scholarly journals Performa Pertumbuhan Ayam IPB-D1 pada Perlakuan Pakan dan Manajemen Pemeliharaan yang Berbeda

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Fikri Al Habib ◽  
Sri Murtini ◽  
Luci Cyrilla ◽  
Irma Isnafia Arief ◽  
Rita Mutia ◽  

ABSTRAK. Pelepasan ayam IPB-D1 sebagai rumpun baru yang disebar di masyarakat maka sistem pemeliharaannya secara umum bersifat ekstensif dan pakan yang diberikan memanfaatkan pakan lokal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa ayam IPB-D1 dengan perlakuan pemeliharaan P1 (sistem kandang Closed House dan penggunaan 100% pakan komersil) serta perlakuan P2 (sistem kandang umbaran dan pencampuran pakan lokal hingga 70%). Penelitian ini menggunakan ayam IPB-D1 berjumlah 503 ekor DOC yang dipelihara hingga umur 12 minggu. Performa ayam diukur berdasarkan bobot badan, laju pertumbuhan, konsumsi pakan, konversi pakan serta tingkat kematian ayam pada umur DOC-12 minggu. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menyajikan rataan, simpangan baku, koefisien keragaman dan analisis statistik menggunakan uji T. Hasil penelitian performa ayam IPB-D1 pada perlakuan P1 diperoleh bobot badan jantan 1378.26±94.56 g dan betina 1178.33±119.33 g, sedangkan pada perlakuan P2 diperoleh bobot badan jantan 1173.8±260.1 g dan betina 957±201.7 g. Laju pertumbuhan pada kedua perlakuan bersifat positif, serta konversi pakan pada perlakuan P1 (2.88) dan P2 (3.44) cukup baik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah ayam IPB-D1 diperoleh performa yang sangat baik pada perlakuan P1 dan mampu beradaptasi pada perlakuan kandang sistem umbaran serta mampu memanfaatkan campuran pakan lokal yang baik pada perlakuan P2.  (The growth performance of IPB-D1 chickens in different feed treatments and production systems) ABSTRACT. The release of the IPB-D1 chicken as a new breed that is spread in the community, the production system is generally extensive and the feed provided utilizes local feed. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of IPB-D1 chicken with production treatment P1 (Closed House cage and use of 100% commercial feed) and P2 treatment (outdoor cage and use local feed mixing up to 70%). This study used 503 DOC IPB-D1 chickens which were maintained until 12 weeks of age. Chicken performance was measured based on body weight, growth rate, feed consumption, feed conversion and chicken mortality at 1-12 weeks. Data were statistically analyzed using the T test and descriptive analysis with means, standard deviations, and coefficient of diversity. The results of the study of the performance of IPB-D1 chickens in P1 treatment obtained male body weights 1378.26 ± 94.56 g and females 1178.33 ± 119.33 g, while in P2 treatment obtained male body weights 1173.8 ± 260.1 g and females 957 ± 201.7 g. Growth rates in both treatments were positive, and feed conversion was good in P1 treatments (2.88) and P2 treatments (3.44). The conclusion is that the IPB-D1 chicken obtained a very good performance in the P1 treatment and was able to adapt to the treatment of outdoor cages and was able to utilize the local feed mixture in the P2 treatment.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Zaenal Abidin ◽  
Muhammad Junaidi ◽  
Paryono . ◽  
Nunik Cokrowati ◽  
Salnida Yuniarti

