scholarly journals Foreign Experience of Legal Support Privatization and the Possibility of its Use in Ukraine

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 505-516
Roman Victorovich Myroniuk ◽  
Anatolii Matviichuk ◽  
Olena Hrabylnikova ◽  
Olesia Marchenko

Successful examples of legal support privatization in a number of developed foreign countries are analyzed. In particular, the main attention was paid to the analysis of the experience of legal support privatization in developed and democratic countries of North America and Western Europe. The possibility and peculiarity of the procedure of introduction of specific forms and methods of legal support of the processes related to privatization in Ukraine are established. It is stated that privatization is one of the most significant phenomena both in the economy of a particular state and in society as a whole. It is noted that the proper legal enforcement and support of all privatization-related processes determine whether the economic development and prosperity of the state will take place, or, conversely, it will decline and suffer significant losses. It is noted that in connection with the gradual rapprochement of Ukraine with European states and their standards, the problem of inventing the most appropriate and relevant privatization of certain state or municipal enterprises is becoming more acute. At the same time, researchers prefer to conduct a qualitative analysis of the processes of privatization of state property that has taken place in the past in more detail, based on certain newly discovered facts. Among other things, it is considered necessary to check whether the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, as well as the state, have been violated during the privatization process.Keywords: Privatization Legal Support; Implementation; Effective Activity; Qualitative Regulation; Research of Processes and PhenomenaPengalaman Asing Dalam Privatisasi Dukungan Hukum dan Peluang Penerapannya di Ukraina AbstrakContoh sukses privatisasi dukungan hukum di sejumlah negara maju asing dianalisis. Secara khusus, perhatian utama diberikan pada analisis pengalaman privatisasi dukungan hukum di negara-negara maju dan demokratis di Amerika Utara dan Eropa Barat. Kemungkinan dan kekhasan prosedur pengenalan bentuk khusus dan metode dukungan hukum dari proses yang terkait dengan privatisasi di Ukraina ditetapkan. Disebutkan bahwa privatisasi adalah salah satu fenomena paling signifikan baik dalam perekonomian suatu negara tertentu maupun dalam masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Penegakan hukum yang tepat dan dukungan dari semua proses terkait privatisasi menentukan apakah pembangunan ekonomi dan kemakmuran negara akan berlangsung, atau sebaliknya, akan menurun dan menderita kerugian yang signifikan. Sehubungan dengan pemulihan hubungan Ukraina secara bertahap dengan negara-negara Eropa dan standar mereka, masalah menciptakan privatisasi yang paling tepat dan relevan dari perusahaan negara bagian atau kota tertentu menjadi lebih akut. Pada saat yang sama, peneliti lebih memilih untuk melakukan analisis kualitatif terhadap proses privatisasi barang milik negara yang telah terjadi di masa lalu secara lebih rinci, berdasarkan fakta-fakta tertentu yang baru ditemukan. Antara lain, dipandang perlu untuk memeriksa apakah hak, kebebasan, dan kepentingan sah warga negara, serta negara, telah dilanggar selama proses privatisasi.Kata Kunci: Dukungan Hukum Privatisasi; Pelaksanaan; Kegiatan Efektif; Regulasi Kualitatif; Penelitian Proses dan Fenomena. Зарубежный опыт правового обеспечения приватизации и возможность его использования в УкраинеАннотацияПроанализированы успешные примеры правового обеспечения приватизации в ряде развитых зарубежных стран. В частности, основное внимание было уделено анализу опыта правового обеспечения приватизации в развитых и демократических странах Северной Америки и Западной Европы. Установлены особенность процедуры введения конкретных форм и методов правового обеспечения процессов, связанных с приватизацией в Украине. Констатировано, что приватизация является одной из наиболее значимых явлений как в экономике конкретного государства, так и в обществе в целом. От надлежащего правового обеспечения и сопровождения всех связанных с приватизацией процессов зависит будет ли происходить экономическое развитие и процветание государства, или же наоборот она испытывает упадок и получит существенные убытки. В связи с постепенным приближением Украины к европейским государствам и их стандартов, все более остро встает проблема изобретение наиболее уместного и актуального проведения приватизации определенных государственных или коммунальных предприятий. Вместе с тем, исследователи предпочитают более детализировано, опираясь на определенные вновь открывшиеся факты, провести качественный анализ тех процессов приватизации государственной собственности, которые произошли в прошлом. Среди прочего, признается необходимым проверить, не были ли нарушены при проведении приватизации права, свободы и законные интересы граждан, а также интересы государства.Ключевые слова: приватизация, правовое обеспечение, эффективная деятельность, качественная регламентация, исследования процессов и явлений

