2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 189
Danu Wijaya ◽  
Fayakun Satria ◽  
Endi Setiadi Kartamiharja

Lobster pasir (Panulirus homarus) merupakan salah satu jenis lobster yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting dan banyak ditangkap di Indonesia. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan, tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan pergerakan lobster di alam adalah dengan menggunakan metode Capture-mark-recapture (CMR). Tiga jenis tag yang biasa dipakai untuk penandaan lobster adalah T-bar, streamer, dan Visual Implant Elastomer (VIE). Percobaan penandaan dilakukan di kolam penampungan di Teluk Gerupuk, Lombok Tengah. Penelitian  ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis tag yang efektif untuk mengetahui tingkat kelangsungan hidup pada lobster pasir. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga jenis tag, yaitu T-bar (70 ekor), streamer (76 ekor), dan Visual Implant Elastomer (VIE) (10 ekor) pada dua kelompok ukuran lobster (>20-60 gram dan >60-100 gram). Semua sampel dipelihara dalam bak selama 30 hari yang dilakukan Agustus-September 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa VIE (60%) memiliki tingkat kelangsungan hidup tertinggi diikuti oleh T-bar (34 %) dan steamer (13 %). Untuk keperluan monitoring di alam, disarankan menggunakan T-bar karena penerapannya praktis dan mudah dideteksi. Panulirus homarus (Spiny Lobster) is one of the lobster species that has an important economic value and highly catched in Indonesia. Capture-mark-recapture (CMR) methods are widely used to study the estimation of population parameters such as abundance, growth, distribution and survival of the wild organism. Three effective techniques commonly used for decapods tagging are  T-bar, streamer, and Visual Implant Elastomer (VIE). Tagging experiments conducted in ponds in the Gulf Gerupuk, Central Lombok. This study aims to determine the effective type of tags and to determine the survival rate of spiny lobster. The study was conducted using three types of tags, T-bar (70 lobsters), streamer (76 lobsters), and Visual Implant Elastomer (VIE) (10 lobsters) divided in two groups size of lobster (> 20-60 grams and> 60- 100 grams). All samples were maintained in the tank for 30 days in August-September, 2015. The results showed that VIE (60%) has the highest survival rate followed by the T-bar (34%) and streamer (13%). For monitoring purposes in nature T-bar are advised to use because of their more practical applicated and easily detected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 919 (1) ◽  
pp. 012051
B Slamet ◽  
I Rusdi ◽  
A Giri ◽  

Abstract Scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) is an export commodity with high economic value in Asian-Pacific markets. Addition of artificial shelter for spiny lobster grow out reduces cannibalism while addition of net in spiny lobster rearing tank can increase mobility space. This study aimed to determine the optimum of shelter net size on growth, survival rate and health of spiny lobster grow out. This study used completely randomized design with three treatments and three replications; analyzed by ANOVA. The rearing was conducted using 9 fiberglass tank 1000 liter in volume. This research used scalloped spiny lobster, with average body weight (BW) 8.56±1.23 g and total length (TL) 7.39±0.114 cm, in stocking density 50 lobster/tank. Three shelter net sizes as treatments, i.e.: A: shelter net size of 4 time of bottom area (4 m2), B: size of 2 time of bottom area (2 m2) and C: without net addition. Feeding were twice a day, with dry pellet 1% biomass/day and trash fish and mussel meat (2:1) 10% biomass/day. The sampling of survival rate, total length and body weight were conducted every 15 days; while total haemocyte (THC) and BRIX index on the end of experiment. For supporting data was observed of water quality parameters: salinity, temperature, pH, DO, nitrite and ammonia. The result show that the survival rate on experiment during 75 days rearing, was significant different (P<0.05) among treatments. The best survival rate was on treatment A (4 time of bottom area) with survival rate (93.94±2.62%), followed by treatment B (2 time of bottom area) (80.56±2.88%: and treatment C (without net addition) (68.78±4.67 %). The grow of body weight and total length show that highest on treatment B with body weight and total length in the end of experiment was 37.77±1.896 g and 10.30 ±0.361a cm; followed by treatment A (35.58±0.405 g and 10.15 ±0.146 cm) and lowest in C (35.34±2.061 g and 10.04 ±0.265 cm); but from statistic analyze not significant different among treatment (p>0.05). Addition for shelter net size of 4 time of bottom area net more suitable for scallop spiny lobster reared in fiberglass tank; because can increased the survival rate and reduced the cannibalism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
Alexandre C. Siqueira ◽  
Juan P. Quimbayo ◽  
Mauricio Cantor ◽  
Rosana B. Silveira ◽  
Fábio G. Daura-Jorge

