scholarly journals Analysis of the Russian Federation's policy in regulation of demographic processes

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
Julia Aitova

The problem of depopulation in the Russian Federation is considered in this article. The population of the country decreased by 99.7 thousand people during 2018. This circumstance occurred as a result of the natural and mechanical population movement. The natural population decline amounted to 224,6 thousand people, while the migration increase amounted to 124,9 thousand people at the end of 2018, which determined the reasons for population decrease. In these terms, the role of effective demographic and, in particular, migration policy of the state increases. At the present time, a set of legal documents aimed at solving these problems has been developed and implemented in the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the main documents reflecting the targets and priorities of the state demographic and migration policy for the future period. A number of shortcomings were identified. They include the problems of the content of the documents, inconsistency of documents of one direction, insufficient attention to the problems of internal Russian migration, low efficiency of measures, etc. In this regard, the need to make certain adjustments to the documents under consideration arises. It is also necessary to develop and organize measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of their implementation, including the creation of conducive conditions for potential migrants in the regions of the Russian Federation. In addition, it seems necessary to develop a separate document dedicated to solving the problems of uneven distribution of the population in the country, including by reducing the level of socio-economic regional differentiation.

Vladimir Zorin ◽  
Vladimir Voloh ◽  
Vera Suvorova ◽  

Introduction. The article is devoted to the transformation of migration policies during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The article discusses changes in migration processes in connection with the COVID-19. The aim of the article is to illustrate how the countries’ migration policy has changed due to the pandemic and what measures have been developed to support migrants. Methods and materials. The research methodology includes general scientific research methods, such as analysis, synthesis, content analysis and the aristotelian method. As well as specific scientific methods, such as comparative legal and system analysis. The empirical basis of the study is the data of the General Administration for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations (UN). Analysis. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of migration policies of various countries during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Considerable attention is paid to the measures taken by countries to provide various types of support to migrants. The authors also analyzed the activities of international organizations and the civil society. The authors concluded that measures to restrain the pandemic affected the implementation of funded integration projects in the European countries, some activities were postponed, however, the European countries made certain efforts to adopt new integration practices to support migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussion. The authors assessed the further development of migration processes and countries migration policies. Results. The authors effectuated a conclusion that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the transformation of migration processes and migration policies. The authors focused on how events in the migration sphere would develop, and what changes would take place in the migration policy of the Russian Federation. The research results presented in the article can be used to improve the migration policy of the Russian Federation in relation to labour migrants and to develop regulatory migration measures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-46
I. I. Glebkova ◽  
T. A. Dolbik-Vorobey

Purpose of research. The article examines the human potential of the Russian Federation in the context of the established second wave of the demographic crisis. The article analyzes the state of the number, composition and structure of the population of the Russian Federation during the first (1992–2012) and second demographic crisis (2016 and up to the present), taking into account the factors of population reproduction (birth rate and mortality) and migration inflows to the country. Factors and causes of external migration with the CIS countries are identified, as they have been and remain the main donors for replenishing the population of the Russian Federation. On the basis of analytical indicators of dynamics and methods of statistical relationships, an assessment of external migration growth and its impact on the country's economy is carried out. Special attention is paid to measures taken at the state level to stabilize and improve migration problems.Materials and methods. The information base of the study is statistical data and analytical information on external migration flows, based on statistical surveys conducted in the country. The methodological basis of the research is represented by statistical methods of information analysis: comparative analysis, structural and dynamic analysis, analysis of the interrelationships of migration and economic indicators.Results. The article analyzes in detail the results of current events in the country during periods of demographic decline and population growth since 1992. Due to the demographic policy implemented in the country, as well as the peculiarities of the age and gender structure of the population, it is proved that the main component for population growth is still the migration inflow. Special attention is paid to external labor migration in recent years. The impact of migration growth on economic indicators (unemployment rate, real wages, index of physical volume of GDP) and the development of the economy as a whole are estimated. Also, on the scale of the State National Policy Strategy being implemented until 2025, state measures to stabilize and improve the situation in the field of migration policy are presented and analyzed.Conclusion. Due to the fact that migration policy is a defining component of demographic policy, which is currently one of the priorities of the state's development, it is advisable to regularly study external migration as one of the most important sources of replenishment of human capital and hence the development of the country's economy. Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation should pay special attention to measures to attract foreign highly qualified labor force in active working age; providing foreign students who have successfully completed their studies and defended their diplomas in Russian universities with the opportunity to find a job in our country in order to obtain Russian citizenship and create a family in Russia. As well as carrying out regular monitoring studies on adaptation of foreign citizens, taking into account regional peculiarities of development of economy of our country, because today in the conditions of demographic decline of the Russian population it is one of the main sources of economic development on the geopolitical level, as labor potential – a basis for national economic growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Sergey Piskunov

