scholarly journals Perancangan Desain Web sebagai Media Interaktif Nusantara Wedding Expo

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Gabrielle Princessa Wulaningratri ◽  
Mitra Istiar Wardhana ◽  
Yon Ade Lose Hermanto

Abstract: Nusantara Wedding Expo is one of the businesses that has been affected by the Minister of Health regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic. So that the exhibition can be held safely, interactive media is required to connect wedding businesses with the bride and groom. Therefore, a website is chosen as the media for the virtual exhibition, as it can provide what the user needs and can be accessed easily. The purpose of this design is to create web-based media that can be used as a tool for the virtual exhibition of the Nusantara Wedding Expo. This design uses Suyanto’s design method, with the stages of formulating the background, formulating problems, collecting data from library data to field data, analyzing data, making syntheses, determining site goals, making work schedules, sitemap, sketches to producing the final design. The result of this design is interactive media in the form of a website. This website has a dimension of 1366 x 768 px with some supporting media such as video tutorials on how to use the website and a banner on digital media. Keywords: web design; interactive media; wedding expo Abstrak: Nusantara Wedding Expo adalah salah satu bisnis yang terdampak oleh peraturan dari Menteri Kesehatan tentang PSBB di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Supaya pameran tetap dapat diselenggarakan secara aman, penyelenggara Nusantara Wedding Expo memerlukan sebuah media interaktif untuk menghubungkan bisnis pernikahan dan para calon pengantin. Maka dari itu situs web dipilih agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengunjung serta dapat diakses dengan mudah dan aman. Dari tujuan tersebut, perancangan ini berfungsi untuk membuat media berbentuk situs web yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana pameran virtual Nusantara Wedding Expo. Perancangan ini menggunakan metode perancangan Suyanto, dengan tahapan berupa merumuskan latar belakang, merumuskan masalah, mengumpulkan data dari data pustaka dan data lapangan, menganalisis data, membuat sintesis, menentukan tujuan situs, membuat jadwal kerja, sitemap, sketsa hingga menghasilkan desain final. Hasil dari perancangan ini adalah media interaktif berupa situs web untuk pameran virtual Nusantara Wedding Expo. Situs web ini berdimensi 1366 x 768 px dan dilengkapi dengan media pendukung berupa video tutorial cara penggunaan situs web serta banner pada media digital. Kata kunci: desain web, media interaktif, pameran pernikahan

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 17
Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo ◽  
Sony Zulfika ◽  
Widayanti Widayanti

Sebagai generasi digital native, generasi yang tumbuh di era digital, anak-anak tumbuh besardengan internet. Anak-anak, sekali lagi, terbatas kemampuannya dalam memilah informasiyang penting dan dibutuhkan. Di kajian media ada yang disebut teori kultivasi, kira-kira tentangbagaimana pesan media ditafsir mentah-mentah dan kemudian dipercayai begitu saja sebagairealitas. Dalam konteks dampak buruk bagi anak-anak, mereka bisa mempercayai media tanpamempertanyakan muatannya Atas dasar kebutuhan tersebut, maka diperlukan pelatihan danpendampingan yang ditujukan kepada orangtua di kota Semarang khususnya para ibu yangsecara umum menjadi objek lekat pertama anak. Orang tua perlu mendapat semacam pelatihanuntuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi media digital agar dapat mendampingi dan mendidikanak dengan baik. Peran orangtua penting dalam memberikan literasi kepada anak terkaitdengan penggunaan media digital dan internet. Pengawasan bukan berarti mencurigai danmembatasi total gerak-gerik anak di internet. Orangtua dan guru sebaiknya hanya mendidikanak untuk tidak mengakses situs berbahaya tapi juga mengajarkan tanggung jawab mediadigital dan internet. Pelatihan (presentasi edukatif, informatif atau instruksional yangdisediakan secara online) ini membahas tentang upaya penerapan dan pengembanganpengasuhan berbasis literasi media digital. Target capaian dari pelatihan ini adalah orangtuaterutama ibu memiliki kesadaran untuk memperbaiki pola pendidikan anak di rumah, memilikipengetahuan dan pemahaman baru dalam mengupayakan pengasuhan berbasis literasi mediadigital. Hasil akhir evaluasi dengan skala angka adalah 89,5 dengan kategori baik padakeseluruhan program.Kata Kunci: web based seminar, parenting education, literasi, media digital, generasiAs the digital generation, the generation that grew up in the digital era, children grew up withthe internet. Children are limited in their ability to sort out important and needed information.Based on theory called cultivation, media messages are interpreted raw and then believed asusual as reality. In a bad context for children, they can trust the media without questioning theburden. Further, training and mentoring is needed aimed to mothers who become the firstcaregiver for children. Mothers need to receive training to improve digital media literacy skillsso that they can assist and educate children well. An important role in providing literacy tochildren of digital media and the internet. Supervision does not mean analysis and totalmovement of children on the internet. Mothers not only educate children but also demandresponsibility for digital media and the internet. This training (educational presentation,instructional provided online) discusses the efforts to implement and develop the use of digitalmedia literacy. The target of this learning is to optimize the education patterns of children athome, to have new knowledge and understanding in pursuing care based on digital medialiteracy. The final result of the evaluation with a number scale is 89.5 with a good category inthe whole program.Keywords: web based seminar, parenting education, literacy, digital media, generation