ABSTRACT Estimating population parameters is essential for understanding the ecology of species, which ultimately helps to assess their conservation status. The seahorse Hippocampus reidi is directly exposed to anthropogenic threats along the Brazilian coast, but the species still figures as Data Deficient (DD) at IUCN’s Red List. To provide better information on the ecology of this species, we studied how population parameters vary over time in a natural subtropical environment. By combing mark-recapture models for open and closed populations, we estimated abundance, survival rate, emigration probability, and capture probability. We marked 111 individuals, which showed a 1:1 sex ratio, and an average size of 10.5 cm. The population showed high survival rate, low temporary emigration probability and variable capture probability and abundance. Our models considering relevant biological criteria illuminate the relatively poorly known population ecology and life history of seahorses. It is our hope that this study inspires the use of mark-recapture methods in other populations of H. reidi in a collective effort to properly assess their conservation status.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 249
Lisa Fajar Indriana ◽  
Yuli Afrianti ◽  
Sitti Hilyana ◽  
Muhammad Firdaus Firdaus

Teripang pasir, Holothuria scabra merupakan komoditas hasil laut yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Penangkapan berlebihan stok di alam mendorong berkembangnya kegiatan budidaya. Penempelan merupakan fase kritis pada larva teripang karena terjadi peralihan sifat planktonis ke bentik yang memerlukan substrat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi penempelan, pertumbuhan, dan sintasan larva H. scabra fase penempelan pada substrat lamun yang berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan empat jenis daun lamun berbeda dan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas Enhalus acoroides (L-1), Syringodium isoetifolium (L-2), Cymodocea serrulata (L-3), dan Cymodocea rotundata (L-4). Jumlah awal larva sebanyak 1.000 individu dan substrat dirangkai dengan luasan yang sama sebesar 12 cm x 17 cm untuk setiap unit penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis lamun yang digunakan sebagai substrat berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap preferensi penempelan dan sintasan larva teripang pasir, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan. E. acoroides menunjukkan hasil terbaik dengan preferensi penempelan 0,26 ind. cm-2 dan sintasan 10,66%; sehingga layak digunakan sebagai substrat penempelan dalam pembenihan teripang pasir, H. scabra.Holothuria scabra larvae on different seagrass substrates. By: Lisa Fajar Indriana, Yuli Afrianti, Sitti Hilyana, and Muhammad FirdausSandfish Holothuria scabra is marine commodities with a high economic value. Overfishing of natural stocks has compelled an interest to begin aquaculture practice. Settlement is a critical phase for the planktonic larvae as they will transform to benthic form in the presence of substrate. This study aims to evaluate the settlement preferences, growth, and survival rate of H. scabra larvae settled on different seagrass leaves. The research was conducted using the Completely randomized design with four different species of seagrass leaves and five replications. The treatments consist of Enhalus acoroides (L-1), Syringodium isoetifolium (L-2), Cymodocea serrulata (L-3), and Cymodocea rotundata (L-4). Initial number of larvae was 1,000 individuals and the substrate was set with same widthof 12 cm x 17 cm for each unit. Results of the experiment indicated that settlement preference and survival rate of H. scabra larvae was significantly affected by seagrass used as substrate while no significantly differences was observed for growth of larvae. E. acoroides showed the best result with 0.26 ind. cm-2 settelement preference and 10.66% survival rate, so that suitable to be used as settlement substrate in H. scabra hatchery.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 121
Duranta D Kembaren ◽  
Erfind Nurdin

