scholarly journals Local Government and Prosecutor’s Office: Problems of Legislative Regulation

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 172-177
Alexander Anatol'evich Uvarov

On the basis of the analysis of legislation and juridical practice the article deals with the issues of optimization of the legal basis of interaction between local authorities and the prosecutor’s office. The purpose of this study is to solve the problems of legal regulation in the field of: implementation of prosecutorial supervision of law-making and other activities of local governments, cooperation of prosecutors and local authorities, assistance and assistance of prosecutors to local governments. The author examines the constitutional principles governing the activities of bodies of curator and local governments, their combination in areas of joint activity. At the same time it is concluded that the implementation of these principles is aimed, on the one hand, at the solution of state tasks to strengthen the rule of law, protection of human rights and freedoms and, on the other, - to expand the freedom and independence of local self-government. The article describes and classifies the forms of interaction between the prosecutor’s office and local authorities. Using the methods of scientific research (systematic, comparative legal, modeling, formal legal, etc.), the author comes to the conclusions about the insufficiency of the existing legal mechanism to optimize their joint activities on the issues of law-making and law enforcement, the need to supplement the current legislation with local forms of interaction initiated on the ground. The practical purpose of these and other conclusions is that they can be used in the preparation of relevant changes and additions to the federal legislation, as well as for educational purposes and practical work of the prosecutor’s office and local authorities.

Jus Cogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Franco Peirone

Abstract There is a perennial ambiguity in the rule-of-law preposition: it predicates that the law shall rule, but which law? This legal loophole has led to a diverse array of interpretations of the concept. Of these, two appear particularly adverse to what the rule of law should primarily be—the rulership of the law—yet still remain dominant. On the one hand, the rule of law is intended to be the vehicle to deliver above-the-law goods such as human rights or other individual entitlements like property, and to forever shield them against any other force, including the law. On the other hand, the rule of law is believed to be a tool at the rulers’ disposal, who make use of the law but are not bound by it, for either legal or practical reasons. In both cases, a pre-legal setting for society allocates rulership to something but not the law, against the very essence of the ideal: an authoritative legal practice for the sake of regulating the present society. As such, the rule of law has to meet certain requirements of craftsmanship, like conditions in law-making and law-enforcement, and sources, which are to be democratically underpinned.

Omer Tene

Israel is a democracy committed to the protection of human rights while at the same time trying to contain uniquely difficult national security concerns. One area where this tension is manifest is government access to communications data. On the one hand, subscriber privacy is a constitutional right protected by legislation and Supreme Court jurisprudence; on the other hand, communications data are a powerful tool in the hands of national security and law enforcement agencies. This chapter examines Israel’s attempt to balance these competing interests by empowering national security agencies while at the same time creating mechanisms of accountability. In particular, Israel utilizes the special independent status of the attorney general as a check on government power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 84-100

The article is devoted to the study of the concept of legal effectiveness in the context of the goals and purpose of law in general and separately in the private law relations. Since the law is a complex social phenomenon, the author paid special attention to the issues of refraction of normative tasks through the prism of judicial discretion. Law enforcement practice, on the one hand, shows the viability of a particular norm and its compliance with the current level of development of civil society, however, it can also distort the spirit of the law, which will not allow achieving the necessary legal result. Judicial discretion regarding the interpretation of certain legal elements and in assessing the behavior of participants in legal relations can lead to the transformation of legal relations, which does not allow to realize the goals set by the subjects. It is noted that the regulation of the limits of judicial discretion would help to ensure effective legal regulation. Assessing the behavior of participants due to the lack of mechanisms for proving the actual intentions of the parties is difficult for most countries of the continental legal system; therefore, a formal approach prevails and qualifies the will of the parties recorded exclusively in writing.

Sergii Gryshko ◽  

The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the conditionality of organizational and economic mechanisms of coordination of interests of the state and territorial communities by the legal mechanism. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches to the concept and classification of mechanisms of public administration in general, the author proposes to ensure the coordination of the interests of the state and territorial communitiesin Ukraine through legal, organizational and economic mechanisms. The scientific publication reveals the content of the legal mechanism for reconciling the interests of the state and territorial communities through such elements as forms and methods of legal regulation. Among the forms of legal regulation of coordination of interests of the state and territorial communities in Ukraine, attention is focused on the Constitution of Ukraine, international acts ratified by the Parliament of Ukraine, competent, general, and sectoral laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and regulations of central and local executive bodies, local self- government bodies, the subject of regulation of which is the status of local state administrations and local self-government bodies, as well as the nature of relations between them. The methods of legal regulation include and characterize the permits, instructions, and prohibitions established for legislative acts, established for local state administrations and local self-government bodies. Taking into account the analysis of forms and methods of legal regulation of coordination of interests of the state and territorial communities in Ukraine, it is set that due to them the organizational and economic mechanisms of coordination of interests arise and are realized. In particular, with regard to the organizational mechanism, the legal mechanism creates such organizational elements as organizational entities, which are local state administrations, local governments, advisory, consultative and other bodies, as well as organizational actions, in particular, conciliation procedures, and for economic determines economic resources such as the order of formation and amounts of budget funds, objects ofstate and communal property rights.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 113-116
Victor Sevryugin

