scholarly journals Application of roasted rice bran in cereal bars

2012 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 718-724 ◽  
Marina Costa Garcia ◽  
Luciana Pereira Lobato ◽  
Marta de Toledo Benassi ◽  
Manoel Soares Soares Júnior

The objective of this study was to evaluate the viability of using microwave-roasted rice bran as an ingredient in high-fiber cereal bars to obtain a product with good acceptability. The influence of the rice flakes, corn flakes, and roasted rice bran levels on the physical and chemical characteristics of the cereal bars was studied. The overall acceptability of three selected formulations was also evaluated. An increase in the roasted rice bran level in the formulation reduced the force of rupture and water activity, resulted in intermediate density, and caused darkening of the bars. The contents of lipid and total dietary fiber were higher in the formulation with the highest rice bran content, which was therefore classified as functional food. The formulation containing 0.34; 0.32; and 0.34 roasted rice bran, rice flakes, and corn flakes, respectively, seemed to be the best outcome. Cereal bars with roasted rice bran levels between 10 and 20% were accepted by consumers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 66 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 93-103 ◽  
Allan Geliebter ◽  
Charlotte L. Grillot ◽  
Roni Aviram-Friedman ◽  
Sakeena Haq ◽  
Eric Yahav ◽  

Objective: The extent to which different types of breakfasts affect appetite and food intake is unclear. To assess the satiety effects of a high-fiber cereal, we compared oatmeal, isocaloric corn flakes, and water. Subjects/Methods: Thirty-six subjects (18 lean, 18 overweight) were assigned to three conditions in a randomized sequence on different days. Ratings of hunger and fullness were obtained concurrently with blood samples for measuring concentrations of glucose, insulin, glucagon, leptin, and acetaminophen (gastric emptying tracer). Appetite was assessed by calculating the area under the curve (AUC) for fullness and hunger, and by measuring food intake of an ad libitum lunch meal at 180 min. Results: Lunch meal intake was lowest after consuming oatmeal (p < 0.00001), which was lower for overweight subjects than lean subjects (p = 0.007). Fullness AUC was greatest (p = 0.00001), and hunger AUC lowest (p < 0.001) after consuming oatmeal. At 180 min, blood glucose was lowest after the corn flakes (p = 0.0001). Insulin AUC was greater for both cereals than water (p < 0.00001). Leptin AUC and glucagon AUC values did not differ between conditions. Acetaminophen concentrations peaked latest after consuming oatmeal (p = 0.046), reflecting slower gastric emptying. Conclusions: Satiety was greater and ad libitum test meal intake lower after consuming oatmeal than after corn flakes, especially in the overweight subjects.


Зерновые энергетические батончики, пользующиеся большим спросом у потребителей, удобны для введения в рацион полезных для здоровья питательных веществ и функциональных соединений. Исследовано влияние базовых компонентов – взорванных зерен риса, амаранта и киноа на содержание белка, жира, общего пищевого волокна, показатели твердости и общей приемлемости в зерновых энергетических батончиках. Установлено, что содержание белка и жира в образцах батончиков повышалось по мере увеличения в их составе доли зерен киноа и амаранта. Повышение содержания жира привело к снижению содержания углеводов в составе зерновых батончиков. Образцы изготовленных батончиков в зависимости от соотношения зерновых компонентов могут содержать до 7,76% клетчатки, что позволяет классифицировать такое изделие как функциональный пребиотический продукт. Добавление волокнистых ингредиентов влияет на текстуру продукта, повышает твердость, улучшая жевательность и адгезию. Показатель общей приемлемости изготовленных образцов зерновых батончиков варьировал от 5 до 7,9 баллов при 9-балльной оценке. Самую высокую оценку получил образец с равным содержанием в рецептуре взорванных зерен киноа, амаранта и риса, а также отмечены образцы с более высоким содержанием (66,67%) взорванных зерен киноа и амаранта. Grain energy bars, which are in high demand among consumers, are convenient for introducing healthy nutrients and functional compounds into the diet. The influence of the basic components – blasted rice grains, amaranth and quinoa on the protein, fat content, total dietary fiber, hardness, and overall acceptability in grain energy bars was studied. It was found that the content of protein and fat in the samples of bars increased as the proportion of quinoa and amaranth grains in their composition increased. The increase in fat content led to a decrease in the carbohydrate content of cereal bars. Samples of manufactured bars, depending on the ratio of grain components, can contain up to 7,76% fiber, which allows us to classify such a product as a functional prebiotic product. The addition of fibrous ingredients affects the texture of the product, improving the hardness, chewiness and adhesion. The overall acceptability of the manufactured samples of grain bars ranged from 5 to 7,9 points with a 9-point rating. The highest rating was given to a sample with an equal content of exploded quinoa, amaranth and rice grains in the formulation, and samples with a higher content (66,67%) of exploded quinoa and amaranth grains were also noted.