Penelitian tentang distribusi ukuran dan parameter populasi lobster pasir di perairan Aceh Barat dilakukan pada bulanApril sampai November 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengkaji status lobster di perairan Aceh Barat dilihat dari aspek distribusi ukuran dan parameter populasinya. Pengamatan dan pengukuran lobster dilakukan di tempat pengumpul lobster dengan sistem sampling acak. Sebaran frekuensi panjang karapas selanjutnya ditabulasikan dan dianalisa dengan metode kurva logistik. Struktur ukuran lobster yang tertangkap menunjukkan bahwa lobster jantan dominan tertangkap dibawah ukuran nilai tengah 72,5 mm dan sebaliknya diatas ukuran nilai tengah 72,5 mm yang didominasi jenis kelamin betina. Lobster terlebih dahulu tertangkap sebelum mencapai ukuran matang gonad (Lc = 65,8mm< Lm= 76,8 mm). Puncak musim pemijahan terjadi pada bulan Mei dan Agustus. Panjang asimtosis (CL∞ ) sebesar 119,5 mm dengan laju pertumbuhan (K) 0,39/tahun serta laju kematian total (Z) 1,44/tahun, laju kematian alamiah (M) 0,67/tahun dan laju keamatian akibat penangkapan (F) 0,77/tahun. Laju eksploitasi sudah mengarah kepada penangkapan yang berlebih (E=0,54), oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan tindakan pengelolaan perikanan lobster yang berkelanjutan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat di tempuh adalah dengan menerapkan sistem penutupan musim penangkapan lobster pada saat terjadinya puncak musim pemijahan.Research on the length distribution and population parameters of scalloped spiny lobster conducted in the Aceh Barat waters during April to November 2013. The aim of this study was to assess lobster fishery status in this waters from the point of view their length size and population parameters. Sampel collected randomly in the lobster landing site. Distribution of carapace length frequency was tabulated and analysed using logistic curve method. Length composition of male lobster was dominated under 72,5 mm midlenght, while female lobster was dominated above 72,5 mm midlength. This study found that the scalloped spiny lobster was caught before their reach the size of maturity (Lc = 65,8 mm < Lm = 76,8 mm). The peak season of spawning was indicated on May and August. Asimtotic length (CL∞) of scalloped spiny lobster was 119,5 mm with the growth rate (K) 0,39/year, total mortality (Z) 1,44/year, natural mortality (M) 0,67/year, and fishing mortality (F) 0,77/year. Exploitation rate was leading to the overfishing condition (E=0,54). Thus, it is needed to manage the lobster fishery in this area to gain the sustainability. We suggest that closing system season should be applied, especially in the peak spawning season.

2021 ◽  
Vol 322 ◽  
pp. 02006
Eri Setiadi ◽  
Adang Saputra ◽  
Imam Taufik

Eel, Anguilla bicolor bicolor has an economic value for export commodity. Eel farming has been developed both of home to industries scales. However, the main problem during the glass eel culture is the low survival rate, characterized by high mortality. This condition is related to the culture technique that has not been established yet, especially water quality management. The research aims to determine the best water exchange during the culture of the glass eel on the survival, growth, and blood glucose. The different percentages of water exchange as a treatment were followed A) control (without water exchange); B) 20% of water exchange; C) 40% of water exchange; and D) 60% of water exchange. The water exchange has affected the survival, growth, and blood glucose (P<0.05). The ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate values during the culture period showed that the control was higher compared to the others. The water exchange of 40% is suitable for glass eel stage culture to obtain the best survival and growth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Pitjont Tomatala ◽  
Petrus Paulus Letsoin ◽  
Evangelin Martha Yulia Kadmaer

