scholarly journals Zen Communist: Breyten Breytenbach’s view from underground

2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-27
Andrew Nash

In an interview after his release from prison, Breyten Breytenbach describes himself, at the time he became involved in underground politics, as a Zen Communist. He returns occasionally to this interaction of Marxist ideas of social revolution and Buddhist ideas of non-attachment, but never attempts to explain the resulting synthesis systematically. Indeed, for Breytenbach, being a Zen Communist is to resist systematic positions, to accept contradiction as a constant source of surprise and invention disruptive of all systematic thought. This paper examines how this interaction of Marxist and Buddhist ideas and practices has informed Breytenbach’s politics in three contexts: his initial exploration of a radical philosophy of history in his poetry (“Bruin reisbrief”, “Brown travel letter”); his role in the underground politics of Okhela in the 1970s; his reflections on politics and social change in his prison and prison-related writings. Key words: Zen communism, anti-apartheid movement, liberation, dialectic.

2014 ◽  
pp. 27
Daniel Rueda Garrido

<p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>RESUMEN</strong></p> <p>La obra novelística de Ramón Pérez de Ayala en su primera época (1907 – 1913) está construida según la ley de progreso histórico del ideal krausista. Ese   ideal supone la integración de las partes en el todo, es decir,  la asimilación sucesiva de los conjuntos humanos por el individuo en un proceso gradual de comprensión de sus características esenciales. El medio idóneo para esa comprensión universal es la educación estética,  que favorece la imaginación por la concordancia de la razón y los sentidos. El momento cumbre de ese progreso es un estado definido como armonía con todo lo existente, y esto se aprecia tanto en la filosofía krausista de la historia como en la biografía de Díaz de Guzmán.</p> <p><strong>PALABRAS CLAVE: </strong>Ramón Pérez de Ayala - progreso histórico - educación estética - ideal   krausista - tetralogía</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>The early novels of Ramón Pérez de Ayala (1907 – 1913) are designed to follow the law of historical progress related to the Krausist ideal. That ideal is understood as the integration of the parts, that is to say, the gradual assimilation and comprehension of the essential characteristics of the human groups. To comprehend this takes an aesthetic education, which reinforce and help develop the imagination through the collaboration of reason and senses. The top of this human progress is a state of harmony with every existing thing, and that can be seen in the Krausist Philosophy of History as well as in the biography of Díaz de Guzmán.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>KEY WORDS: </strong>Ramón Pérez de Ayala - historical progress - aesthetic education - Krausist  ideal - tetralogy</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 330-352
Gabriel Siracusa

O objetivo do trabalho é analisar como o Oriente figura nos escritos de Marx. Partimos das contribuições de Edward Said que identifica Marx como um autor orientalista, para averiguar em que medida o palestino acerta em seu diagnóstico. Said parte dos escritos de Marx de 1853 a respeito do colonialismo britânico na Índia e chega à conclusão que o alemão, assim como toda a intelligentsia europeia do século XIX, enxerga o Oriente como um local estático, bárbaro e violento, em oposição à Europa, onde se localizaria a civilização. Neste sentido, embora matizado pelas condenações de cunho moral das atrocidades cometidas pelos colonizadores britânicos, Marx observa as perspectivas futuras da colonização por um viés em última instância positivo. Influenciado por uma filosofia da história hegeliana, Marx entende que, se a revolução comunista é o estágio final da história, tanto melhor que os países periféricos sejam tragados para o progresso e para a história universal pelas metrópoles. Haveria, de fato, um sentido na história e o colonialismo colocaria nela povos até então “fixos”, estanques. Said, porém, se limita aos artigos sobre a Índia de 1853. Gostaríamos, neste trabalho, de explorar textos de Marx sobre a China do mesmo período, além dos escritos da segunda metade da década de 1850 sobre os dois países e comparar a análise marxiana a respeito da situação indiana e chinesa nestes dois momentos distintos. A partir daí, procuraremos responder se a hipótese saidiana de inclusão de Marx como autor orientalista se sustenta ou não.     Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to analyze how the East figures in Marx's writings. We start with the contributions of Edward Said who identifies Marx as an Orientalist author, to ascertain to what extent the Palestinian is correct in his diagnosis. Said departs from Marx's writings of 1853 on British colonialism in India, and he comes to the conclusion that the German, like the whole European intelligentsia of the nineteenth century, sees the Orient as a static, barbaric and violent place, as opposed to Europe, where the civilization would be located. In this sense, although tempered by the moral condemnations of the atrocities committed by the British settlers, Marx observes the future prospects of colonization by an ultimately positive bias. Influenced by a Hegelian philosophy of history, Marx understands that if communist revolution is the final stage of history, so much better that peripheral countries are swallowed up by progress and put into the universal history by metropolises. Indeed, there would be a meaning in history, and colonialism would place in it peoples that were previously "fixed", watertight. Said, however, is limited to the articles on India of 1853. We would like to explore Marx's texts about China from the same period, in addition to the writings of the second half of the 1850s on the two countries, and compare Marxian analysis about the Indian and Chinese situation in these two different moments. From there, we will try to answer if the saidian hypothesis of inclusion of Marx as orientalist author supports or not. Key words: Marx; Orientalism; Colonialism.     Recebido em: dezembro/2018. Aprovado em: maio/2019.