<p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>Fish meal, corn, and rice bran are feed ingredient which easily obtained. Different of quality and amount of each ingredients in fish feed result a various respons on fish.  </em><em>The ai</em><em>m of this study were </em><em>to determine respon of growth and feed consumption of walking cat fish (Clarias sp.) which fed feed made of fish meal, rice bran, and corn. The e</em><em>xperimental diets containing fish meal, corn </em><em>meal, and rice bran meal, respectively A. 70;10:19,5.; B. 60;25;14,5 C=60,19,75:19,75; D=60:9,5:30, and the other diets, E and F, were commersial diets. Daily growth rate, feed consumption, feed eficiency, and feed conversion ratio showed significant differences </em><em>(p&gt;0,05) among the treatments. In general, feed consumption rate, daily growth rate, feed efficiency, and feed conversion rate were best obtained on commercial feed, while feed made from local ingredients showed lower performance than commercial feed. The low quality of feed local ingredients were caused by used low quality of local ingredients which caused the level minimum of fibre and ash were high in 17,9% and 23,5%, respectively. The utilization of Local fish meal 60-70%, corn meal 9,5-19,75%, and rice bran meal 14,5-30% in fish diet did not result better growth performance than commercial diet, however the best formulation for local ingredients of fish meal, corn meal, rice bran meal were 60%; 19,75%; 19,75% and 60%; 9,5%;30 % respectively </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em> : Corn </em><em>meal; diets; feed consumption; </em><em>fish meal; growth; </em><em>rice bran; </em><em>walking catfish (Clarias sp.</em>)</p><p><strong>Abstrak.  </strong>Tepung ikan, jagung dan dedak padi adalah merupakan bahan baku yang mudah diperoleh dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pakan ikan, meskipun demikian perbedaan kualitas setiap jenis bahan baku dan jumlah pengggunaan setiap bahan baku dalam pakan dapat menghasilkan respon yang berbeda terhadap ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan konsumsi pakan ikan lele (<em>Clarias</em> sp.) yang diberikan pakan berbahan tepung ikan, tepung dedak padi, dan tepung jagung. Pakan uji yang dicobakan adalah pakan dengan komposisi tepung ikan: tepung jagung, dan: tepung dedak yang berbeda yaitu masing-masing A=70:10:19,5; B=60:25:14,5; C=60:19,75:19,75; D=60:9,5:30, serta dua pakan komersial yaitu E dan F Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan dengan komposisi bahan baku yang berbeda berpengaruh (<em>p&lt;0,05</em>) terhadap laju pertumbuhan harian, tingkat konsumsi pakan, efisiensi pakan dan rasio konversi pakan. Tingkat konsumsi pakan, laju pertumbuhan harian, efisiensi pakan dan rasio konversi pakan yang terbaik diperoleh pada pakan komersial sedangkan pakan yang berbahan baku lokal menunjukkan tampilan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan pakan komersial. Rendahnya kualitas pakan berbahan baku lokal diduga disebabkan oleh bahan baku lokal  yang digunakan memiliki kualitas yang rendah sehingga menghasilkan pakan dengan kandungan serat kasar dan abu yang tinggi masing-masing minimal 17,9% dan 23,5%. Penggunaan bahan baku local yaitu tepung ikan 60-70%, tepung jagung 9,5-19,75% dan dedak 14,5 – 30% belum dapat menghasilkan tampilan pertumbuhan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pakan komersial, meskipun demikian formulasi terbaik  pakan berbahan baku lokal diperolah pada komposisi tepung ikan; jagung; dedak adalah 60%; 19,75%; 19,75% dan 60%; 9,5%;30 %.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>    : Ikan lele (<em>Clarias sp</em>.); konsumsi pakan; pakan; pertumbuhan; tepung dedak; tepung ikan; tepung jagung</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Eko Harianto ◽  
Eddy Supriyono ◽  
Tatag Budiardi ◽  
Ridwan Affandi ◽  
Yani Hadiroseyani

