scholarly journals Changes in psychosocial adjustment of adolescents when applying the physical education lessons

Pedagogika ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 113 (1) ◽  
pp. 186-198
Šarūnas Klizas ◽  
Romualdas Malinauskas ◽  
Dainius Žvirdauskas

The aim of the present study was to establish the changes in psychosocial adjustment of adolescents conducting modified lessons of physical education. The educational experiment was carried out in one Kaunas secondary school. The research was performed in several stages.First, the experimental (n = 185) and the control (n = 192) groups were selected. Then the groups underwent the primary assessment of adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment. Afterwards, the experimental impact (the program of enhancing adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment in the lessons of physical education) was applied on the experimental group and, after concluding the experiment, the experimental and the control groups underwent the concluding testing. 377 students in total took part in the experiment. Classes of EG during the schooling year had modified lessons of physical education twice a week. During the course, they had a theoretical lesson once a month. In the theoretical lessons, students were introduced to the disturbances of adolescent interrelations and methods of their elimination in the process of intense physical activity. During practical lessons, sportive games increasing physical qualities were applied to EG (basketball, volleyball, football) according to the general programs of physical education of Lithuania (2009); besides, Pilates exercises and imitational games strengthening psychosocial adjustment based on role-taking were also applied. CG forms also had two weekly lessons of physical education with the same teacher, the author of the research, but the lessons were not modified and they proceeded according to the General programs of the subject of physical education (General Curriculum of Primary and Basic Education, 2009). For the estimation of the level of adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment, a modified questionnaire by C. Rogers and R. Dymond was applied. Besides the main indices of  adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment the questionnaire included other subscales (evaluation of others, emotional comfort, integrity,) which helped reveal psychosocial adaptation of a personality, in order to discover the level of communication skills of the students of middle schooling age, a questionnaire by Miškinis was employed.The repeated research performed after the program of the strengthening of psychosocial adjustment in the lessons of physical education showed that the results of emotional comfort of EG statistically significantly altered; after the educational experiment they showed (62.02 ± 10.33 points) (t = – 3.35; p = 0.001) in comparison with EG results before the educational experiment (58.64 ± 9.02 points). When analyzing the scale of  communication we have to observe that EG and CG results before the experiment were similar. It was established that before the experiment, the results of EG (2.01 ± 0.4 points) and CG (1.94 ± 0.3 points) were not statistically significantly different (t = 1.91; p > 0.05). The repeated research applied after the program of strengthening of psychosocial adaptation during the lessons of physical education showed that the results of EG altered statistically significantly after the educational experiment (2.28 ± 0.5 points) (t = –6.30; p = 0.001) in comparison to EG results before the educational experiment (2.01 ± 0.4 points). This means that after the educational experiment, EG students of middle schooling age might communicate easily.It was established that the program of educational devices designed for the improvement of psychosocial adaptation during the lessons of physical education needs to be developed on the grounds of the social learning theory, social cognition theoretical attitude, liberal education paradigm and cognitive theory by applying the rational combinations of: development of positive attitudes towards oneself, social support, problem situation, emotional support, correspondence activities, performance games, operative games, Pilates excercises. It was established that the properly construed and purposefully applied complex of the devices of educational impact during the lessons of physical education influences the psychosocial adaptation of the adolescents: after the experiment in the experiment group, integrity (p = 0.002), emotional comfort (p = 0.001) and the level of communication (p = 0.001) increased statistically significantly.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Eunike R. Rustiana

