scholarly journals Ar kultūra ir jos socialinė aplinka nulemia žmogaus elgsenos suvokimą siekiant tikslo?

2008 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 35-44
Margarita Putniņa

Pasirinktas tyrimo aspektas yra svarbus edukacinei veiklai. Mokslininkai, jį tyrinėję anksčiau (Weiner, Bar-Tal, Brophy ir kiti), skatina universitetų dėstytojus padėti studentams susikurti tinkamą aplinką, galinčią turėti įtakos jų pasiekimams ir poveikį jų elgsenai. Tai padėtų išvengti akademinių nesėkmių. Praktinis tyrimas atskleidė, koks yra studentų kasdienis indėlis siekiant akademinių laimėjimų ar patiriant nesėkmę. Klausimas buvo tiriamas pateikus neviešinamus individualius klausimus. Panašūs tyrimai buvo atlikti ir LU A, Latvijos universitetuose ir Talino universitete. Estijoje buvo siekiama palyginti, kiek kultūrinė aplinka ir kalba gali paveikti, lemti studentų mąstymą ir veiksmus, taip pat komunikacijos procesus. Antroji tyrimo dalis pristato giluminius interviu, kuriuos taikant buvo apklausti 6 universitetų dėstytojai. Viena vertus, dėstytojai sutaria, kad latviai yra egocentriška tauta, bet, kita vertus, jie yra atviresni tarpasmeniniam dialogui nei estai.Do culture and its social environment determine humans’ perception of their achievement related behaviour?Margarita Putniņa SummaryThe chosen research topic is valuable for educational practice. Scientists who have researched it (Weiner, Bar-Tal, Brophy, et al.) encourage university teachers to help students create appropriate attributions for their achievement-related behaviour, preventing failure in academic activities. In the practical research, students’ causal attributions of their academic success and failure were studied using open-ended questions. A similar research was done half a year ago in LUA, Latvia and Tallinn University, Estonia in order to compare how the cultural environment and language influence the students’ way of thinking and acting, including the process of communication.The most prevailing cause of failure in students’ answers was ‘other people’, like in the previous research (44% now, 53% before), but as regards success internal causes prevailed (55% now, 55% before).The category of interaction still remained a rather important factor in both the case of success and the case of failure (success 11.7% and to failure 17% now, success 18% and failure 21% before).The sign of self-serving bias was affirmed again.The second part of practical research consisted of the analysis of material obtained by deep interviews with six university teachers involved in teaching the students-respondents. On the one hand, teachers consider Latvians to be an ego-centred nation, but on the other hand, they are more open than Estonians to interpersonal dialogue.Key words: causal attributions, self-serving bias, academic achievements, students, teachers

Bulent Dos ◽  
Zeynep Sinem Balıkçıoğlu ◽  
Semih Şengel

<p>In this study, the effect of using computer games in an English teaching classof the 8th grade students in secondary school is investigated. A total of 112 8th grade students, 57 in the experimental group and 55 in the control group, participated in the study. Academic Achievement Tests prepared by Ministry of National Education, Measurement, Evaluation and Exam Services Department were used as pre-test and post-test. Eight of the games, which were prepared specifically for Grade 8 students, were used in the Experimental Information Network (EBA). Preliminary tests as covariant, final tests as dependent variables and applied to groups of teaching and traditional teaching were discussed as independent variables. According to the one-way covariance analysis (COVARIANCE) results, it was found that the game was more effective than traditional teaching and this effect was moderate. In addition, it was determined that 36% of the final test scores of the students learning the game were explained by the game.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 121-136 ◽  
O.V. Kotomina ◽  
A.I. Sazhina

Education is one of the key goals of sustainable development (SD), which establishes the basis for the improvement of the people’s living conditions. In this logic a special role is played by universities that create an institutional framework for educating citizens on sustainable development, offering a new understanding of social problems. On the one hand, universities can create and promote knowledge about SD by their educational, expert and research activities, hence developing relevant values among people. On the other hand, universities can become an active agent in implementing the concept of SD by introducing it into its own academic activities. The article considers stakeholder approach as one of the approaches to the implementation of the concept of education for sustainable development (ESD). Therefore based on this approach, the article explores the benefits of the key stakeholders of the sustainable university. Low awareness among key stakeholders is one of the significant factors that hindering the implementation of the SD concept. Due to the lack of a sufficient research focused on studying the interests of the main stakeholders in the framework of ESD, this article is an attempt to narrow this gap.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Huong Hoang Le

The study uses a qualitative case study framed within a socio-cultural framework to investigate Vietnamese English language university teachers’ difficulties in their research engagement. The study was conducted among 21 English language university teachers in Hong Duc University in Vietnam. Skype semi-structured interview was employed to collect necessary data to explore teacher participants’ perceived obstacles to research. The findings of the study show that there was a gap between Vietnamese authorities’ expectations of research outputs and the realities of English language university teachers’ research capabilities. Such gap has caused serious challenges to those teachers and prevented them from effectively engaging in research. On the one hand, Vietnamese authorities hope to increase universities’ research output to keep up with the international academic ranking. On the other hand, the working realities of university teachers hinder their engagement in research. However, no official investigation has been done to reduce such gap and the enforcement of research activity in universities has been taken for granted. In this sense, the significance of this study is an opportunity for English language university teachers to voice their opinions about the enforced nature of research activity in universities in Vietnam.

