2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 398-421
Zakiyatul Ulya

Abstract: This bibliographical research aims to answer the questions of how the determination of the heirs as receivers of Jasa Raharja compensation stated in PP (Peraturan Pemerintah/Government Regulation) No. 18 Year 1965 and how the Islamic law perspective against the determination of the heirs as receivers of Jasa Raharja compensation. The data that obtained by documentation technique are further analyzed by descriptive method and deductive mindset. The research concludes that according to PP No. 18 Year 1965, the heirs are children, widow/widower, and/or the parents of the victim died of road traffic accident with the rule of the receipt and payment of compensation starting from the legitimate widow/widower, legal children, and legal parents. Thus, it can be said that the determination of the heirs within such regulation does not fully implement the provision of the Islamic inheritance system since it only provides Jasa Raharja compensation as a part of estate to the heirs who cannot be stunted (mahjub hirman), such as widow/widower, children, and parents.  However, if it is viewed from the origin compensation of Jasa Raharja that is not coming from the victim but gathered from the owners of the transport equipment, it can be quite fair when the compensation is only given to the nearest heirs.Abstrak: Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian pustaka (library research) yang bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana penetapan ahli waris penerima santunan Jasa Raharja dalam PP No. 18 Tahun 1965 dan bagaimana analisis Hukum Islam terhadap penetapan ahli waris penerima santunan Jasa Raharja tersebut. Data penelitian dihimpun dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pola pikir deduktif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa menurut PP No. 18 Tahun 1965, ahli waris hanyalah anak-anak, janda/ duda, dan/ atau orang tua dari korban mati kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan dengan aturan penerimaan pembayaran santunan dimulai dari jandanya/ dudanya yang sah, kemudian anak-anaknya yang sah dan diakhiri orang tuanya yang sah. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa penetapan ahli waris dalam peraturan tersebut tidak sepenuhnya menerapkan ketentuan hukum kewarisan Islam karena hanya memberikan santunan Jasa Raharja yang merupakan bagian harta waris kepada golongan ahli waris yang tidak bisa ter-hijab hirman, yaitu janda/ duda, anak-anak serta orang tua. Meskipun begitu, jika dilihat dari asal santunan Jasa Raharja yang bukan dari korban, namun terhimpun dari para pemilik/ pengusaha alat angkutan lalu lintas jalan, maka dapat dikatakan cukup adil jika santunan tersebut hanya diberikan kepada ahli waris sedarah yang terdekat saja.Kata Kunci: ahli waris, santunan Jasa Raharja, PP No. 18 Tahun 1965

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 289
Jabbar Sabil ◽  
Juliana Juliana

Ĥadīŝ aĥād is one of the sources of Islamic law. But in practice, the scholars set different conditions as seen in the thoughts of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī. Therefore, this study examines the nature of ĥadīŝ aĥād according to both Imams, and their views on the criteria for the use of ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. This research is done by epistemology approach which is part of a study of philosophy science. The technique of completion of research data is done by library research with the method of data analysis, that is a research according to the contents of both Imam. The data analysis is done by the comparative descriptive method that is, to find the relation between thinking with the same thing with equation and difference which is related to ĥadīŝ aĥād as the source of Islamic law. So the author comes to the conclusion of both Imams mentioned that ĥadīŝ aĥād is obliged to be practiced but doesn’t produce knowledge.The opposite side of their opinion is on the terms of practice. Imam al-Sarakhsī presupposes the fakih narrator, while Imam al-Ghazālī doesn’t because according to him the condition of the transmigrants is not realistic and complicates the practice.The analysis of the metaphysical example of ĥadīŝ aĥād fi'liyyah about ĥadīŝ yellow in the morning prayers indicates that in the ĥadīŝ the metaphysical condition of the jurists doesn’t increase the probability to certainty, and the absence of the fakih narrator doesn’t diminish its worth. Thus, the practice of ĥadīŝ aĥād is sufficient at the level of probability, so the thought of Imam al-Sarakhsī and Imam al-Ghazālī being complementary is not a contradiction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 272-293
Syandri ◽  
Iskandar ◽  
Sulaiman Kadir