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti bahwa Pendidikan Jasmani Harmoni efektif meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi siswa SD. Penelitian ini berdasar pada teori kognitif sosial dari Bandura. Materi Penjas Harmoni terdiri atas permainan, olahraga, dan tarian masal (tari Saman). Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V enam SDN yang berbeda, dengan tiga kelas sebagai kelompok intervensi yang diajar penjas Harmoni, dan tiga kelas sebagai kelompok kontrol yang diajar penjas reguler. Perlakuan berlangsung selama 14 kali pertemuan. Kecerdasan emosi diukur sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan dengan Skala Perasaan modifikasi dari Bar-On EQ inventory. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nbahwa Penjas Harmoni efektif meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi siswa SD, yaitu kecakapan intrapersonal, interpersonal, penyesuaian diri, pengelolaan stres, dan sikap positif. Tidak ada pengaruh jenis kelamin, namun ada pengaruh bersama antara tingkat akreditasi sekolah dan jenis perlakuan terhadap peningkatan kecerdasan emosi. Penjas Harmoni disarankan untuk dipakai guruguru penjas SD di Semarang guna melengkapi KTSP 2006. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Jasmani Harmoni, kecerdasan emosiEFFORTS TO INCREASE THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH HARMONY PHYSICAL EDUCATIONAbstract: This study is aimed to ascertain the effectiveness of Harmony Physical Education (HPE) program to increase primary school students’ emotional intelligence (EI). This study is based on Bandura’s social cognitive theory, The material of HPE is consist of games, sports, and group dance(Saman Dance). The subjects of the study were fifth grade students from different Public Elementary Schools. They were randomly assigned into control group (three classrooms) who received regular PE program, and intervention group (another three classrooms) who received HPE program. The treatment was conducted in 14 weeks. Emotional intelligence was assessed before and after the treatment using Emotional Scale that was modified from Bar-On EQ inventory. The results show that HPE Program is effective in increasing primary school students’ Emotional Intelegency which consists of intrapersonal, interpersonal, self adjustment, stress management, and positive attitudes. There were no gender role, but there is a relation between school acreditation level and the treatment used towards the improvement of emotional intelegency. Harmony Physical Education is recommended to be used by teachers in semarang as a supplement for KTSP 2006Keywords: harmony physical education, emotional intelligence 

Ellen Aniszewski ◽  
Elizangela Cely

One of the goals of physical education as a mandatory curricular component of basic education is to train motivated individuals and adhere to body practices, relating them with pleasure, thus developing positive attitudes towards them. The literature presents studies with different methodologies and theoretical frameworks to address students’ lack of interest in physical education classes. In general, the approach of the theme in high school prevails, because in the light of scientific evidence until then, it constituted the level of education in which disinterest was accentuated and was effectively more evident in extension and intensity, that is, it occurs in several realities and consistently. This article aimed to list the reasons for students’ lack of interest in physical education classes found in the literature, presenting them in a categorized way. It was a bibliographic research, of a qualitative nature in which a narrative literature review was chosen. Analyzing the results of research that looked at the theme, common reasons are identified that lead students to avoid participating in physical education classes, which in general refer to past experiences, the curricular development of the discipline, and socio-demographic issues, the perception of skill / competence, social relations and school management and structure. The contribution of this article is in the possibility of guiding teachers in the elaboration of didactic-pedagogical teaching strategies that contemplate the issues that positively influence students’ engagement, participation, and learning.

1985 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 229-240 ◽  
Grace E. Figley

The development of positive attitudes toward physical education has been a longstanding and desirable goal of the program of physical education. The intent of this investigation was to identify those aspects of the program students reported as turning them on to or turning them off from physical education. The critical incident report was the tool used to gather information. The subjects (N = 100) classified the reported incidents as either positive or negative, and their comments were then categorized into five broad categories: (a) teacher, (b) curriculum, (c) atmosphere of the classroom, (d) peer behavior, and (e) perceptions of self. Further classification occurred within each category. The results indicated that the items most frequently mentioned in relation to both positive and negative attitudes related to the teacher and the curriculum. Some interesting patterns evolved both within and between the various categories. The most encouraging aspect of the investigation is that the great majority of causal determinants of negative attitudes are amenable to change. If physical educators value the goal of developing positive attitudes toward physical education, then information gathered in studies such as this should prove valuable to both current physical educators and those involved in teacher education programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-171
Dagmar Nemček ◽  
Julie Wittmannová