The article examines the problem of the formation of the Soviet resettlement policy in the context of a decrease in the rural population of donor regions in the second half of the 40s - 80s. XX century on the example of the RSFSR. To achieve this goal, many historical documents were analyzed and summarized, which are contained mainly in the central archives of the Russian Federation. Such changes were caused, on the one hand, by a decrease in natural growth in the regions that were traditionally places of departure for new settlers, on the other hand, by a change in the settlement structure. Despite the demographic processes negative for the implementation of the resettlement policy, the country's leadership did not abandon this method of redistributing residents of some regions of the state in favor of others. It is noted that, while preserving the planned agricultural resettlement as a tool for increasing the demographic potential in certain regions and mitigating the shortage of labor in the enterprises of the agricultural sector, the Center inevitably faced the problem of finding sources for the formation of resettlement flows. From the beginning of the 1980s the solution to this problem in the USSR was ensured by several factors: firstly, the spread of the practice of intraregional resettlement; secondly, the inclusion of urban residents in the number of planned migrants, and not just villagers, as it was before; thirdly, the involvement of the inhabitants of Central Asia and the Transcaucasus in the organized migration. It is important to note that the article provides the information on the geography of the places of exodus for the second half of the 1940s – 1980s. indicating the most significant (by the number of people sent). Reflection of statistical data with a wide temporal and geographical coverage makes it possible to trace changes, on the one hand, in the intensity of migration ties between donor and recipient regions, and on the other, in the state policy of resettlement. The article is addressed to representatives of the scientific community (historians and demographers) and state institutions responsible for the development of modern migration policy.

Дарья Викторовна Гризовская ◽  
Галина Константиновна Лапушинская

В статье объектом исследования являются миграционные процессы и инструменты их регулирования. Предмет исследования связан с тем, что в исследованиях миграционных потоков часто не учитывается сложность и комплексность этих социально-экономических процессов, требующих социологических, исторических, демографических и других подходов к их анализу. Кроме того, исследования осуществляются без учета различий в целевых ориентациях субъектов, вовлеченных в миграционное регулирование, что принципиально, по мнению авторов, для принятия управленческих решений в миграционной сфере. Государство, субъекты Федерации, промышленные компании, ориентированные на привлечение трудовых мигрантов, иностранных работников и жителей территории (автохтонов), имеют различные, в большинстве случаев противоречивые побуждающие миграционные мотивы. Поэтому целью исследования является выработка комплексного, целеориентированного подхода к анализу возможного инструментария миграционного регулирования (миграционной политики) РФ на основе оценки существующей мировой практики. Инструментально-методический аппарат исследования базируется на комплексном подходе, в рамках которого уточнено понятие миграции как объективного фактора, обеспечивающего развитие региональной экономики. Авторы исходят из того, что миграция представляет собой целеориентированный процесс, заключающийся во въезде в страну иностранных граждан, основными мотивами которых являются определенные целевые установки по пребыванию ими на избранной территории, и оказывающий положительное (возможности развития) или негативное (усиление рисков) влияние на условия экономического развития региона. Научная новизна исследования представлена разработкой предложений по совершенствованию инструментов регулирования процессов привлечения иностранных кадров для Тверской области и допускающих их использование в субъектах РФ, исходя из ориентации действий на специализацию и выбранные целевые приоритеты развития территорий. The current stage of development of society and the state is characterized by a change in the role of the migration factor in the socio-economic development of territories. Given the decline in the share of the able-bodied population, a large share of low-skilled labor, and the need to implement national projects aimed at changing the demographic background of the state, which are primarily expressed in stimulating the birth rate growth, the Russian Federation is faced with the task of attracting labor migrants capable of supporting the industrial transformation of the Russian economy. In this regard, migration processes and tools for their regulation are becoming an important object of research. This does not take into account the complexity of socio-economic processes and emerging sociological, historical, demographic and other approaches to the analysis of migration processes, often inconsistent with each other. In addition, studies are carried out without taking into account differences in the target orientations of the subjects involved in migration regulation, which is a necessary element in making managerial decisions in the migration sphere, as the state, constituent entities of the Federation, and industrial companies focused on attracting labor migrants, foreign workers, and residents of the territory (autochthon) have various, in most cases, contradictory motivational migration motives. As a result, a study aimed at finding an integrated, goal-oriented approach to the analysis of possible tools of migration regulation (migration policy) of the Russian Federation based on an assessment of existing world practice seems to be most relevant. The instrumental and methodical apparatus of the study is based on an integrated approach, within which migration is considered as a goal-oriented process that has characteristic components and is influenced by objective and personalized factors that depend on the conditions of the socio-economic situation in the development of the territory, and also combines various methods of scientific knowledge: system analysis, comparative, economic and statistical, grouping, benchmarking, etc. In the course of this study were developed us suggestions to improve the regulation of migration processes in the Russian regions, based on the orientation of the action on the selected specialization and targeted development priorities of the territories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 107-118
M.V. Romanova ◽  