Povzetek V prispevku predstavljamo ugotovitve, ki izhajajo iz proučevanja slovenskih domoljubnih in veteranskih organizacij. Na tej podlagi razpravljamo o značilnostih funkcionalnega in socialnega imperativa. Pri tem obravnavamo devet organizacij, ki so povezane v posebno koordinacijo. Veteranstvo na Slovenskem ima več kot 140-letno tradicijo in posebno razvojno pot vse do obdobja po osamosvojitvi Slovenije pred četrt stoletja. Slovenski primer tako vključuje domoljubne in veteranske organizacije, povezane z veterani prve in druge svetovne vojne ter osamosvojitvenega obdobja 1990–1991, pa tudi generacije, povezane z mednarodnimi operacijami in misijami, v katerih slovenski vojaki in policisti sodelujejo zadnjih dvajset let. Slovenija ima sodoben in tudi zelo liberalen pristop k organizaciji ter delovanju domoljubnih in veteranskih društev in zvez, ki jih financira prek obrambnega ministrstva, izjema so organizacije vojnih in civilnih invalidov vojn, ki jih financira pristojno ministrstvo za socialne zadeve. Dve slovenski posebnosti sta povezani z vprašanjem, kako in kdo ščiti vrednote, ki jih zastopajo in ohranjajo domoljubne in veteranske organizacije, ter kako te dejavnosti lahko prispevajo k spravi zaradi dejanj, ki so med nacistično in fašistično okupacijo ter družbeno revolucijo najbolj razklale in razdelile številne generacije Slovencev, takrat in pozneje. Ugotovitve kažejo, da tranzicijsko obdobje teh zadev v Sloveniji še ni končano. Ključne besede domoljubne in veteranske organizacije, društva, Koordinacija domoljubnih in veteranskih organizacij Slovenije, vojni veterani, zaščita vojnih veteranov. Abstract The paper presents the findings from the study of Slovenian patriot and veteran organizations (PVO). On the basis of this, we discuss the characteristics of the functional and social imperative. In this respect, nine different PVOs are discussed, which are linked through a special coordination. Veteran activities on Slovenian soil have had an over 140-year old tradition and a special development path up to the period after Slovenia gained independence a quarter of a century ago. Slovenian example includes PVOs related to 1st and 2nd World War veterans, veterans of the 1990 through 1991 independence period as well as the generations associated with international operations and missions, which have included Slovenian soldiers and police officers for the last twenty years. Slovenia has a modern, but also a very liberal approach to the organization and functioning of patriot and veteran societies and associations, which are financed by the Ministry of Defence, with the exception of military and civilian war-disabled organizations, funded by the Ministry responsible for social affairs. Two Slovenian particularities are linked to the question of how and who is protecting the values represented and cherished by PVOs, and how their activities can contribute to the reconciliation with respect to the offenses which during the time of Nazi-Fascist occupation and social revolution divided the then and many subsequent generations of Slovenians. According o the findings, the transition period with regard to these matters in Slovenia is not yet complete. Key words: Patriot and veteran organizations, societies, coordination of patriot and veteran organizations of Slovenia, war veterans, protection of war veterans.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-59
Padam Raj Pant

Complete disappearances of prolapse after the removal of the self made vaginal vaginal devices, made out of sand, jute and fruit seed residue worn for 17-30 years is presented here which speaks of uterovaginal prolapse as gynecological morbidity. Key words: Gynecological morbidity and uterine prolapse.   doi:10.3126/njog.v3i1.1444 NJOG 2008 May-June; 3(1): 58 - 59

1969 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 457-467 ◽  
Nicholas S. Hopkins

An ideological orientation on the part of a government is an important impetus to social change in many of the countries of the under-developed world. As Clifford Geertz has pointed out, an ideology is a model for the ideal arrangement of all aspects of life, and the active propagation of such a view of the world by those in positions of power and authority in a society is bound to have an effect on the normal processes of social change.1 In so far as this model is successfully turned into an effective programme for directed social change, we may observe the exciting spectacle of a people carrying out changes which they are convinced are necessary, and modernising themselves in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and progress. This process usually amounts to a social revolution. But there are many pitfalls, and it is easy for proposed programmes of social change to get bogged down in the intricate networks of political relations between leaders and people, or to founder on hard economic realities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-94
Margaret Fafa Nutsukpo

