2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 287-294
Muhammad Nazar ◽  
Ratu Fazlia Inda Rahmayani ◽  
Zulfa Yulia

PENGEMBANGAN LEMBAR KERJA MAHASISWA (LKM) BERBASIS INKUIRI TERBIMBING PADA MATERI KOROSI AbstractThis research aims to develop student worksheet of Basic Chemistry Practicum II on the topic at corrosion based on guided inquiry and investigate the feasibility of it’s implementation in the real classroom practice. This is a Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model where  12 active students of chemistry department involved at the implementation stage. Data was collected through interview, questionnaire of need analysis and questionnaires to seek the opinion from students, laboratory assistant and lecturer. It was revealed that the student worksheet was valid with score of validity of 97,8%, thus, applicable for investigation. Response of students, laboratory assistants and lecturers to the implementation of practicum using student worksheet which has been developed as a whole is very good. 47,92% student were strongly agreed about practicum relevancy to daily life, 50% agreed that inquiry questions are useful. 75% of assistants strongly agreed that worksheet can help students to design their own experiments and 25% agreed about demanded the ability of class management. 71,43% lecturers strongly agreed that worksheet can motivate students to be more active and 28,57% agreed that worksheet is effective to achieve the practicum objectives. Thus, the student worksheet is applicable to be utilized as one of the teaching materials.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKM Praktikum Kimia Dasar II berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi korosi dan menguji kelayakannya pada pelaksanaan praktikum. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE. Subjek penelitian tahap implementasi adalah mahasiswa aktif pendidikan kimia berjumlah 12 orang. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari wawancara, angket analisis kebutuhan serta angket respon dari praktikan, asisten laboratorium dan dosen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persentase rata-rata kelayakan LKM yang divalidasi tim ahli oleh dosen dan penilaian oleh asisten laboratorium adalah 97,8%, dan dapat dikategorikan sangat valid dan layak digunakan tanpa revisi. Respon praktikan, asisten laboratorium dan dosen terhadap pelaksanaan praktikum menggunakan LKM yang dikembangkan secara keseluruhan sangat baik. 47,92% responden menyatakan bahwa praktikum sangat relevan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, 50% setuju bahwa pertanyaan penyelidikan bermanfaat. 75% asisten laboratorium sangat setuju bahwa LKM mampu melatih praktikan merancang percobaan sendiri dan 25% asisten setuju bahwa pelaksanaan praktikum berbasis inkuiri menuntut kemampuan dalam mengelola kelas. Persentase rata-rata respon dosen adalah 71,43% sangat setuju bahwa LKM mampu memotivasi praktikan lebih aktif dan 28,57% setuju bahwa LKM efektif dalam mencapai tujuan praktikum. Dengan demikian, LKM yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan ajar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Aurora Ade Raysha ◽  
Nurrizki Shafira ◽  
Auliana Rizky ◽  
Ratu Fazlia Inda Rahmayani

This research aims to develop students' worksheets based on inquiry integrated by Youtube Video. This is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model where 50 active students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Syiah Kuala are involved at the implementation stage. The results showed that the average percentage of students' worksheets validated by the 3 validators could be categorized as very valid to be used. Questionnaire results showed the students agree that the worksheets developed help with learning during COVID-19, the worksheets help students to study independently, and they easily understand the material presented. Based on the results of validation and students' questionnaire response, it can be concluded that the students' worksheets based on inquiry integrated by youtube videos are feasible to be used the alternative of teaching materials for online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Aurora Ade Raysha ◽  
Nurrizki Shafira ◽  
Auliana Rizky

This research aims to develop students' worksheets based on inquiry integrated by Youtube Video. This is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model where 50 active students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Syiah Kuala involved at the implementation stage. The results showed that the average percentage of students' worksheets validated by the 3 validators was 92% could be categorized as very valid to be used. Questionnaire results showed 92% of students agree that the students' worksheets developed help with learning during COVID-19, 98% agree the students' worksheets help students to study independently, and 96% agree that they easily understand the material presented. Based on the results of validation and students' questionnaire response, it can be concluded that the students' worksheets based on inquiry integrated by youtube videos are feasible to be used the alternative of teaching materials for online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-158
Muhammad Ariel ◽  
Sahraini ◽  
Dewi Furwana

This research aims to create a supporting media product in English Grammar learning in semester 2 students majoring in English at IAIN Palopo. based on observations in June 2019, the author found a problem in the scale of student use in smartphone use that is increasingly growing. Therefore, the author is interested in creating an online comic that can be accessed on the phone by using an application called Webtoon. The study design used in this study was Research and Development (R&D) utilized ADDIE Model. It consists of Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The product is used as a supporting medium in English grammar learning which was once being studied by Semester 2 English Student IAIN Palopo. The product was tried out to the Students of Semester 2 of English Students at IAIN Palopo. The instruments were used in this study are Questionnaire for need analysis and observation sheet for 5 Experts and student’s perception. In this study, 5 experts were involved in order to validate the product. The elements of the validation are Display, Content/Materials, Language, and the Application. The result based from the expert’s validation as well as try-out product result, the product of this study was appropriate to be applied for the students of English Department semester 2, as a supporting media in Learning English Grammar

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-190
Rivca Anissa ◽  
Mastuang Mastuang ◽  
Misbah Misbah