Marcin Piatkowski

In this chapter I explain why Poland and most countries in Eastern Europe have always lagged behind Western Europe in economic development. I discuss why in the past the European continent split into two parts and how Western and Eastern Europe followed starkly different developmental paths. I then demonstrate how Polish oligarchic elites built extractive institutions and how they adopted ideologies, cultures, and values, which undermined development from the late sixteenth century to 1939. I also describe how the elites created a libertarian country without taxes, state capacity, and rule of law, and how this ‘golden freedom’ led to Poland’s collapse and disappearance from the map of Europe in 1795. I argue that Polish extractive society was so well established that it could not reform itself from the inside. It was like a black hole, where the force of gravity is so strong that the light could not come out.

2000 ◽  
Vol 57 ◽  
pp. 53-59 ◽  
Barbara Weinstein

In my comment I raise two main questions about the Eley/Nield essay. First, I express some doubts about whether the issues discussed in their essay can be unproblematically transposed to historiographical debates in areas beyond Western Europe and North America. Certain themes, such as the need to reemphasize the political, are hardly pressing given the continual emphasis on politics and the state in Latin American labor history. Closely related to this, I question whether the state of gender studies within labor history can be used, in the way these authors seem to be doing, as a barometer of the sophistication and vitality of labor and working-class history. Despite recognizing the tremendous contribution of gendered approaches to labor history, I express doubts about its ability to help us rethink the category of class, and even express some concern that it might occlude careful consideration of class identities. Instead, pointing to two pathbreaking works in Latin American labor history, I argue that the types of questions we ask about class, and primarily about class, can provide the key to innovative scholarship about workers even if questions such as gender or ethnicity go unexamined. Finally, I point out that class will only be a vital category of analysis if it is recognized not simply as “useful,” but as forming a basis for genuinely creative and innovative historical studies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Татьяна Масловская ◽  
Tatyana Maslovskaya

The article analyzes the conditions of the constitutional reforms in foreign countries, the goal of constitutional changes at the present stage. Attention is paid to popularity of practice of adopting of interim constitutions. We study the full and partial constitutional reforms passed in foreign countries over the past five years. Provide new directions of constitutional reforms, based on modern challenges. Careful attention is paid to analysis of constitutional reforms as a response to the crisis: a crisis of values in society and the state, the security crisis. Subject to review are new constitutions of the XXI century, as well as draft constitutional laws. Provided the tendency of strengthening the state’s position in order to protect national interests. The author attempts to envisage further constitutional development in foreign countries.

1978 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 623-638 ◽  
Dorothy J. Solinger

At the National Conference on Learning from Taching in Industry, held in Peking in May 1977, vice-premier of the State Council, Yu Ch'iu-li, first publicly mentioned the recreation of regional “economic systems.” Although there has been no reference to any administration for governing these regions, the use of the term “systems” (t'i-hsi), which must be “established,” suggests organized co-ordination on a regional basis. Several Hong Kong-based journals that report on current Chinese economic or political developments took note of Yu's remarks, speculating, respectively, that they were to serve economic development or defence goals, or that they might represent a concession to provincial leaders demanding autonomy. Thereafter, no further word of these regions surfaced for over four months. Then, in mid-September, in an article on socialist construction, the State Planning Commission drew attention again to these regions.

Emilia MISZEWSKA ◽  

The popularity of Floating Homes in Western Europe and North America is noticeable. The interest in these facilities in Poland is also constantly growing. The popularity of Floating Homes is due to climate change, rising land prices and population density in city centers. However, environmental factors play a significant role in their development. The publication presents the results of research on the impact of environmental factors on the development of Floating Homes in Poland. As part of the research, the most important environmental factors were identified and then, using the State of the Surroundings Scenarios (SSS) method, an initial scenario of their development was developed. The most probable scenario was developed, the purpose of which was to identify the most favorable factors - strengths and unfavorable factors - weaknesses responsible for the development opportunities of Floating Homes in Poland. Additionally, a surprise scenario was prepared, which indicated factors that may unexpectedly accelerate the development of Floating Homes in Poland or slow it down.