Feminism developed out of the discontents of women in the West. Although African women, over the ages, have always been sensitive to all forms of discrimination within the African society, the emergence of feminism and feminist consciousness-raising awakened in them a new awareness of their oppression through the inequalities in society, reinforced by patriarchal tradition and culture. Many African women have aligned themselves with feminism and the feminist cause and, despite all odds have made remarkable progress in their lives and society and gained respectable acceptance and recognition from even the most stubborn reluctance of male domination. This trend has been captured by African women writers in their literary works which reflect the progress African women have made in transitioning from the margin to the centre and their contributions to social change. Key Words: Feminism, Africa, patriarchy, African women, consciousness-raising, change

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-35 ◽  
Klaus Rasborg

Ikke kun i klassisk, men også i moderne sociologi spiller begrebet om ”individualisering” en helt central rolle. I nyere sociologi har ikke mindst Ziehe, Beck, Giddens og Bauman gjort individualiseringsbegrebet til et nøglebegreb i deres teorier om sen-, refleksiv og flydende modernitet. Individualiseringssociologiens betoning af frisættelse, valg og social forandring udfordres imidlertid af differentierings- og magtsociologien (Bourdieu, Dean, Rose m.fl.), der i højere grad betoner klasser, magt og social reproduktion. I artiklen søges skismaet mellem forandring og social reproduktion ”overvundet” i form af et forsøg på at tænke individualiseringens differentierede former i den refleksive modernitet. Antagelsen er således, at der – afhængigt af besiddelsen af økonomisk, social og kulturel kapital – er forskel på refleksiv moderne menneskers evne til at håndtere individualiseringens krav, hvilket – med fokus på unge – illustreres med en række empiriske eksempler. Afslutningsvis peges der på muligheden af en teoretisk integration af fundamentale indsigter i såvel individualiserings- som differentieringssociologien. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Klaus Rasborg: Individualization and Social Differentiation in Reflexive Modernity The concept of ”individualization” plays a central role in both classic and modern sociology. In modern sociology writers such as Ziehe, Beck, Giddens and Bauman made the concept of individualization a key concept in their theories of ”late”, ”reflexive” and ”liquid modernity”. However, the emphasis which the sociology of individualization puts on ”liberation”, choice and social change is challenged by the sociology of differentiation and power (Bourdieu, Dean, Rose and others) with its greater emphasis on class, power and social reproduction. This article seeks to ”overcome” this schism between social change and social reproduction in the form of an attempt to think the differentiated forms of individualization in reflexive modernity. The assumption is that there is a differentiation in reflexive modern people’s ability to deal with the requirements of individualization, depending on their possession of economic, social and cultural capital. This is argued by means of a theoretical ”reconstruction” of the insights and deficiencies of the sociology of individualization, and demonstrated – with a focus on young people – by a number of empirical examples. In conclusion, the article discusses the possibility of a theoretical integration of the fundamental insights of both the sociology of individualization and the sociology of differentiation. Key words: Individualization, social differentiation, young people, risk, reflexive habitus.

2005 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
Christian Hamm

São muitas e, até hoje, muito controvertidas as opiniões referentes à função e ao lugar sistemático da filosofia da história de Kant no todo do seu projeto crítico-transcendental; nem há consenso quanto à importância ou relevância filosófica dos diversos escritos em que Kant aborda e defende os seus teoremas histórico- políticos. – No presente trabalho, pretende-se interpretar a “doutrina” histórico-filosófica kantiana – não obstante o seu caráter fragmentário e até aparentemente nem sempre coerente – na perspectiva da sua possível homogeneidade e compatibilidade com os elementos centrais da própria teoria-base transcendental. Isso significa, antes de mais nada, ler os respectivos teoremas não como resultados de um raciocínio dogmático baseado num saber do processo histórico, mas como um conjunto de teses e postulados baseados no mero suposto subjetivo-racional de um progresso, ou seja, na idéia não só da possibilidade mas da necessidade (subjetiva) da razão de implantar princípios racionais na história. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Kant. Filosofia transcendental. Sistema. Filosofia da história. ABSTRACT There are many different and controversial opinions about the function and the systematic place of Kant’s philosophy of history in the context of his critical-transcendental project on the whole, as well as about the philosophic relevance of his historical-political writings. – This paper aims to interpret Kant’s historical-philosophical “doctrine” – in despite of its fragmentary character and of some apparent incoherences – in the horizon of its possible homogeneity and compatibility with the central elements of the basic transcendental theory. That means, above all: read the theorems in question not as results of a dogmatic thought based on the knowledge of historical processes, but as a set of thesis and postulates based on the mere subjective- rational supposition of progress, that is, on the idea that it is not only possible, but a (subjective) need of reason to implant rational principles in history. KEY WORDS – Kant. Transcendental philosophy. System. Philosophy of history.

2009 ◽  
pp. 63-79
Fiorenzo Parziale ◽  
Ivano Scotti

- Groups In this paper the social evaluation of occupations is analyzed, examining the social class and occupational group of valuers. The hypothesis is that the evaluation of occupations is the consequence of a mediation between the sociocultural system and the lived working experience.Key words: Social stratification, Social class, Social evaluation, Job situation, Social perception, Social change

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