubang Buaya. Data collection techniques used were interviews, literature study, observation, and documentation. The data collection was analyzed and grouped based on the research problems. The results of this study indicate that the Tourism Object namely Pancasila Sakti Monument in Lubang Buaya is one of the tourism objects that have the potential to be developed in DKI Jakarta.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Amelia Kartika ◽  
Ari Retno

Abstrak Amelia Kartika. Analisis Pertimbangan Hakim Dalam Menjatuhkan Pidana Mati Terhadap Pembunuhan Berencana. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta. Juli 2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana mati terhadap pembunuhan berencana di Pengadilan Negeri Sambas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Peneliti menggumpulkan data dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi untuk memperoleh data yang lengkap dan detail. Subjek Penelitian dengan teknik purposive atau hanya informan yang mengetahui Pembunuhan Berencana yaitu: (1) Hakim Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Sambas, (2) Panitera Pengganti, dan (3) saksi korban. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Pemeriksaan keabsahaan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan Pertimbangan Hakim itu dari surat dakwaan yang menyatakan terdakwa bersama adiknya telah melakukan tindakan pembunuhan yang direncanakan dalam pasal 340 KUHP Jo. Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP, bahwa terdapat unsur kesengajaan, ada perencanaan dalam perbuatan tersebut serta terdapat adanya kematian, Pasal 80 ayat (3) UndangUndang No. 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak serta menyebabkan anak mati, hakim melihat data, saksi, dan barang bukti yang ada, syarat-syarat terdakwa dipidana, dan hakim dapat memutuskan terdakwa dihukum pidana mati. Kata Kunci : Pertimbangan Hakim, Pidana Mati, Pembunuhan Berencana Abstract Amelia Kartika. Analysis of Judges’ Considerations in Imposing the Death Penalty Against Planned Murder (Case Study at The Sambas District Court). Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, PGRI University Yogyakarta. July 2020. This study to determine the judge’s consideration in imposing capital punishment against premedditated murder at the Sambas District Court. This study uses a qualitative method. Researcher collect data by making observations, interviews and dokumentation to obtain complete and detailed data. The research subjects used purposive technique or only imformant who knew planned killings were (1) Chief Judge of the Sambas District Court, (2) Substitute Registrars, and (3) victimwitnesses. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis techniques. Check the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The results of this study concluded the Judge’s consideration from the indictment which stated the defendant and his younger brother had committednthe murder planned in Article 340 of the Criminal Code Jo. Article 55 paragraph (1)-1 of the Criminal Code, that there is a an element of deliberation, there is planning in the act and there is a death, Article 80 paragraph (3) of Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and causing children to die, the judge looks at the data, witnesses, and existing evidence,the conditions for the defendant to be sentenced,and the judge can decide that the defendant is sentenced to death. Keywords: Judge’s Consideration, Death Penalty, Planned Murder