V. Subochev ◽  
A. Sheriev

Northern Caucasus Institute of Advanced Training (branch) of Krasnodar University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 123, Malbahova Street, Nalshik, 360016, Russia. Abstract: The article investigates the basic legal permissions in Russian law - legal rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. Potential of these means of legal regulation is examined as well as their common features and essential differences. Authors argue that the effectiveness of the mechanism of legal regulation largely depends on the proper use of legal permissions. Particular attention is paid to such kind of legal mean as a legitimate interest. The article draws attention to the fact that if a legal right or freedom are such kind of permissions which are guaranteed by the law in order to sustain certain demands of subjects of law, the legitimate interest is qualitatively different mean of regulation. The authors suggest considering a legitimate interest as reflected in the objective law legal possibility of subjects of law to enjoy certain social benefits and to seek protection from the state authorities in order to meet their interests which are not contradictory to provisions of law. Qualitative difference between legitimate interest and legal right and freedom is that the legitimate interest is an opportunity, guaranteed to a lesser extent than the permitted behavior within a legal right or freedom. Legitimate interest is a mere permission, admitted by the state and to some extent supported by it. But legal right and freedom - are those means of regulation, which are directly approved and sanctioned by the state which presuppose duty of a person to a particular behavior. The author's vision of the specifity of legal enforcement of legitimate admissions is presented.

Anar Mami ◽  

The article examines the results of market reforms in Kazakhstan in the post-Soviet period, comparing the past and present. For 30 years, the market economy has decided only some of the most pressing issues of the economy. The full transition to private ownership, which began in the 1990s, is already in its infancy. To get out of the current crisis in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to change the direction of economic development. The state must take responsibility for these changes. The result in the country should be a model of mixed economy, offering different forms of ownership. At the same time, the state must control the spheres that facilitate the lives of people and play a key role in the security of the country.

Samuel I. Zeveloff

This chapter initially provides an overview of the current distribution and status of the common raccoon in North America. Its overall numbers and distribution, and even its utilization of certain habitats have changed dramatically; all largely within the past century. This contribution then examines how the numbers of raccoons that are killed or ‘harvested’ have changed during the last century. The term ‘harvest’ is commonly used by wildlife managers in North America to refer to the number of animals taken by hunters and trappers, for sport, or to utilize and sell their fur. The policies that determine raccoon exploitation by such practices are herein reviewed. There is an assessment of whether and how population variables are considered in establishing these hunting and trapping policies. Ultimately, this analysis reveals the state of raccoon management and offers thoughts about its potential paths.

Don D. Fowler

Nation states, or partisans thereof, control and allocate symbolic resources as one means of legitimizing power and authority, and in pursuit of their perceived nationalistic goals and ideologies. A major symbolic resource is the past. In this chapter I review three cases in which the past and, in particular, relevant archaeological resources were ‘used’ for such purposes, and I refer to several other well-known instances. The three cases discussed are Mexico from c.AD 900 to the present, Britain from c.AD 1500 to the present, and the People’s Republic of China since 1949. The implications of such uses in relation to archaeological theories and interpretations are discussed. In The Uses of the Past, Herbert Müller (1952) sought for ‘certainty of meaning’ in an analysis of the development of Western civilization. The only certainty he found was that the past has many uses. This chapter is concerned with some specific uses of the past: (1) how nation state rulers and bureaucrats have manipulated the past for nationalist purposes, both ideological and chauvinistic, and to legitimize their authority and power; (2) how nation states have used archaeological sites, artefacts, and theories for such purposes; (3) how these uses of the past relate to more general questions about the intellectual and socio-political contexts in which archaeology is conducted. The importance to the state of using or manipulating its past is neatly delineated in two great dystopian novels, George Orwell’s (1949) Nineteen Eighty-Four, and Aldous Huxley’s (1932) Brave New World. In the former, the Ministry of Truth totally revamps the past as needed to justify and lend ‘truth’ to the immediate requirements, actions, and policies of the state. In the latter, the past is blotted out. As the Resident World Controller for Western Europe, Mustafa Mond tells the Savage, ‘we haven’t any use for old things here’ (Huxley 1932: 200). In both cases, control and manipulation of the past or its complete denial is critical to state ideology and purposes.

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