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas perangkat pembelajaran  fisika bermuatan lingkungan lahan basah untuk melatihkan karakter waja sampai kaputing. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model ADDIE, namun pada artikel ini hanya sampai pada tahapan develop. Produk yang dikembangkan berupa RPP, LKS, materi ajar dan THB terhadap materi fluida statis. Validitas perangkat pembelajaran diukur dengan menggunakan lembar validasi dan divalidasi oleh validator ahli. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa validitas perangkat pembelajaran berkategori tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran fisika bermuatan lingkungan lahan basah untuk melatihkan karakter waja sampai kaputing valid, sehingga layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran dikelas pada materi fluida statis. Kata  kunci—validitas, lingkungan lahan basah, karakter waja sampai kaputing ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to describe the validity of the physics teaching tools based on wetlands environment to train waja sampai kaputing character. The study was a research and development study using ADDIE model, but in this article, the study would only until the develop stage. The product developed were lesson plans, student’s worksheets, learning material and learning result test for static fluid. The validity of the teaching tools was measured by validation sheets. The results of analysis showed that the validity of the teaching tools is in high category. The results show that the teaching tools based on wetlands environment to train waja sampai kaputing was valid and eligible to be used in learning process in classroom for static fluid topic. Keywords—validity, wetlands environment, waja sampai kaputing character

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Indah Dhamayanti ◽  
Ishafit Ishafit

This study aims to develop instructional media in the form of guided inquiry-based e-handout using seasons and ecliptic simulator which is suitable to be used to support the learning process of seventh grade SMP/MTs students. The research method uses the ADDIE model which includes five stages, namely the analysis stage (analyze), the planning stage (design), the development stage (develop), the implementation stage (implement) and the evaluation stage (evaluate). Research instruments include e-handout, pretest / post-test learning outcome, student response questionnaires, validation sheets. Through the developed e-handout, it is expected to improve mastery of the physics concept of seasons. E-handout learning has gone through the validation test stage with a score of 3.51 with a very good category so that it is declared feasible according to material experts to be used as a learning medium in the classroom. The improvement of student learning outcomes through the use of guided inquiry-based e-handout using seasons and ecliptic simulator to increase students' understanding of the concept of seasons is indicated by a standard gain value of 0.66 in the moderate category. Thus, the development of guided inquiry-based e-handouts using seasons and ecliptic simulator is suitable to be used as a science/ physics learning medium and able to improve understanding of seasons concepts.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Miftakul Nikmah

This research employs research and development model.<br />The conducted development was the interactive online media<br />based e-learning of English subject with the Moodle application<br />in SMA N 13 Semarang. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dy-<br />namic Learning Environment) is a course management system for<br />online learning using PHP and MySQL. The learning instrument<br />development design was carried out using the six steps of Borg<br />and Gall model. They were need analysis, planning, developing<br />preliminary Moodle-based interactive online media, preliminary<br />fi eld testing, Moodle-based interactive online media revision, and<br />main fi eld testing. The data collecting techniques used in this re-<br />search were interview, questionnaire and documentation. The de-<br />veloping result of interactive online media Moodle-based to teach<br />narrative reading could be accessed at http://www.elen.airybelle.<br />com.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Suci Prihatiningtyas ◽  
Siti Alimah

This study aims to determine the feasibility of the E-Module Circular Motion Based Guided Inquiry. This research is a research development or Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The research instrument used was a validation sheet by the validator and student response questionnaires. The results of the validation sheet and student response questionnaires were assessed based on the Likert scale. The results of data analysis from the validation results of the E-Module Circular Motion Based on Guided Inquiry obtained a percentage of 92,02%. This shows that in general the E-Module Circular Motion Based on Guided Inquiry that was developed is very feasible to be used in learning circular motion material in class X SMK. E-Module Circular Motion Based on Guided Inquiry is a medium that can attract the attention of students.

Ai Hayati Rahayu ◽  
Bunyamin Faisal Syarifudin

Mastering science process skill is very beneficial in problem solving process. This research aimed to develop teaching materials such as science process skill-based textbooks on energy and its changes. The method used in this research was research and development, by using the 4D design, which include define, design, develop, and disseminate. Research and development method were used to produce a product and to test its efficiency. The result showed that the learning material fulfill the assessment criteria. The mean validation result of textbook showed a number of 3.58 indicated as a good category. Based on T test, it was proven that the use of textbooks is indeed influential towards the development of students’ science process skill.

Anggi Yulihar And Nora Ronita Dewi

The study deals with the developing interactive media for senior high school students. The objective of this study is to find out how to develop interactive media for better speaking skill of senior high school students. The research was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D). The subject of this research was 2016/2017 students of the eleventh grade of Class XI IPA4 in SMAN 1 Batang Kuis. The number of the students was 30 students. The data of this study was collected by using need analysis questionnaire and experts’ judgment. Need analysis questionnaire was calculated by using percentage to get the information of students’ need before developing interactive media. Experts’ judgment was calculated by using likert data, mean and criteria interval of expert judgment to know the validity of interactive media which has been developed. After the data analyzed, it was found that the experts’ judgment result was 4.80 which had a very good criteria interval. The result of the research find that interactive media is a very good to be used in teaching speaking skill.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
F Fatimah ◽  
Irma Shinta Dewi ◽  
Sri Purwantini

This research  is aimed to find out the target and learning needs of Nautical students at PIP Semarang and designing the appropriate material for Nautical students at PIP Semarang. This is a Research and Development project. The steps of doing this research are (1) need analysis (2) make syllabus (3) designing materials (4) expert consultation (5) try out material (6) evaluation. The subject of this research is the third-semester students of Nautical department at PIP Semarang. The instruments used are questionnaires for need analysis, interview guide and observation sheets. The data were analyzed by using descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The results of the research recommend three  units namely (1) Initial Call (2) Message Marker and (3) On Board Communication Phrases which are developed with communicative approach. The research gives contribution to the teaching and learning English at Nautical Department of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang.

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