Monika Steinberg

The availability of Social Media has changed the way we handle requested resources in interactive media contexts and how we operate with each other on the Web. New challenges in the area of information management, Digital Media processing, and knowledge engineering have arisen such as, how to query or effectively embed Social Media into information and knowledge management concerns effectively. In addition, interactivity and the focus on interaction between users and resources in Social Media contexts create new ways of enriching and annotating content collectively following the wisdom of crowds and helpful intelligent automatic analysis. In this chapter the impact of Social Media concepts and distributed resources in web-based information management, knowledge engineering, and Digital Media applications is introduced. The relation between traditional web application design, distributed resource utilization, changes, and challenges in current interactive Digital Media systems will be regarded.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 177
Joko Samodra ◽  
Andreas Syah Pahlevi ◽  
Yon Ade Lose Hermanto

Permasalahan yang dimiliki pelaku Usaha Kecil Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM) di desa Tunjungtirto kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang yaitu masih menjalankan usahanya dengan sistem tradisional, belum memiliki media promosi dan pemasaran serta belum memiliki ketrampilan yang memadai dalam menggunakan media berbasis web. Tujuan kegiatan ini agar para pelaku usaha  memiliki media promosi dan pemasaran yang efektif bagi peningkatan penjualan produknya. Metode pendekatannya adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan konten pembuatan platform ecommerce pasar desa digital berbasis web, fungsi dan fitur media berbasis web, dan memberikan bekal ketrampilan yang memadai tentang cara menggunakan medianya. Hasil pengembangan dan evaluasi kegiatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam hal pembuatan, pemanfaatan media berbasis web dengan indikator telah terwujudnya media online dan sekaligus diuji coba untuk kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran produk mereka.Kata kunci—Pasar Desa, Digital, Media Promosi, UMKM Abstract Problems that are owned by Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the village of Tunjungtirto, Singosari sub-district, Malang Regency, are still running their business with traditional systems, do not have promotion and marketing media and do not yet have adequate skills in using web-based media. The purpose of this activity is for businesses to have effective promotional and marketing media to increase sales of their products. The approach method is training and mentoring with the content of making web-based digital village market ecommerce platforms, web-based media functions and features, and providing adequate skills on how to use the media. The results of the development and evaluation of activities can be concluded that there is an increase in knowledge and skills in terms of making, using web-based media with indicators that online media have been realized and at the same time being tested for promotional activities and marketing of their products.Keywords—Village Market, Digital, Media Promotion, SMEs

Adnan Hammood Radhi

The technological revolution in the field of communication has contributed to the overcoming of geographic space and political boundaries, and new media has brought about a structural change in the quality of quantity and quality in the media. What is meant by new media simply are digital media in order to distinguish them from traditional (interactive), interactive (Internet) and networked (digital) media. We live in a new digital world in which communicative knowledge has increased, especially by boys and young men, and an interactive atmosphere has been created, as there are many media outlets, and the owners of messages have multiplied with them, and their media materials have varied, which include the chaff, the fat, the good, the bad, the truthful and the liar. Countries, researchers and specialists should search for the essence of these media in terms of form and content, especially in our Arab world which, unfortunately, is consumed and not innovated, and this is what makes us deepen the search for these means and know the content of the material they broadcast and verify their effects, the truth of those behind them, and determine the goals that They want to reach it, Shedding light on digital diplomacy and modern means of communication and its importance in political work and international relations is a very important issue, and how does it play this role? How can it be invested, and discover its ability to reach all segments of society