This study aimed to identify the process and purpose of the grave pilgrimage tradition after marriage in Manisa village, Baranti subdisctrict, Sidrap district, South Sulawesi, and also to examine the law of the custom in the view of Islamic law. This research employed a qualitative approach with the field study method (Field Research) and library research. The study shows that: 1. People ini Manisa village after celebrating their wedding they make grave pilgrimage in forms of such as: Determining a certain time according to the agreement of the bride and groom, preparing the necessary preparations such as water, kettles, and pandanus leaves, making ablution before going to the graveyard, praying before entering the cemetery, watering the grave with water mixed with pandanus leaves, holding the gravestone, praying for the late by reciting certain chapters finalized by surah Al-Fatihah. 2. Grave pilgrimage is one of the prescribed acts of worship but it should be in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet. As for what is found in the people of Manisa Urban Village, there are still a number of differences between what they do and what had been exemplified by the Messenger of Allah such as the determination of a special time for the grave pilgrimage, watering the grave, and seeking for blessing from the graves visited.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Hikmah Miraj Muttaqina ◽  
Sutisna Sutisna

Abstract. This study discusses the dispensation of underage marriage related to the determination of the case Number 0049/Pdt.P/ 2017/ PA.JP. The application of marriage dispensation is proposed to protect the dignity of the family from any behavior that deviates from the religious values, as well as to avoid a bigger slump. One of the age limits specified in the Marriage Law Number 1 Year 1974 Article 7 that for married men is 19 years and for women is 16 years old. This research was conducted to find out how the procedure of submitting application of marriage dispensation in Central Jakarta Religious Court and what kind of judge consideration in granting the application of marriage dispensation under age. This research uses qualitative method, the type of data used is primary data that is the determination of Central Jakarta Religious Court with Number of case 0049 Pdt.P/2017 /PA.JP. about the research data the authors obtained from interviews and literature study. The results showed that the procedure for submission of application for marriage dispensation to the Court, namely Table I, Cashier, Table II, Stipulation of Judges by the Chairman of the Court, Substitute Registrar, and Session Establishment.As for the basis of the judge's consideration law in establishing the marriage dispensation that is the relative competence of the Central Jakarta Religious Court authority, the prevailing laws and regulations, namely namely the Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 on the explanation of the Act. Marriage Number 1 Year 1974, and Presidential Instruction Number 1 Year 1991 on Compilation of Islamic Law, and Fiqh Rule, then the basic rule of fiqh Dar'ul mafasid muqaddamun 'ala jalbil mashalih And the rules of fiqh "Tasharruful imaam' ala rraa'iyati manuutun bil mashlahat" . Further legal consideration is on the basis of certainty that the woman has been pregnant out of wedlock and urged to be married soon to avoid a greater kemudharatan.Keyword: Marital, Submissal Dispensation, Religious Court  Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dispensasi nikah dibawah umur terkait dengan penetapan perkara Nomor 0049/Pdt.P/2017/PA.JP. Permohonan dispensasi nikah diajukan untuk melindungi martabat keluarga dari segala perilaku yang menyimpang dari nilai-nilai Agama, serta agar terhindar dari kemudhorotan yang lebih besar. Salah satu batas umur yang telah ditentukan di dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Pasal 7 bahwasanya bagi laki-laki usia menikah yakni 19 tahun dan bagi perempuan yakni 16 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur pengajuan permohonan Dispensasi Nikah di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat serta apa saja pertimbangan Hakim dalam mengabulkan permohonan Dispensasi Nikah dibawah umur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data primer yaitu penetapan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat dengan Nomor perkara 0049 Pdt.P/2017/PA.JP, mengenai data penelitian penulis memperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa prosedur pengajuan permohonan dispensasi nikah ke Pengadilan, Yakni Meja I, Kasir, Meja II, Penetapan Majelis Hakim (PMH) oleh Ketua Pengadilan, Penetapan Panitera Pengganti (PP), dan Penetapan Hari Sidang (PHS). Adapun yang menjadi dasar hukum pertimbangan Hakim dalam menetapkan Dispensasi Nikah yakni kompetensi relatif kewenangan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yaitu PP. No. 9 Tahun 1975 atas penjelasan mengenai UU. Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974, dan Inpres Nomor 1 Tahun 1991 tentang Kompilasi Hukum Islam, serta Kaidah Fiqh, lalu dasar kaidah fiqh Dar’ul mafasid muqaddamun ’ala jalbil mashalih Serta kaidah fiqh “Tasharruful imaam ‘ala raa’iyati manuutun bil mashlahat”. Pertimbangan hukum selanjutnya yakni atas dasar kepastian bahwa perempuan tersebut telah hamil diluar nikah dan mendesak untuk segera dinikahkan agar terhindar dari kemudhorotan yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci: Dispensasi, Nikah Di bawah Umur, Pengadilan Agama