Robertus Krismanto ◽  
Rudyanto Soesilo ◽  
Bernadeta Tyas Susanti

The architecture and interior of the Church of the Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus Ganjuran (HKTY) Bantul Yogyakarta in the form of joglo with supporting elements in the form of interior furniture, statues, decoration, domes, glass paintings. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study at the Church of HKTY Ganjuran research focus on finding the meaning of interior supporting elements. Retrieval of data through interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The results of the study that the supporting elements of the interior have meaning to support people praying or worshiping. On some furniture there are ornaments about pelicans that have the meaning of the Sacred Heart, the Most Holy, who is willing to give life, for his children to stay alive. Sculptures in Javanese outfit so that people near are easy to pray with God because they come with Javanese faces. The decoration on the dome above the priest's sanctuary contained symbol images of the four gospels and The Most Holy Trinity. That is, when the Imam consecrated and looked up always always permeated the four holy Gospels and The Most Holy Trinity. This kind Samaritan glass painting is located on the east side of the Ganjuran church priest's home so that Catholics after attending the Eucharist are ready to do for anyone in need, because faith without works is dead. The colors used are green which means fertility, growth and indicates hope. The yellow color of gold means the glory of God, the red color means martyrdom, sacrifice and black has a meaning of origin and harmony. The people when praying are increasingly directed towards God because they are helped by the architecture and interior of the church which is a condition for meaning.Keywords: HKTY Ganjuran Church; interior supporting elements. ABSTRAK Arsitektur dan interior Gereja Hati Kudus Tuhan Yesus Ganjuran (HKTY) Bantul Yogyakarta berupa joglo dengan elemen pendukung interior berupa furnitur, patung -patung, ragam hias, kubah, lukisan kaca. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus pada Gereja HKTY Ganjuran fokus penelitian pada menemukan makna elemen pendukung interior. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian bahwa elemen pendukung interior mempunyai makna untuk mendukung umat berdoa atau beribadat. Pada beberapa perabot terdapat ornamen tentang burung pelikan yang mempunyai makna Hati KudusYang Maha Kudus, yang bersedia memberikan hidup, bagi anak-anaknya agar tetap hidup. Patung - patung dengan busana Jawa agar umat dekat mudah untuk berdoa dengan Tuhan karena hadir dengan wajah Jawa. Ragam hias pada kubah yang berada di atas panti imam ini terdapat gambar simbol ke empat Injil dan Tritunggal Maha Kudus. Maksudnya ketika Imam melakukan konsekrasi dan menengadah keatas selalu meresapi tentang ke empat Injil suci dan Tritunggal Maha Kudus. Lukisan kaca orang Samaria yang baik hati ini terletak di sisi timur panti imam gereja Ganjuran agar umat Katolik seusai mengikuti perayaan ekaristi siap sedia berbuat bagi siapapun yang membutuhkan, sebab iman tanpa perbuatan adalah mati. Warna – warna yang dipergunakan yaitu warna hijau mempunyai makna kesuburan, pertumbuhan dan menandakan pengharapan. Warna kuning emas bermakna kemuliaan Allah, warna merah menunjukkan kemartiran, pengorbanan dan warna hitam mepunyai makna asal mula dan kesejatihan. Umat ketika berdoa semakin terarah kepada Tuhan karena terbantu oleh arsitektur dan interior gereja yang syarat akan makna.

2021 ◽  
Vol 324 ◽  
pp. 03003
Indah Andesta ◽  
Hary Jocom ◽  
Emilia Ayu Dewi Karuniawati

Currently, massive practice in fisheries caught and lack of marine ecosystem is not the only news in Indonesia but also in most other countries. Those practices are based on compliance with the growing food needs due to the growth of the world’s population. The Riau Island, known as the Sampan Tribe, has been practicing methods and maintaining a sustainable marine ecosystem from generation to generation for decades. The focus of this research is on the Sampan tribe and the practice of sustainable marine resources. To understand the interactions and activities, culture, values by the Sampan tribe to maintain harmony with the sea and marine ecosystems. It shapes modeling of sustainable marine resources. To gain the best of modeling the Sampan tribe using qualitative method. The researchers did the deep interview with the key of informant from sampan tribe in the land, observation the three areas which was Berakit Bintan, Kampung Tua Batam, and Belakang Padang Batam. To support the data, the researcher did a literature study related to the sea, sampan tribe, and coastal ecosystem. The Sampan tribe consists of three practices, namely the practice of fishing gear, marine ecosystem sustainability practice, and the practice of prohibiting the catching marine animals. They believe that maintaining the sustainability of the marine ecosystem will have an impact on fish survival. It followed by a ban on catching several types of marine animals such as dugongs, turtles, dolphins, and whales. In fishing, the Sampan tribe protects the spawning fish, and the size of the fish is not caught. Their practices are in line with the government policies regarding the catching of fish, fishing gear, and protected marine animals. To conclude, the Sampan tribe is one of the drivers for supporting sustainable marine resources with practices and it is believed to be able to save the sea and existence as a Sampan tribe.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (01) ◽  
pp. 5-12 ◽  
Emily Schindeler

AbstractRisk assessments by expert witnesses appointed by the Family Court of Australia (FCA), and as informed by findings of any investigations by police and child protection agencies, play a critical role in the adjudication of custody disputes involving allegations of child sex abuse. This study focuses on the contribution made by these independent advisors as documented in the FCA trial transcripts of a sample of 62 such cases in the period 2012–2016. Analysis reveals that those responsible for assessing risk shared a concern for an emerging pattern of applicant responsibility for systems abuse, in conjunction with emotional abuse, as a significant child protection issue. It also raises issues for the Court when there are multiple risk assessments coming from experts who bring different disciplinary and organisational perspectives. As an exploratory study, the implications of these findings need to be viewed through the lens of protecting the best interests of the child.

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