Burçin Ispir

Most distance education institutions still use traditional media such radio, television, printed materials to provide and support education. The educational materials are designed according to the students' individual necessities. So, students can maintain their own learning. The most important property of digital media is interactivity. Traditional media provide interactivity with the support of digital media. To provide a transparent learning and teaching activity in cyber space can be accomplish with interactive opportunities to all learners. In this case the most effective environment should have open access to everyone, easy to follow, unlimited information access. These specialties can be seen in web-based environments. In these days we can eliminate the noninteractive structure of traditional media with the support of web based environments. With the development of Web 2.0 technology, social media applications have gained great popularity in recent years. This chapter will explain, the contribution of Web 2.0 on television in distance education systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 304
Tri Risqi Ariantoro ◽  
Arief Pamuji ◽  
Imam Solikin

<p><em>Bina Husada College of Health is a private university in Palembang. The media used for lectures or teaching and learning still use modules or books (print media), and when in the classroom media are used projectors, blackboards. The problem that arises from this is that students will miss the material if students are unable to attend, when using a print module students must study in certain places to repeat the material even students are lazy to bring printed books. The solution that can be used to overcome these problems is to develop media that are used for teaching and learning process, namely digital media (digital modules). Digital modules are modules that are presented in electronic format. This research develops information technology in the form of responsive web-based digital modules to improve student learning at STIK Bina Husada Palembang. The purpose of this development is expected to help students who miss the material, making it easier for students in the learning process, because digital modules can be accessed and studied wherever the place is online using a smartphone. The digital module is a full digital module from the first meeting material to the final meeting. The application development method used is a linear sequential model with several stages, namely analysis, design, coding, testing, and support, while the data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The results of this research are in the form of responsive web-based digital module application at STIK Bina Husada Palembang.</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords</strong></em><em>: application, digital module, responsive web, linear sequential model</em> </p><p><em>Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIK) Bina Husada merupakan Perguruan Tinggi (PT) swasta yang ada kota palembang. Media yang digunakan untuk perkuliahan atau belajar mengajar masih </em><em>menggunakan modul atau buku (media cetak), dan ketika di dalam kelas media yang digunakan proyektor, papan tulis. Permasalahan yang ditimbulkan dari hal tersebut adalah mahasiswa akan ketinggalan materi apabila mahasiswa berhalangan hadir, apabila menggunakan modul cetak mahasiswa harus belajaran ditempat tertentu untuk mengulang materi bahkan mahasiswa cedrung malas membawak buku cetak. Adapun solusi yang bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan melakukan </em><em>pengembangan media yang digunakan untuk proses belajar mengajar yaitu media digital (modul digital). Modul digital merupakan modul yang disajikan dalam format elektronik. Penelitian ini mengembangakan teknologi informasi berupa modul digital berbasis web responsive untuk</em><em> </em><em>meningkatkan belajar mahasiswa STIK Bina Husada Palembang. Tujuan dari pengembangan ini diharapkan untuk</em><em> membantu belajaran mahasiswa yang ketinggalan materi,</em><em> mempermudah mahasiswa dalam proses belajar, karena modul digital dapat diakses dan dipelajarin dimanapun tempatnya secara online menggunakan smartphone. Modul digital tersebut merupakan modul digital full dari materi pertemuan pertama sampai pertemuan akhir. Metode pengembangan aplikasi yang digunakan yaitu linier sequential model dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu analysis, design, coding, testing, dan support, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut berupa aplikasi modul digital berbasis web responsive pada STIK Bina Husada Palembang</em><em>.</em></p><p><em><strong>Kata kunci</strong></em><em>: aplikasi, modul digital, web responsive, linier sequential model</em><em></em></p>

1970 ◽  
pp. 35
Christian Hviid Mortensen ◽  
Vitus Vestergaard

We explore how remixing and content sharing can be used as a means for user participation in a digital museum age. Remix culture is seen as a culture that allows and encourages the production of derivative works; works that are based on already existing works. This cultural practice thrives throughout the Internet, most notably on web 2.0 sites like YouTube. The Media Museum has embraced the remix paradigm with the development of an interactive media experience centre called the Media Mixer. Here the museum users can produce, deconstruct, reconstruct and finally publish and share digital media content. The media content is created by the user in the museum’s physical environment, but it can be mixed with material from web archives. It is the intention that the users learn about media through participatory and creative processes with media where the borders between producing, playing and learning are blurred. 