Aquaculture is is often constrained by the availability of water, both in quality and quantity. The aim of this study was to determine the optimum maintenance system of elver (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) on a wet, moist and dry system through production performance studies and physiological responses. The research was conducted from August to September 2018 at the Production Technic and Management of Aquaculture Laboratory, Department of Aquaculture, IPB University. A completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications was used in this study, namely treatment with high water wet system 0% of body height (A), high water wet system 50% of body height (B), high water wet system 100% of body height (C), moist system (D), and dry system (E). The body weight of elver was 18.80 ± 0.62 g which derived from fish cultivator in Bogor, West Java. Fish was fed 3 times per day at satiation with commercial feed which a protein content of 50%. Results showed that treatment C was the best result with survival rate of 100%, the specific growth rate of 0.45% day -1, the absolute growth rate of 0.07 g day 1 and feed conversion ratio of 6.57. The analysis of variance showed that the treatments showed the significant effect (P <0.05). The blood glucose value closest to the eel condition before treatment was found in the treatment C.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fadilla Anwar ◽  
Catur Sriherwanto ◽  
Etyn Yunita ◽  
Imam Suja’i

To reduce broiler production cost, a study was carried out on utilisation of alternative, less costly feed components, namely kepok banana peel and corn hominy which were mixed and fermented using the fungus Rhizopus oryzae. The fermented substrate was added into commercial feed in order to determine its influence on the poultry’s production performance. This study employed a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments: one using 100% pure commercial feed, and the other three commercial feed mixed with the fermented feed component at the levels of 5%, 10% and 15%. All treatments were repeated four times during 25 days growth period. The results showed that supplementation of the fermented ingredient in the broiler ration at the levels of 5%, 10%, or 15% had no significant effect (P>0,05) on the feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and the final body weight of the animals. Although mixing the fermented feed ingredient up to 15% in the commercial feed promoted the growth of the broilers, the results were not yet comparable to pure commercial feed.Keywords: Corn hominy, broiler, fermentation, kepok banana peel, Rhizopus oryzae AbstrakUntuk mengurangi biaya produksi ayam pedaging, dilakukan pengkajian penggunaan bahan penyusun pakan alternatif yang lebih murah, yaitu kulit pisang kepok dan ampok jagung yang dicampur dan difermentasi menggunakan jamur Rhizopus oryzae. Hasil fermentasi tersebut lalu ditambahkan pada pakan komersial ayam pedaging dengan tujuan mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap penampilan produksi ayam pedaging. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan, yaitu satu perlakuan 100% pakan komersial murni, dan tiga perlakuan pakan komersial yang dicampur bahan pakan hasil fermentasi tersebut dengan kadar 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Seluruh perlakukan diulang empat kali selama 25 hari masa pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan bahan pakan terfermentasi ke dalam ransum ayam pedaging pada kadar 5%, 10%, atau 15% tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, nilai koversi pakan, dan bobot badan akhir hewan. Meskipun penambahan bahan pakan fermentasi tersebut hingga 15% dalam pakan komersial mendukung pertumbuhan ayam pedaging, namun capaian pertumbuhannya belumlah sebaik pakan komersial.Kata kunci: Ampok jagung, ayam pedaging, fermentasi, kulit pisang kepok, Rhizopus oryzae

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 423 ◽  
D. Risdianto ◽  
N. Suthama ◽  
E. Suprijatna ◽  
S. Sunarso

This study was conducted to evaluate the combination of ginger and turmeric extracts added with Lactobacillus spp. (GTL) on body resistance and productivity of broilers. 576 broilers with an initial body weight of 36 ± 0.99 g were used and were observed for 35 days. GTL containing ginger extract (0.2 g/liter), turmeric extract (0.4 g/liter) and Lactobacillus spp. (2,997 x 107 cfu/ml), and was given since 1-day old. Parameters observed were bursa fabriscius, spleen, and thymus weights, gluthationine peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD), Lactobacillus spp., Coliform, and Eschericia coli, feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio (FCR). A completely randomized design (CRD) was assigned with 3x4 factorial pattern (3 types of feed, 4 levels of GTL), with 4 replications (12 birds each). First factor, types of feed (A): self-formulated feed (A1), combination of self-formulated and commercial feed with 50 portion each (A2) and commercial feed (A3). Second factor, levels of GTL (B): 0 ml (B0), 2 ml (B2), 4 ml (B4) and 6 ml (B6) per litre drinking water. Data were subjected to ANOVA and continued to Duncan test at 5% probability. Results indicated that self-formulated feed with inclusion of GTL at 4 ml (A1B4) improve body resistance and increase production performance of broilers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Irfan H. Djunaidi ◽  
Siti Azizah ◽  
Achadiah Rachmawati ◽  
Heni Setyo Prayogi