Arménio Rego

Dois objetivos nortearam o presente estudo: a) mostrar como os diplomados com um curso superior se sentem influenciados por quatro comportamentos de cidadania (comportamento participativo, orientação prática, conscienciosidade e cortesia) de antigos professores, no que concerne a duas variáveis de impacto (motivação profissional e autoconfiança); b) estudar as concepções desses indivíduos acerca do significado da excelência docente universitária. Foram inquiridos 209 diplomados com curso superior, que foram convidados a descrever os comportamentos de um antigo professor à sua escolha. Os resultados mostram que: a) as quatro categorias comportamentais explicam 79%, 70% e 40% da variância, respectivamente, numa cotação global de desempenho docente atribuída pelos diplomados aos seus antigos professores, na motivação profissional dos mesmos, e na sua autoconfiança; b) os inquiridos consideram que os excelentes professores são os que se orientam fortemente para essas quatro categorias comportamentais. Palavras-chave: cidadania; professores universitários; motivação profissional; autoconfiança; qualidade no ensino superior. Abstract This study aims to show how the citizenship behaviors of university teachers (CBUT) relate with: a) the professional motivation and self-confidence of their students; b) a global performance score given by their students. Four CBUT dimensions were investigated: participatory behavior, practical orientation, conscientiousness and courtesy. A sample of 209 graduates, from several organizations and occupations, was collected. The main results are: a) the four CBUT dimensions explain 79% of the global performance score variance, 70% of the professional motivation variance, and 40% of the self-confidence variance; b) according to the graduates, the excellent teacher is the one who scores well on the four CBUT dimensions. Keywords: citizenship behaviors; university teachers; professional motivation; selfconfidence; quality in higher education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-330
Karla D. Araujo Soares ◽  
Adriana Jeckel ◽  
Gabriel Silva ◽  
Victor Giovannetti ◽  
Kleber Mathubara

Teacher training in higher education has been relatively neglected in Brazilian universities because postgraduate programs are mainly focused on the research that students produce. However, these postgraduate students are expected to become the next university and college professors. Herein, we present the experience of the Zoology Summer Course, a university extension course organized by graduate students from the Zoology Graduate Program at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. This course was created aimed to provide graduate students with an opportunity to develop and practice their teaching skills. To understand the influences, motives, and legacy of the CVZOO on its organizers, we developed a questionnaire and evaluated the responses by focusing on elements of academic formation and prospects for a teaching career, using systematic content analysis procedures as parameters. Our results demonstrate the importance of CVZOO as a space of dialogue and interaction for professional teacher training, as well as an opportunity to exchange experiences and build professional identity. The course has also influenced other academic activities such as the organization of scientific events, mentoring experience, and publications. Lastly, we discuss the importance of teacher training in Brazilian graduate programs and propose initiatives to improve the training of future university teachers. Keywords: Graduation; Extension Course; Students; Biodiversity   Extensão universitária e formação docente no Brasil: o Curso de Verão em Zoologia   Resumo: A formação docente universitária tem sido bastante negligenciada em universidade brasileiras, uma vez que programas de pós-graduação focam majoritariamente na produção acadêmico-científica de seus alunos. No entanto, espera-se que os pós-graduandos sejam a próxima geração de professores universitários. Neste estudo, nós apresentamos a experiência do Curso de Verão em Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Este curso foi criado com o objetivo de proporcionar aos estudantes de pós-graduação a oportunidade de desenvolver e praticar suas habilidades para docência. No intuito de entender as influências, motivações e legado do CVZOO em seus organizadores, nós desenvolvemos um questionário e avaliamos as respostas buscando elementos da formação acadêmica e prospecção para a carreira docente, usando procedimentos de análise de conteúdo como parâmetros Os resultados demonstram a importância do CVZOO como um espaço de diálogo e interação com a prática docente bem como uma oportunidade para trocar experiências e construir uma identidade profissional. O curso tem influenciado em outras atividades acadêmicas, tais como organização de eventos científicos, orientação de alunos e publicações. Por fim, este artigo discute a importância da formação docente em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil e propõe algumas iniciativas para melhorar a formação dos futuros professores universitários. Palavras-chave: Pós-Graduação; Curso de Extensão; Estudantes; Biodiversidade