Nutrients ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Rachelle A. Pretorius ◽  
Debra J. Palmer

Higher dietary fiber intakes during pregnancy may have the potential health benefits of increasing gut microbiome diversity, lowering the risk of glucose intolerance and pre-eclampsia, achieving appropriate gestational weight gain, and preventing constipation. In this observational cohort study, we have assessed the dietary fiber intakes of 804 women in late pregnancy, using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). Overall, the median (interquartile range) dietary fiber intake was 24.1 (19.0–29.7) grams per day (g/day). Only 237/804 (29.5%) women met the recommended Adequate Intake (AI) of dietary fiber during pregnancy of 28 g/day. Women consuming the highest quartile of fiber intakes (34.8 (IQR 32.1–39.5) g/day) consumed more fruit, especially apples and bananas, than women consuming the lowest quartile of fiber intakes (15.9 (IQR 14.4–17.5) g/day). These women in the highest fiber-intake quartile were older (p < 0.01), more had completed further education after secondary school (p = 0.04), and they also consumed more vegetables (67 g/day) compared to the women in the lowest fiber consumption quartile (17 g vegetables/day). Bread intakes of 39–42 g/day were consistent in quantities consumed across all four fiber-intake quartiles. Our findings suggest that antenatal education advice targeting increased fruit and vegetable consumption before and during pregnancy may be a simple strategy to achieve increased total dietary fiber intakes to reach recommended quantities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 2805-2816 ◽  
D. R. Phebee Angeline ◽  
S. Rubalya Valantina ◽  
V. Mukesh Kumar

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1642
Diego Salazar ◽  
Mirari Arancibia ◽  
Diego R. Silva ◽  
María Elvira López-Caballero ◽  
María Pilar Montero

The aim of this study was to determine the potential of Andean Crop Flours (ACF) to develop muffins suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, as these flours do not contain gluten in their composition. The physico-chemical, rheological, microbiological and sensory properties of muffins from different blends of the following ACF were evaluated: camote (Ipomea batatas), oca (Oxalis tuberosa), achira (Canna indica) and mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum), formulated with sucrose or sucralose. Wheat muffins with sucrose were used for control purposes. The effect of 5-day storage on color, texture and microbiology was also studied. The use of ACF sharply increased the amount of total dietary fiber, while fat and protein contents were slightly lower with respect to the control. Regarding color, formulations with ACF resulted in darker products, showing an important decrease in L* and b* values while a* increased in all ACF formulations. According to their rheological properties, all doughs showed an unstructured and viscous behavior, and the mixture of camote, achira and mashua with sugar was very similar to wheat muffin. On textural parameters, there was an increasing (p < 0.0) effect on firmness and chewiness noticeable on day 5 in all samples. The resultant muffins were considered safe products due to low counts of total microorganisms, molds and yeasts and the absence of Enterobacteria and Staphylococcus aureus during storage. Muffins with ACF showed good overall acceptability, especially muffins containing sucralose, which obtained the highest score. This study showed that ACF could be used as an alternative raw material in the preparation of gluten-free muffins with good nutritional quality, thus providing a useful alternative for underused crops.

Monika Rahardjo ◽  
Kristiawan Prasetyo Agung Nugroho ◽  
Greis Saibele

This research aims to analyze the physical and sensory characteristics of cookies’ formulations using mocaf-oats-rice bran’s flour mixture. Five formulations used in this research consist of mocaf-oats-rice bran’s flour mixture namely F1 (100%-0%-0%), F2 (70%-15%-15%), F3 (50%-25%-25%), F4 (30%-35%-35%), and F5 (0%-50%-50%). The result showed that all cookies formulation included in the category of “high fiber” except for cookies Formulation 4. The highest value of hardness was cookies Formulation 1 and significantly different from the other formulations. Decreasing mocaf flour composition in the mixture and increasing additional oats and rice bran composition have a significant correlation on cookies’ hardness. Based on sensory evaluation using rating preference, it was found that the highest rating for color, texture, and overall parameters obtained by cookies Formulation 4, while the highest rating for taste parameter obtained by cookies Formulation 5. Cookies’ formulation that recommended to use as utilization of mocaf flour was Formulation 4 because it had the highest rating for overall parameter, as well as highest rating for color and texture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 17
Maruni Wiwin Diarti ◽  
Siti Zaetun ◽  
Urip . ◽  
Yunan Jiwintarum ◽  
Baiq Anies Trisnasanti