This experimental study aims to evaluate the use of Indigofera leaves that have undergone cocktail enzyme treatment in male Mojosari duck feed. The research treatment was using Indigofera leaves due to enzyme cocktail treatment on male Mojosari duck feed with four levels: 0, 5, 10 and 15% of total feed, with six replications (@ five ducks) using 120 ducks in a completely randomized design. The variables measured and observed in this study were the production performance of male ducks, which included feed consumption, body weight growth, feed conversion. The research results were processed by analysis of variance (ANCOVA) because the coefficient of variation in initial body weight was 17.7%. The results showed that the addition of Indigofera leaf meal to the feed of male Mojosari ducks tended to reduce feed consumption (P<0.01) and body weight gain (P<0.05) but did not increase the FCR value (P>0.05). Indigofera flour needs to be processed first with a cocktail enzyme treatment to improve its nutritional quality so that it can be used as feed for ducks in larger quantities. Male Mojosari ducks that are kept need to be harvested at more than seven weeks to get a higher harvest weight.

Elvis Monfung Ayim ◽  
Ettah Akpang Ivon ◽  
Raymond Odey Ajang ◽  
Akaninyene Paul Joseph

A comparative study on the growth performance of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed shrimp based diet (SBD), chicken offal based diet (COBD) and coppens feed was carried-out for 22 weeks in concrete tanks measuring 3.5 x 1.7 x 1.5 m3. Triplicate groups of 40 juveniles with average length of 9.15 ± 0.17cm and weight of 20.00 ± 2.58g were stored in each tank. A total of 360 juveniles were used throughout the study. Fish were fed daily at 3% of their body weight through-out the duration of the experiment. The nutrient composition of the 3 nutrients differed significantly at p<0.05. Weight gain (WG) (g) was highest (17189.33 ± 506.61g) in fish fed diet A (Coppens feed), followed by 15045.33±202.42 g (diet B) (SBD) and least (14357.33 ± 108.25 g) (diet C) (COBD). The Growth rate (GR) was highest in fish fed with diet A (111.62 ± 3.29 g/day), followed by 97.69±1.31 g/day (diet B), and least (93.23±0.70 g/day) in diet C. Specific growth rate (SGR) was highest in juveniles fed diet A (2.02 ± 0.02 %/day), followed by 1.94±0.01 %/day for diet B, and least (1.91±0.01 %/day) for diet C. Mean growth rate (MGR) was highest in juveniles fed diet A (11.88 ± 0.29 mg/day), followed by 11.74±0.15 mg/day for diet B, and least (11.69±0.09 mg/day) in fish fed diet C. The WG, GR and SGR varied significantly between the juvenile fish group fed the 3 diets at p<0.05, while MGR did not vary significantly between fish group fed the 3 diets at p>0.05. Fish fed diet A had a higher feed consumption (FC) (41650.00 ± 315.34 g/kg), than that fed diet B (39034.24 ± 86.34 g/kg) and then diet C (38276.00 ± 342.97 g/kg). Juveniles fed Coppens feed did better, with a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 2.42 ± 0.06, followed by 2.59±0.04 for diet B and 2.67 ± 0.03 for fish fed diet C. Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) was higher in fish fed diet A (41.26±0.94 %), followed by 38.54 ± 0.54 % (diet B) and least (37.52 ± 0.51 %) (diet C). The FC and FCR varied significantly between the fish fed the 3 diets at p<0.05, while FCE was not significantly different between the 3 treatment groups at p>0.05. The water parameters of the culture water varied significantly between each treatment groups (p<0.05), and were within the rage suitable for normal growth of fish. Though coppens feed yielded better growth performance and feed utilisation, the use of COBD and SBD is recommended for fish farmers in Nigeria. More researches should be carried out on using chicken offals and shrimps in fish feed formulation.