Victor Okoro Ukaogo ◽  
Florence Onyebuchi Orabueze ◽  
Chika Kate Ojukwu ◽  

Amid the raging Covid-19 pandemic across the world and the debilitating tertiary teachers strike in Nigeria, this study’s objective seeks to examine the prevailing un-lived experiences of Nigerian tertiary students in e-learning. The study argues that Covid-19 has widened the digital divide between Nigerian universities and other universities in other parts of the world on the one hand and between public and private tertiary institutions in Nigeria on the other. This e-learning deficit is worsened by university teachers’ strikes, constituting a twin inhibition into which higher education is consigned in Nigeria. The study identifies poor funding of education as a major constraint to virtual learning and instruction faced by public tertiary students especially in the era of the pandemic. Data collection for the study will be carried out through oral interviews basically focus group discussion (FGD) from a sample population of 50 university students (male and female) in three universities across the southeast region of Nigeria, newspaper reports, and participant-observer methods of research analysis.

2017 ◽  
pp. 29-40
Memoona Bibi Et al.,

The doctoral degree focuses on the training and application of research in a certain professional field instead of basic research to expand the knowledge of the field. Timely completion of a doctoral degree depends on many affecting factors. The study was aimed; to compare the persistence of factors between male and female and foreign and indigenous doctoral researchers. The research design of the study was qualitative in nature. 29 indigenous and 19 foreign interviews were conducted by the personal visit of the researcher. Collected data were analysed manually by thematic analysis. The findings of the study inferred that most of the foreign and indigenous had friendly relation with their supervisor. Most of the foreign respondents were highly satisfied with the departmental practices and policies whereas some of the indigenous respondents were not satisfied with the departmental practices and policies and the supervisor’s feedback. It was recommended that researchers may be devoted and honest towards doctoral research and departmental management may be cooperative with the doctoral research students.

Paul Van Geert ◽  
Henderien Steenbeek

The notion of complexity — as in “education is a complex system” — has two different meanings. On the one hand, there is the epistemic connotation, with “Complex” meaning “difficult to understand, hard to control”. On the other hand, complex has a technical meaning, referring to systems composed of many interacting components, the interactions of which lead to self organization and emergence. For agents, participating in a complex system such as education, it is important that they can reduce the epistemic complexity of the system, in order to allow them to understand the system, to accomplish their goals and to evaluate the results of their activities. We argue that understanding, accomplishing and evaluation requires the creation of simplex systems, which are praxis-based forms of representing complexity. Agents participating in the complex system may have different kinds of simplex systems governing their understanding and praxis. In this article, we focus on three communities of agents in education — educators, researchers and policymakers — and discuss characteristic features of their simplex systems. In particular, we focus on the simplex system of educational researchers, and we discuss interactions — including conflicts or incompatibilities — between their simplex systems and those of educators and policymakers. By making some of the underlying features of the educational researchers’ simplex systems more explicit – including the underlying notion of causality and the use of variability as a source of knowledge — we hope to contribute to clarifying some of the hidden conflicts between simplex systems of the communities participating in the complex system of education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-30
E.S. Alieva ◽  

Examined are the main development trends in the field of higher education, the originality of their manifestation in Russian society. The specificity of the continuity of learning is revealed, the directions of transformation of the educational process in the context of digitalization are determined. The topic of the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative methods in educational activities, such as case-method, tutoring, interactive training, was touched upon. The duality of the study is noted, since the introduction of innovative methods into the educational activities of Russian universities, on the one hand, has a positive effect on the state of the educational system, on the other hand, it gives rise to a tendency towards an increase in social and digital inequality in education and society as a whole, and also presupposes changes in requirements. to the teaching staff, which is now required first of all to be motivated and ready to master and use modern innovative methods in educational practice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 5096 ◽  
María del Mar Ferradás ◽  
Carlos Freire ◽  
Alba García-Bértoa ◽  
José Carlos Núñez ◽  
Susana Rodríguez

This study adopts a person-centered approach to identify the possible existence of different teacher profiles of psychological capital, according to the way in which its four components combine (efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience). The study aimed to examine whether the identified profiles differed in their levels of burnout. In total, 1379 non-university teachers participated in the study. A latent profile analysis was performed using MPlus 7.11 software. Seven teaching profiles of psychological capital were identified, differing both quantitatively and qualitatively. The differences between the profiles in burnout were estimated using SPSS 26 software. Teachers with a profile of low psychological capital (i.e., low confidence of successfully completing challenging tasks—efficacy; lack of energy for establishing personal goals and working towards achieving them —hope; little tendency to make positive causal attributions and develop expectations of success—optimism; and low capacity to recover or emerge stronger from adverse situations—resilience) exhibited significantly higher levels of burnout. The lowest levels of burnout were found in the profile of high psychological capital (i.e., higher in efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience). These results suggest that teachers who can muster the four components of psychological capital are more protected against burnout.

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