Tedy Wiraseptya ◽  
Agung Eko Budiwaspada ◽  
Ganal Rudiyanto

<p><strong>Abstract </strong></p><p>The strength in conveying messages to communicants is a form of media activity. There are many things and forms of media that are developing in the digital era today. Surely the development of the media to be more friendly and closer to the community will make it easier to deliver messages. The media is also an important part in supporting the tourism sector. Especially in the cultural tourism sector that we know as cultural heritage or historical heritage. one of them is the Rumah Gadang Istano Basa as a relic of the history of West Sumatra. QR Code or quick response created in Japan by Denso Wave provides technological updates. This makes it easier to share information through digital technology such as smartphones. This interactive media design method will adapt the Waterfall design method created by Pahl and Beitz. In the design process will go through the requirements stage analysis, design, implementation, integration testing and end with maintenance. Of course interactive design that uses the QR Code must follow a structured stage of the Waterfall method. Then, the design that becomes an important point in this design is the concept of infographics that is clear and has strength in readability. </p><p> </p><p><br /><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Kekuatan dalam menyampaikan pesan kepada komunikan ialah suatu bentuk keaktifan sebuah media. Ada banyak hal dan bentuk media yang berkembang dalam era digital saat ini. Tentunya perkembangan media menjadi lebih ramah dan dekat dengan masyarakat akan mempermudah menyampaikan pesan. Media juga menjadi bagian terpenting dalam mendukung sektor pariwisata. Apalagi dalam sektor wisata budaya yang kita kenal dengan warisan budaya atau peninggalan sejarah. salah satunya ialah Rumah Gadang Istano Basa sebagai peninggalan sejarah sumatera barat.  QR Code atau quick respon yang diciptakan di Jepang oleh Denso Wave memberikan pembaharuan teknologi. Hal ini mempermudah membagikan informasi melalui teknologi digital seperti smartphone. Metode perancangan media interaktif ini akan mengadaptasi metode perancangan Waterfall yang ciptakan oleh Pahl dan Beitz. Dalam proses perancangan akan melalui tahap requirement analisis, design, implementation, integration testing dan diakhiri dengan maintenance. Tentunya perancangan interaktif yang menggunakan QR Code ini harus mengikuti tahap yang terstruktur dari metode Waterfall. Kemudian, desain yang menjadi poin penting dalam perancangan ini ialah konsep infografis yang jelas dan mempunyai kekuatan dalam keterbacaan. </p>

2018 ◽  
pp. 1111-1122
Burçin Ispir

Most distance education institutions still use traditional media such radio, television, printed materials to provide and support education. The educational materials are designed according to the students' individual necessities. So, students can maintain their own learning. The most important property of digital media is interactivity. Traditional media provide interactivity with the support of digital media. To provide a transparent learning and teaching activity in cyber space can be accomplish with interactive opportunities to all learners. In this case the most effective environment should have open access to everyone, easy to follow, unlimited information access. These specialties can be seen in web-based environments. In these days we can eliminate the noninteractive structure of traditional media with the support of web based environments. With the development of Web 2.0 technology, social media applications have gained great popularity in recent years. This chapter will explain, the contribution of Web 2.0 on television in distance education systems.

Irina Volkova ◽  
Haya Ashour

The article is a response to the discussion between Russian media researchers concerning the notion and meaning of media image. It outlines the key directions in the studies of the image of a state as media product, which influences the public opinion, social values and assumptions about the politics, economy and culture. Acknowledging the interdependence of a media image on stereotypes and archetypes, the authors put forward and test a hypothesis of effectiveness of forming a media image in the context of weakening this interdependence. They study the possibilities of forming a media image («by the media — for the society») in a reverse way, when the binary opposition of stereotyping could be destroyed via personification, and a socio-image («by the society — for the media») could be formed. In respect of a particular country, this procedure helps to realize and estimate the opportunities and contradictions of the digital media environment which is formed individually («journalist as subject») and institutionally («journalist as agent»). The research involved studying the media image of Jordan in web-based media publications in The Kommersant, The RBK, and The Rossiiskaya Gazeta in 2019. The choice of the country is explained by the fact that the King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, by his actions on the world stage and life style, weakens the archetypal inertia in the perception of the Arab state, which is a potential for forming a socio-image. The results of the study show that this potential is not utilized. The media image of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Ru-Net is formed institutionally to the benefit of Russia and is related to some stereotypes of the Arabs, and therefore, may be characterized as non personification.

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