Choirun Nissa Ramadhani ◽  
Yuli Andriani ◽  
Ibnu Bangkit Bioshina Suryadi ◽  
Kiki Haetami

This research aims to determine the percentage of the addition of fermented lamtoro leaf on fish growth rate of gourami fingerlings. The test fish used was gourami that amounted to 320 tails with a length of 4-6 cm from Farming Development Gurame and Nilem – Singaparna, Tasikmalaya. The container used in this research was an aquarium with a total of 16 pieces with a size of 40 × 30 × 30 cm3. The density of gourami fingerlings during the research was 20 fish-tails/aquarium with long maintenance of 40 days. The feed given is 5% of the fish body biomass. The research was conducted on 8 November 2019 until 14 February 2020 at the Fisheries Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. This research used experimental method with Completely Random Design (CRD), which consists of four treatments and four times the repeated feeding of commercial feed (control), the leaf meal of lamtoro fermentation result 10%, 15%, and 20%. Based on the results of the research, fermentation of lamtoro leaves can improve nutrient content after fermentation, seen from the presence of increased protein content from 21.88% to 26.11% and decrease in crude fiber content from 46.33% to 20.85%. The addition of lamtoro leaf meal fermentation results up to 15% in commercial feed resulting in a daily growth rate of 1.90%, feed conversion ratio of 2.05 and the survival rate of 70%.

Rafi Satriawan ◽  
. Iskandar ◽  
B. S. Ibnu Bangkit ◽  
Walim Lili

This research aims to determine the application of different water currents in a round container that can provide the most optimal effect on the growth rate of giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) fingerlings. The method used in this research was an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of three treatments and four replicates The treatment was the use of aeration stone in a round container A (control), B (water current 0.1 m s-1 in a round container) and C (water current 0.1 m s-1 combined with a venturi in a round container). The fish size used in this research was 2-3 cm obtained from Gourami and Nilem Breeding Centre, Singaparna, West Java Province. Fish were kept in water gallons with a volume of 19 L. Each gallon contained 30 fish. The feeding rate was 5% from biomass. The feed was given three times daily. Every ten days the weight data were collected and used for adjusting the feeding rate. The water quality during the research (40 days) was observed every seven days while survival rate, absolute weight growth, daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency were observed every ten days. Based on the results of the research, the best reuslt was treatment C (water current of 0.1 m s-1 combined with venturi in a round container) had the highest survival rate (SR) of 58%, absolute weight growth (3.5 g), daily growth rate (1.69%), feed conversion ratio (2.01) and feed efficiency (50%).

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (11) ◽  
pp. 2250 ◽  
S. Y. Liu ◽  
P. H. Selle

Digestive dynamics of starch and protein is defined as digestion of starch and protein, absorption of glucose and amino acids from the gut lumen and their transition across enterocytes to enter the portal circulation. Digestive dynamics consider the extent, rate and site of nutrient digestion along the small intestine and the bilateral, post-enteral bioavailability of glucose and amino acids. The underlying premise is that glucose and amino acids should be made available in appropriately balanced quantities at the sites of protein synthesis for efficient protein deposition and growth performance. Previous studies have suggested that feed conversion efficiency may be enhanced by rapidly digestible protein and that crystalline amino acids could be considered sources of ‘rapid protein’. At present, crystalline lysine, methionine and threonine are routinely included in broiler diets; moreover, an increasing array of both essential and non-essential crystalline amino acids is becoming commercially available. Despite unrestricted feed access in commercial chicken-meat production systems during the period of illumination, it appears that the intermittent feed consumption patterns of broiler chickens still provide scope for asynchronies in digestion and absorption of nutrients, which affects broiler performance. A better understanding of the post-enteral, bilateral bioavailability of glucose and amino acids in low-protein diets containing high levels of synthetic amino acids is clearly desirable and this applies equally to the relationship between crystalline and protein-bound amino acids.

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