scholarly journals Improving Vocational Teachers’ Innovativeness Through Personality and Transformational Leadership Development

Muthahharah Thahir ◽  
Aan Komariah ◽  
Cucun Sunaengsih ◽  
Ima Rahmawati

The success of a vocational school in achieving its goals is greatly determined by how innovative the school members, which include teachers as frontliners in educational quality, are.  Innovativeness does not emerge and develop in vacuum.  It is closely related to other factors such as personality and transformational leadership.  238 private vocational high school teachers in Bogor City were selected as sample in the present study, which implemented quantitative approach using survey method.Based on the findings, it was concluded that: (1) there was a positive correlation between personality and innovativeness, with coefficient of correlation (ry1) of 0.318  and coefficient of determination (ry12) of 10.14% through regression equation Ŷ = 47.669 + 0.597X1,  (2)  there was a positive correlation between transformational leadership and innovativeness, with coefficient of correlation (ry2) of 0.261 and coefficient of determination (ry22) of 6.83%  through regression equation Ŷ = 84.113 + 0.207X2,and (3) there was a positive correlation between personality and transformational leadership variables, collectively, and innovativeness variable, with coefficient of correlation (ry12) of 0.379  and coefficient of determination (ry122) of 14.37% through regression equation Ŷ = 33.492 + 0.165X1 + 0.524X2.  Teachers’ innovativeness can be improved through personality development.  The roles of headmasters’ transformational leadership will modify teachers’ behavior, allowing the latter to work more than what is expected and to improve their performance.  It is a form of teachers’ empowerment to develop skills and trusts, and to create a better school culture that encourage innovativeness and creativity development.  In other words, personality and transformational leadership development can improve teachers’ innovativeness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-151
Haris Rizky Pratama ◽  
Widodo Sunaryo ◽  
Nancy Yusnita

This study aims to determine the Correlation between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture with Organizational Commitment at Minhaj Shahabah Islamic Boarding School Bogor. This study was conducted at Pesantren Minhaj Shahabah Bogor in 2020 and it used survey method with the correlation approach. This study population was 146 employees and the number of sample was 107 employees by proportionate random sampling technique. The collected research data will be analysed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics is used for testing the hypotheses using regression analysis technique, simple correlation and multiple correlation. The results show that 1) there is a positive highly significant correlation berween transformational leadership with organizational commitment with coefficient of correlation (ry.1) is 0,989, coefficient of determination (ry.1)² is 0,978, and supported by regression equation of Ŷ = 14,150 + 0,853 X1, 2) there is a is a positive highly significant correlation between organizational culture with organizational commitment, with coefficient of correlation (ry.2) is 0,993, coefficient of determination (ry.2)² is 0,986, and supported by regression equation Ŷ = 5,992 + 0,932 X2, and 3) there is a positive highly significant correlation between transformational leadership and organizational culture and organizational commitment with coefficient of correlation (ry.1.2) is 0,994 and coefficient of determination (ry.1.2)²  is 0,988 and supported by regression equation Ŷ = 7,698 + 0,260X1 + 0,651X2. Therefore, it can be concluded that organizational commitment can be enhanced through transformational leadership and organizational culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-196
Ismail Akbar ◽  
Enok Maryani ◽  
Epon Ningrum

This research aims to see how to learn geography, how students' disaster preparedness are, and how the contribution of geography learning to disaster preparedness of students in Public Senior High School in Kendari. By using quantitative approach, the data were collected through observation and questionnaires in 5 schools in Kendari which were distributed to 150 students and 10 teachers. The results of students' learning geography with several indicators are presented as follows; with learning variable, 12.5% is categorized as low, 46.5% moderate, 41% high; with preparedness variable, 25.5% is categorized as low, 49.5% medium, 25% high. There is a contribution of geography learning to disaster preparedness with the coefficient of determination R square (R2) of 39.4% while 60.6% is from other factors. Then, the influence of X on Y can be written in the form of a regression equation, namely (Y = 55.998 + 0.159 X). Based on the regression equation, it can be denied that geography learning has a positive correlation with disaster preparedness of students in Public Senior High School in Kendari