Summary The objective of the study was to determine and compare the attitudes of high school students of the non-inclusive school towards inclusive physical education according to gender. This study deepened the knowledge about the students’ attitudes toward the inclusion of students with physical and intellectual disabilities. The research sample comprised a total of 181 able-bodied high school students (56 boys and 125 girls) attending one non-inclusive high school in Bratislava, Slovakia. Modified Czech version of the CAIPE (Children’s Attitude toward Inclusive Physical Education) questionnaire was used as a primary research method. Girls presented higher levels of positive attitudes towards inclusive physical education (IPE) in goal achievement, motivation, and motor skills learning. Boys showed a higher level of positive attitudes in the self-confidence of students with disabilities through IPE. In the goal achievement, girls expressed a significantly higher positive attitude towards IPE in students with intellectual disabilities inclusion (U = 2817, p = 0.029, r = 0.168). The highest level of a positive attitude toward IPE declared both genders by society inclusion and the lowest level of positive attitude by motor skills acquisition. Slovak students of a non-inclusive high school showed a positive attitude toward IPE for the inclusion of pupils with physical as well as intellectual disabilities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-151 ◽  
Amanda Taiane Correia de Oliveira ◽  
Liana Lima Rocha ◽  
Luciana Venâncio ◽  
Luiz Sanches Neto

Introdução: Investigamos as características dos processos formativos de três docentes e os motivos subjacentes à sua mobilização como professores(as) que se preocupam em pesquisar. Objetivo: O objetivo de nossa investigação é compreender as idiossincrasias desses(as) professores(as)-pesquisadores(as), que investigam suas próprias práticas educativas na educação básica, na área da educação física na cidade de Fortaleza e na região metropolitana. Métodos: O nosso estudo é fundamentado em uma pesquisa qualitativa com a colaboração de professores(as) de educação física de escolas públicas da rede estadual de educação básica de Fortaleza. A pesquisa colaborativa foi realizada com uma professora e dois professores ao longo de um ano e meio. Resultados: Temos como principal resultado da pesquisa, o engajamento efetivo dos(as) professores(as) com as suas práticas educacionais. Portanto, a responsabilidade com os processos de ensino está associada aos modos de investigação realizados pelos(as) docentes. Conclusão: Consideramos que o envolvimento com projetos e também com grupos de estudos das universidades, tanto durante a graduação quanto na pós-graduação, tornam o trabalho de cada professor(a) diferenciado em termos (auto)formativos. ABSTRACT. School physical education teachers-researchers: idiosyncrasies and support to teacher educa¬tion in Fortaleza’s (Brazil) metropolitan region. Background: We have investigated the characteristics of the educative processes of three teachers and the reasons underpinned by their mobilization as teachers who care about researching. Objective: The objective of our investigation is to understand the idiosyncrasies of these teachers, who investigate their own educational practices in basic education in the area of physical education in the city of Fortaleza and in the metropolitan region. Methods: Our study is based on qualitative research with the collaboration of physical education teachers from public schools of the State basic education network at Fortaleza. The collaborative research was carried out with one female teacher and two male teachers over one year and a half. Results: The main result of the research is the effective engagement of teachers with their educational practices. Therefore, responsibility for teaching processes is associated with the modes of research carried out by the teachers. Conclusion: We consider that the involvement with projects and also within academic groups at universities, both during undergraduate and postgraduate courses, differentiate the work of each teacher in (self) educative terms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 419-427
Grace T. Pontoh Et al.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the attitudes of students towards the use of computers as one of the subjects in school. This research used a survey method with data collection techniques by questionnaires with a sample of 210 students and data analyzed using AMOS statistical software. The results indicate: (1) CSE had an influence on attitudes through PEOU; (2) CA has an influence on attitudes through PEOU; (3) PE has an influence on attitudes through PEOU; and (4) PEOU has an influence on attitudes in using computers. This research contributes to the progress of science and technology with TAM and the Social Cognitive Theory which theoretically can provide evidence and support for the advancement of research in the scope of behavioral accounting. Also teachers can form positive attitudes of students in the learning process so as to produce outstanding graduates who are able to accept technological developments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 877-883
Ömer Sivrikaya ◽  