<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Sea cucumber <em>Holothuria </em>sp. is a marine biota that has economic value. The rearing activity of sea cucumbers is still limited to the have bay or strait areas with relatively calm coastal. This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of two types of pen‒culture system for sea cucumber rearing to the influence of ocean waves and currents. This research was done from February to July 2017 in the coastal of Rat village, Southeast Maluku Regency. The two of cultivated containers tested were a conventional pen‒culture (treatment A) and engineered pen‒culture (treatment B). A total of 30 individuals sea cucumber seeds sized 4‒6 cm were released at each pen‒culture. Survival rate and water quality were also calculated as supporting data. Observation of endurance and clearance of pen‒culture was done every two weeks. The result of visual observation showed that conventional pen‒culture treatment A was more quickly damaged and it was more damaged compared to engineered pen-culture treatment B.Through t‒test we got T <sub>count</sub> (1.065) &lt; T<sub>table</sub> (6.313) for survival and T <sub>count</sub> (0.084) &lt; T<sub>table</sub> (1.782) for growth. The result means that treatment A and treatment B have the same effect onsurvival rate and growth of sea cucumber. The results showed that treatment B was better applied to more open waters than treatment A.</p><p> </p><p>Keyword: endurance, pen‒culture, sea cucumber, survival, growth</p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Teripang <em>Holothuria </em>sp. merupakan biota laut yang memiliki nilai ekonomis. Kegiatan budidaya teripang masih terbatas pada daerah‒daerah yang berteluk atau berselat dengan perairan yang relatif tenang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efektivitas dua sistem budidaya teripang dalam kurungan tancap terhadap pengaruh gelombang laut dan arus. Penelitian ini berlangsung dari bulan Februari hingga Juni 2017 di perairan Desa Rat, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Dua tipe wadah budidaya yang diujicobakan adalah kurungan tancap konvensional (perlakuan A) dan kurungan tancap yang direkayasa (perlakuan B). Pada setiap kurungan tancap, dimasukkan teripang pasir berukuran 4‒6 cm sebanyak 30 ekor. Sebagai data pendukung, dihitung persentase kelangsungan hidup dan pengukuran kualitas air. Pengamatan ketahanan dan kebersihan kurungan tancap dilakukan setiap dua minggu sekali. Hasil pengamatan visual diketahui bahwa kurungan tancap perlakuan A lebih cepat rusak dan mengalami kerusakan yang lebih besar dibandingkan perlakuan B. Melalui uji-tdiperoleh hasil T<sub>hitung</sub> (1,065) &lt; T<sub>tabel</sub> (6,313) untuk kelangsungan hidup, dan T<sub>hitung </sub>(0,084) &lt; T <sub>tabel</sub> (1,782) untuk pertumbuhan.  Hasil uji‒t bermakna bahwa perlakuan A dan perlakuan B memiliki pengaruh yang sama terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan teripang. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan B lebih baik diaplikasikan pada perairan yang lebih terbuka dibandingkan perlakuan A.</p><p> </p><p>Kata kunci: ketahanan, kurungan tancap, teripang, kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan</p><p> </p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Eni Kusrini ◽  
Alimuddin Alimuddin ◽  
Mohammad Zairin ◽  
Dinar Tri Sulistyowati

Big size betta (Giant) have a high economic value compared to normal size betta, and over expression of growth hormone gene can produce giant fish.  As an initial step of giant transgenic betta productions, this study was conducted in order to obtain DNA plasmid concentration which provide higher hatching and survival rate of betta larvae.  Construction of PhGH pCcBA gene contains growth hormone gene of Siamese catfish (PhGH) and it is controlled by the CCBA promoter. Betta imbellis broodstocks were spawned naturally, and embryos were collected 1-2 minutes after spawning time. One hundred embryos were dipped in 2 mL of transfectan X-treme gene which containp CcBA-PhGH construction genes (50 µg/mL), on room temperature for about 30 minutes. Treatments on this study were different transfectant : DNA plasmid ratiosnamely:A (0,75 µL: 0,25 µL); B (0,75 µL : 0,50 µL); C (0,75 µL: 0,75 µL), D as Control 1(without transfectant, 0,25 µL DNA); Control 2(0,75 µL transfectant, without DNA), and Fas control 3 (without transfectant and without DNA). Every treatments was repeated three times.  Transfection embryos were hatched on a container (1L Volume). Study results showed that hatching rate and larvae survival rate  (4 days after hatching) on treatment A were the same with the control, but slightly higher than B and C treatments. PCR analysis with DNA template showing that PhGH gene were found on embryos and larvae (pooled sample) of treatment A, B and C. Furthermore, RT-PCR analysis showing the existence of mRNA PhGH expression on embryos and larvae (pooled sample). Therefore, embryo transfection with transfectant ratio 0,75 µL and  DNA 0,25 µLshowing the best results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 919 (1) ◽  
pp. 012050
Haryanti ◽  
Z Widiastuti ◽  
Fahrudin ◽  
S B M Sembiring ◽  
G N Permana ◽  