Introduction. A.A. Gaidukov prepared a monographic study of the administrative and legal regulation of the police in the field of family relations – the dissertation “Administrative and legal regulation of the police in the prevention and suppression of offenses in the field of family relations”, which he submitted for the degree of candidate of legal sciences in the specialty 12.00.14 – administrative law; administrative process and successfully defended at a meeting of the dissertation council at Dostoevsky Omsk State University November 1, 2018. Results. The dissertation is independent completed scientific and qualification work, which contains a solution to an urgent scientific problem of important theoretical and practical importance for uki administrative law in general, and law-making, law enforcement, in particular.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-100
Nuryuli Nurdin ◽  
Baso Madiong ◽  
Yulia A. Hasan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelaksanaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) Makassar Dalam Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Pada Sistem Pidana Anak dan Kendala Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Pada Sistem Peradilan Anak. Penelitian merupakan penelitian normatif. Metode Pengumpulan Data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknis Analisis data ini merupakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Balai Pemasyarakatan kelas I Makassar sebagai salah satu penegak hukum khususnya dalam pembimbingan terhadap anak nakal menjalankan perannya tersebut melalui tiga tahap, yaitu tahap Pra ajudikasi, tahap ajudikasi dan tahap Post ajudikasi. Faktor kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) antara lain kelemahan aturan hukum yang berlaku terhadap tindak pidana anak, kurangnya koordinasi diantara sesama aparat penegak hukum, rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia di BAPAS, and kurang Sarana dan Prasarana yang memadai. Mengakibatkan pelaksaan Fungsi Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) kurang optimal, dan alokasi anggaran dana yang sangat minim. This study aims to determine the implementation of the function of Makassar Correctional Center (BAPAS) in the Protection of Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System of Children and the Obstacles of the Correctional Center in the Protection of Human Rights in the Justice System of Children. This research is normative research. Data collection methods were through interviews and documentation. Technical analysis of the data is a qualitative analysis. The results showed that Correctional Center Class I Makassar as one of the law enforcers, especially in guiding delinquents carried out their roles in three stages, which are the Pre-adjudication stage, the adjudication stage and the Post-adjudication stage. Obstacles faced in the implementation of the function of Correctional Center (BAPAS) are weaknesses in the rule of law that applies to the crimes of children, lack of coordination among law enforcement officials, low quality of human resources at BAPAS, and lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure. As a result, the implementation of the function of Correctional Center (BAPAS) is not optimal, and the budget allocation for funds is very minimal.

Svitlana Hretsa

The article highlights the legal aspects of using the tax lien as a means to ensure the constitutional obligation to pay taxes andfees. The focus is on the importance of proper implementation of constitutional obligations for the protection of human rights and theperformance of state functions. An important place for tax liability in the system of constitutional obligations has been identified. Themain ways of ensuring the fulfillment of the tax obligation have been revealed and the key role of such a way as tax lien has beenemphasized. The concept of tax lien is defined and the history of formation of this institution in the legislation of Ukraine is revealed.The grounds for the emergence of the right of tax lien, the peculiarities of its documentation (registration) is presented. The status andpowers of the tax manager about the description of the property in the tax lien, checks of its condition, etc. are determined. The articledescribes the legal consequences of non-compliance with the legal requirements of the tax manager, in particular the suspension in courtof expenditure transactions on bank accounts, and in some cases - the use of administrative seizure of property. The author disclosesthe legal regime of property that is in tax lien, the scope of taxpayers’ rights to use it, the content of legislative restrictions on the possibilityof disposing of such property, the procedure for coordinating transactions with mortgage assets. The legal grounds for terminationof the right of tax lien are indicated. The legal mechanism of realization of the right of the tax pledge, the order and sequence ofthe address of collecting on the pledged property is described. The author revealed the shortcomings of the legislation, in particular thelong nature of the recovery in court. Proposals have been made to improve the legal regulation of the tax lien to increase the effectivenessof this instrument to ensure proper implementation of the constitutional obligation to pay taxes. In particular, it is proposed to providethe possibility of extrajudicial recovery of property that is in tax lien when the taxpayer has given written consent.