Functional food is food that is naturally or through a process that is beneficial to health. One functional food is a green bean juice packaging beverage that can reduce blood glucose levels. High fiber content, low glycemic index and flavonoids, and polyphenols in green beans (Phaseolus radiatus L) can reduce glucose levels in the blood. This study used experimental animals 7 tails. All experimental animals were given packaged mung bean juice 2 times a day for 9 days by means of a round. The mean results of an examination of blood glucose levels in white rat experimental animals before giving packaged green bean juice drinks was 85 mg dl, while the average results of an examination of blood glucose levels in experimental rats after administration of packaged green bean juice were 75 mg/dl. The results of the Paired T-test statistical test obtained p = 0,000 <α = 0.05. Packaged green bean juice can reduce blood glucose levels in animals testing white rats.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 156
Ni Komang Sri Budihartini ◽  
I Dewa Gede Mayun Permana ◽  
Putu Timur Ina

The purpose of study were to find the optimum ratio of wheat flour with red rice bran to produce the best characteristics of dry noodle. The Completely Randomized Design was used in the research with treatment that is the ratio of flour with red rice bran which consist of 6 levels: 100%:0%; 95%:5%; 90%:10%; 85%:15%; 80%:20%; 75%:25%. The treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain 18 units of experiment. The data obtained were analyzed by variance and if the treatment had an effect on the observed variable then continued with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test. The ratio of flour to red rice bran significantly influenced moisture, ash , fat, protein, carbohydrate, curde fiber content, inhibitor concentration (IC50), water absorption, color (scoring test), flavor (hedonic test), texture (hedonic test and scoring), taste (hedonic test) as well as overall acceptance (hedonic test) dry noodle.The ratio of wheat flour and red rice bran flour  (80%:20%) produces dry noodle with the best characteristics namely: 10.67% moisture content, ash content  2.91%, 1.09% fat content, 13.52% protein content, 71.80 % carbohydrate content, 4.15% crude fiber content, IC50 149.35 mg/ml, water absorption 223.23%, dark red color and rather liked color, rather liked flavor, elastic and rather liked texture, rather liked taste and rather liked overall acceptability.

Nutrients ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 939 ◽  
Amjad H. Jarrar ◽  
Jeannette M. Beasley ◽  
Eric O. Ohuma ◽  
Leila Cheikh Ismail ◽  
Dina A. Qeshta ◽  

(1) Background: Fasting during Ramadan involves large changes in daily eating patterns which strongly impacts the daily biorhythm and challenges the regular function of the digestive tract. The aim of this study was to assess satiety, bowel habits, body composition, blood glycaemia, and blood lipidemia after the consumption of high fiber cereal at dawn (Sohor) during the month of Ramadan; (2) Methods: A two-arm randomized, controlled, single-blinded, parallel-design study was conducted in Ramadan month. Participants were randomized to consume either 90 g of high fiber cereal (11 g fiber/90 g) at Sohor for 20 consecutive days (intervention group, n = 45) or to maintain their habitual diet intake (control group; n = 36); (3) Results: The intervention group reported higher satiety rating scores, improved bowel habits and reduced bloating frequency after the 20-day intervention. Significantly higher intake of carbohydrates and dietary fiber were observed in the intervention group. Total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol were significantly lower among the intervention group compared to the control group (p-value = 0.043, and p-value = 0.033, respectively) at the end of the intervention. No significant differences in body weight, body fat percentage, waist circumference, body mass index, blood glucose, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides were observed between the two groups; (4) Conclusions: Consuming high fiber cereal had a positive effect on health and well-being during the month of Ramadan with better satiety, improved bowel functions, and improved blood lipids.

Md. Alauddin ◽  
Jahidul Islam ◽  
Hitoshi Shirakawa ◽  
Takuya Koseki ◽  
Ardiansyah ◽  

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