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Zulhamdi Zulhamdi

The emergence of new problems or problems in the community that really need legal clarity, all of which have not been answered in either the Qur'an or the Hadith, in connection with the cessation of revelation and the death of the Prophet Muhammad who acted as a mediator between revelation and the reality that lived at that time. The renewal of Islamic law is the solution, the purpose of this paper is to find out the concepts of Islamic law reform and figures who contribute to the renewal of Islamic law. The type of research is descriptive qualitative with library research, namely research that is directed and focused on the study and discussion of library materials that have to do with the problem being studied, Overall, the renewal of Islamic law in Indonesia runs rather slowly compared to other Muslim countries, especially in the Middle East, North Africa, India and Pakistan. However, the realization of the marriage law number 1 of 1974, government regulation number 9 in 1975, Government regulation number 10 of 1983, government regulation number 28 of 1977 concerning the ownership of land, and the realization of the compilation of Indonesian Islamic law in 1991 were the dynamics of renewal of Islamic legal thinking that must be grateful, as for the characters and the ideas are: 1) Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy (Indonesian Jurisprudence); 2) Hazairin: Indonesian National School; 3) Munawir Syadzali: Reactualization of Islamic Law; 4) Ibrahim Hosen: Making Nash Qat'i fun; 5) Ali Yafie and Sahal Mahfuz: Social Jurisprudence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Umayah - ◽  
Agus Supriyanto

The purpose of this study was to find out the legal basis for divorce due to husband and wifeconflict and to find out the judge’s consideration in granting a divorce suit in case Number 2612 /Pdt.G / 2017 / PA.Bks). This research is library research with a normative juridical approach, usingthe descriptive analysis method. The results of this study are that due to the dispute, Plaintiff feelsuncomfortable in his household relationship with Defendant. Therefore, judges realize legal protectionfor Indonesian citizens, especially women, namely in Law Number 23 of 2004 Article 1 Paragraph (1),Compilation of Islamic Law Article 132 Paragraph (1) and Government Regulation of the Republic ofIndonesia Number 7 of 1975 Article 20 Paragraph (1) concerning the implementation of Law Number7 of 1974 concerning Marriage. From the findings data, it is analyzed that the judge’s decision ingranting the lawsuit is because the lawsuit submitted has met the formal and material requirements aswell as the facts that were revealed in the trial.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Cempaka ◽  
Ali Abu Bakar ◽  
Badrul Munir