It is an important research topic to what extent the training received by the prospective teachers in order to have positive attitudes towards the handicapped is successful. This study aims to evaluate the effect of physical education and sports course for the handicapped on the attitudes of sports science students towards the handicapped. In the study, the "Attitude Toward Disabled Persons (ATDP) Scale", which was developed by Yuker and Block (1986) and adapted to Turkish by Özyürek (2006), was used as a data collection tool. The reliability coefficient of the scale was .67-.83, and the test-retest reliability coefficient was .76. A total of 76 students from Bülent Ecevit University School of Physical Education and Sports (n = 40) and Düzce University Faculty of Sport Sciences (n = 36) formed the study group who taking physical education and sports courses for the handicapped in the 2017-2018 academic year. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and independent samples t-test were used to analyze the data. Descriptive analyzes were conducted to determine the level of attitudes of the participants towards people who were handicapped. As a result of the research, it was determined that the attitude scores of the study group towards the handicapped were higher for the participants whose school type is faculty than those of the college. A difference in other parameters could not be detected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
Thea Kavanaugh ◽  
Joe Tomaka ◽  
Ernesto Moralez

The purpose of this study was to examine how professional preparedness and psychosocial beliefs affected behavioral intentions and quality service behaviors in providing physical education (PE) and recreation services to students with disabilities (SWD). Participants of an online survey included New Mexico adapted physical education (APE) teachers (N=42) and recreational therapists (RT; N=13) and a sample of PE teachers (N=63). Analyses revealed significant differences between PE teachers and personnel in specialty professional disciplines. APE and RT personnel reported greater positive attitudes, higher self-efficacy, greater behavioral intention, and more engagement in quality service behaviors than PE teachers. The results have implications for the selection and training of school personnel hired to provide PE and recreation services to SWD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Pashupati Adhikari

 This study presents an attitude of female students studying B.Ed. third year towards physical education and sports within Kathmandu valley. Initially, it was hypothesized that there is no significance difference in attitude of physical education and sports among female students of different campuses. From these 6 campuses, 184 female students were randomly selected. A five-point Likert-type scale was applied for data collection from the selected students who studied in B.Ed. third year. Altogether five opinion statements were used for data collection. It was found that all respondents showed positive attitudes towards physical education and sports. In order to test whether there is significant interdependence in score among the respondents in different perspectives. The chi-square test score was applied as statistical test at the 0.05 level of significance. The chi-test under contingency table: independent of opinion among the respondent, if (χ2>α=0.05 in different degree of freedom) and independent if (χ2≤ α=0.05 in different degree of freedom). For the measurement of attitude for physical education and sports,it has enough evidence in the data to accept alternatives hypothesis; there is relation or interdependence of attitude towards physical education and sports among the respondents. Because, the score is very high among the response of respondent. The study suggests that the university teacher must be accountable to construct professional environment.

2008 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-208 ◽  
Karen S. Meaney ◽  
Heidi R. Bohler ◽  
Kelcie Kopf ◽  
Lesley Hernandez ◽  
LaTosha S. Scott

Social-cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986) served as the framework to examine a physical education service-learning program's impact on pre-service educators' cultural competence. Participants included 53 undergraduates enrolled in two sections of Health and Physical Education for Children. The course's service-learning component provided pre-service educators opportunities to teach physical education to African-American and Hispanic children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Participants described their experiences via daily logs, weekly reflections, and focus group interviews. Content analyses of the multiple data sources indicated that daily interaction with the children broadened participants' understanding of under-served children, changed their preconceived stereotypes, improved their language and communication skills, and impacted future teaching expectations. These findings suggest service-learning programs may valuably enhance pre-service educators' cultural competence for teaching.

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