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Irfan Mujahid

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan antara variabel bebas kepemimpinan The objective of this researdh is to find out the correlation between Principal’s Managerial Leadership and Compensation as independent variables with Job Satisfaction as dependent variable, both individually and collectivelly. Among 119 vocational high school  teachers were surveyed and 77 respondent were selected as samples for the research. Normality, simple regression, multiple regression, simple correlation, multiple correlation, and partial correlation are several data analysis method that were used in this research.  The result of this research imply that: Firstly, a positive and significant corelation was found between Principal’s Managerial Leadership with Job Satisfaction and expressed in coefficient correlation correlation  ry1 = 0.0,319 (a = 0,05) and regression equation as Y=94,350 + 0,245X1 and  determination coefficient is  r2y1 = 0.101  Secondly, a positive and significant corelation was found between Compensation and Job Satisfaction can be found and  expressed in coefficient correlation ry2 = 0.314 and regression equation as Y = 98,752 +0,205X2 and determination coefficient is r2y2 = 0.099.  Thirdly, this research also found that there is a positive corelation between Principal’s Managerial Leadership and Compensation along with Job Satisfaction which is expressed in multiple  correlation of  ry12 = 0.319 and regression form of Y= 94,709 +0,219X1 + 0,023X2,  and determination coefficient is r2 = 0,319 . According to result of this research that improvement of teachers job satisfaction can be in creased by Principal’s Managerial Leadership interest and Compensation interest.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-39
Yasnimar Ilyas

This study aims to determine the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction with Commitment to the Organization. The sample chosen was 240 teachers, with the criteria of Private Junior High School Teachers in Bogor Regency. This study uses a Mixed Method Sequential Explanatory. The results of this study conclude that: a. There is a very significant positive relationship between Transformational Leadership and Commitment to the Organization as indicated by the correlation coefficient (ry1) = 0.505 and the coefficient of determination worth (ry1)2 = 0.255 which means Transformational Leadership contributes to 25.5% commitment to the organization. b. There is a very significant positive relationship between Job Satisfaction and Commitment to the Organization as indicated by the correlation coefficient (ry2) = 0.618 and the determination coefficient of (ry2)2 = 0.381 which means Job Satisfaction contributes to the Commitment to the Organization of 38.1%. c. There is a very significant positive relationship between Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction with Commitment to the Organization as indicated by the correlation coefficient (ry12) = 0.622 and the coefficient of determination (ry12)2 = 0.387 which means Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction contribute to the Commitment to the Organization as big as 38.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 698-706
Ade Melianah ◽  
Matin Matin ◽  
Heru Santosa

This research intends to observe how transformational leadership and interpersonal communication affect teachers’ performance at the State Vocational High School of East Jakarta II. Researchers use the survey to collect quantitative data and multiple regression. Using the Slovin technique and closed-questionnaire, the researcher got 78 teachers of 353 people to become the research sample. The hypothesis is obtained from the t-test and F-test. The result shows that transformational leadership and teachers’ performance have a positive and significant effect, which means that the principals’ roles substantially improve teachers’ performance. Interpersonal communication and teachers’ performance also have positive and significant effects. It means that communication between principal and teachers’ can have a significant impact on teachers’ performance. Transformational leadership and interpersonal communication have a positive and significant effect with a coefficient of determination of 0.205 or 20.5%, meaning that transformational leadership and interpersonal communication contribute to an increase in teacher performance of 20.5%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 2455
I Putu Dharmawan Pradhana ◽  
Putu Nova Kusuma Hendra