Tetiana Tarakhonych

The article describes the scientific approaches to understanding of the doctrine, the legal doctrine, and the legal regulation doctrine. The article states that the public relations’ reformation, the current needs of legal practice require fundamentally new approaches to legal doctrine not only as one of the sources of law, but also as an important component of the process of law-making, law enforcement and legal interpretation. The research focuses on the fact that the legal doctrine in general and the doctrine of legal regulation in particular belongs to a key position both in the general and theoretical legal science and in the science of industry direction. It is emphasized that theorists of law analyze the legal doctrine due to the application of the methodological potential of philosophy and theory of law through the prism of the interaction of legal doctrine and the doctrine of legal regulation. The author provides the definition of the legal regulation’s doctrine as a component of legal doctrine based on previous knowledge and is the result of fundamental scientific research, a set of scientific ideas, views, concepts, theories recognized by the scientific community, that can be applied in law-making, law-enforcement and legal interpretation activities. The important attention is paid to the peculiarities of the legal regulation’s doctrine. It is aimed at a certain object of knowledge; is a certain set of ideas, views, principles of scientific knowledge, concepts, theories, etc.; requires a set of generalizations; is formed under the influence of needs and social interests; has a communicative, informational orientation; is in close cooperation with law-making, law-enforcement and legal interpretation activities; has a certain structure, cognitive and strong-willed components, is formed in society and the state by generalization of scientific knowledge, etc. The research defines the factors that influence the formation and development of the doctrine of legal regulation. They are divided into factors of both objective and subjective nature. The particular attention is paid to the main functions of the doctrine of legal regulation, namely: cognitive, informational, prognostic, communication, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 56-60
Mikhail M. Stepanov ◽  

s a result of the constitutional reform of 2020, the mention that local self-government bodies can independently protect public order was deleted from part 1 of article 132 of the 1993 Constitution of Russia. Nevertheless, they are still involved in the exercise of the law enforcement function of the State. The activities of local governments in this area can be improved, including on the basis of domestic historical experience. In this regard, the process of creating councils as local authorities, and the peculiarities of their participation in the construction of the militia in the years of Civil War (1918–1920), is of significant interest. As a result of the study, it was concluded that from the moment of the establishment of Soviet power until the end of the active phase of the Civil War, the organization of local councils and militia, as well as their relations, underwent significant changes. The workers’ militia was independently created and maintained by local councils, as bodies of direct democracy of workers. In the future, the role of their executive committees increased significantly, which received significant powers in relation to the militia. In the conditions of the Civil War, the Soviet state was strengthened and the workers' and peasants' militia was centralized. The ability of local authorities to influence its organization and activities has been limited. During this time, the Soviet police turned from mass amateur organizations of workers created by local councils into a state paramilitary law enforcement body.

Yu. V. Onosov ◽  

The paper discusses general regularities affecting the discretion in law enforcement and law-making practice in the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family. Factor analysis provides a detailed description of the most important laws related to the exercise of discretion in the law enforcement and law-making practice of the states of the specified legal family. In particular, the author draws attention to the dual nature of judicial rulemaking, the pronounced codified nature of legislation, the leading role of a normative legal act in the system of law sources, the presence of explicit conceptuality and doctrinality, and other essential factors. In comparison with the system of common law, the continental legal family is characterized by the significant influence of the works of legal scholars and the expressed and intense perception of legal doctrines and theories. The author notes that the array of acts of interpretation significantly influences the uniformity of judicial practice in the continental legal system since this is a way to give flexibility to the legal regulation of public relations. Besides, the codifiers use a large number of scientifically based general provisions to formulate prescriptions, which are the main focus. The paper considers the fact that in the Romano-Germanic legal family, the lawyers regard as unacceptable the situation when the will of the judicial authorities determines the decisions made by the legislator since a traditionary one is a situation when the judicial authorities implement the will of the legislator. The author concludes that the rule of law is a consistent principle of the continental legal system. The paper states that scientific development should pay particular emphasis to the problems of law enforcement discretion. Thus, judicial discretion in law is most typical for the legal systems of the Anglo-Saxon legal family, and administrative discretion (the discretion of administrative jurisdiction) – for the Romano-Germanic legal family. The legal system developed in a particular state determines the general and specific regularities of exercising discretion in law practice.

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