The main aspects of the migration policy of Russia are analyzed. The main goals of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 are highlighted. The main shortcomings of modern migration policy are identified. Basic aspects hindering dynamic development of migration processes in Russia are studied. Based on the available data, three main directions for the development of those processes that would allow attracting a larger number of migrants are proposed.

Upravlenie ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-12 ◽  
Vladimir Volokh ◽  
Irina Gerasimova

The article analyzes the migration situation taking into account the social and economic development of the Russian Federation. The statistical data on labor migration, illegal migration, as well as indicators of demographic development and the labor market have been adduced. The forecast of changing the demographic situation has been considered. The main trends in the distribution of foreign workers taking into account the professional-qualification structure have been revealed. The authors stated the growing role of migration in the formation of labor potential and its placement in the country’s territory. The main legal instrument in the sphere of migration, according to authors, is the Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for the period 2019-2025, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, which defines the goals, principles, tasks, main directions and mechanisms for implementing the state migration policy of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the Concept activities will improve the migration legislation, using labor market tools related to determining the needs of the Russian economy for foreign workers, simplifying the entry, exit and stay of qualified foreign specialists, entrepreneurs and investors, and the development of educational and academic migration. Improving the mechanisms for foreign citizens to work on the basis of patents from Russian individuals, to facilitate the territorial mobility of Russian citizens are important aspects of the state migration policy. First of all, economic trends in the management of the state migration policy should be aimed at a balanced distribution of labor resources in the territory of the Russian Federation. Special attention has been paid to the international cooperation in the migration field. Attention has been paid to international treaties, aimed at the implementation of labor activity of migrants, the suppression of illegal migration, as well as international treaties on readmission. The prospects of effective management of migration processes in the Russian Federation on the basis of interaction of various levels of power have been determined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-226
Alla A Lysenko

The article analyzes the Russian migration policy in the Far East Federal District in the period of 1990-2000. The Author researches the evolution of migration policy and its effectiveness in achieving the goals of socio-economic development of the Far East and national security of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of statistical data the article concludes that the current level of socio-economic development of the region does not allow to solve of the problems of leveling economic development, increasing the population of border areas and ensuring the growth of labor potential of the Far East Federal District. The author notes the long-term trend of population decline in the Far East Federal district.

Альбина Сагайдак ◽  
Albina Sagaidak ◽  
Наталья Корсикова ◽  
Natalia Korsikova

The article is devoted to the criminological analysis of the causes and conditions conducive to the manifestation of crimes of a terrorism nature in the Russian Federation? Focusing on the activities of the internal affairs bodies in countering terrorism. The coat characteristic of quantitative indicators of crimes of a terrorist nature for 2015-2018 is given. The article summarizes the scientific experience of studying the main factors causing terrorist manifestations in the Russian Federation. The authors focus on the ode of the main factors contributing to terrorism in the Russian Federation - the presence of radical groups that promote their ideology among the teenage generation. The authors determined the place of the «Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for 2019-2025» in the system of prevention of modern terrorism, and also analyzed the main legal acts that are the legal «foundation» in this area. The content of the opposition implemented by the internal affairs bodies is emphasized.

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