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, trust in leaders on employee engagement at PT.Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. The number of samples in this study were 75 employees with a simple random sampling method. Data collection used questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, F-test and test coefficient of determination. The results of the study show that there are positive and partial positive effects of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and trust in leaders in increasing employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. The results showed that the transformational leadership regression coefficient (X1) was 0.268 with a value that meant that each increase in transformational leadership variables could increase employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. Job satisfaction regression coefficient (X2) is equal to 0.303, which means that every increase in job satisfaction variables can increase employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. Regression coefficient value to leader (X3) is equal to 0.256, which means that every increase in the trust variable in the leader can increase employee engagement at PT. Bali Bijaksana Nusa Dua – Bali. As  the results of the determination coefficient of 0.657, its means that 65.7% can explain the model or influence of each variable on work engagement, while the rest (100% -65.7% = 34,3%) is explained by other reasons outside research model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Raden Sudarwo ◽  
Yusuf Yusuf ◽  
Anfas Anfas

This study aims to determine the influence of learning facilities and student learning motivation towards the independence of student learning. The result of the research shows that there is positive and significant influence of learning tool (X1) on learning independence (Y). It is obtained by tvalue (2,159) with p = 0,034 <0,05 and ttable at 5% significant level with df = 78 equal to 1,991. There is a positive and significant influence of learning motivation (X2) on learning independence (Y). It is obtained tvalue (7,858) with p = 0,000 <0,05 and ttable at 5% significant level with df = 78 equal to 1,991. There is a positive and significant influence of learning facilities (X1) and learning motivation (X2) simultaneously to the independence of learning (Y). This shows the coefficient of double correlation RY (1,2) = 0,746 and R² = 0,557 and price Fvalue equal to 48,980 with p = 0,000 <0,05 and Ftable = 3,11 at 5% significant level. Coefficient value X1 = 0,186 and X2 = 0,647, constant number equal to 8,650 so that can be made regression equation Y = 8,650 + 0,186X1 + 0,647X2. The higher the learning means (X1) and the learning motivation (X2), the higher the learning independence (Y). Coefficient of Determination is R² of 0,557. Means 55,7% learning independence is explained by learning tools and learning motivation. Meanwhile, 44,3% is explained by other factors not discussed in this study. The study concludes that partially, learning facilities and student learning motivation has a positive and significant effect on student independence (self-sufficiency) in learning.  In addition, both learning facility and motivation have a positive and significant effect on student learning independence or sense of self-sufficiency. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fasilitas belajar dan motivasi belajar siswa terhadap kemandirian belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan sanara belajar (X1) terhadap kemandirian belajar (Y). Hal ini diperoleh dengan nilai thitung (2,159) dengan p = 0,034 <0,05 dan ttabel pada 5% tingkat signifikan dengan df = 78 sama dengan 1,991. Ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan motivasi belajar (X2) pada kemandirian belajar (Y). Diperoleh nilai thitung (7,858) dengan p = 0,000 <0,05 dan ttabel pada taraf signifikan 5% dengan df = 78 sebesar 1,991. Ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan dari fasilitas belajar (X1) dan motivasi belajar (X2) secara bersamaan terhadap kemandirian belajar (Y). Hal ini menunjukkan koefisien korelasi ganda RY (1,2) = 0,746 dan R² = 0,557 dan harga Fhitung sebesar 48,980 dengan p = 0,000 <0,05 dan Ftabel = 3,11 pada taraf signifikan 5%. Nilai koefisien X1 = 0,186 dan X2 = 0,647, bilangan konstan sebesar 8,650 sehingga dapat dibuat persamaan regresi Y = 8,650 + 0,186X1 + 0,647X2. Semakin tinggi nilai sarana belajar (X1) dan motivasi belajar (X2), semakin tinggi kemandirian belajar (Y). Koefisien Determinasi adalah R² 0,557. Berarti 55,7% kemandirian belajar dijelaskan oleh alat belajar dan motivasi belajar. Sementara itu, 44,3% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa secara parsial, baik ketersediaan sarana prasaran belajar dan motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada kemandirian mahasiswa, dari dari kedua variable tersebut motivasi mempunyai pengaruh lebih besar. Secara simultan ketersediaan sarana prasarana dalam belajar dan pembelajaran, serta motivasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kemandirian belajar.

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