Abstract The use of probiotics and prebiotic to improve growth and health status of spiny lobster has been evaluated. The purpose of this study was to obtain the effect of probiotics and prebiotics for the culture of spiny lobster Panulirus homarus. The method was initiated with culturing of probiotics (4 strains) and supplemented it in a moist diets. Spiny lobster was collected from Jembrana-Bali waters with an initial body weight of 70.34 ± 4.5 g and cultured in concrete tanks with volume of 4 m3. Initial stock density for each treatment was 15 pcs / m3. The treatments tested were supplemented on moist diets with (A) probiotics, (B) probiotics and prebiotics-MOS (Mannan Oligo Sacharida) and (C) Controle (without probiotics and prebiotic) and each treatment with three replication. The results obtained that the survival rate of spiny lobster was not significantly different (P> 0.05), i.e. (A) 92.70%, (B) 93.33 (%) and (C) 93.33% respectively. However, the results of probiotics supplementation as well as a combination of probiotics and prebiotics showed growth differences compared to control (P<0.05), namely (A) 156.97 ± 6.17 g, (B) 153.75 ± 9.17 g, while (C) control 131.47 ± 7.91 g. The probiotics supplementation on moist diets could increased health status of spiny lobsters, this was expressed by target genes related to immunity (ALFHa-1, ALFHa-4, SAA, ProPO, Tgase and CP). Spiny lobster immunity increased by 2.60 to 42.7 times after challenging with MHD (Milky Haemolymph Disease). The supplementation of probiotics and prebiotics (MOS) could increase immune response by 2.10 to 25.75 times, respectively after challenging with MHD.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Regina Melianawati ◽  
Restiana Wisnu Aryati

Emperor snapper Lutjanus sebae is one of marine fishery commodities with high economic value, therefore capture rate of this fish is very high. To maintain its sustainability in nature, the culture of this species should be done in proper manner to support their conservation. This study was aimed to determine the culture technology of emperor snapper L. sebae. The eggs for this study was taken from wild broodstocks that have been domesticated in concrete rearing tank. Larval rearing was done in 500 liter polyethylene tank placed in hatchery. Phytoplankton Nannochloropsis oculata was used during larval rearing period. Larvae was fed with zooplanktons such as rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis and copepod Tisbe holothuriae in the beginning of rearing and artemia starting in day 16. Observed parameters were absorption of endogenous energy, preferrence of food, larval growth and survival rate. The result indicated that total length of newly hatched larvae were 2,44-2,63 mm, while yolk sac and oil globule were 179x10-3 - 183 x10-3 mm3 and 0,66x10-3 - 0,67x10-3 mm3, respectively. Yolk sac was absorbed at 60 hours after hatching, while oil globule almost totally absorbed at 80 hours after hatching. Live food rotifers were dominantly preferred by larvae until 10 days old, while copepods and artemia were preferred after 12 and 16 days. Larval rearing period was 22-29 days at water temperature 28.5-30.0°C. Survival rate of larvae were between 1.5 until 2.1%, while juveniles were 84.00-100.00%.Keywords: Emperor snapper, L. sebae, culture technology

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