Penalties for adulterers have been regulated by law in a number of countries with their respective sanctions. One such arrangement is through Aceh Qanun No. 6 of 2014 concerning the Law of Jinayat and the Enactment of the Syariah Law of Selangor No. 9 of 1995 Sex. 25. But the penalties set out in the Aceh Qanun are different from the punishment of adultery perpetrators regulated in Selangor State Sharia Youth Enactments, therefore this study aims to find out what penalties are contained in the Aceh Qanun and the Selangor State Islamic Law, and what lies behind this difference. to get the answer to the problem of punishment for adulterers, the writer uses descriptive-comparative method. This research is categorized as library research. Punishment regulated in Qanun No. 6 of  2014 concerning jinayat law is a lash of 100 (one hundred) times without distinguishing between the muhsan and ghair muhsan, whereas in the Enakmen regulates adultery sanctions on three categories: fines, imprisonment and caning (sebat), this sentence is determined in the religious court (Syar Court 'iyah in Aceh or the Syariah Court in Selangor). The Selangor State Islamic Law Enactment regulates more criminal acts but the provisions of the sanctions are more severe in the Aceh Qanun. This is because in Selangor in the determination of penalties for perpetrators of crimes in Malaysia using Ta'zir's punishment and more looking at the benefits and local wisdom of Selangor State. While the Qanun is based on the punishment of hudud, which hudud is a punishment that has been determined the form and level by Allah SWT. In the author's opinion, punishment that is more in line with the sanctions of adultery is a punishment that is regulated in the Aceh Qanun because according to the provisions set out in the text namely 100 (one hundred) lashes, although it does not distinguish between muhsan adulterers and adulterers Ghair muhsan. Abstrak: Hukuman bagi penzina telah diatur oleh hukum di sejumlah negara dengan sanksi masing-masing. Salah satu pengaturan tersebut adalah melalui Qanun Aceh No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang Hukum Jinayat dan Penetapan Hukum Syariah Selangor No. 9 tahun 1995 pasal 25. Tetapi hukuman yang ditetapkan dalam Qanun Aceh berbeda dengan hukuman terhadap penzina yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Selangor State Sharia Youth Enactments. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kepustakaan. Hukuman yang diatur dalam Qanun No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang hukum jinayat adalah 100 kali cambuk tanpa membedakan antara muhsan dan ghair muhsan, sedangkan dalam State Sharia Youth Enactments sanksi perzinahan terbagi menjadi tiga kategori: denda, hukuman penjara dan hukuman cambuk, hukuman ini ditentukan di pengadilan agama (Pengadilan Syar'iyah di Aceh atau Pengadilan Syariah di Selangor). Qanun didasarkan pada hukuman hudud, dimana hudud merupakan hukuman yang telah ditentukan bentuk dan tingkatannya oleh Allah SWT. Hukuman yang lebih sesuai untuk sanksi perzinaan adalah hukuman yang diatur dalam Qanun Aceh karena sesuai ketentuan yang diatur dalam Al-Quran yaitu 100 (seratus) cambuk. Kata kunci: Hukuman bagi pezina, Hukuman, Hukum Jinayat Islam

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 179
Tarmizi Tarmizi

Each region has different inheritance traditions, including in the Bugis community in Tellu Siattinge District, Bone Regency. This study aims to determine the distribution system of the Bugis heritagein Tellu Siattinge District, Bone Regency then examined in the perspective of Islamic law. This type of research is a qualitative research and research data was collected through document studies, observations and interviews with the community. The results showed that the transfer of assets was generally carried out before the testator died through grants or willswhich is divided by deliberation while assets that have not been divided will be distributed after the heir dies as inheritance. The main heir who inherits only children, the determination of the portion received by the heirs depends on the agreement and the portion received by men and women is generally generalized. The system of inheritance is not appropriate according to Islamic law, especially in fiqh mawāriṡ, but because the distribution is done based on mutual agreement (islah), this is permitted with a record as long as the rights of each heir are taken into account and there is no conflict in the distribution of inheritance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-279
Achmad Achmad

This research is the result of library research conducted on the basis of problems that have often occurred recently, where the press has started to interfere too far in cases currently being handled by the judiciary, or rather the press has committed acts of Sub Judice Rule. This study aims to answer the questions, namely 1. What is the criminal sanction for the sub-judice rule according to Article 18 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 40 Year 1999 concerning the Press? 2. What is the criminal sanction for the sub-judice rule according to Islamic Criminal Law? The author, with the above problems, then studies and researches to solve these problems with library research using the descriptive method used to describe the concept of the sub-judice rule criminal act in Article 18 paragraph (2) of Law Number 40 of 1999 about the press. Furthermore, it is analyzed with a Deductive mindset that originates from basic principles and is combined with research using the perspective of Islamic Criminal Law. It is analyzed for specific conclusions regarding the general description of the sub-judice rule by the press according to Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the press then draw conclusions that are specific to Islamic criminal law. The conclusion from the results of this study can be seen that the sanctions for criminal acts of the sub-judice rule contained in Article 18 paragraph (2) of Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the press, namely, shall be punished with a maximum fine of Rp. 500,000,000.00 (Five hundred million rupiah). Sub-judice rule is a criminal act of insulting the court by means of publication, which in this case is classified as a takzir, because neither the type nor the sanctions are determined by the syarak, so that the determination of the penalty is fully left to Ulil Amri.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 256-264
O. V. Saraiev ◽  
S. V. Danez

The paper presents investigation methods which are aimed at increasing an accuracy in determination of parameters for movement of vehicles in the reconstruction process of road traffic accidents. The problems with a target to improve a method for calculation of vehicle movement speed and location coordinates at different time moments have been solved in the paper. In order to determine more accurately nature of vehicle damage and their location on carriageway, a laser scanning method has been applied which makes it possible to reduce an error while determining dimensions and distances, and to shorten time for an inspection of the road traffic accident place. The presence of a scanned image in three-dimensional form allows more accurately to simulate nature and angle concerning approach of vehicles prior to a collision. A methodological support for determination of vehicle movement parameters has been developed on the basis of the recorded data from driving video recorders (DVRs). It has been established that an error in measuring a speed of movement for vehicles will depend on quality of a video image, length of the investigated area and range of possible speeds. A relative error will be the higher, the smaller we have vehicle speed range and length of the investigated section. A mathematical model of vehicle speed change in a differential form has been compiled and solved in the paper. The model allows to calculate a speed of motion at different time moments with respect to recording from driving video recorders. In addition, the developed methodology permits more accurately to determine coordinates of vehicle location on a photoand video image. This is especially important while determining places of pedestrian-road accident or vehicle collision location of the collision or the place of collision with regard to the edge of carriageway. Unlike subjective research methods when initial data for carrying out auto-technical investigations are established by interviewing witnesses and the accused, the proposed methods make it possible to permit reconstruction of a road traffic accident exclusively by objective methods with the help of automated technical means.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-317
Emy Eliamega Saragih ◽  
Mustamam Mustamam ◽  
Mukidi Mukidi

Islamic teachings determine that the Koran and the Hadith are the main references in resolving every problem faced by mankind, especially Muslims. Likewise in solving inheritance problems, the Koran and Hadith have explained clearly and in detail. Whereas for matters that have not yet been regulated or there is no agreement on the ulama, such as inheritance for a transvestite. The problem in this study, regarding the position of girls in the distribution of inheritance law according to Islam, concerning inheritance rights of siblings of fathers who leave a daughter in the perspective of Islamic law and on the basis of judges' consideration in determining the determination of heirs in the decision of case register No. 40/Pdt.G/2017/PA.Mdn. This research is a normative juridical approach with a case approach by analyzing Decision No. 40/Pdt.G/2017/PA. Mdn). The data source of this research is secondary data obtained from the results of library research. Data analysis used in this study is qualitative data analysis. Based on the research results obtained, that the position of girls in the distribution of inheritance law according to Islam is the same as that of boys, namely both have the right to inherit the inheritance of their parents or relatives. It's just that, the male portion is bigger than the female part, which is two parts of the two girls. The inheritance rights of the father's siblings who leave a daughter in the perspective of Islamic law are based on bi ghairihi asabah, because they inherit from men and women together. The basis of the judge's consideration in determining the determination of the heir in the decision of case register No. 40 / Pdt.G/2017/PA.Mdn, is Article 174 paragraph (2) KHI and Al-Quran Letter of Examination verse 176. The panel of judges has mistakenly interpreted the substance of the Examination paragraph 176 and also interpreted the provisions of Article 174 paragraph (2) KHI.

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